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Number of items: 259.

Book or Monograph


"The Smartest Place: 3D Innovation" (pol. Inteligentna przestrzen trzeci wymiar innowacyjnosci")

Bach Glowinska, Joanna (2013) "The Smartest Place: 3D Innovation" (pol. Inteligentna przestrzen trzeci wymiar innowacyjnosci"). bulletin, 251 . Committee for Spatial Development at the Polish Academy of Sciences (pol. KPZK PAN ), Warsaw. ISBN 978-83-63563-18-9
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Curious Arts – No. 6

Brind, Susan, Harold, Jim, McKee, Francis, Morris, Nina and Byatt, Lucy (2013) Curious Arts – No. 6. Centre for Contemporary Art (CCA), Glasgow. ISBN 9780957673212
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Interwoven Connections: The Stoddard Templeton Design Studio and Design Library, 1843-2005

Britt, Helena, Chappell, Duncan, Waters, Susannah and Stephen-Cran, James (2013) Interwoven Connections: The Stoddard Templeton Design Studio and Design Library, 1843-2005. The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow. ISBN 978-0-9567646-2-1
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Mountains Without End

Punton, Lesley, Watson, David, Clark, Thomas A., Finlay, Alec and Macrae, Sandie (2013) Mountains Without End. ROOMBOOKS, London. ISBN 9780954991562

Print Culture

Robertson, Frances (2013) Print Culture. New directions in cultural history . Routledge, New York and London. ISBN 978-0-415-57417-4
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Edited Book

Demolition Proof: An Art Work at Glasgow Green Station

Rodger, Johnny and Miller, Mitchell, eds. (2013) Demolition Proof: An Art Work at Glasgow Green Station. Clydeside Press/New Glasgow Society, Glasgow. ISBN 978-1-873586-39-6
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Without Sin: Freedom and Taboo Within Digital Media

Aceti, Lanfranco and Leishman, Donna, eds. (2013) Without Sin: Freedom and Taboo Within Digital Media. MIT Press / Leonardo Electronic Almanac. ISBN 978-1-906897-26-0


Futurescan 2: Collective Voices

Britt, Helena, Walton, Kerry and Wade, Sally (2013) Futurescan 2: Collective Voices. Futurescan post-conference publication . Association of Fashion and Textiles Courses (FTC), Loughborough University. ISBN 978 1 907382 64 2
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Warhol in Ten Takes

Davis, Glyn Peter (2013) Warhol in Ten Takes. British Film Institute, London. ISBN 9781844574018
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Madness, Women and the Power of Art

Gonzalez, Laura (2013) Madness, Women and the Power of Art. Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford.


This Mess is a Place: A Collapsible Anthology of Collections and Clutter

Mendelson, Zoe (2013) This Mess is a Place: A Collapsible Anthology of Collections and Clutter. And Publishing, London, UK, -205. ISBN 978-1-908452-40-5


Uneasy Balance

Platt, Christopher, Carter, Brian, MacMillan, Andy, Lunardi, Joe, Unwin, Peter and Barr, John (2013) Uneasy Balance. MSA Publications The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow. ISBN 978-0-9576660-0-9


Inspiring Influences: Examining Creative Process Journals to Enhance Fashion & Textile Design Knowing

Stephen-Cran, James, Britt, Helena and McGilp, Helen (2013) Inspiring Influences: Examining Creative Process Journals to Enhance Fashion & Textile Design Knowing. Knowing (by) Designing. Proceedings of the conference 'Knowing (by) Designing' at LUCA, Sint Lucas School of Architecture Brussels, 22-23 May 2013 . LUCA, Sint Lucas School of Architecture Ghent/Brussels; KU Lenven, Faculty of Architecture, Brussels. ISBN 9789081323864
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Book Section

An empirical study of the social individual differences on mobile social network service use

Alkhunaizan, A. and Love, Steve (2013) An empirical study of the social individual differences on mobile social network service use. In: Proceedings of the European, Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS) Accepted Refereed Papers. Brunel University, Windsor. ISBN 9781908549112
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Effect of Demography on Mobile Commerce Frequency of Actual Use in Saudi Arabia

Alkhunaizan, AbdulMohsin and Love, Steve (2013) Effect of Demography on Mobile Commerce Frequency of Actual Use in Saudi Arabia. In: Advances in Information Systems and Technologies. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 206 . Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 125-131. ISBN 9783642369803
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Paths and Pathways

Barak, Ami, Brown, Katrina, Gray, Zoë and Gateau, Laurence (2013) Paths and Pathways. In: 'Première construction pour une collection nomade: L'architecture du Fonds régional d'art contemporain des Pays de la Loire 2000-2012'. FRAC des Pays de la Loire, Carquefou, pp. 65-72. ISBN 9782917855409
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‘Looking a Gift Horse in the mouth: Generosity and the Digital Exchange of Family photographs’

Bird, Nicky (2013) ‘Looking a Gift Horse in the mouth: Generosity and the Digital Exchange of Family photographs’. In: The Photograph and the Album. MuseumsEtc., Edinburgh, UK & Cambridge, USA, pp. 372-401. ISBN 978-1-907697-91-3


Examining the Textile Design Creative Practice Research-Teaching Nexus

Britt, H (2013) Examining the Textile Design Creative Practice Research-Teaching Nexus. In: DRS//CUMULUS Oslo 2013 Proceedings. DRS Cumulus Oslo 2013, Design Learning for Tomorrow: Design Education from Kindergarten to PhD. Proceedings from the 2nd International Conference of Design Education Researchers, 2 . Published by ABM-media as c/o Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway, pp. 960-975. ISBN 978-82-93298-02-1
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Awaken: Contemporary Fashion & Textile Interpretation of Archival Material

Britt, Helena, Stephen-Cran, James and Bremner, Elaine (2013) Awaken: Contemporary Fashion & Textile Interpretation of Archival Material. In: Futurescan 2: Collective Voices. Association of Degree Courses in Fashion & Textiles (FTC), Leicestershire: Loughborough University, pp. 124-137. ISBN 978 1 907382 64 2
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Smoke Eater

Caccavale, Elio (2013) Smoke Eater. In: Ultrabody: 208 Works Between Art and Design. Corraini Editore, Mantova, pp. 170-171. ISBN 978-8875703523
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Prototyping 3D ‘Smart’ Textile Surfaces for Pervasive Computing Environment

Calder, Lynsey, Aylett, Ruth, Robertson, Sara and Louchart, Sandy Jean-Jacques (2013) Prototyping 3D ‘Smart’ Textile Surfaces for Pervasive Computing Environment. In: Future Scan 2: Collective Voices Association of Fashion and Textile Courses. Association of Fashion and Textile Courses - Loughborough University, pp. 66-73. ISBN 978 1 907382 64 2
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Pedalkraft Til Bybrua (Pedalpower For Bybrua)

Carter, Justin (2013) Pedalkraft Til Bybrua (Pedalpower For Bybrua). In: Kunst By Befolkning (Art City Population) - Rogaland Kunstsenter 2003-2013. Rogaland Kunstsenter, Stavanger, Norway, pp. 59-73. ISBN ISBN: 978-82-999281-0-6
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Problematising a homogenous spatial logic for the creative industries

Champion, Katherine (2013) Problematising a homogenous spatial logic for the creative industries. In: Changing the Rules of the Game: Economic and Management Issues in the Computer Games Industry. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 9-27. ISBN 9780230303539

Using Virtual Learning Environments for Improving Professional Understanding of Drug Misuse within the Pharmaceutical Sector

Chapman, Paul, Power, Ailsa and Anderson, Paul (2013) Using Virtual Learning Environments for Improving Professional Understanding of Drug Misuse within the Pharmaceutical Sector. In: Virtual & Augmented Reality in Healthcare. Springer.
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A VRPN Server for Haptic Devices Using OpenHaptics 3.0

Cuevas-Rodriguez,, Maria, Poyade, Matthieu, Reyes-Lecuona, Arcadio and Molina-Tanco, Luis (2013) A VRPN Server for Haptic Devices Using OpenHaptics 3.0. In: New Trends in Interaction, Virtual Reality and Modeling. Springer, London. ISBN 978-1-4471-5444-0 (Print) 978-1-4471-5445-7 (Online)


Introduction to "Moscow: Living on the edge"

Evans, Brian (2013) Introduction to "Moscow: Living on the edge". In: Moscow: Living on the edge. MSA Publications.


Message bag: can assistive technology combat forgetfulness?

