Number of items: 50.
Edited Book
Serious Games Development and Applications: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Serious Games Development and Applications (SGDA 2014)
Ma, Minhua,
Oliveira, Manuel and
Baalsrud Hauge, Jannicke, eds.
Serious Games Development and Applications: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Serious Games Development and Applications (SGDA 2014).
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8778
Springer International Publishing, Berlin.
ISBN 9783319116228
Virtual, Augmented Reality and Serious Games for Healthcare 1
Ma, Minhua,
Jain, Lakhmi C. and
Anderson, Paul, eds.
Virtual, Augmented Reality and Serious Games for Healthcare 1.
Intelligent Systems Reference Library, 68
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Heidelberg.
ISBN 9783642548154
Special issue:Serious Games Development and Applications
Ma, Minhua,
Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho and
Antonopoulos, Nikolaos, eds.
Special issue:Serious Games Development and Applications.
Entertainment Computing, 2
Elsevier, New York, USA.
ISBN 1875-9521
Serious Games Development and Applications: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Serious Games Development and Applications (SGDA 2011)
Ma, Minhua,
Fradinho Oliveira, Manuel and
Pereira, Joao, eds.
Serious Games Development and Applications: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Serious Games Development and Applications (SGDA 2011).
Image Processing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics, 6944
Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.
Serious Games and Edutainment Applications
Ma, Minhua,
Oikonomou, Andreas and
Jain, Lakhmi
Serious Games and Edutainment Applications.
Springer, London.
ISBN 9781447121602
Book Section
Towards the development of a virtual reality simulator with haptic force feedback for training in stereotactic brain biopsies
Pérez-Pachón, Laura,
Poyade, Matthieu,
Brown, Jennifer and
Fallon, Valerie
Towards the development of a virtual reality simulator with haptic force feedback for training in stereotactic brain biopsies.
Serious Games and Edutainment Applications.
Springer International Publishing, pp. 121-145.
ISBN 9783319516431
Immersive Composition for Sensory Rehabilitation: 3D Visualisation, Surround Sound, and Synthesised Music to Provoke Catharsis and Healing
Argo, Jessica,
Ma, Minhua and
Kayser, Christoph
Immersive Composition for Sensory Rehabilitation: 3D Visualisation, Surround Sound, and Synthesised Music to Provoke Catharsis and Healing.
Serious Games Development and Applications.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8778
Springer International Publishing, pp. 134-149.
ISBN 9783319116228
A Review of Serious Games for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs)
Zakari, Hanan Makki,
Ma, Minhua and
Simmons, David
A Review of Serious Games for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs).
Serious Games Development and Applications.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8778
Springer International Publishing, pp. 93-106.
ISBN 9783319116228
Sense: An interactive learning application that visualizes the nerve supply of face
Pulijala, Yesh and
Ma, Minhua
Sense: An interactive learning application that visualizes the nerve supply of face.
Serious Games Development and Applications.
Springer, pp. 59-67.
Computer Games Physiotherapy for Children with Cystic Fibrosis
Oikonomou, Andreas,
Hartescu, Dan,
Day, David and
Ma, Minhua
Computer Games Physiotherapy for Children with Cystic Fibrosis.
Virtual, Augmented Reality and Serious Games for Healthcare 1.
Intelligent Systems Reference Library, 68
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Heidelberg, pp. 411-443.
ISBN 9783642548154
Future Trends of Virtual, Augmented Reality, and Games for Health
Ma, Minhua,
Jain, Lakhmi C. and
Anderson, Paul
Future Trends of Virtual, Augmented Reality, and Games for Health.
Virtual, Augmented Reality and Serious Games for Healthcare 1.
Intelligent Systems Reference Library, 68
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Heidelberg, pp. 1-6.
ISBN 9783642548154
A Haptic-Based Virtual Reality Head and Neck Model for Dental Education
Anderson, Paul,
Ma, Minhua and
Poyade, Matthieu
A Haptic-Based Virtual Reality Head and Neck Model for Dental Education.
