Number of items: 62.
Book or Monograph
Precedented Environmental Futures: Skin and Substance
Porteous, Colin D. A.
Precedented Environmental Futures: Skin and Substance.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne.
ISBN 9781527528161
Political Animal
Rodger, Johnny and
Pachpute, Prabhakar
Political Animal.
CCA/ Cornerhouse, Glasgow.
Башня и коробка: Краткая история массового жилья (Vashnya i korobka: kratkaya istoriya massovogo zhilya) [Russian translation of "Tower and Slab"]
Urban, Florian
Башня и коробка: Краткая история массового жилья (Vashnya i korobka: kratkaya istoriya massovogo zhilya) [Russian translation of "Tower and Slab"].
Strelka Press, Moscow.
Book Section
Glasgow: A Knowledge City for the Knowledge Age
Evans, Brian Mark
Glasgow: A Knowledge City for the Knowledge Age.
Scotland the Brave? Twenty Years of Change and the Politics of the Future.
Luath Press.
ISBN 9781913025021
Ian Lennox McHarg, Scotland and the emergence of green consciousness
Evans, Brian Mark
Ian Lennox McHarg, Scotland and the emergence of green consciousness.
Design with Nature Now.
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
ISBN 978-1-55844-393-8
The Hidden School
Franck, Oya Atalay,
De Walsche, Johan,
Harriss, Harriet,
Justić, Siniša,
Roth-Čerina, Mia,
Stewart, Sally and
Zupančič, Tadeja
The Hidden School.
The Hidden School - Book of Abstracts. EAAE Annual Conference Zagreb 2019.
EAAE Annual Conference Proceedings
TU Delft Open and European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE), Delt, pp. 8-11.
ISBN 9789463661966
Ordering the World: Games in the Architectural Iconography of Stirling Castle, Scotland
Guidicini, Giovanna
Ordering the World: Games in the Architectural Iconography of Stirling Castle, Scotland.
Games and Game Playing in European Art and Literature, 16th-17th Centuries.
Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, pp. 221-248.
ISBN 9789463728119
Royal Welcomes in Edinburgh New Town: Portraying Civic Identity in 1822 and 1842
Guidicini, Giovanna
Royal Welcomes in Edinburgh New Town: Portraying Civic Identity in 1822 and 1842.
The New Town of Edinburgh, An Architectural Celebration.
John Donald, pp. 99-113.
ISBN 9781910900352
Comfort, Health and Mortality in Real Buildings
Hansen, Alana and
McGill, Grainne
Comfort, Health and Mortality in Real Buildings.
Comfort at the extremes 2019: Legacy of the 1st International Conference on Comfort at the Extremes: Energy, Economy and Climate.
Ecohouse Initative Ltd., pp. 1-38.
Statement 2 : Applications of ICT in Digital Heritage - an Academic Unification
Maver, Thomas
Statement 2 : Applications of ICT in Digital Heritage - an Academic Unification.
Proceedings of the International Conference of the 36th International Conference of eCAADe.
Technical University of Łódź, Łódź, Poland, pp. 39-44.
ISBN 978-94-91207-15-0
The Origins and Development of Computational Design
Maver, Tom
The Origins and Development of Computational Design.
i3CDE 2019 Proceedings.
Institute for Computational Design and Engineering, South Korea.
The Unliteral Construct: the Architecture of Graham Greene's 'The Destructors'
Rodger, Johnny
The Unliteral Construct: the Architecture of Graham Greene's 'The Destructors'.
The Routledge Companion to Architecture, Literature and the City.
Routledge Companions
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 96-103.
ISBN 9781472482730
Court Architecture and the Justice System
Rodger, Johnny,
Branco, Patricia and
Robson, Peter
Court Architecture and the Justice System.
Research Handbook on Law and Courts.
Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 158-172.
ISBN 978-1-78811-319-9
Revealing the Academy: Exploring the Relationships and Agency between School, Teacher and Student in an Architectural Education
Stewart, Sally
Revealing the Academy: Exploring the Relationships and Agency between School, Teacher and Student in an Architectural Education.
The Hidden School - Book of Abstracts. EAAE Annual Conference Zagreb 2019.
EAAE Annual Conference Proceedings
TU Delft Open and European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE), Delt, pp. 174-177.
ISBN 9789463661966
Architecture & Design
Summers, Andy and
Barber, Jude
Architecture & Design.
Scotland the Brave? Twenty Years of Change and the Future of the Nation.
Luath Press Ltd., Edinburgh, Scotland.
ISBN 9781913025021
Ageing UK High Streets: adding life to years
Brunelli, Luca
Ageing UK High Streets: adding life to years.
MONU (Magazine on Urbanism) (30).