Farion, Christine and Purver, Matthew (2013) Message bag: can assistive technology combat forgetfulness? In: AH '13: Proceedings of the 4th Augmented Human International Conference. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, pp. 134-137. ISBN 978-1-4503-1904-1

'Between laughter and crying'

Gonzalez, Laura and Bowen, Eleanor (2013) 'Between laughter and crying'. In: UNSPECIFIED Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford.
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The hysteric as mad: unfolding an exquisite corpse

Gonzalez, Laura and Bowen, Eleanor (2013) The hysteric as mad: unfolding an exquisite corpse. In: Beyond These Walls: Confronting Madness in Society, Literature and Art. Probing the Boudaries . Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, pp. 169-179. ISBN 978-1-84888-203-4
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Blanchot, Tel Quel and the formation of a Sadean aesthetic in the work of Vito Acconci

Greenman, Benjamin (2013) Blanchot, Tel Quel and the formation of a Sadean aesthetic in the work of Vito Acconci. In: French Theory and American Art. (SIC) and Sternberg Press, Brussels and Berlin, pp. 296-322. ISBN 978-2-930667-04-1

Methods on the margins? Queer theory as 'method' in higher education

Gunn, V. and McAllister, C. (2013) Methods on the margins? Queer theory as 'method' in higher education. In: Theory and Method in Higher Education Research. International Perspectives on Higher Education Research . Emerald, London, UK, pp. 155-174. ISBN 9781781906828
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Arts & Humanities' Undergraduate Dissertations: Regenerating Early Researcher Socialization for Diverse Futures (UK Perspectives)

Gunn, V.A. (2013) Arts & Humanities' Undergraduate Dissertations: Regenerating Early Researcher Socialization for Diverse Futures (UK Perspectives). In: Supervising and Writing a Good Undergraduate Dissertation. Bentham Science Publishers, pp. 149-186. ISBN 9781608051793
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Evaluating the value of educational development in a reactionary context?

Gunn, Vicky (2013) Evaluating the value of educational development in a reactionary context? In: Evidencing the Value of Educational Development. SEDA Special . SEDA Publications. ISBN 9781902435565
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Tools as Design Instruments: Computers and Cognition?

Hanna, Raid (2013) Tools as Design Instruments: Computers and Cognition? In: Global Design and Local Materialization. Communications in Computer and Information Science (369). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, pp. 1-12. ISBN 978-3-642-38973-3


‘Sick serpents and concrete giraffes: The critical debate on street furniture design in postwar Britain’

Herring, Eleanor (2013) ‘Sick serpents and concrete giraffes: The critical debate on street furniture design in postwar Britain’. In: Design Frontiers: Selected Papers of the 8th ICDHS Conference. Designio, México, pp. 1-10.
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The Ambience Table: A Serious Gaming Interface for Aiding Sound Design

Jönsson, Andreas, Breslin, Ronan and Ma, Minhua (2013) The Ambience Table: A Serious Gaming Interface for Aiding Sound Design. In: Serious Games Development and Applications. SGDA 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8101 . Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 151-164. ISBN 9783642407895
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Assessing the Potenital of Affordable Passivhaus Tenement Housing in Urban Glasgow

LILIJA, OBLECOVA and Musau, Filbert (2013) Assessing the Potenital of Affordable Passivhaus Tenement Housing in Urban Glasgow. In: Sustainable Architecture for a Renewable Future. Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Technische Universität München. ISBN 978-3-8167-9053-2

Editorial Essay: Without Sin: Freedom and Taboo in Digital Media

Leishman, Donna (2013) Editorial Essay: Without Sin: Freedom and Taboo in Digital Media. In: Without Sin: Freedom and Taboo in Digital Media. MIT Press / Leonardo Electronic Almanac, pp. 16-26. ISBN 978-1-906897-26-0
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Precarious Design

Leishman, Donna (2013) Precarious Design. In: Without Sin: Freedom and Taboo in Digital Media. MIT Press / Leonardo Electronic Almanac, pp. 148-162. ISBN 978-1-906897-26-0

Strategies for Effective Digital Games Development and Implementation

Lim, T., Louchart, S., Suttie, N., Ritchie, J.M., Aylett, R.S., Stanescu, I. A., Roceanu, I., Martinez-Ortiz, I. and Moreno-Ger, P. (2013) Strategies for Effective Digital Games Development and Implementation. In: Cases on Digital Game-Based Learning. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 168-198. ISBN 9781466628489
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Visualising the Rite: Glasgow School of Art and the Cultivation of Cross-Disciplinary Practice

MacKenzie, Mairi and O'Neill, Kimberly (2013) Visualising the Rite: Glasgow School of Art and the Cultivation of Cross-Disciplinary Practice. In: Revisiting the Rite: The Rite of Spring Centenary Conference. Rivendale Press.
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The Suspect Culture Book

Macklin, Patrick (2013) The Suspect Culture Book. In: The Suspect Culture. Oberon Books Ltd, London, UK, pp. 71-106. ISBN 987-1849430876
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Effectiveness of Sustainable Assessment Methods in Achieving High Indoor Air Quality in the UK

McGill, Grainne, Qin, Menghao and Oyedele, Lukumon (2013) Effectiveness of Sustainable Assessment Methods in Achieving High Indoor Air Quality in the UK. In: Sustainability in Energy and Buildings: Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 367-372. ISBN 978-3-642-36644-4
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The role of the ethical imagination in the development of student agency – a view from Art education.

Neame, Charles (2013) The role of the ethical imagination in the development of student agency – a view from Art education. In: Improving Student Learning through research and scholarship: 20 years of ISL. Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, pp. 123-137. ISBN 978-1-1-873576-92-2
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Commercialization Principles for the Low-Carbon Mass Customized Housing Delivery In Japan

Noguchi, Masa (2013) Commercialization Principles for the Low-Carbon Mass Customized Housing Delivery In Japan. In: Mass Customisation and Personalisation in Architecture and Construction. Routledge Architecture, London, pp. 164-173.
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The Virtual and Interdisciplinarity

Payne, Alistair J (2013) The Virtual and Interdisciplinarity. In: Digital Media and Technologies for Virtual Artistic Practices. IGI Global, pp. 105-116. ISBN 9781466629615
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Lines from Homer's Odyssey

Pickstone, Edwin and Randle, John (2013) Lines from Homer's Odyssey. In: Posters from Whittington 1996-2012. Whittington Press, Whittington, Gloucestershire.


Foreword in 'Architecture, Literature and a City'

Platt, Christopher (2013) Foreword in 'Architecture, Literature and a City'. In: Architecture, Literature and a City. MSA Publications The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, p. 4. ISBN 978-0-9576660-1-6


Preserving our Digital Heritage: Information Systems for data management and preservation

Richards, Julian, Jeffrey, Stuart and Niven, Kieron (2013) Preserving our Digital Heritage: Information Systems for data management and preservation. In: Visual Heritage in the Digital Age. Springer Series on Cultural Computing . Springer, New York, USA, pp. 313-329. ISBN 978-1-4471-5534-8


Literally an Institution

Rodger, Johnny (2013) Literally an Institution. In: Architecture, Literature and a City. MSA Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 10-11. ISBN 978-0-9576660-1-6


Building performance evaluation

Sharpe, Tim (2013) Building performance evaluation. In: Innovations for Sustainable Building Design and Refurbishment in Scotland. Springer, pp. 127-146. ISBN 9783319024776


'I Spy: Mike Leigh and Britpop' in Devised and Directed By Mike Leigh

Sweeney, David (2013) 'I Spy: Mike Leigh and Britpop' in Devised and Directed By Mike Leigh. In: Devised and Directed By Mike Leigh. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 978-1623565992
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East Berlin

Urban, Florian (2013) East Berlin. In: Capital Cities in the Shadow of the Cold War. Alexandrine Press (Taylor and Francis), New York.
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Factors influencing students’ acceptance of m-learning: An investigation in higher education

Abu-Al-Aish, Ahmad and Love, Steve (2013) Factors influencing students’ acceptance of m-learning: An investigation in higher education. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 14 (5). pp. 82-107. ISSN 1492-3831


Design issues for net zero-energy buildings

Aelenei, Laura, Aelenei, Daniel, Goncalves, Helder, Lollini, Roberto, Musall, Eike, Scognamiglio, Alessandra, Cubi, Eduard and Noguchi, Masa (2013) Design issues for net zero-energy buildings. Open House International, 38 (3). pp. 7-14. ISSN 0168-2601
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Toward a sustainable deployment of m-learning in higher education

Aish, Ahmad Abu Al, Love, Steve, Hunaiti, Ziad and Al masaeed, Sultan (2013) Toward a sustainable deployment of m-learning in higher education. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 7 (3/4). pp. 253-276. ISSN 1746-725X
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Building a User Centric Success Factors Model for Mobile Government

Al-masaeed, Sultan and Love, Steve (2013) Building a User Centric Success Factors Model for Mobile Government. International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications, 5 (3). pp. 62-84. ISSN 1941-627X
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Mobile Government in Jordan: Is It a Step in the Right Direction?

