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Giovanna Guidicini

  • Senior Lecturer in History of Architecture and Urban Studies
  • Architecture
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Number of items: 44.

Book or Monograph

Triumphal Entries and Festivals in Early Modern Scotland: Performing Spaces

Guidicini, Giovanna (2020) Triumphal Entries and Festivals in Early Modern Scotland: Performing Spaces. European Festival Studies: 1450-1700 . Brepols Publishers. ISBN 978-2-503-58541-3

Nobiltà Bolognese tra Città e Campagna: la Villa Angelelli-Zambeccari di Argelato

Guidicini, Giovanna, Rosignoli, Andrea and Vacondio, Sarah Louise (2011) Nobiltà Bolognese tra Città e Campagna: la Villa Angelelli-Zambeccari di Argelato. Franco Angeli, MIlano.

Book Section

A champion “large of portratour”: Robert the Bruce as “Giant” in Anti-Tudor Propaganda

Guidicini, Giovanna (2022) A champion “large of portratour”: Robert the Bruce as “Giant” in Anti-Tudor Propaganda. In: Giants and Dwarfs in European Art and Culture (c. 1350-1700): Real, Imagined, Metaphorical. Amsterdam University Press.

Edinburgh and Venice: Comparing the Evolution in Communal Living in Geographically Challenged Mercantile Communities

Guidicini, Giovanna (2020) Edinburgh and Venice: Comparing the Evolution in Communal Living in Geographically Challenged Mercantile Communities. In: The Architecture of Scotland 1660-1750. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh. ISBN 9781474455268

Royal Welcomes in Edinburgh New Town: Portraying Civic Identity in 1822 and 1842

Guidicini, Giovanna (2019) Royal Welcomes in Edinburgh New Town: Portraying Civic Identity in 1822 and 1842. In: The New Town of Edinburgh, An Architectural Celebration. John Donald, pp. 99-113. ISBN 9781910900352

Ordering the World: Games in the Architectural Iconography of Stirling Castle, Scotland

Guidicini, Giovanna (2019) Ordering the World: Games in the Architectural Iconography of Stirling Castle, Scotland. In: Games and Game Playing in European Art and Literature, 16th-17th Centuries. Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, pp. 221-248. ISBN 9789463728119

Imagining and staging an urban border: the role of the Netherbow gate in early modern Edinburgh

Guidicini, Giovanna (2015) Imagining and staging an urban border: the role of the Netherbow gate in early modern Edinburgh. In: The Design of Frontier Spaces: Control and Ambiguity. Design and the Built Environment . Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 65-86. ISBN 9781472419767

The Political and Cultural Influence of James V’s Court on the Decoration of the King’s Fountain in Linlithgow Palace

Guidicini, Giovanna (2012) The Political and Cultural Influence of James V’s Court on the Decoration of the King’s Fountain in Linlithgow Palace. In: Art and Identity: VisualCulture, Politics and Religion in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Cambridge Scholar Publishing. ISBN 978-1443836289

Scottishness on stage: creating and performing Scotland’s national identity during triumphal entries in the XVI and XVII centuries

Guidicini, Giovanna (2011) Scottishness on stage: creating and performing Scotland’s national identity during triumphal entries in the XVI and XVII centuries. In: The Shaping of Scottish Identities: Family, Nation, and the World Beyond. Guelph Series in Scottish Studies (II). University of Guelph.


'Coming into View: Eric Watt's photographs of Glasgow' Kelvingrove Art Gallery, Glasgow, 4 March 2023 to 31 July 2023

Guidicini, Giovanna (2023) 'Coming into View: Eric Watt's photographs of Glasgow' Kelvingrove Art Gallery, Glasgow, 4 March 2023 to 31 July 2023. International Review of Scottish Studies, 48 (2). pp. 129-132. ISSN 1923-5755

Early Modern Songscapes, English ayres & their dynamic acoustic environments, website

Guidicini, Giovanna (2023) Early Modern Songscapes, English ayres & their dynamic acoustic environments, website. Early Modern Digital Review. ISSN 2562-9263

Digitalising Experiential Celebrations in the Early Modern Civic Space: A Methodological Investigation of Augmented Reality as Interpretative Tool

Guidicini, Giovanna (2021) Digitalising Experiential Celebrations in the Early Modern Civic Space: A Methodological Investigation of Augmented Reality as Interpretative Tool. DSH: Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. pp. 109-120. ISSN 0268-1145

Borders in Borderland: Scottish frontiers as makers and markers of national and urban identity

Guidicini, Giovanna (2021) Borders in Borderland: Scottish frontiers as makers and markers of national and urban identity. The Drouth (67). ISSN 1474-6190

Review of 'Scotch Baronial, Architecture and National Identity in Scotland', By Miles Glendinning and Aonghus MacKechnie. 312 pages. iv pages ISBN: 9781474283472 London and New York: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2019. Hardback £65.

