Florian Urban
- Head of History of Architecture and Urban Studies (HAUS)
- Architecture
Number of items: 136.
Form Follows Fuel - 14 Buildings from Antiquity to the Oil Age
Urban, Florian and
Calder, Barnabas
Form Follows Fuel - 14 Buildings from Antiquity to the Oil Age.
Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon..
Eco-Pomo in Milton Keynes
Urban, Florian
Eco-Pomo in Milton Keynes.
Architectural Histories.
ISSN 2050-5833
Informal Housing in 20th-century Europe: origins, transformations, divergences
Urban, Florian and
Manzano, Noel
Informal Housing in 20th-century Europe: origins, transformations, divergences.
In: European Association for Urban History Biennial Conference, 4-6 September 2024, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic.
Ambivalent Anti-Urbanism – the „Eco Estates” in 1980s West Germany
Urban, Florian
Ambivalent Anti-Urbanism – the „Eco Estates” in 1980s West Germany.
In: European Architectural History Network Conference, 19-23 June 2024, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, Greece.
Architecture can Save the World - Keynote Lecture at the Conference "Re-Energise", organised by the Architects' Climate Action Network (ACAN)
Urban, Florian,
Calder, Barnabas and
Burns, John
Architecture can Save the World - Keynote Lecture at the Conference "Re-Energise", organised by the Architects' Climate Action Network (ACAN).
In: Re-energise, 23 May 2024, Glasgow School of Art, Reid Lecture Theatre.
The Future of Large Housing Estates. Requirements. Opportunities. Perspectives
Urban, Florian
The Future of Large Housing Estates. Requirements. Opportunities. Perspectives.
In: Cities.Building.Culture. New Approaches to Heritage Development in Eastern Europe, 21-22 March 2024, RWTH Aachen University, Germany.
Does Postmodern Mean Capitalist? On Postmodernism and the Planned Economy in Poland and the German Democratic Republic
Urban, Florian
Does Postmodern Mean Capitalist? On Postmodernism and the Planned Economy in Poland and the German Democratic Republic.
A+U Architekura Urbanizmus, 57 (3-4).
pp. 162-175.
ISSN 0044-8680
Beyond Formal and Informal: Mid-twentieth-century Residential Architecture in Barcelona's El Carmel Neighbourhood
Urban, Florian and
Golda-Pongratz, Kathrin
Beyond Formal and Informal: Mid-twentieth-century Residential Architecture in Barcelona's El Carmel Neighbourhood.
Urban History.
pp. 1-31.
ISSN 0963-9268
Presentation and Panel Chair at the Conference "High-Tech Heritage - Impermanence of Innovation" at ETH Zurich
Urban, Florian
Presentation and Panel Chair at the Conference "High-Tech Heritage - Impermanence of Innovation" at ETH Zurich.
In: High-Tech Architecture - Impermanence of Innovation, 14-16 September 2023, ETH Zurich.
La Perla, Puerto Rico: Beyond Formal and Informal
Urban, Florian
La Perla, Puerto Rico: Beyond Formal and Informal.
The Oxford Handbook of the Modern Slum.
Oxford Handbooks
Oxford University Press, pp. 516-537.
ISBN 9780190879457
Tower Blocks, Infills, Eco Estates — The Discourse on Social Housing in West Germany
Urban, Florian
Tower Blocks, Infills, Eco Estates — The Discourse on Social Housing in West Germany.
The Social Dimension of Social Housing.
Spector Books, Leipzig, pp. 248-263.
ISBN 9783959056533
Postmodernism in Europe: between Unlimited Growth and Ecological Awareness
Urban, Florian
Postmodernism in Europe: between Unlimited Growth and Ecological Awareness.
In: Public Lecture Series, 07 December 2022, Berlin International School of Applied Science.
"It is time no longer to praise the Seagram Building, but to bury it" [comparison of the energy profile of Mies van der Rohe’s iconic Seagram Building with Waugh Thistleton’s 6 Orsman Road]
Urban, Florian and
Calder, Barnabas
"It is time no longer to praise the Seagram Building, but to bury it" [comparison of the energy profile of Mies van der Rohe’s iconic Seagram Building with Waugh Thistleton’s 6 Orsman Road].
Architects Journal, 249 (108).
ISSN 0003-8466
Hebridean blackhouse vs volume housebuilder home – energy profiles compared
Urban, Florian and
Calder, Barnabas
Hebridean blackhouse vs volume housebuilder home – energy profiles compared.
Architects Journal, 249 (8).
pp. 24-31.