Al-masaeed, Sultan and Love, Steve (2013) Mobile Government in Jordan: Is It a Step in the Right Direction? International Journal of Handheld Computing Research, 4 (3). pp. 93-116. ISSN 1947-9158
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Real-time Medical Visualization of Human Head and Neck Anatomy and its Applications for Dental Training and Simulation

Anderson, Paul, Chapman, Paul, Ma, Minhua and Rea, Paul (2013) Real-time Medical Visualization of Human Head and Neck Anatomy and its Applications for Dental Training and Simulation. Current Medical Imaging Reviews, 9 (4). pp. 298-308. ISSN 1573-4056
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Twitter Controls the Household Heating System

Arachchilage, Nalin Asanka Gamagedara, Lauria, Stanislao and Love, Steve (2013) Twitter Controls the Household Heating System. International Journal of Sustainable Energy Development, 2 (2). pp. 101-104. ISSN 2046-3707

A game design framework for avoiding phishing attacks

Arachchilage, Nalin Asanka Gamagedara and Love, Steve (2013) A game design framework for avoiding phishing attacks. Computers in Human Behavior, 29 (3). pp. 706-714. ISSN 0747-5632
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Exploring where Designers and Non-Designers meet within the Service Organisation: Considering the value designers bring to the service design process

Bailey, Stuart G (2013) Exploring where Designers and Non-Designers meet within the Service Organisation: Considering the value designers bring to the service design process. Crafting the Future, 10th European Academy of Design Conference. ISSN ISBN 978-91-979541-5-0


Practice what you teach? Examining the significance and complexities of textile designer educator creative practice

Britt, Helena (2013) Practice what you teach? Examining the significance and complexities of textile designer educator creative practice. Art, Design and Communication in Higher Education, 12 (1). pp. 49-64. ISSN ISSN 1474-273X, Online ISSN: 2040-0896


This is the Time: past, present and future at The Glasgow School of Art

Brownrigg, Jenny (2013) This is the Time: past, present and future at The Glasgow School of Art. Engage: The international journal of visual art and gallery education. pp. 79-88. ISSN 1365-9383


Buying Design, Where are we now? Associate Parliamentary Design Innovation Group Term Paper

Collier, S, Buchanan, C, Murphy, Emma Lee and Dixon, L (2013) Buying Design, Where are we now? Associate Parliamentary Design Innovation Group Term Paper. Associate Parliamentary Design Innovation Group Term Paper.

Book Works' Archive: a partial response

Di Franco, Karen (2013) Book Works' Archive: a partial response. Art Libraries Journal, 38 (3). pp. 37-42. ISSN 0307-4722‎
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A mobilisation of walking: GPS technology and the exploratory urban walker

Dixon, Brian (2013) A mobilisation of walking: GPS technology and the exploratory urban walker. Urban Pamphleteer, 1 (1). pp. 17-19.


The Learner Journey Designed Through a Participatory Process

Drew, Linda and Docherty, Catherine Ann (2013) The Learner Journey Designed Through a Participatory Process. Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education Conference Proceedings. pp. 78-87.

Not for profit: why democracy needs the humanities, by Martha Nussbaum [Book review]

Gunn, Vicky (2013) Not for profit: why democracy needs the humanities, by Martha Nussbaum [Book review]. Educational Review, 65 (3). pp. 376-378. ISSN 0013-1911
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The InterLife Project: Researching the Potential of Art, Design and Virtual Worlds As a Vehicle for Assisting Young People with Key Life Changes and Transitions.

Lally, Vic and Sclater, Madeleine Fiona (2013) The InterLife Project: Researching the Potential of Art, Design and Virtual Worlds As a Vehicle for Assisting Young People with Key Life Changes and Transitions. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 41 (3). pp. 1-17. ISSN 0306-9885


Visualizing the invisible: applying an arts-based methodology to explore how healthcare workers and patient representatives envisage pathogens in the context of healthcare associated infections

MacDuff, Colin, Wood, Fiona, Hackett, Charlie, McGhee, John, Loudon, David, Macdonald, Alastair, Dancer, Stephanie and Karcher, AnneMarie (2013) Visualizing the invisible: applying an arts-based methodology to explore how healthcare workers and patient representatives envisage pathogens in the context of healthcare associated infections. Arts & Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice.
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The Inner Resource: Enabling the Designer within Us All – A Case Study

Macdonald, Alastair (2013) The Inner Resource: Enabling the Designer within Us All – A Case Study. The Design Journal, 16 (2). pp. 175-196. ISSN 1460-6925


Illustrating space as collaborative, socially engaged practice: The first report from the DRAW DUKE STREET residency

Miller, Mitchell (2013) Illustrating space as collaborative, socially engaged practice: The first report from the DRAW DUKE STREET residency. Varoom!Lab, 1 (2). pp. 24-40. ISSN 2052-1820


The first, un-proofed rejected draft of an infamous review from an academic journal No One Read: Kate Robertson’s Walls Work

Miller, Mitchell (2013) The first, un-proofed rejected draft of an infamous review from an academic journal No One Read: Kate Robertson’s Walls Work. Embassy Gallery.


View From Chingola, Zambia

Mitchell, James Ross and Simmonds, Guylee (2013) View From Chingola, Zambia. The Architectural Review, 234 (1401). p. 23. ISSN 0003-8610

Choice of Domestic Air-Sourced Solar Photovoltaic Thermal Systems through the Operational Energy Cost Implications in Scotland

Noguchi, Masa (2013) Choice of Domestic Air-Sourced Solar Photovoltaic Thermal Systems through the Operational Energy Cost Implications in Scotland. Sustainability (Open Access Journal) - Special Issue "Sustainable Design and Construction". pp. 1256-1265. ISSN 2071-1050
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Smart growth - is it a fairy tale or the best initiative for Polish cities and their functional regions?

Parteka, Tomasz and Bach Glowinska, Joanna (2013) Smart growth - is it a fairy tale or the best initiative for Polish cities and their functional regions? Studia Regionalia, 38.


Three Places, Two Buildings, One Street

Platt, Christopher (2013) Three Places, Two Buildings, One Street. arq: Architectural Research Quarterly, 17 (1). pp. 3-5. ISSN 1359-1355


Digital Kanthas: print waste as ornament

Rigley, Steve (2013) Digital Kanthas: print waste as ornament. Craft Research, 4 (2). pp. 245-264. ISSN 2040-4689

Other Peoples Trades

Rigley, Steve (2013) Other Peoples Trades. Message: Communication Arts Research, 1.6/6. pp. 44-49. ISSN ISBN: 978-184102-347-2
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Blueprints as master plans: Photo-mechanical reproduction, industrial duplication and the machine aesthetic

Robertson, Frances (2013) Blueprints as master plans: Photo-mechanical reproduction, industrial duplication and the machine aesthetic. Studies in Photography.
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David Kirkaldy (1820-1897) and his museum of destruction: the visual dilemmas of an engineer as man of science

Robertson, Frances (2013) David Kirkaldy (1820-1897) and his museum of destruction: the visual dilemmas of an engineer as man of science. Endeavour, 37 (3). pp. 125-132. ISSN ISSN: 0160-9327, ESSN: 1873-1929


Charles MacCallum

Rodger, Johnny (2013) Charles MacCallum. Architects' Journal. ISSN 9770003846134


Full Circle: Foster and Partners' SSE Hydro Arena in Glasgow

Rodger, Johnny (2013) Full Circle: Foster and Partners' SSE Hydro Arena in Glasgow. Architecture Today (242). pp. 36-46. ISSN 0958-6407


Putting Holl and Mackintosh in multi-perspective: the new building at the Glasgow School of Art

Rodger, Johnny (2013) Putting Holl and Mackintosh in multi-perspective: the new building at the Glasgow School of Art. arq: Architectural Research Quarterly, 17 (1). pp. 2-14. ISSN 1359-1355