ISSN 1860-3211
Reimagining Design with Nature: ecological urbanism in Moscow
Evans, Brian Mark
Reimagining Design with Nature: ecological urbanism in Moscow.
Socio-Ecological Practice Research, 1 (3-4).
pp. 233-247.
ISSN 2524-5279
Building Performance Evaluation – A design approach for refurbishment of a small traditional building in Scotland
Foster, Janice,
Poston, Anna and
Foster, Samuel
Building Performance Evaluation – A design approach for refurbishment of a small traditional building in Scotland.
Restoration of Buildings and Monuments, 23 (2).
pp. 53-66.
ISSN 1864-7251
Le vetement a l’ecole: un projet de recherche au musée National de l’Education
LeGuennec, Aude and
Coutant, Nicolas
Le vetement a l’ecole: un projet de recherche au musée National de l’Education.
Apparence(s): Histoire et culture du paraitre (9).
ISSN 1954-3778
Book Review: Lake of the Mind: A Conversation with Steven Holl
Platt, Christopher
Book Review: Lake of the Mind: A Conversation with Steven Holl.
The Plan Journal, 4 (1).
ISSN 2611-7487
Vessels and Landscapes: a special reciprocity
Platt, Christopher
Vessels and Landscapes: a special reciprocity.
arq: Architectural Research Quarterly, 23 (2).
pp. 106-126.
ISSN 1359-1355
The significance of natural ventilation
Porteous, Colin
The significance of natural ventilation.
Building Research and Information, 47 (1-2).
pp. 245-247.
ISSN 0961-3218
'England, Your England', George Orwell and Brexit
Rodger, Johnny
'England, Your England', George Orwell and Brexit.
The Drouth (61).
ISSN 1474-6190
La biblioteca que desaparece
Rodger, Johnny
La biblioteca que desaparece.
New Left Review Espana (119).
pp. 104-114.
ISSN 1575 9776
On Refusing to Succumb to Evil : Tomas Venclova
Rodger, Johnny
On Refusing to Succumb to Evil : Tomas Venclova.
The Drouth.
Pursuing a Radical Rhapsody
Rodger, Johnny
Pursuing a Radical Rhapsody.
Forward, 1 (3).
pp. 80-91.
The Ruhr Triennale.Training for The Future
Rodger, Johnny
The Ruhr Triennale.Training for The Future.
The Drouth.
ISSN 1474-6190
The Vanishing Library
Rodger, Johnny
The Vanishing Library.
New Left Review (119).
pp. 94-103.
ISSN 0028 6060
The Scales Project: a cross-national dataset on the interpretation of thermal perception scales
Schweiker, Marcel,
Abdul-Zahra, Amar,
Afonso de André, Maíra,
Al-Atrash, Farah,
Al-Khatri, Hanan,
Risky Alprianti, Rea,
Alsaad, Hayder,
Amin, Rucha,
Ampatzi, Eleni,
Yacob Arsano, Alpha,
Azadeh, Montazami,
Azar, Elie,
Bahareh, Bannazadeh,
Batagarawa, Amina,
Becker, Susanne,
Buonocore, Carolina,
Cao, Bin,
Choi, Joon-Ho,
Chun, Chungyoon,
Daanen, Hein,
Aisyah Damiati, Siti,
Daniel, Lyrian,
De Vecchi, Renata,
Dhaka, Shivraj,
Domínguez-Amarillo, Samuel,
Dudkiewicz, Edyta,
Prabha Edappilly, Lakshmi,
Fernández-Agüera, Jesica,
Folkerts, Mireille,
Frijns, Arjan,
Gaona, Gabriel,
Garg, Vishal,
Gauthier, Stephanie,
Ghaffari Jabbari, Shahla,
Harimi, Djamila,
Hellwig, Runa,
Huebner, Gesche,
Jin, Quan,
Jowkar, Mina,
Kania, Renate,
Kim, Jungsoo,
King, Nelson,
Kingma, Boris,
Koerniawan, Donny,
Kolarik, Jakub,
Kumar, Shailendra,
Kwok, Alison,
Lamberts, Roberto,
Laska, Marta,
Lee, Jeffrey,
Lee, Yoonhee,
Lindermayr, Vanessa,
Mahaki, Mohammadbagher,
Marcel-Okafor, Udochukwu,
Marín-Restrepo, Laura,
Marquardsen, Anna,
Martellotta, Francesco,
Mathur, Jyotirmay,
McGill, Grainne,
Mino-Rodriguez, Isabel,
Mou, Di,
Moujalled, Bassam,
Nakajima, Mia,
Ng, Edward,
Okafor, Marcellinus,
Olweny, Mark,
Ouyang, Wanlu,
Ligia Papst de Abreu, Ana,
Pérez-Fargallo, Alexis,
Rajapaksha, Indrika,
Ramos, Greici,
Rashid, Saif,
F. Reinhart, Christoph,
Rivera, Isabel,
Salmanzadeh, Mazyar,
Suhendri, Suhendri,
Schakib-Ekbatan, Karin,
Schiavon, Stefano,
Shooshtarian, Salman,
Shukuya, Masanori,
Soebarto, Veronica,
Tartarini, Federico,
Tahsildoost, Mohammad,
Teli, Despoina,
Tewari, Priyam,
Thapa, Samar,
Trebilcock, Maureen,
Trojan, Jörg,
Tukur, Ruqayyatu,
Voelker, Conrad,
Yam, Yeung,
Yang, Liu,
Zapata-Lancaster, Gabriela,
Zhai, Yongchao,
Zhu, Yingxin and
Sadat Zomorodian, Zahra
The Scales Project: a cross-national dataset on the interpretation of thermal perception scales.