ISSN 0003-8466
The End of the Planned City? Urban Planning after 1989
Urban, Florian
The End of the Planned City? Urban Planning after 1989.
European Planning History in the 20th Century - A Continent of Urban Planning.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 256-267.
ISBN 9781032222271; 9781003271666 (ebook)
The Old Town of Elblag - a Postmodern Historic Monument
Urban, Florian
The Old Town of Elblag - a Postmodern Historic Monument.
City: History, Culture, Society, 1 (13).
pp. 334-351.
ISSN 2616-4280
Postmodernism in Europe between Unlimited Growth and Ecological Awareness
Urban, Florian
Postmodernism in Europe between Unlimited Growth and Ecological Awareness.
In: Annual PhD Colloquium, Department of Architecture, TU Delft, 4-5 July 2022, Delft, Netherlands.
Histories of Informal Architecture [Panel]
Urban, Florian
Histories of Informal Architecture [Panel].
In: Conference of the European Architectural History Network (EAHN), 15-18 June 2022, Colegio de Arquitectos, Madrid, Spain.
Back to the Future: M&S Oxford Street vs the Baths of Caracalla – energy profiles compared
Urban, Florian and
Calder, Barnabas
Back to the Future: M&S Oxford Street vs the Baths of Caracalla – energy profiles compared.
Architects Journal, 249 (4).
pp. 54-61.
ISSN 0003-8466
Postmodernism Beyond the Neoliberal Turn (Keynote Lecture)
Urban, Florian
Postmodernism Beyond the Neoliberal Turn (Keynote Lecture).
In: Fictitious Capital - Postmodernism and the Built Environment - Fourth Annual International Symposium of the Avie and Sarah Arenson Built Heritage Research Center at Technion Haifa, 23-25 March 2022, Technion Haifa, Israel.
Postmodernism in Europe: between Unlimited Growth and Ecological Awareness
Urban, Florian
Postmodernism in Europe: between Unlimited Growth and Ecological Awareness.
In: Denkmal Postmoderne [monument postmodernism], 3-5 March 2021, Bauhaus University Weimar.
Postsozialistische Stadt – Räumliche Politik und die Wiedereinführung kapitalistischer Verhältnisse (The postsocialist city - spatial politics and the reintroduction of capitalist conditions - comment)
Urban, Florian
Postsozialistische Stadt – Räumliche Politik und die Wiedereinführung kapitalistischer Verhältnisse (The postsocialist city - spatial politics and the reintroduction of capitalist conditions - comment).
In: Conference: "Räumliche Planung und politische Herrschaftsformen", 9-11 December 2021, Institute for European Urbanism, Bauhaus University, Weimar, Germany.
The Postmodern Old Town of Elbląg
Urban, Florian
The Postmodern Old Town of Elbląg.
In: Histories of Urban Design – Global Trajectories and Local Realities, 15-17 November 2021, ETH Zurich.
The Old Town of Elbląg, a Postmodern Historic Monument
Urban, Florian
The Old Town of Elbląg, a Postmodern Historic Monument.
In: After Socialist Modernism. Design, Architecture and Urban planning of the 1980s, 11-12 October 2021, National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Urban History Association Book Forum: "Afterlives of Public Housing: A Comparative Conversation"
Urban, Florian
Urban History Association Book Forum: "Afterlives of Public Housing: A Comparative Conversation".
In: Urban History Association Book Forum, 2nd October 2021, Chicago and Los Angeles (Online).
Debates over Postmodern Architecture in Late Socialist Poland
Urban, Florian
Debates over Postmodern Architecture in Late Socialist Poland.
In: Rethinking Socialist Space in the Twentieth Century, 24-25 June 2021, St Anthony's College, University of Oxford (online).
Teaching Energy Awareness
Urban, Florian
Teaching Energy Awareness.
In: Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain (SAHGB), 9th - 18th June 2021, University of Cambridge (online).
Construction Groups and Urban Resources in Early-Twenty-First-Century Berlin
Urban, Florian
Construction Groups and Urban Resources in Early-Twenty-First-Century Berlin.
In: European Architectural History Network (EAHN), Conference in Edinburgh, June 2021, University of Edinburgh (online).
Copenhagen’s “Return to the Inner City” 1990-2010
Urban, Florian
Copenhagen’s “Return to the Inner City” 1990-2010.
Journal of Urban History, 47 (3).
pp. 651-673.
ISSN 1552-6771
Mass Housing Estates
Urban, Florian
Mass Housing Estates.
In: Belgrade International Architecture Week / BINA 21, April 22th - May 5th 2021, Association of Belgrade Architects, Belgrade, Serbia (online).