Square Go in Glasgow

Rodger, Johnny (2013) Square Go in Glasgow. AHSS: Architecture Heritage Society of Scotland, Spring (33). pp. 12-14.
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Rodger, Johnny (2013) Strathclyde/Edinburgh. Architects' Journal, 238 (4). pp. 59-60. ISSN 9770003846134


'To Infinity and Beyond': The American Vernacular and Democratic Space

Rodger, Johnny (2013) 'To Infinity and Beyond': The American Vernacular and Democratic Space. Comparative American Studies, 11 (1). pp. 2-17. ISSN 1477-5700


Strange Currencies: Margaret Thatcher and James Kelman as two sides of the same Globalisation Coin

Rodger, Johnny and Miller, Mitchell (2013) Strange Currencies: Margaret Thatcher and James Kelman as two sides of the same Globalisation Coin. Scottish Affairs, 83 (1). pp. 71-90. ISSN 0966-0356


Virtual Voices: Exploring creative practices to support life skills development among young people working in a virtual world community

Sclater, Madeleine Fiona and Lally, V (2013) Virtual Voices: Exploring creative practices to support life skills development among young people working in a virtual world community. International Journal of Art and Design Education, 32 (3). pp. 331-334. ISSN 1476-8070


Adapting the Scottish tenement to 21st century standards: an evaluation of the performance enhancement of a 19th century ‘Category B’ listed tenement block in Edinburgh

Sharpe, Tim and Shearer, Donald (2013) Adapting the Scottish tenement to 21st century standards: an evaluation of the performance enhancement of a 19th century ‘Category B’ listed tenement block in Edinburgh. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, 3 (1). pp. 55-67. ISSN 2044-1266
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'From Stories to Worlds: The Continuity of Marvel Superheroes from Comics to Cinema'

Sweeney, David (2013) 'From Stories to Worlds: The Continuity of Marvel Superheroes from Comics to Cinema'. Intensities: The Journal of Cult Media, 1 (5).

Alex Impey: Orangutan

Thompson, Susannah (2013) Alex Impey: Orangutan. Art Review, 66. p. 141. ISSN 1745-9303
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Art Criticism and the Glasgow Miracle

Thompson, Susannah (2013) Art Criticism and the Glasgow Miracle. The Glasgow Miracle:Materials for Alternative Histories.


‘But ye de de art, divvint ye?’ Authenticity, identity and the historicisation of the Pitmen Painters

Thompson, Susannah (2013) ‘But ye de de art, divvint ye?’ Authenticity, identity and the historicisation of the Pitmen Painters. Visual Studies, 28 (3). pp. 207-217. ISSN 1472-586X

Costume: Written Clothing

Thompson, Susannah (2013) Costume: Written Clothing. Art Review. ISSN 1745-9303
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Mick Peter: Trademark Horizon

Thompson, Susannah (2013) Mick Peter: Trademark Horizon. Art Review, Summer (69). pp. 148-149. ISSN 1745-9303
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Making a place: Art, Writing, and a more-than-textual approach

Thomson, Amanda (2013) Making a place: Art, Writing, and a more-than-textual approach. The Geographical Review, 103 (2). pp. 244-255.


Glasgow’s Royal Concert Hall and the Invention of the Post-modern City

Urban, Florian (2013) Glasgow’s Royal Concert Hall and the Invention of the Post-modern City. Journal of Architecture, 18 (2). pp. 254-296. ISSN 1360-2365


The Hut on the Garden Plot - Informal Architecture in Twentieth-Century Berlin

Urban, Florian (2013) The Hut on the Garden Plot - Informal Architecture in Twentieth-Century Berlin. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 72 (2). pp. 221-249. ISSN 00379808

New Tenements and the Image of the Past – the Crown Street Development in Glasgow’s New Gorbals

Urban, Florian (2013) New Tenements and the Image of the Past – the Crown Street Development in Glasgow’s New Gorbals. arq: Architectural Research Quarterly, 17 (1). pp. 37-48. ISSN 1359-1355
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Ghost writing: photographing (the) spectral north

Wall, Gina (2013) Ghost writing: photographing (the) spectral north. Visual Studies, 28 (3). pp. 238-248. ISSN 1472-586X
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Conference or Workshop Item


Being Irrelevant: A model for developing interdisciplinary teaching and learning

Baldwin, Jonathan (2013) Being Irrelevant: A model for developing interdisciplinary teaching and learning. In: International Enhancement Themes Conference, 11 - 13 June 2013, Glasgow, UK.

Natives, immigrants, residents or visitors? Developing a student-led understanding of the role of digital literacies in the curriculum

Boyd, Victoria (2013) Natives, immigrants, residents or visitors? Developing a student-led understanding of the role of digital literacies in the curriculum. In: International Enhancement Themes Conference, 11 - 13 June 2013, Glasgow.
Item not available from this repository.


Surpassing Tradition: Investigating Design Innovation Possibilities for Harris Tweed

Bremner, Elaine (2013) Surpassing Tradition: Investigating Design Innovation Possibilities for Harris Tweed. In: Futurescan 2: Collective Voices, 10-11 January 2012, Sheffield Hallam University, UK.


Inspirational Archives: Examining Utilisation by Textile & Fashion Practitioners

Britt, Helena (2013) Inspirational Archives: Examining Utilisation by Textile & Fashion Practitioners. In: New Research Strategies II, 6th March 2013, Wellcome Collection.
Item availability may be restricted.


Interwoven Connections: Examining the History of Scottish Carpet Design to Inform Future Learning, Teaching and Research

Britt, Helena (2013) Interwoven Connections: Examining the History of Scottish Carpet Design to Inform Future Learning, Teaching and Research. In: Textile Society of America 2014 Biennial Symposium Proceedings: New Directions: Examining the Past, Creating the Future, 10–14 September 2014, UCLA and LACMA, Los Angeles, California.
Item availability may be restricted.


Textile Design Utilisation of Archive Resources and the Creative Process Journal Method

Britt, Helena and Stephen-Cran, James (2013) Textile Design Utilisation of Archive Resources and the Creative Process Journal Method. In: 7th International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, 6th-8th March 2013, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan.
Item availability may be restricted.


Awaken: Contemporary Fashion & Textile Interpretation of Archival Material.

Britt, Helena, Stephen-Cran, James and Bremner, Elaine (2013) Awaken: Contemporary Fashion & Textile Interpretation of Archival Material. In: Futurescan 2: Collective Voices, 10-11 January 2012, Sheffield Hallam University, UK.
Item availability may be restricted.


Making, using and interpreting design probes: how subjective is participation?

Broadley, Cara and McAra, Marianne (2013) Making, using and interpreting design probes: how subjective is participation? In: DRS // CUMULUS – Design Learning for Tomorrow: Design Education from Kindergarten to PhD, 14-17 May 2013, Oslo, Norway.


Understanding and improving research data management in the visual arts: Case study of the KAPTUR project

Burgess, Robin (2013) Understanding and improving research data management in the visual arts: Case study of the KAPTUR project. In: The 8th International Open Repositories Conference, 8th July to 12th July 2013, Charlottetown, Canada.


The sharing and re-use of research data and outputs via the application of RADAR, The Glasgow School of Art's research repository

Burgess, Robin (2013) The sharing and re-use of research data and outputs via the application of RADAR, The Glasgow School of Art's research repository. In: The 8th International Open Repositories Conference, 8th July to the 12th July 2013, Charlottetown, Canada.


Visualising Research Data in the Arts: Towards an A-Z of visual arts research data

Burgess, Robin and Gramstadt, M (2013) Visualising Research Data in the Arts: Towards an A-Z of visual arts research data. In: 8th international digital curation conference, 14th to 17th January 2013, Amsterdam.


Developing an OER in information skills for the art and design community

Chappell, Duncan (2013) Developing an OER in information skills for the art and design community. In: Getting creative: teaching information literacy to art and design students, 24 June 2013, Goldsmith's College, London.


Delivering information skills to artists and designers

Chappell, Duncan and Higgins, Jennifer (2013) Delivering information skills to artists and designers. In: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland Autumn Gathering, 10 October 2013, University of Edinburgh.


Performance Analysis of a Proposed ‘Water Tube Heat Exchanger’ Space Cooling System in Kerala

Choorapulakkal, Afeef and Noguchi, Masa (2013) Performance Analysis of a Proposed ‘Water Tube Heat Exchanger’ Space Cooling System in Kerala. In: PLEA 2013, 10th September 2013 - 12th September 2013, Munich, Germany.