Virtual, Augmented Reality and Serious Games for Healthcare 1.
Intelligent Systems Reference Library, 68
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Heidelberg, pp. 29-50.
ISBN 9783642548154
The Use of Qualitative Design Methods in the Design, Development and Evaluation of Virtual Technologies for Healthcare: Stroke Case Study
Loudon, David,
Taylor, Anne and
Macdonald, Alastair
The Use of Qualitative Design Methods in the Design, Development and Evaluation of Virtual Technologies for Healthcare: Stroke Case Study.
Virtual, Augmented Reality and Serious Games for Healthcare 1.
Intelligent Systems Reference Library, 68
Springer, pp. 371-390.
ISBN 978-3-642-54815-4
The Ambience Table: A Serious Gaming Interface for Aiding Sound Design
Jönsson, Andreas,
Breslin, Ronan and
Ma, Minhua
The Ambience Table: A Serious Gaming Interface for Aiding Sound Design.
Serious Games Development and Applications. SGDA 2013.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8101
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 151-164.
ISBN 9783642407895
Constructionist Learning in Anatomy Education: What Anatomy Students Can Learn through Serious Games Development
Ma, Minhua,
Bale, Kim and
Rea, Paul
Constructionist Learning in Anatomy Education: What Anatomy Students Can Learn through Serious Games Development.
Serious Games Development and Applications.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 43-58.
ISBN 9783642336867
Innovations in Serious Games for future learning
Ma, Minhua,
Oikonomou, Andreas and
Jain, Lakhmi
Innovations in Serious Games for future learning.
Serious Games and Edutainment Applications.
Springer, UK, pp. 3-7.
ISBN 978-1-4471-2160-2
Virtual Reality and Serious Games in Healthcare
Ma, Minhua and
Zheng, Huiru
Virtual Reality and Serious Games in Healthcare.
Advanced Computational Intelligence Paradigms in Healthcare 6: Virtual Reality in Psychotherapy, Rehabilitation, and Assessment (Studies in Computational Intelligence).
Springer, pp. 169-192.
ISBN 9783642178238
Network Architectures and Data Management for Massively Multiplayer Online Games
Ma, Minhua and
Oikonomou, Andreas
Network Architectures and Data Management for Massively Multiplayer Online Games.
Evolving Developments in Grid and Cloud Computing: Advancing Research.
IGI Global, Hershey, USA, pp. 144-155.
ISBN 146660056X
Serious Games for Movement Therapy after Stroke
Ma, Minhua and
Bechkoum, Kamal
Serious Games for Movement Therapy after Stroke.
IEEE, pp. 1872-1877.
ISBN 978-1-4244-2384-2
Visual semantics and ontology of eventive verbs
Ma, Minhua and
McKevitt, Paul
Visual semantics and ontology of eventive verbs.
Natural language processing.
187-196, pp. 187-196.
ISBN 3540244751
Real-time Medical Visualization of Human Head and Neck Anatomy and its Applications for Dental Training and Simulation
Anderson, Paul,
Chapman, Paul,
Ma, Minhua and
Rea, Paul
Real-time Medical Visualization of Human Head and Neck Anatomy and its Applications for Dental Training and Simulation.
Current Medical Imaging Reviews, 9 (4).
pp. 298-308.
ISSN 1573-4056
Simulation of autonomous crowd behavior on Xbox 360
Ma, Minhua and
Brittain, Matthew
Simulation of autonomous crowd behavior on Xbox 360.
International Journal of Intelligent Decision Technologies, 5 (3).
pp. 253-271.
ISSN 1872-4981
Virtual Reality and 3D Animation in Forensic Visualisation
Ma, Minhua,
Zheng, Huiru and
Lallie, Harjinder
Virtual Reality and 3D Animation in Forensic Visualisation.