Mass Housing in Germany and Beyond
Urban, Florian
Mass Housing in Germany and Beyond.
In: Architektur als Baukasten (title of the seminar), 4th February 2021, University of Hamburg, Department of Art History, Dr. Frank Schmitz (online).
Postmodern Architecture across the Borders
Urban, Florian
Postmodern Architecture across the Borders.
In: Postmodern Architecture Across the Borders (invited online lecture), 18 January 2021, Politeknika Poznanska, Department of Architecture (online), Poznan, Poland.
Bottom-Up Postmodernism: Unauthorised Church Architecture in Socialist Poland
Urban, Florian
Bottom-Up Postmodernism: Unauthorised Church Architecture in Socialist Poland.
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 79 (4).
pp. 459-477.
ISSN 0037-9808
Postmodern Architecture in Socialist Poland: Transformation, Symbolic Form and National Identity
Urban, Florian
Postmodern Architecture in Socialist Poland: Transformation, Symbolic Form and National Identity.
ISBN 9780367860738
Postmodern Reconciliation – Reinventing the Old Town of Elbląg
Urban, Florian
Postmodern Reconciliation – Reinventing the Old Town of Elbląg.
Architectural Histories, 8 (1).
Art 16.
ISSN 2050-5833
Large Housing Estates in European Cities
Urban, Florian
Large Housing Estates in European Cities.
In: Lecture Series Mass Housing, 19 Aug 2020, Moscow Higher School of Economics (online).
Postmodern Architecture Under Socialism – The Ascension Church in Warsaw-Ursynów
Urban, Florian
Postmodern Architecture Under Socialism – The Ascension Church in Warsaw-Ursynów.
The Journal of Architecture, 25 (3).
pp. 317-346.
ISSN 1360-2365
Postmodernism and socialist mass housing in Poland
Urban, Florian
Postmodernism and socialist mass housing in Poland.
Planning Perspectives, 35 (1).
pp. 27-60.
ISSN 0266-5433
New Tenements – Architecture for Urban Cohesion? [paper], Tenements, Tower Blocks and Collective Life [panel title]
Urban, Florian
New Tenements – Architecture for Urban Cohesion? [paper], Tenements, Tower Blocks and Collective Life [panel title].
In: Architectural Humanities Research Association (AHRA) Conference, 21-23 November 2019, Unversity of Dundee.
The Ascension Church in Warsaw-Ursynów – Postmodernism and the Nation in Late Socialist Poland
Urban, Florian
The Ascension Church in Warsaw-Ursynów – Postmodernism and the Nation in Late Socialist Poland.
In: Spaces of Un-Nationalism, 7-8 November 2019, Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, Germany.
Post-socialist transition: Between Conflicts and Legacy [Panel organization]
Urban, Florian
Post-socialist transition: Between Conflicts and Legacy [Panel organization].
In: UrbanHIst- Interpreting the History of 20th Century Urbanism, 20-24 October 2019, Wenner Green Center, Stockholm, organised by Blekinge Tekniska Hogsköla Karlskrona, Sweden.
The New Tenement
Urban, Florian
The New Tenement.
In: The New Tenement (Turin), 3 October 2019, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy.
Башня и коробка: Краткая история массового жилья (Vashnya i korobka: kratkaya istoriya massovogo zhilya) [Russian translation of "Tower and Slab"]
Urban, Florian
Башня и коробка: Краткая история массового жилья (Vashnya i korobka: kratkaya istoriya massovogo zhilya) [Russian translation of "Tower and Slab"].
Strelka Press, Moscow.
Postmodern Architecture and Political Change
Urban, Florian
Postmodern Architecture and Political Change.
In: Postmodern Architecture and Political Change - Poland and Beyond, 12-14 November 2019, German Historical Institute, Warsaw.
The Oude Westen a “Gentle” Urban Renewal in European Cities
Urban, Florian
The Oude Westen a “Gentle” Urban Renewal in European Cities.
In: The urban renewal of the Oude Westen neighbourhood revisited, 21-24 August 2019, Office for Metropolitan Information, Rotterdam.
Postmodern architecture in Socialist Poland
Urban, Florian
Postmodern architecture in Socialist Poland.
In: Mackintosh Research Symposium, 24 April 2019, The Glasgow School of Art.
The New Tenement - Manchester School of Architecture
Urban, Florian
The New Tenement - Manchester School of Architecture.
In: The New Tenement: Book Presentation, 20 Feb 2019, Manchester School of Art.