Collective Imagery: A Framework for Co-Design

Chueng-Nainby, Priscilla and Gong, Miaosen (2013) Collective Imagery: A Framework for Co-Design. In: IASDR 2013, August 26 - 30, 2013, Tokyo.

Sense space

Crotch, Joanna (2013) Sense space. In: 6th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, 19 April 2013, University of Glasgow, UK.
Item not available from this repository.


The Learner Journey Designed through a Participatory Process

Docherty, Catherine and Drew, Linda (2013) The Learner Journey Designed through a Participatory Process. In: International Conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education, 11 - 13 June 2013, Glasgow, UK.
Item availability may be restricted.


On the Emotional Appeal of the Inorganic

Figgis, Laurence (2013) On the Emotional Appeal of the Inorganic. In: Everydayness and the Event, 29/08/2014-01/09/2014, University of Sussex (Centre for Modernist Studies), Brighton.

Something That Was Not a Bird: The Uses of Transformation in Contemporary Ekphrasis

Figgis, Laurence (2013) Something That Was Not a Bird: The Uses of Transformation in Contemporary Ekphrasis. In: WRITING INTO ART, 18/06/13-19/06-13, University of Strathclyde and Kelvingrove Museum & Art Gallery.
Item not available from this repository.


A case study on action research: Barri Gòtic Barcelona

Fuster, Albert and Camino, Xavi (2013) A case study on action research: Barri Gòtic Barcelona. In: DRS // CUMULUS – Design Learning for Tomorrow: Design Education from Kindergarten to PhD, 14-17 May 2013, Oslo, Norway.


Trance Art and Other Possessions

Gonzalez, Laura and Danowski, Christopher (2013) Trance Art and Other Possessions. In: Trans-what? (Transartfest), 27 July – 9 August 2013, Berlin.


Resilience in a Convivial Society: Some Possible Innovations, Activities and Opportunities for Design

Grout, Ian (2013) Resilience in a Convivial Society: Some Possible Innovations, Activities and Opportunities for Design. In: Crafting the Future - 10th European Academy of Design Conference, April 17th -19th, 2013, Göteborg, Sweden.


Shaping the socially defined artefact: a design perspective

Herfurth, Lorenz (2013) Shaping the socially defined artefact: a design perspective. In: PIN-C 2013: Participatory Innovation Conference, 18 June 2013, Lahti, Finland.

Haجar and the Anجel‌

Jorgensen, Birthe (2013) Haجar and the Anجel‌. In: Assembling Identities, 2013, Huntarian Art Gallery, Glasgow.
Item not available from this repository.

Alternative Spaces to Support Intercultural Learning: A Visual Arts-based Approach

Lally, Victor and Sclater, Madeleine Fiona (2013) Alternative Spaces to Support Intercultural Learning: A Visual Arts-based Approach. In: European Conference on Educational Research (ECER). Network 20: Research in Innovative Intercultural Learning Environments, 10-13 Sept 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
Item not available from this repository.


Embodying complex multi-user agenda in rehabilitation trials through visualizations and co-creation processes

Macdonald, Alastair (2013) Embodying complex multi-user agenda in rehabilitation trials through visualizations and co-creation processes. In: ESMAC 2013: 22nd Annual Meeting of the European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children, 2 - 7 September 2013, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

Exploring design’s potential agency in changing roles and responsibilities in SCI rehabilitation

Macdonald, Alastair (2013) Exploring design’s potential agency in changing roles and responsibilities in SCI rehabilitation. In: Design4Health 2014, 3 - 5 July 2013, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield.
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Utilising the designer within: a healthcare case study

Macdonald, Alastair (2013) Utilising the designer within: a healthcare case study. In: NORDES 2013: Experiments in design research, 9-12 June 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark.



Macklin, Patrick (2013) Heima. In: Praxis and Poetics: Research Through Design Conference 2013, 03–05 Sep 2013, Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, Newcastle, UK.


Heima (In Two Apartments)

Macklin, Patrick (2013) Heima (In Two Apartments). In: The third annual Irish Sound, Science and Technology Convocation (ISSTC), August 28-29, 2013, Dún Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Dún Laoghaire.

Measuring Emissions and their Impact in Energy Efficient Houses

McGill, Grainne (2013) Measuring Emissions and their Impact in Energy Efficient Houses. In: Healthy Housing and Buildings, 13th June 2013, CITB Construction Skills NI, Nutts Corner Training Centre.
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An investigation of indoor air quality in UK energy efficient homes- A case study

McGill, Grainne, Qin, Menghao and Oyedele, Lukumon (2013) An investigation of indoor air quality in UK energy efficient homes- A case study. In: ASHRAE IAQ 2013: Environmental Health in Low Energy Buildings, 15-18th October 2013, Vancouver.
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Programme:Paper:Poster – A generative proposal

McGuire, Neil, Kerlaff, Paul and Malcolm, Lizzie (2013) Programme:Paper:Poster – A generative proposal. In: Cumulus, 07- 09 Nov 2013, Dublin, Ireland.
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Design Innovation: Experimental Creative Research Approaches

McHattie, Lynn-Sayers, MacLean, Donald and Dixon, Brian (2013) Design Innovation: Experimental Creative Research Approaches. In: IASDR 2013, 26 - 30 Aug 2013, Tokyo, Japan.


The Benefits of Occupant User Guides in Achieving Low Energy Homes

Menon, Rosalie and Sharpe, Tim (2013) The Benefits of Occupant User Guides in Achieving Low Energy Homes. In: ENHR 2013 (WEuropean Network for Housing Research 25th International Conference), 19th - 22nd June 2013, Tarragona, Spain.


A Comparative Performance Study of Domestic Energy Simulation Tools Applicable to the Housing Design Decision-making Process

Moreno, Pablo Jiménez and Noguchi, Masa (2013) A Comparative Performance Study of Domestic Energy Simulation Tools Applicable to the Housing Design Decision-making Process. In: ZEMCH 2013 International Conference, 30th October to 1st November 2013, Miami, USA.

Visualising the Rite: Glasgow School of Art and the Cultivation of Cross-Disciplinary Practice

O'Neill, Kimberley and MacKenzie, Mairi (2013) Visualising the Rite: Glasgow School of Art and the Cultivation of Cross-Disciplinary Practice. In: Revisiting the Rite: The Rite of Spring Centenary Conference, 29 May 2013, Kellogg College, University of Oxford.
Item not available from this repository.

Stations of the Green: Talk on the history and politics of the Times New Roman Typeface

Pickstone, Edwin (2013) Stations of the Green: Talk on the history and politics of the Times New Roman Typeface. In: Stations of The Green, 26 April 2013, New Glasgow Society.
Item not available from this repository.

Sacred Circuitry: Moveable Architecture in the Post-War Roman Catholic Church

Proctor, Robert (2013) Sacred Circuitry: Moveable Architecture in the Post-War Roman Catholic Church. In: Sacred Spaces in Modern Britain, 30 Nov 2013, Twentieth Century Society, London, UK.
Item not available from this repository.


Beyond Babel: Visualising the territories of graphic design

Rigley, Steve (2013) Beyond Babel: Visualising the territories of graphic design. In: Blunt: Explicit and graphic design criticism now, 12-14th April 2013, Norfolk Virginia, USA.

Delineating a rational profession: engineers and draughtsmen as ‘visual technicians'

Robertson, Frances (2013) Delineating a rational profession: engineers and draughtsmen as ‘visual technicians'. In: Centre de Recherches Texte/Image/Langage, University of Burgundy (Language and Communication)Seminar paper, March 2013, 22 March 2013, University of Burgundy, Dijon, France.
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Malleable objects: iron, empire and narratives of culture

Robertson, Frances (2013) Malleable objects: iron, empire and narratives of culture. In: ISCH 2013 annual conference: 'Artefacts, Culture, and Identity',, 11-14 September, Istanbul.

An Apolitical Miracle: Scottish Artists in Public Space

Rodger, Johnny (2013) An Apolitical Miracle: Scottish Artists in Public Space. In: Scotland 2014: Coming of Age and Loss of Innocence?, 17-20th August 2013, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany.
Item not available from this repository.

Artists Writing in Real Political Space

Rodger, Johnny (2013) Artists Writing in Real Political Space. In: Neopolis Conference, 24th August, International Christian College Glasgow.
Item not available from this repository.

The Tensile Strength of CRM

Rodger, Johnny (2013) The Tensile Strength of CRM. In: ZEMCH International conference, 20th-22 Aug 2012, Glasgow School of Art, UK.
Item not available from this repository.