Journal of Forensic Sciences, 55 (5).
pp. 1227-1231.
ISSN 1556-4029
A Flexible E-Assessment System Inspired by Design Methodology Management to Accommodate Diverse Learning Styles
Ma, Minhua and
Dube, Tendai
A Flexible E-Assessment System Inspired by Design Methodology Management to Accommodate Diverse Learning Styles.
International Journal of Digital Society.
pp. 44-52.
SceneMaker: Multimodal Visualisation of Natural Language Film Scripts
Hanser, Eva,
Mc Kevitt, Paul,
Lunney, Tom,
Condell, Joan and
Ma, Minhua
SceneMaker: Multimodal Visualisation of Natural Language Film Scripts.
Journal on data semantics.
pp. 430-439.
ISSN 0302-9743
Assessing Presentations in Game Development Education
Ma, Minhua and
Oikonomou, Andreas
Assessing Presentations in Game Development Education.
International Journal of Education.
pp. 329-338.
Middleware for Next-generation Network Games
Ma, Minhua,
Zhang, Jianjun and
Antonopoulos, Nikolaos
Middleware for Next-generation Network Games.
Engineering Technology Press.
pp. 158-163.
Adaptive Virtual Reality Games for Rehabilitation of Motor Disorders
Ma, Minhua,
McNeill, Michael,
Charles, Derryl and
McDonough, Suzanne
Adaptive Virtual Reality Games for Rehabilitation of Motor Disorders.
Journal on data semantics.
pp. 681-690.
ISSN 0302-9743
Virtual Human Animation in Natural Language Visualisation
Ma, Minhua and
McKevitt, Paul
Virtual Human Animation in Natural Language Visualisation.
The Artificial Intelligence Review.
pp. 37-54.
ISSN 0269-2821
Interval Relations in Lexical Semantics of Verbs
Ma, Minhua and
McKevitt, Paul
Interval Relations in Lexical Semantics of Verbs.
The Artificial Intelligence Review, 21 (3/4).
pp. 293-316.
ISSN 0269-2821
Conference or Workshop Item
The Influence of Art Concepts on Visual Communication in Games
Ma, Minhua and
McGrath, Heather
The Influence of Art Concepts on Visual Communication in Games.
In: the 3rd Annual International Conference on Computer Games, Multimedia and Allied Technology, 6 to 7 April 2010, Singapore Management University, Singapore.
Detecting Return-to-libc Buffer Overflow Attacks Using Network Intrusion Detection Systems
Ma, Minhua,
Day, David and
Zhao, Zhengxu
Detecting Return-to-libc Buffer Overflow Attacks Using Network Intrusion Detection Systems.
In: Fourth International Conference on Digital Society, 10 to 16 February 2010, St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles.
Marking short free text responses in e-assessment
Ma, Minhua and
Dube, Tendai
Marking short free text responses in e-assessment.
In: e-Teaching and Learning Workshop Proceedings, 16 to 20 1 June 2010, University of Greenwich, London.
Tenses, Aspects, and Pace in Game Narratives
Ma, Minhua and
Bassi, Bhavinder
Tenses, Aspects, and Pace in Game Narratives.
In: 15th International Conference on Computer Games: AI, Animation, Mobile, Interactive Multimedia, Educational and Serious Games, 28 to 31 July 2010, Galt House Hotel, Louisville, Kentucky, USA.
Second Life as a Learning and Teaching Environment for Digital Games Education
Ma, Minhua,
Oikonomou, Andreas and
Zheng, Huiru
Second Life as a Learning and Teaching Environment for Digital Games Education.
In: 12th Annual International Workshop on Presence, 11 to 13 November 2009, Los Angeles, California, USA.
E-assessment and Design Methodology Management
Ma, Minhua,
Dube, Tendai and
Zhao, Zhengxu
E-assessment and Design Methodology Management.
In: E-Assessment Live Conference 2009, 8 July 2009, Loughborough University, UK.
