Aude LeGuennec
- Reader in Design Anthropology - Research Lead
- Mackintosh School of Architecture
Number of items: 27.
Edited Book
S'habiller pour l'ecole (Dressed for School)
Coutant, Nicolas and
Le Guennec, Aude, eds.
S'habiller pour l'ecole (Dressed for School).
Canope, Paris.
ISBN 978-2-240-05616-0 (print); 978-2-240-05617-7 (online)
Sociocultural dimensions of childhood
LeGuennec, Aude,
Janning, Michelle,
Bankova, Petya,
Tsaneva, Elya and
Piriklieva, Violeta, eds.
Sociocultural dimensions of childhood.
Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia.
ISBN 978-619-245-029-8
Book Section
L’habit fait-il le genre de l’écolier ? La question de la mode genrée à l’épreuve de l’institution scolaire dans la France de la deuxième moitié du XXème siècle à nos jours. [Gender construction in the school environment, France, from the 1950s onwards].
Le Guennec, Aude
L’habit fait-il le genre de l’écolier ? La question de la mode genrée à l’épreuve de l’institution scolaire dans la France de la deuxième moitié du XXème siècle à nos jours. [Gender construction in the school environment, France, from the 1950s onwards].
Le vêtement de l’eleve : un objet d’education (XIVe-XXIe siècles).
Le vêtement scolaire (XVIe-XXIe siècles)
Septentrion, Université de Lille, Lille, France.
ISBN 9782757441404
Enjeux et apports de la patrimonialisation des usages vestimentaires scolaires : l’exemple de l’exposition S’habiller pour l’école présentée au Musée National de l’Éducation
Le Guennec, Aude and
Coutant, Nicolas
Enjeux et apports de la patrimonialisation des usages vestimentaires scolaires : l’exemple de l’exposition S’habiller pour l’école présentée au Musée National de l’Éducation.
La loi du 15 mars 2004 – 20 ans après - Vêtements, religions et espace scolaire public.
IFJD (Institut Francophone pour la Justice et la Démocratie).
Children and clothes: childhood stories, tales of families
Le Guennec, Aude
Children and clothes: childhood stories, tales of families.
Dress as a Biography.
Bloomsbury, London.
Children’s clothing vs children’s fashion: the construction of childhood in fashion. Contextual and design approaches of the childrenswear apparel in the Global North.
LeGuennec, Aude
Children’s clothing vs children’s fashion: the construction of childhood in fashion. Contextual and design approaches of the childrenswear apparel in the Global North.
Pioneering New Perspectives in the Fashion Industry: Disruption, Diversity and Sustainable Innovation.
Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 139-153.
ISBN 9781803823485
Heritage and contemporary children’s fashion: Case study: The repositioning of the socio-cultural values of the brand Jacadi Paris
LeGuennec, Aude
Heritage and contemporary children’s fashion: Case study: The repositioning of the socio-cultural values of the brand Jacadi Paris
Fashion heritage: narrative and knowledge creation.
Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 189-213.
ISBN 978-3-031-06885-0; online ISBN: 978-3-031-06886-7
Children and Clothing versus Children’s Fashion: Framing children’s clothing interactions and play fashion in the Global North from the nineteenth century onward
LeGuennec, Aude
Children and Clothing versus Children’s Fashion: Framing children’s clothing interactions and play fashion in the Global North from the nineteenth century onward.
Berg Fashion Library.
Bloomsbury, London.
Towards an informed, participative and sustainable approach of children’s fashion and clothing: IN2FROCC in action
LeGuennec, Aude,
Rose, Clare,
Barbu, Laetitia,
Hartmann-Bragard, Anne-Charlotte,
Nygren, Maija and
Sekhon-Dhilon, Yasmin
Towards an informed, participative and sustainable approach of children’s fashion and clothing: IN2FROCC in action.
Establishing Child Centred Practice in a Changing World.
Emerald Studies in Child Centred Practice
Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 147-176.
ISBN 978-1-80117-407-7; eISBN: 978-1-80117-406-0
Chanel and Scotland
LeGuennec, Aude
Chanel and Scotland.
Bernat Klein.
The Bernat Klein Foundation, Glasgow, pp. 97-109.
ISBN 978-1-3999-3059-8
From ideation to inclusion: investigation in contemporary childrenswear in the Global North
LeGuennec, Aude
From ideation to inclusion: investigation in contemporary childrenswear in the Global North.
The Companion to Fashion Studies.
Routledge, Oxon, New York, pp. 137-146.
ISBN 9780429554964
Children’s clothing collections, problems and perspectives: A case study of French and British Museums
Le Guennec, Aude and
Rose, Clare
Children’s clothing collections, problems and perspectives: A case study of French and British Museums.
In Situ, 52.