Scientific Data, 6 (289).
ISSN 2052-4463
Vienna’s resistance to the neoliberal turn - social policy through residential architecture from 1970 to the present
Urban, Florian
Vienna’s resistance to the neoliberal turn - social policy through residential architecture from 1970 to the present.
Footprint, 13 (1).
pp. 91-112.
ISSN 1875-1504
Developing a Methodology for Integration of Whole Life Costs into BIM Processes to Assist Design Decision Making
Zanni, Maria Angeliki,
Sharpe, Tim,
Lammers, Phillip,
Arnold, Leo and
Pickard, James
Developing a Methodology for Integration of Whole Life Costs into BIM Processes to Assist Design Decision Making.
Buildings, 9 (5).
p. 114.
ISSN 2075-5309
Conference or Workshop Item
Missing In Architecture Equal Architect Symposium 2019
Deakin, Isabel,
Webster, Miranda and
Li, Katherine
Missing In Architecture Equal Architect Symposium 2019.
In: Equal Architect Symposium 2019, International Women's Day, 8 March 2019, Art Club, Bath Street, Glasgow.
The role of the Glasgow City Urbanist
Evans, Brian
The role of the Glasgow City Urbanist.
In: Glasgow City Heritage Trust Forum, Glasgow, UK.
Day of Cities, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Expert Opinion
Evans, Brian and
Johnston, Catherine
Day of Cities, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Expert Opinion.
In: Day Cities, 08 April 2019, UN, Palais des Nations, Geneva.
The Glasgow Message on Living in the City : On adequate and affordable housing as the basis of living well
Evans, Brian and
Roll, Gulnara
The Glasgow Message on Living in the City : On adequate and affordable housing as the basis of living well.
In: The UN Glasgow Conference on City Living, 11-13 September 2019, Glasgow, UK.
Performing Societal Arrangements in (Civic) Space: The Past and Present of Augmented Reality
Guidicini, Giovanna
Performing Societal Arrangements in (Civic) Space: The Past and Present of Augmented Reality.
In: 16th Annual International Conference of the Architectural Humanities Research Association, Dundee, 21 - 23 November 2019, University of Dundee.
Performing identity and authority in the civic space: Edinburgh as an early modern case study
Guidicini, Giovanna
Performing identity and authority in the civic space: Edinburgh as an early modern case study.
In: Extracurricular lecture - guest speaker, 2 May, 2019, School of Architecture + Design, Virginia Tech, VA.
"Riscoprire, Abbellire, Conservare, o Falsificare? Alfonso Rubbiani e l'Architettura di Bologna a Cavallo del '900"
Guidicini, Giovanna
"Riscoprire, Abbellire, Conservare, o Falsificare? Alfonso Rubbiani e l'Architettura di Bologna a Cavallo del '900".
In: Scottish Italian Circle in Edinburgh - lecture serie event.
Textiles, spectacle and the creation of imaginary worlds during Edinburgh triumphal entries
Guidicini, Giovanna
Textiles, spectacle and the creation of imaginary worlds during Edinburgh triumphal entries.
In: Dress and Décor in Medieval and Renaissance Scotland, University of Glasgow.
The Hidden Curriculum
Hooper, Alan
The Hidden Curriculum.
In: AEEA Annual Conference: The Hidden School, 28-30 August 2019, Zagreb, Croatia.
Indoor air quality and ventilation in homes
McGill, Grainne
Indoor air quality and ventilation in homes.
In: Evidence in Policy Fortnight 2019, 4 November 2019, Victoria Quay Edinburgh, Scottish Government.
Towards healthy and energy efficient new homes: current issues and future directions
McGill, Grainne,
Sharpe, Tim and
Devereux, Graham
Towards healthy and energy efficient new homes: current issues and future directions.
In: Comfort at the Extremes: Energy, Economy and Climate, 10th - 11 April 2019, Heriot Watt University, Dubai.