Guidicini, Giovanna (2020) Review of 'Scotch Baronial, Architecture and National Identity in Scotland', By Miles Glendinning and Aonghus MacKechnie. 312 pages. iv pages ISBN: 9781474283472 London and New York: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2019. Hardback £65. The Scottish Historical Review, 99 (1). pp. 165-167. ISSN 0036-9241

Municipal Perspective, Royal Expectations, and the Use of Public Space: the case of the West Port, Edinburgh 1503-1633

Guidicini, Giovanna (2011) Municipal Perspective, Royal Expectations, and the Use of Public Space: the case of the West Port, Edinburgh 1503-1633. Architectural Heritage, XXII.

A Scottish triumphal path of learning at George Heriot Hospital, Edinburgh

Guidicini, Giovanna (2010) A Scottish triumphal path of learning at George Heriot Hospital, Edinburgh. International Review of Scottish Studies, 35.

Conference or Workshop Item

Il seminario di St Peter (Cardross, Scozia) e l’evoluzione nelle tecnologie di rappresentazione

Guidicini, Giovanna (2024) Il seminario di St Peter (Cardross, Scozia) e l’evoluzione nelle tecnologie di rappresentazione. In: UN DIALOGO POSSIBILE. RAPPRESENTARE E CONSERVARE IL CONTEMPORANEO (II), 28 November 2024, Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo.

A sacred space within a sacred space: Hugo Van der Goes’ Trinity Altarpiece in the Trinity College Kirk, Edinburgh

Guidicini, Giovanna (2023) A sacred space within a sacred space: Hugo Van der Goes’ Trinity Altarpiece in the Trinity College Kirk, Edinburgh. In: Renaissance Society of America 2024, 21 - 23 March 2024, Palmer House Hilton Hotel, Chigaco, IL, USA.

Before The Tron Kirk: Mount Parnasuss and a miraculous tree at the Salt Tron

Guidicini, Giovanna (2023) Before The Tron Kirk: Mount Parnasuss and a miraculous tree at the Salt Tron. In: Scottish Historic Buildings Trust Spring Lecture Series, 29 March 2023, Riddle's Court, Edinburgh.

Adornes’ Travel Experiences: Roads, Accommodations and Other Infrastructures [work in progress]

Guidicini, Giovanna (2022) Adornes’ Travel Experiences: Roads, Accommodations and Other Infrastructures [work in progress]. In: Anselm Adornes Discussion Day, 25th November 2022, online.

Anselm Adornes' Journey to Jerusalem in 1470–71: A Story of Early Modern Infrastructures

Guidicini, Giovanna (2022) Anselm Adornes' Journey to Jerusalem in 1470–71: A Story of Early Modern Infrastructures. In: Renaissance Society of America Conference, 9-11 March, 2023, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

The Triumphal Soundscape of Early Modern Edinburgh: Music, Cannon Shooting, Cheers, and Awkward Silences

Guidicini, Giovanna (2022) The Triumphal Soundscape of Early Modern Edinburgh: Music, Cannon Shooting, Cheers, and Awkward Silences. In: Renaissance Conference of America.

Edimburgo: patrimonio, spazio pubblico e benessere [Edinburgh: urban environment, public spaces, and wellbeing] 1 - Old Town 2 - New Town

Guidicini, Giovanna (2022) Edimburgo: patrimonio, spazio pubblico e benessere [Edinburgh: urban environment, public spaces, and wellbeing] 1 - Old Town 2 - New Town. In: Edimburgo: patrimonio, spazio pubblico e benessere [Edinburgh: urban environment, public spaces, and wellbeing] 1 - Old Town 2 - New Town, Universita' degli Studi di Firenze.

La Storia e Natura dell'Isola d'Elba, in Toscana, dai Romani ai Medici, a Napoleone History and the environment of Elba island, in Tuscany: from the Romans, to the Medici, to Napoleon.

Guidicini, Giovanna (2022) La Storia e Natura dell'Isola d'Elba, in Toscana, dai Romani ai Medici, a Napoleone History and the environment of Elba island, in Tuscany: from the Romans, to the Medici, to Napoleon. In: Strathclyde University Italian group seminar series.

The Trinity altarpiece and its setting: recreating space and spectacle in early modern Scotland

Guidicini, Giovanna (2022) The Trinity altarpiece and its setting: recreating space and spectacle in early modern Scotland. In: Trinity study group symposium.

"Large of portrature": Robert the Bruce in Anti-Tudor Propaganda in Early Modern Aberdeen

Guidicini, Giovanna (2021) "Large of portrature": Robert the Bruce in Anti-Tudor Propaganda in Early Modern Aberdeen. In: Renaissance Society of America, 2021, Online.

Performing Societal Arrangements in (Civic) Space: The Past and Present of Augmented Reality

Guidicini, Giovanna (2019) Performing Societal Arrangements in (Civic) Space: The Past and Present of Augmented Reality. In: 16th Annual International Conference of the Architectural Humanities Research Association, Dundee, 21 - 23 November 2019, University of Dundee.