Vienna’s resistance to the neoliberal turn - social policy through residential architecture from 1970 to the present
Urban, Florian
Vienna’s resistance to the neoliberal turn - social policy through residential architecture from 1970 to the present.
Footprint, 13 (1).
pp. 91-112.
ISSN 1875-1504
The New Tenement (Warsaw)
Urban, Florian
The New Tenement (Warsaw).
In: The New Tenement - Public Lecture at Politechnika Warszawska, 29 November 2018, Warsaw Polytechnic University.
Postmodern Architecture in Poland
Urban, Florian
Postmodern Architecture in Poland.
In: Public Lecture Series at the German Historical Institute, 28 November 2018, German Historical Institute, Warsaw.
The Regeneration of Elbląg
Urban, Florian
The Regeneration of Elbląg.
In: “35 Years Regeneration of Elbląg”, 28 November 2018, Galeria L, Elbląg, Poland.
La Perla, Puerto Rico – Writing the History of Informal Architecture
Urban, Florian
La Perla, Puerto Rico – Writing the History of Informal Architecture.
In: A World of Architectural History, 2-4 November 2018, Bartlett School of Architecture, London.
Improvisation: Allotment Sheds (Berlin)
Urban, Florian
Improvisation: Allotment Sheds (Berlin).
Encyclopaedia of Vernacular Architecture.
Bloomsbury, London.
ISBN 9781472592736
Creative Transformation of Large-Scale Public Housing
Urban, Florian
Creative Transformation of Large-Scale Public Housing.
In: Transformation of Large-Scale Housing, 16-21 September 2018, Vienna, University of Vienna and Theater Brett.
Large Housing Estates of Berlin, Germany
Urban, Florian
Large Housing Estates of Berlin, Germany.
Housing Estates in Europe - Poverty, Ethnic Segregation and Policy Challenges.
The Urban Book Series
Springer, Berlin, pp. 99-120.
ISBN 9783319928128
Postmodern Architecture in Poland – Meaning and Appropriation under Late Socialism
Urban, Florian
Postmodern Architecture in Poland – Meaning and Appropriation under Late Socialism.
In: European Architectural History Network (EAHN), annual conference, Tallinn, 13-17 June 2018, Tallinn, Estonia.
Tower Blocks - a methodological challenge
Urban, Florian
Tower Blocks - a methodological challenge.
In: Tower Block UK - Closing Event, organised by by the Scottish Centre for Conservation Studies at the University of Edinburgh in Collaboration with Docomomo Scotland, 12 June 2018, Minto House, University of Edinburgh.
Postmodernism in Poland - an Architecture of Resistance?
Urban, Florian
Postmodernism in Poland - an Architecture of Resistance?
In: po.mo.stroika – Postmodern Theories, Practices, and Histories in Central and Eastern Europe, 17-18 May 2018, Balassi Hungarian Institute, Berlin.
The New Tenement - Keynote Speech at the EVN annual meeting
Urban, Florian
The New Tenement - Keynote Speech at the EVN annual meeting.
In: Annual Meeting of the association "Employers in Voluntary Housing" (EVN), 8 April 2018, Grand Central Hotel, Glasgow.
Modernising Glasgow – Tower Blocks, Motorways, and New Towns 1940-2010
Urban, Florian
Modernising Glasgow – Tower Blocks, Motorways, and New Towns 1940-2010.
The Journal of Architecture, 23 (2).
pp. 265-309.
ISSN 1360-2365
Glasgow’s Tenement Tradition
Urban, Florian
Glasgow’s Tenement Tradition.
In: Glasgow's Tenement Tradition - Are We British or European?, 15 February 2018, Glasgow City Heritage Trust (organizer), St Luke's, Bain Street, Glasgow.
Mac Research Symposium : How To Publish an Academic Book
Rodger, Johnny,
McCormack, Helen,
Robertson, Frances and
Urban, Florian
Mac Research Symposium : How To Publish an Academic Book.
In: Mac Research symposium, 24 January 2018, Bourdon building, Main Lecture theatre, Glasgow School of Art.
Berlin’s Construction Groups and the Politics of Bottom-Up Architecture
Urban, Florian
Berlin’s Construction Groups and the Politics of Bottom-Up Architecture.
Urban History, 45 (2).
pp. 1-32.
ISSN 0963-9268
The New Tenement - Architecture and the Return to the Inner City
Urban, Florian
The New Tenement - Architecture and the Return to the Inner City.
In: The New Tenement - Architecture and the Return to the Inner City, 18 January 2018, The Lighthouse, Glasgow.