Horizons and Conscience: A qualitative study of designing for student life in Africa
Platt, Christopher and
Malonza, Josephine
Horizons and Conscience: A qualitative study of designing for student life in Africa.
In: European Association for Architectural Education Conference 2019, 28-31 August 2019, Zagreb.
Rodger, Johnny
In: BAUHAUS DAY, 23 May 2019, Centre for Contemporary Arts (CCA) and The Glasgow School of Art.
Decollagen/ Commercial Extinction
Rodger, Johnny
Decollagen/ Commercial Extinction.
In: Decollagen/ Commercial Extinction, 01-02 May 2019, Briggait/ CCA.
The Vienna Connection
Rodger, Johnny
The Vienna Connection.
In: The Vienna Connection, 2 & 5 October 2019, French Institute, Edinburgh & Glasgow Royal Concert Hall.
Political Animal
Rodger, Johnny and
Checchia, Viviana
Political Animal.
In: Political Animal, 20-22 June 2019, CCA, Reid Gallery and the Art School.
Studying, Working, Teaching: about Women and Architecture
Stewart, Sally,
Atalay Frank, Oya,
Roth-Cerina, Mia and
Valente, Ilari
Studying, Working, Teaching: about Women and Architecture.
In: Milan Architecture Week, 21-29 May 2019, Politecnico di Milano.
The Ascension Church in Warsaw-Ursynów – Postmodernism and the Nation in Late Socialist Poland
Urban, Florian
The Ascension Church in Warsaw-Ursynów – Postmodernism and the Nation in Late Socialist Poland.
In: Spaces of Un-Nationalism, 7-8 November 2019, Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, Germany.
The New Tenement - Manchester School of Architecture
Urban, Florian
The New Tenement - Manchester School of Architecture.
In: The New Tenement: Book Presentation, 20 Feb 2019, Manchester School of Art.
The New Tenement
Urban, Florian
The New Tenement.
In: The New Tenement (Turin), 3 October 2019, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy.
New Tenements – Architecture for Urban Cohesion? [paper], Tenements, Tower Blocks and Collective Life [panel title]
Urban, Florian
New Tenements – Architecture for Urban Cohesion? [paper], Tenements, Tower Blocks and Collective Life [panel title].
In: Architectural Humanities Research Association (AHRA) Conference, 21-23 November 2019, Unversity of Dundee.
The Oude Westen a “Gentle” Urban Renewal in European Cities
Urban, Florian
The Oude Westen a “Gentle” Urban Renewal in European Cities.
In: The urban renewal of the Oude Westen neighbourhood revisited, 21-24 August 2019, Office for Metropolitan Information, Rotterdam.
Post-socialist transition: Between Conflicts and Legacy [Panel organization]
Urban, Florian
Post-socialist transition: Between Conflicts and Legacy [Panel organization].
In: UrbanHIst- Interpreting the History of 20th Century Urbanism, 20-24 October 2019, Wenner Green Center, Stockholm, organised by Blekinge Tekniska Hogsköla Karlskrona, Sweden.
Postmodern Architecture and Political Change
Urban, Florian
Postmodern Architecture and Political Change.
In: Postmodern Architecture and Political Change - Poland and Beyond, 12-14 November 2019, German Historical Institute, Warsaw.
Postmodern architecture in Socialist Poland
Urban, Florian
Postmodern architecture in Socialist Poland.
In: Mackintosh Research Symposium, 24 April 2019, The Glasgow School of Art.
Political Animal
Rodger, Johnny,
Pachpute, Prabhakar and
Checchia, Viviana
Political Animal.
Reid Corridor Gallery,
June 20 - August 4
Queer Space - Architecture Fringe 2019
Summers, Andy
Queer Space - Architecture Fringe 2019.
The Lighthouse, Glasgow,
07-23 June 2019
Ability of decentralised mechanical ventilation to act as ‘whole-house’ ventilation systems in new-build dwellings
Sharpe, Tim,
McGill, Grainne,
McQuillan, Jonathan,
Lantschner, Barbara,
Morgan, Chris and
Tuohy, Paul
Ability of decentralised mechanical ventilation to act as ‘whole-house’ ventilation systems in new-build dwellings.
Technical Report.
Scottish Building Standards Directorate.
Notre Dame de Paris on fire
Rodger, Johnny
Notre Dame de Paris on fire.
The impact of parametric design methodologies on creativity in hospital design process
Hsiao, Yuan-Sung
The impact of parametric design methodologies on creativity in hospital design process.
PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
Continuous IAQ monitoring with low-cost monitors: protocol development, performance and application in residential buildings
Moreno Rangel, Alejandro
Continuous IAQ monitoring with low-cost monitors: protocol development, performance and application in residential buildings.
PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
This list was generated on Mon Mar 10 04:32:29 2025 UTC.