Flexible E-Assessment for Accommodating Diverse Learning Styles
Ma, Minhua and
Dube, Tendai
Flexible E-Assessment for Accommodating Diverse Learning Styles.
In: London International Conference on Education, 9 to 12 November 2009, London, UK.
3D Visualisation of Crime Scenes: Computer Animation in Forensics
Ma, Minhua
3D Visualisation of Crime Scenes: Computer Animation in Forensics.
In: 3rd Annual Teaching & Assessment Conference: Flexibity, current and future practice, 10 July 2008, University of Derby, Buxton.
Adaptive Virtual Reality Games for Rehabilitation of Motor Disorders
Ma, Minhua,
McNeill, Michael,
Charles, Darryl,
McDonough, Suzanne,
Crosbie, Jacqui,
Oliver, Louise and
McGoldrick, Clare
Adaptive Virtual Reality Games for Rehabilitation of Motor Disorders.
In: 4th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, 22 to 27 July 2007, Beijing.
Physics-based Virtual Reality for Post-stroke Rehabilitation
Ma, Minhua,
McNeill, Michael,
Charles, Darryl and
McDonough, Suzanne
Physics-based Virtual Reality for Post-stroke Rehabilitation.
In: Eurographics Ireland 2006 Workshop, 31 October 2006, Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design & Technology, Dun Laoghaire, Ireland.
Physics Fidelity of Virtual Reality in Motor Rehabilitation
Ma, Minhua,
McNeill, Michael,
McDonough, Suzanne and
Crosbie, Jacqui
Physics Fidelity of Virtual Reality in Motor Rehabilitation.
In: Virtual: a Real Success: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Virtual Reality, 26 to 30 April 2006., Laval, France.
Lexical Semantics and Auditory Display in Virtual Storytelling
Ma, Minhua and
McKevitt, Paul
Lexical Semantics and Auditory Display in Virtual Storytelling.
In: 11th International Conference on Auditory Display 2005, 6 to 9 July 2005, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.
Animating Virtual Humans in Intelligent Multimedia Storytelling
Ma, Minhua and
McKevitt, Paul
Animating Virtual Humans in Intelligent Multimedia Storytelling.
In: 6th Annual PostGraduate Symposium on The Convergence of Telecommunications, Networking and Broadcasting, 27 to 28 June 2005, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, England.
Presenting Temporal Relations of Virtual Human Actions by Multiple Animation Channels
Ma, Minhua and
McKevitt, Paul
Presenting Temporal Relations of Virtual Human Actions by Multiple Animation Channels.
In: 16th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Cognitive Science, 7 to 9 September 2005, 169-178, Flowerfield Arts Centre, Portstewart, University of Ulster,.
Using lexical knowledge of verbs in language-to-vision applications
Ma, Minhua and
McKevitt, Paul
Using lexical knowledge of verbs in language-to-vision applications.
In: 15th Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference, 2004, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Castlebar, Irelan.
Building character animation for intelligent storytelling with the H-Anim standard
Ma, Minhua and
McKevitt, Paul
Building character animation for intelligent storytelling with the H-Anim standard.
In: EuroGraphics Ireland, 29 April 2003.
Semantic representation of events in 3D animation
Ma, Minhua and
McKevitt, Paul
Semantic representation of events in 3D animation.
In: Fifth International Workshop on Computational Semantics, 15 to 17 January 2003, Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
Temporal relations in visual semantics of verbs
Ma, Minhua and
Mc Kevitt, Paul
Temporal relations in visual semantics of verbs.
Automatic Conversion of Natural Language to 3D Animation
Ma, Minhua
Automatic Conversion of Natural Language to 3D Animation.
PhD thesis, University of Ulster.
Searching TV programs using teletext subtitles
Ma, Minhua
Searching TV programs using teletext subtitles.
UNSPECIFIED thesis, University of Newcastle.
This list was generated on Wed Feb 12 04:37:11 2025 UTC.