ISSN 1630-7305
Playing through clothes: Clothes as a creative tool in the School environment, an explorative approach of the role of clothing in the public primary education, in contemporary Northern Europe
LeGuennec, Aude
Playing through clothes: Clothes as a creative tool in the School environment, an explorative approach of the role of clothing in the public primary education, in contemporary Northern Europe.
BUKS Journal of Child and Youth Cultures, 66.
pp. 253-268.
ISSN Online: 2446-0648
Addressing Problem of Invisible Chronic Pain
Caccavale, Elio,
Johnson, Michael,
LeGuennec, Aude,
Cunningham, Margaret,
Rattray, Zahra,
Kerr, Fiona and
Henriquez-Mui, Fiona
Addressing Problem of Invisible Chronic Pain.
The Scotsman.
ISSN 0307-5850
When West meets East: Towards an educative journey in nineteenth century Western Children’s Fashion
LeGuennec, Aude
When West meets East: Towards an educative journey in nineteenth century Western Children’s Fashion.
Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth, 15 (2).
pp. 244-265.
ISSN 1939-6724; 1941-3599
Guise et déguisement: L’enfant acteur vestimentaire dans la France moderne et contemporaine
LeGuennec, Aude
Guise et déguisement: L’enfant acteur vestimentaire dans la France moderne et contemporaine.
Revue des Sciences Sociales (64).
pp. 84-93.
ISSN 2107-0385
Le vetement a l’ecole: un projet de recherche au musée National de l’Education
LeGuennec, Aude and
Coutant, Nicolas
Le vetement a l’ecole: un projet de recherche au musée National de l’Education.
Apparence(s): Histoire et culture du paraitre (9).
ISSN 1954-3778
Du musée à la thèse: vers un modèle d’étude du vêtement de l’enfant
LeGuennec, Aude
Du musée à la thèse: vers un modèle d’étude du vêtement de l’enfant.
Tetralogiques (23).
pp. 115-142.
ISSN 2726-6761
Conference or Workshop Item
Creative Perspectives Towards Trans-disciplinary Learning Models: Clothing as a Medium for Creative Enhancement and Education
Le Guennec, Aude and
Barbu, Laetitia
Creative Perspectives Towards Trans-disciplinary Learning Models: Clothing as a Medium for Creative Enhancement and Education.
In: Creative Skills Week, 16-20 September 2024, Amsterdam and online.
Integrer l'enfance au design : est-ce simple ?
Le Guennec, Aude
Integrer l'enfance au design : est-ce simple ?
In: Integrer l'enfance au design : est-ce simple ?, 19.09.2024, Jardin des metiers d'Art (Sevres, France) and online.
Dressed for School/S'habiller pour L'ecole: presentation of the exhibition at the National Museum of Education, Rouen, France
Le Guennec, Aude
Dressed for School/S'habiller pour L'ecole: presentation of the exhibition at the National Museum of Education, Rouen, France.
In: ACORSO Museum Exhibition's Day, 22.06.24, Online.
Enjeux et apports de la patrimonialisation des usages vestimentaires scolaires : l’exemple de l’exposition S’habiller pour l’école présentée au Musée National de l’Éducation
Le Guennec, Aude and
Coutant, Nicolas
Enjeux et apports de la patrimonialisation des usages vestimentaires scolaires : l’exemple de l’exposition S’habiller pour l’école présentée au Musée National de l’Éducation.
In: La loi du 15 Mars 2004 – 20 ans après, 15-16.03.2024, Institut du Droit de l’Espace, des Territoires, de la Culture et de la Communication (IDETCOM – Law Institute), University of Toulouse-Capitole (France).
Museums as the Catalysts for a Democratic Revolution in Cultural Policy
LeGuennec, Aude,
Anderson, David,
Scarff, Lynn and
Castilla, Americo
Museums as the Catalysts for a Democratic Revolution in Cultural Policy.
In: Cultural Policy and Cultural Democracy: A Global Dialogue, 28-30 November 2023, Santiago de Chile.
Fabrics of Identity: School Uniforms
Le Guennec, Aude
Fabrics of Identity: School Uniforms.
S'habiller pour l'ecole (Dressed for School)
Le Guennec, Aude and
Coutant, Nicolas
S'habiller pour l'ecole (Dressed for School).
National Museum of Education, Rouen (France),
23rd June 2023 - March 2024
Rapport d'etude Prospect'Kid 2030
Parent, Olivier,
Denechere, Yves,
Le Guennec, Aude,
De La Ville, Valerie Ines,
Muller, Jean-Baptiste,
Kunkel, Isabelle and
Leroy, Julia
Rapport d'etude Prospect'Kid 2030.
Project Report.
Tell me: clothing as an interaction tool across cultures and places for school children.
LeGuennec, Aude,
Laetitia, Barbu,
Anne-Charlotte, Hartmann-Bragard and
Xiang, Li
Tell me: clothing as an interaction tool across cultures and places for school children.
Acorso - IN2FROCC.
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