What is a Visual Epistemology ?

STICKLEY, Paul Stickley (2013) What is a Visual Epistemology ? In: 3rd QS Maple Middle east and Africa Professional Leaders In Education Conference and exhibition, 7-8th May 2013, Johannesburg, South Africa.
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Sharpe, Tim and Shearer, Donald (2013) LEARNING FROM OUR EXPERIMENTS: MONITORED ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE OF LOW ENERGY BUILDINGS IN SCOTLAND. In: CISBAT 2013 - Clean Technology for Smart Cities and Buildings, 4 - 6 September 2013, Lausanne, Switzerland.


Scenario Testing Of The Energy And Environmental Performance Of The ‘Glasgow House’

Sharpe, Tim and Shearer, Donald (2013) Scenario Testing Of The Energy And Environmental Performance Of The ‘Glasgow House’. In: PLEA2013 - 29th Conference, Sustainable Architecture for a Renewable Future, 10-12 Sep 2013, Munich, Germany.
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Distributed Cities - Clusters to support growth in areas outside big cities

Smith, Madeline and Lockwood, Joseph (2013) Distributed Cities - Clusters to support growth in areas outside big cities. In: TCI2013, 03 - 06 Sep 2013, Kolding, Denmark.

Feminist Authorship and Found Footage Film: The Case of Susan Hiller’s Psi Girls

Smith, Sarah (2013) Feminist Authorship and Found Footage Film: The Case of Susan Hiller’s Psi Girls. In: Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association (MeCCSA) Conference 2013, 9-11 January 2013, University of Ulster, Derry.
Item not available from this repository.


Textile Design Utilisation of Archive Resources and the Creative Process Journal Method

Stephen-Cran, James and Britt, Helena (2013) Textile Design Utilisation of Archive Resources and the Creative Process Journal Method. In: 7th International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, 6th-8th March 2013, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan.


A systematic review of the literature concerning design considerations of homeliness in care homes.

Stewart, Sally, Fleming, Anne, Dr Banks, Pauline and Dr Kidd, Angela (2013) A systematic review of the literature concerning design considerations of homeliness in care homes. In: Include Asia 2013, 2nd -3rd july 2013, Hong Kong Design Centre, Hong Kong, China.


Advancement of an Interdisciplinary digital tool where Phenomenological perception is key to a treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder .

Stickley, Paul (2013) Advancement of an Interdisciplinary digital tool where Phenomenological perception is key to a treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder . In: IX color conference (interdiciplinary), 19-20th September 2013, Rettorato - Università degli Studi di Firenze Piazza S. Marco, 4 - 50121 Florence (Italy).


Developing Hospice Care Over a Distance in Highland Scotland: a Knowledge Exchange Process

Taylor, Andrea, Lennox, Jeni, Mort, Alasdair, Heaney, David, Munoz, Sarah-Anne, Currie, Margaret, Hubbard, Gill, Steele, Kenny and Keen, Jeremy (2013) Developing Hospice Care Over a Distance in Highland Scotland: a Knowledge Exchange Process. In: CHI 2013, 27 Apr – 02 May 2013, Paris, France.


Philosophy of Education research and action research portfolio, stemming from a paper given at the Canada International Conference on Education, Toronto, Canada, May 2010

Thapalyal, Ranjana (2013) Philosophy of Education research and action research portfolio, stemming from a paper given at the Canada International Conference on Education, Toronto, Canada, May 2010. In: Canada International Conference in Education 2010, 24-26 May 2010 (Postponed from 24-26 April 2010), Toronto, Canada.

Making a place: art and a multi-modal, multi-disciplinary approach

Thomson, Amanda (2013) Making a place: art and a multi-modal, multi-disciplinary approach. In: Impact8: borders & crossings - the artist as explorer: International Printmaking Conference, 23rd August -2nd September,2013, University of Dundee.
Item not available from this repository.

Seeing the wood through the trees: doing art and anthropology in the forest - Panel session with Professor Tim Ingold, Dr Jo Vergunst and Jennifer Clark.

Thomson, Amanda (2013) Seeing the wood through the trees: doing art and anthropology in the forest - Panel session with Professor Tim Ingold, Dr Jo Vergunst and Jennifer Clark. In: New Observations, Royal Anthropological Institute International Festival of Ethnographic Film, 13 June 2013, University of Edinburgh.
Item not available from this repository.


Cultural asset or cultural liability? The business of managing architectural heritage

Trowles, Peter (2013) Cultural asset or cultural liability? The business of managing architectural heritage. In: Art Nouveau and Ecology: Multilateral Exchange 3: Art Nouveau Architecture; building protection and restoration policies, 4 Oct 2013, Helsinki, Finland.


From Academia to Cultural Tourism: New approaches to the historiography of art nouveau

Trowles, Peter (2013) From Academia to Cultural Tourism: New approaches to the historiography of art nouveau. In: coupDefouet International Congress, 26-29 June 2013, University of Barcelona.

The Battle over Märkisches Viertel in West Berlin - Conference Presentation at the University of Amsterdam

Urban, Florian (2013) The Battle over Märkisches Viertel in West Berlin - Conference Presentation at the University of Amsterdam. In: International Sociological Association RC43 (Research Committee on Housing and the Built Environment), 10-12 July 2013,, Amsterdam University, M Building (Amsterdam Business School), Plantage Muidergracht 12, 1018 TV Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Item not available from this repository.

The Hut on the Garden Plot

Urban, Florian (2013) The Hut on the Garden Plot. In: Society of Architectural Historians (SAH), Annual Meeting in Buffalo, USA, Society of Architectural Historians, Annual Meeting, Buffalo, NY, USA.
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Tower and Slab - Public Lecture at Columbia University

Urban, Florian (2013) Tower and Slab - Public Lecture at Columbia University. In: Lecture Series in the Department of History at Columbia University, Columbia University - Lehman Center for American History
406 International Affairs Building
420 West 118th Street
New York, NY 10027.
Item not available from this repository.

Archiving the Glasgow Miracle.

Waters, Susannah (2013) Archiving the Glasgow Miracle. In: Et in Archiva Ego: artists in the archives, 8 November 2013, Perth Concert Hall.
Item not available from this repository.

Arts organisations’ archives in Glasgow: Glasgow School of Art and the Centre for Contemporary Arts.

Waters, Susannah (2013) Arts organisations’ archives in Glasgow: Glasgow School of Art and the Centre for Contemporary Arts. In: Meet the Archivists: Unlocking the research potential of business archives for artists, architects and designers., 20 September 2013, Edinburgh College of Art.
Item not available from this repository.


Exploring the potential of BIM‐integrated sustainability assessment in AEC

Zanni, Maria Angeliki, Soetanto, Robby and Ruikar, Kirti (2013) Exploring the potential of BIM‐integrated sustainability assessment in AEC. In: Sustainable Building and Construction Conference (SB13), 3-5 July 2013, Coventry University, UK.


Facilitating BIM-based sustainability analysis and communication in building design process

Zanni, Maria Angeliki, Soetanto, Robby and Ruikar, Kirti (2013) Facilitating BIM-based sustainability analysis and communication in building design process. In: 6th Civil Engineering Conference in Asia Region (CECAR6), 20-22 August 2013, Jakarta, Indonesia.


Practice based research degrees in art and design

`stickley, Paul Richard (2013) Practice based research degrees in art and design. In: 3rd QS-Maple Third QS Middle East and Africa Professional Leaders in education conference and exhibition, 7-8th May 2013, Johannesburg, South Africa.



1916 Centenary Chapel at Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin

Einert, Tilo and Kemsley, Roderick (2013) 1916 Centenary Chapel at Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin. [Artefact]

Learning to Draw/Drawing to Learn

Greated, Marianne (2013) Learning to Draw/Drawing to Learn. [Artefact]
Item not available from this repository.


Stroke City Racing

Loder, Dave (2013) Stroke City Racing. [Artefact]


Themed exhibition pieces for Tsinghua University, Beijing by GSA S&J Staff

Marriott, Helen, Gordon, Anna, Boyd, Jonathan, Lamb, Andrew, Pell, Michael and Anderson, Marianne (2013) Themed exhibition pieces for Tsinghua University, Beijing by GSA S&J Staff. [Artefact]


Glasgow School of Art

McKeown, Henry and Alexander, Ian (2013) Glasgow School of Art. [Artefact]


Piershill Community Flat

Miller, Mitchell and Ekman, Beth (2013) Piershill Community Flat. [Artefact]


Jewellery pieces created for International Metal Art Exhibition at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Pell, Michael (2013) Jewellery pieces created for International Metal Art Exhibition at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. [Artefact]
Item availability may be restricted.