Performing identity and authority in the civic space: Edinburgh as an early modern case study

Guidicini, Giovanna (2019) Performing identity and authority in the civic space: Edinburgh as an early modern case study. In: Extracurricular lecture - guest speaker, 2 May, 2019, School of Architecture + Design, Virginia Tech, VA.

Textiles, spectacle and the creation of imaginary worlds during Edinburgh triumphal entries

Guidicini, Giovanna (2019) Textiles, spectacle and the creation of imaginary worlds during Edinburgh triumphal entries. In: Dress and Décor in Medieval and Renaissance Scotland, University of Glasgow.

"Riscoprire, Abbellire, Conservare, o Falsificare? Alfonso Rubbiani e l'Architettura di Bologna a Cavallo del '900"

Guidicini, Giovanna (2019) "Riscoprire, Abbellire, Conservare, o Falsificare? Alfonso Rubbiani e l'Architettura di Bologna a Cavallo del '900". In: Scottish Italian Circle in Edinburgh - lecture serie event.

Residential systems and spatial appropriation: the rise and fall of a Senatorial family in Early Modern Bologna

Guidicini, Giovanna (2018) Residential systems and spatial appropriation: the rise and fall of a Senatorial family in Early Modern Bologna. In: European Architectural History Network (EAHN) Conference, 14-16 June 2018, Tallinn, Estonia.

Celebrating Mary Stuart in Edinburgh; the Use of Civic Space in 1558 and 1561

Guidicini, Giovanna (2018) Celebrating Mary Stuart in Edinburgh; the Use of Civic Space in 1558 and 1561. In: Monthly Lecture of the Franco-Scottish Society, April 2018, Edinburgh, UK.

Italian villas in the 16th & 17th centuries

Guidicini, Giovanna (2018) Italian villas in the 16th & 17th centuries. In: The Italian Club Lecture Series, 11 April 2018, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

"The storm of heresy is raging": Political Defiance and Religious Subversion in James V's Scotland

Guidicini, Giovanna (2018) "The storm of heresy is raging": Political Defiance and Religious Subversion in James V's Scotland. In: Renaissance Society of America, 22-24 March 2018, New Orleans, LA, USA.

“The storm of heresy is raging”: Political Defiance and Religious Subversion in James V’s Scotland

Guidicini, Giovanna (2018) “The storm of heresy is raging”: Political Defiance and Religious Subversion in James V’s Scotland. In: Renaissance Society of America (RSA) Conference, 22–24 March 2018, New Orleans, LA, USA.

The Iconography of Stirling Castle Façade: Barrow Award Report

Guidicini, Giovanna (2018) The Iconography of Stirling Castle Façade: Barrow Award Report. In: The Society for Scottish Medieval and Renaissance Studies.

Festivals and Celebrations: James VI in Edinburgh 1579, 1590, and 1617

Guidicini, Giovanna (2017) Festivals and Celebrations: James VI in Edinburgh 1579, 1590, and 1617. In: Patronage and Processionals: A Riddle’s Court Study Day, Patrick Geddes Centre for Learning, Edinburgh.

Royal Welcomes in Edinburgh New Town: portraying civic identity in 1822 and 1842

Guidicini, Giovanna (2017) Royal Welcomes in Edinburgh New Town: portraying civic identity in 1822 and 1842. In: Edinburgh New Town and the new towns in Scotland, 1767-2017, 05-06 October 2017, University of Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens.

Early Modern High-Rise Living and the Tenement Experience

Guidicini, Giovanna (2017) Early Modern High-Rise Living and the Tenement Experience. In: Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) Conference, 7-11 June 2017, Glasgow, UK.

Early Modern High-Rise Living and the Tenement Experience

Guidicini, Giovanna (2017) Early Modern High-Rise Living and the Tenement Experience. In: Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) Conference, 07-11 June 2017, Glasgow.

Whose Power? Iconography and Agendas in Early Modern Scottish Ceremonies

Guidicini, Giovanna (2017) Whose Power? Iconography and Agendas in Early Modern Scottish Ceremonies. In: College Art Association (CAA) 105th Annual Conference, 15-18 Feb 2017, New York, NY, USA.

Gender, Age, Politics, and Religion: Problematic Scottish Monarchs and/in the Urban Space, 1503-1633

Guidicini, Giovanna (2016) Gender, Age, Politics, and Religion: Problematic Scottish Monarchs and/in the Urban Space, 1503-1633. In: Society for Renaissance Studies 7th Biennial Conference, 18-20 July 2016, Glasgow, UK.

Ordering the World: The Game of Trionfi and the Architectural Iconography of Stirling Castle, Scotland

Guidicini, Giovanna (2016) Ordering the World: The Game of Trionfi and the Architectural Iconography of Stirling Castle, Scotland. In: Renaissance Society of America (RSA) Conference, Boston.


'Triumph, the Anti-Interior and Death' -the Mac Research Symposium

Rodger, Johnny, Guidicini, Giovanna, McCormack, Helen and Rammou, Virginia (2021) 'Triumph, the Anti-Interior and Death' -the Mac Research Symposium. [Video]

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