Colm Cille's Spiral, Illuminated Map

Pickstone, Edwin (2013) Colm Cille's Spiral, Illuminated Map. [Artefact]


House in Linsiadar, Lewis

Platt, Christopher (2013) House in Linsiadar, Lewis. [Artefact]

Dead Amongst the Living: Fieldguide - 2nd Edition

Thomson, Amanda (2013) Dead Amongst the Living: Fieldguide - 2nd Edition. [Artefact]
Item not available from this repository.


Poison Ladies

Ursitti, Clara (2013) Poison Ladies. [Artefact]
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The Ends of Art

Altintozoglu, Euripides and Payne, Alistair J (2013) The Ends of Art. Beton7 Gallery, Athens, Greece, July 2013 [Show/Exhibition]


Duet: Lift Me Up For I Am Dying

Birrell, Ross (2013) Duet: Lift Me Up For I Am Dying. [Show/Exhibition]

Rodeo: Artists Films on R. B. Cunninghame Graham

Birrell, Ross, Bilbao, Carolina and Fagen, Graham (2013) Rodeo: Artists Films on R. B. Cunninghame Graham. [Show/Exhibition]
Item not available from this repository.


Interwoven Connections: The Stoddard Templeton Design Studio and Design Library, 1843-2005

Britt, Helena (2013) Interwoven Connections: The Stoddard Templeton Design Studio and Design Library, 1843-2005. Mackintosh Museum, 8th November 2013 - 11th January 2014 [Show/Exhibition]
Item availability may be restricted.

Utility Pets

Caccavale, Elio (2013) Utility Pets. Cité du Design, Saint-Étienne, 14/03/2013 - 02/06/2013 [Show/Exhibition]
Item not available from this repository.


Clyde Meets Elbe - 34 knotts

Carter, Justin (2013) Clyde Meets Elbe - 34 knotts. Steubenhoft building in Cuxhaven, Germany, 9th August - 6th September, 2013 [Show/Exhibition]


Carter, Justin (2013) TATE LIVERPOOL IS 25. Wolfson Gallery, TATE LIVERPOOL, 17 May - 2 June 2013 [Show/Exhibition]
Item not available from this repository.


‘Autumn’ (2013) after William James Müller (1833)

Carter, Justin, Owen, Ben and Shaw, Alan (2013) ‘Autumn’ (2013) after William James Müller (1833). Leigh Woods, Bristol and Tyntesfield House, The performances took place between 9th – 13th September and 31st October – 2nd November, starting with a walk from Bristol Museum and Gallery to Leigh Woods on 9th September. [Show/Exhibition]


STILL/Life - ecologies of perception at Tyntesfield

Carter, Justin, Owen, Ben and Shaw, Alan (2013) STILL/Life - ecologies of perception at Tyntesfield. Leigh Woods, Tyntesfield House and Bristol Museum (Bristol), 7th September - 3rd November 2013 [Show/Exhibition]
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Cooper, Thomas Joshua (2013) Messages. Haunch of Venison, London, UK, 1st February 2013 to 28th March 2013 [Show/Exhibition]


Hugs n Fun-Fun

Figgis, Laurence (2013) Hugs n Fun-Fun. The Glasgow Project Room, 26 Oct - 02 Nov 2013 [Show/Exhibition]


New Works by Dean Hughes & Annette Heyer

Heyer, Annette (2013) New Works by Dean Hughes & Annette Heyer. Blip Blip Blip Gallery, Leeds, November 2013 [Show/Exhibition]
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Hopkins, Louise (2013) 40/40. [Show/Exhibition]
Item not available from this repository.

Drawing Biennial 2013

Hopkins, Louise (2013) Drawing Biennial 2013. [Show/Exhibition]
Item not available from this repository.

Learning to Draw/Drawing to Learn: Glasgow School of Art

Hopkins, Louise (2013) Learning to Draw/Drawing to Learn: Glasgow School of Art. [Show/Exhibition]
Item not available from this repository.


A Picture Show

Hopkins, Louise (2013) A Picture Show. [Show/Exhibition]

Scottish Print Network International Residency Programme 2012/13

Hopkins, Louise (2013) Scottish Print Network International Residency Programme 2012/13. [Show/Exhibition]
Item not available from this repository.

Haجar and the Anجel

Jorgensen, Birthe, Campbell, Madeleine and Parkes, Bethan (2013) Haجar and the Anجel. Hunterian Art Gallery, Glasgow, 21 - 26 May 2013 [Show/Exhibition]
Item not available from this repository.

Tate Liverpool is 25

Louise, Hopkins (2013) Tate Liverpool is 25. [Show/Exhibition]
Item not available from this repository.


'Still spaces', the allotment exhibition

MacKenzie, Stuart (2013) 'Still spaces', the allotment exhibition. The Compass Gallery, Glasgow, UK, March / April 2013 [Show/Exhibition]

Stuart Mackenzie & Alastair Strachan

MacKenzie, Stuart (2013) Stuart Mackenzie & Alastair Strachan. Marist College, New York, March 2013 [Show/Exhibition]
Item not available from this repository.


Cultural Hijack: Rethinking Intervention.

McCaughey, Peter and Parry, Ben (2013) Cultural Hijack: Rethinking Intervention. AA Gallery, Front Members’ Room at the Architectural Association, 36 Bedford Square, London.Also Live programme of installations in in Bedford Square and through out London, 26 April – 25 May 2013 [Show/Exhibition]


The Albert Drive Colour Chart

McMullan, Shauna (2013) The Albert Drive Colour Chart. Tramway, Glasgow, Saturday 6th July to Sunday 11th August [Show/Exhibition]



Mersinis, Michael (2013) Convocation. [Show/Exhibition]



Mulholland, Craig (2013) AMSTERDAMER SCHÜTZENGILDE. Kunstsaele Berlin, 27 Apr-16 Jun 2013 [Show/Exhibition]



Mulholland, Craig (2013) AS RED DOTS HUNT DYING WORD. Talbot Rice Gallery, UK., 9th Aug. - 19th Oct 2013 [Show/Exhibition]



Mulholland, Craig (2013) THERE IS NO REWIND. Talbot Rice Gallery & Edinburgh International Festival, UK, 10 Oct 2013 [Show/Exhibition]


Workshop (2010-ongoing)

Phillips, Ciara (2013) Workshop (2010-ongoing). The Showroom, London, UK, 2 October - 30 November 2013 [Show/Exhibition]
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Platt, Christopher (2013) EXISTENZMAXIMUM Il Necessario. Frederico II School of ARchitecture, University of Naples, Italy, 27.06.2013- 21.07.2013 [Show/Exhibition]




A Picture Show

Rhodes, Carol (2013) A Picture Show. Glasgow, UK, 18 July 2013 - 02 Feb 2014 [Show/Exhibition]
Item not available from this repository.

Learning to Draw/Drawing to Learn: Glasgow School of Art

Robertson, Fiona (2013) Learning to Draw/Drawing to Learn: Glasgow School of Art. [Show/Exhibition]
Item not available from this repository.


Where There is a Woman ...

Rodger, Johnny (2013) Where There is a Woman ... Mackintosh Museum, Glasgow School of Art, 12th October - 1st November 2013 [Show/Exhibition]


Stations of the Green

Rodger, Johnny, Miller, Mitch, Mersinis, Michael, McCaughey, Peter, Munro, Gordon and Sinclair, Ross (2013) Stations of the Green. New Glasgow Society Gallery, 26 April -17 May 2013 [Show/Exhibition]
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Stations of the Green

Rodger, Johnny and Miller, Mitchell (2013) Stations of the Green. New Glasgow Society Gallery, 26th April - 17th May 2013 [Show/Exhibition]
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Roulstone, Karen and Nicholls, Barbara (2013) AfterImage. Berlin, Germany, 02 August 2013 - 14 September 2013 [Show/Exhibition]

Art across the City, Locws international, Public Art Project across the City of Swansea

Sinclair, Ross (2013) Art across the City, Locws international, Public Art Project across the City of Swansea. Swansea, 2013 [Show/Exhibition]
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"Real Life and How to Live it in Auld Reekie / Real Life Parledonia"

Sinclair, Ross (2013) "Real Life and How to Live it in Auld Reekie / Real Life Parledonia". All around the city of Edinburgh, 1 August - 1 September 2013 [Show/Exhibition]


Ross Sinclair I Tried to Give up Drinking with Guitars instead of God - A show about an Album

Sinclair, Ross (2013) Ross Sinclair I Tried to Give up Drinking with Guitars instead of God - A show about an Album. The Duchy Gallery, Glasgow, UK, March/April 2013 [Show/Exhibition]

Site specific artwork as part of, "Landscape as Conceptual Art ; the practical context of John Latham’s Monuments in the 21st Century"

Sinclair, Ross (2013) Site specific artwork as part of, "Landscape as Conceptual Art ; the practical context of John Latham’s Monuments in the 21st Century". West Lothian Placement, 2013 0nwards [Show/Exhibition]
Item not available from this repository.


Group Exhibition, 'Dirty Pop: Contemporary British Painting', & Model Gallery, Leeds, 2013

Stubbs, Michael (2013) Group Exhibition, 'Dirty Pop: Contemporary British Painting', & Model Gallery, Leeds, 2013. & Model Gallery, Leeds, 2 May - 8 June 2013 [Show/Exhibition]


Group Exhibition,'Summer Saloon Show', Lion & Lamb Gallery. London, 2013

Stubbs, Michael (2013) Group Exhibition,'Summer Saloon Show', Lion & Lamb Gallery. London, 2013. Lion and Lamb Gallery, London, 24 Jul - 1 Sep 2013 [Show/Exhibition]

Sea Change

Thomson, Amanda (2013) Sea Change. Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh, November 2013 - January 2014 [Show/Exhibition]
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Whisper Down The Lane

Walker, Richard (2013) Whisper Down The Lane. Gallery 400, University of Illinois at Chicago, 12 Jul - 24 Aug 2013 [Show/Exhibition]
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The Unreliable Reader (Reading as Art)

Gonzalez, Laura (2013) The Unreliable Reader (Reading as Art). [Performance]


Jorgensen, Birthe (2013) Parleydonia. [Performance]
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Imagining Possible Futures for Collaborative Learning and Teaching Across Scotland's Universities

Gunn, V.A. (2013) Imagining Possible Futures for Collaborative Learning and Teaching Across Scotland's Universities. Discussion Paper. Higher Education Academy.
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Considering Teaching Excellence in Higher Education: 2007-2013: A Literature Review Since the CHERI Report 2007

Gunn, Vicky and Fisk, Anna (2013) Considering Teaching Excellence in Higher Education: 2007-2013: A Literature Review Since the CHERI Report 2007. Project Report. Higher Education Academy, York, UK.
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Teal, Gemma and Rice, Gayle (2013) Melanoma. Project Report. Digital Health & Care Institute (DHI).
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The Seven Lochs Wetland Park - Masterplan and Visioning Study

Walker, Nick (2013) The Seven Lochs Wetland Park - Masterplan and Visioning Study. Project Report. Collective Architecture.


Interwoven Connections: The Stoddard Templeton Design Studio and Design Library, 1843-2005

Britt, Helena, Chappell, Duncan and Waters, Susannah (2013) Interwoven Connections: The Stoddard Templeton Design Studio and Design Library, 1843-2005. [Video]
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International Competition for the future of the Moscow River

Gregorian, Yury and Evans, Brian (2013) International Competition for the future of the Moscow River. [Video]



Ramsay, Graham (2013) SPAM MUSH DUST. [Video]



Robertson, Fiona (2013) fallingame. [Video]



A white woman's photographic travel journal

Bacos, Nina (2013) A white woman's photographic travel journal. PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.


Visualising human centred design relationships: a toolkit for participation

Broadley, Cara (2013) Visualising human centred design relationships: a toolkit for participation. PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.


Animating peace: a practice investigation engaged with peace-building in Cyprus

Christophini, Myria (2013) Animating peace: a practice investigation engaged with peace-building in Cyprus. PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.


Synthetic Vernacular - The Coproduction of Architecture

Gillick, Ambrose (2013) Synthetic Vernacular - The Coproduction of Architecture. PhD thesis, University of Manchester.


Exodus: towards a non-identity art

Harron, Rory Joseph (2013) Exodus: towards a non-identity art. PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
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Dynamic co-design: investigating how the application of interactive/generative design methods can enhance the value and experience of mass customisations for digitally printed textile products

McDonald, Andy (2013) Dynamic co-design: investigating how the application of interactive/generative design methods can enhance the value and experience of mass customisations for digitally printed textile products. PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
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A modern Scottish republic of letters and its influence on social, political and spatial formations: PhD by published work

Rodger, Johnny (2013) A modern Scottish republic of letters and its influence on social, political and spatial formations: PhD by published work. PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
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In the forest, field and studio: art/making/methodology and the more-than-written in the rendering of place

Thomson, Amanda (2013) In the forest, field and studio: art/making/methodology and the more-than-written in the rendering of place. PhD thesis, University of Aberdeen.
Item not available from this repository.



You and Yours; An exploration into the geographically remote areas and fragile communities of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland and how they may be developed and sustained

Grout, Ian (2013) You and Yours; An exploration into the geographically remote areas and fragile communities of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland and how they may be developed and sustained. [Experiment]


The Hatchery: Duncan Chappell interviewed by Laura Damon-Moore

Chappell, Duncan (2013) The Hatchery: Duncan Chappell interviewed by Laura Damon-Moore. Library as Incubator Project.
Item not available from this repository.

REPORT: Impact8 International Printmaking Conference: Focus on Scotland in IMPRINT: The Quarterly Journal of the Print Council of Australia, Vol. 48 No. 4, 2013

Davis, Jan and Thomson, Amanda (2013) REPORT: Impact8 International Printmaking Conference: Focus on Scotland in IMPRINT: The Quarterly Journal of the Print Council of Australia, Vol. 48 No. 4, 2013. Print Council of Australia, Australia.
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Soft Paste

Figgis, Laurence (2013) Soft Paste. SWG3 (Samizdaz), Glasgow.

Letter from north of the Tweed: embodied and abstracted higher education research and the case of national qualifications frameworks

Gunn, V. (2013) Letter from north of the Tweed: embodied and abstracted higher education research and the case of national qualifications frameworks. Society for Research into Higher Education.
Item not available from this repository.

Letter from north of the Tweed: educational reform and the future of the BME student and academic staff experience

Gunn, Vicky (2013) Letter from north of the Tweed: educational reform and the future of the BME student and academic staff experience. Society for Research into Higher Education.
Item not available from this repository.

Letter from north of the Tweed: emerging trends or futuristic fancies in Scottish higher education?

Gunn, Vicky (2013) Letter from north of the Tweed: emerging trends or futuristic fancies in Scottish higher education? Society for Research into Higher Education.
Item not available from this repository.

Hunterian Associate Program

Jorgensen, Birthe (2013) Hunterian Associate Program. The Hunterian Art Gallery.
Item not available from this repository.

Writing and Work on Digital Networks

McGuire, Neil (2013) Writing and Work on Digital Networks. Igmade editions / Central Station / Eye Magazine.
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Mulholland, Craig (2013) YOU ALWAYS WANTED IN TIME SQUARE AND LESS. Mother Tongue, CCA, Glasgow.


In search of Mackintosh: Glasgow School of Art's Mackintosh building existential framework - place, time and being [dissertation]

Ong, Shee Ling (2013) In search of Mackintosh: Glasgow School of Art's Mackintosh building existential framework - place, time and being [dissertation]. The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow.

Worship in Concrete: Roman Catholic Church Architecture in Britain from 1955 to 1975

Proctor, Robert (2013) Worship in Concrete: Roman Catholic Church Architecture in Britain from 1955 to 1975. UNSPECIFIED.
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Design city in a hurry

Rigley, Steve (2013) Design city in a hurry. Eye Magazine,
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Interview with Michael Stubbs: Modernist Manoeuvres and Pop Paradox: Michael Stubbs on the ‘Highs’ and ‘Lows’ of his Abstract Paintings, 2013

Stubbs, Michael (2013) Interview with Michael Stubbs: Modernist Manoeuvres and Pop Paradox: Michael Stubbs on the ‘Highs’ and ‘Lows’ of his Abstract Paintings, 2013. abstractcritical.

Sound Affects

Thompson, Susannah (2013) Sound Affects. Redgate Publications.
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Tears of the Moon, Sweat of the Sun

Thompson, Susannah (2013) Tears of the Moon, Sweat of the Sun. Susie Green and The International Three.
Item not available from this repository.

This list was generated on Wed Feb 12 04:30:26 2025 UTC.