The New Tenement
Urban, Florian
The New Tenement.
In: The New Tenement - Book Release Event, 12 January 2018, Book Store "Pro QM", Berlin.
Polnische postmoderne Architektur im internationalen Spannungsfeld [Polish Postmodern Architecture in an International Context]
Urban, Florian
Polnische postmoderne Architektur im internationalen Spannungsfeld [Polish Postmodern Architecture in an International Context].
In: Verflechtung und Abgrenzung. Deutsch-polnische Perspektiven in der Kunstgeschichte seit 1945/ Powiązania i rozbieżności. Niemiecko-polskie perspektywy badawcze w historii sztuki po roku 1945 [German-Polish perspectives in art history since 1945], 16-17 November 2017, German Historical Institute, Warsaw.
The New Tenement - Residences in the Inner City Since 1970
Urban, Florian
The New Tenement - Residences in the Inner City Since 1970.
Routledge, Abingdon.
ISBN 9781138224469
Die Wiederentdeckung der Altstadt. Das Nikolaiviertel und die Husemannstraße in Ost-Berlin
Urban, Florian
Die Wiederentdeckung der Altstadt. Das Nikolaiviertel und die Husemannstraße in Ost-Berlin.
In: Das doppelte Stadtjubiläum, 8 September 2017, Berlin Wall Foundation, Berlin.
The New Tenement
Urban, Florian
The New Tenement.
In: Sykhiv Lectures, organized by the Center for Urban History, 22 August 2017, Lviv, Ukraine.
The Postmodern City in the German Democratic Republic
Urban, Florian
The Postmodern City in the German Democratic Republic.
In: The Ins and Outs of Socialism, 25-27 August 2017, Centre for the Urban History of East Central Europe, Lviv, Ukraine.
Der Hof im Stadtquartier (The Courtyard in the Urban Neighbourhood)
Urban, Florian
Der Hof im Stadtquartier (The Courtyard in the Urban Neighbourhood).
In: Stadtbaukunst - die Entwicklung von Stadtquartieren [Urban Design - Neighbourhood Development], 28 June 2017, Frankfurt, Germany.
Mass Housing Elsewhere
Urban, Florian
Mass Housing Elsewhere.
In: Society of Architectural Historians, Annual Meeting, 7-9 June 2017, Glasgow.
The housing estate Märkisches Viertel in Berlin – 50 years of struggle over a concrete utopia
Urban, Florian
The housing estate Märkisches Viertel in Berlin – 50 years of struggle over a concrete utopia.
In: Concrete Utopias, 12-13 May 2017, Liverpool.
‘The Slab’ in East Germany - an Ambivalent Heritage
Urban, Florian
‘The Slab’ in East Germany - an Ambivalent Heritage.
In: How Long are New Towns New? European Post-War New Towns as Authentic Places in a Comparative Perspective, 23-24 February 2017, Potsdam, Germany.
The De-industrializing City
Urban, Florian
The De-industrializing City.
In: The De-industrialising City: Urban, architectural and socio-cultural perspectives, 12-13 December 2016, German Historical Institute, London.
The New Tenement - Re-housing the Inner City
Urban, Florian
The New Tenement - Re-housing the Inner City.
In: Architecture History and Theory Lecture Series, 4 Oct 2016, Minto House, University of Edinburgh, UK.
The New Tenement – on Urban Density and Social Cohesion
Urban, Florian
The New Tenement – on Urban Density and Social Cohesion.
In: Biennial Conference of the International Planning History Society (IPHS), 17-20 Jul 2016, TU Delft, The Netherlands.
Berlin’s Building Groups – A Bottom-Up Initiative in a Highly Professionalized Environment
Urban, Florian
Berlin’s Building Groups – A Bottom-Up Initiative in a Highly Professionalized Environment.
In: Conference of the European Architectural History Network (EAHN), 2-4 Jun 2016, Dublin Castle, Ireland.
Back to the City (Conference)
Urban, Florian
Back to the City (Conference).
In: Back to the City - Urbanism, Density, Housing 1976-2016, 5-6 May 2016, Glasgow, UK.
Organization of the Conference "Back to the City - Urbanity, Density, Housing 1976-2016"
Urban, Florian
Organization of the Conference "Back to the City - Urbanity, Density, Housing 1976-2016".
The Glasgow School of Art.
Visualizing Traces of Destruction
Urban, Florian and
Platt, Christopher
Visualizing Traces of Destruction.
In: 42nd Annual Conference of the Association of Art Historians, 7-9 April 2016, University of Edinburgh, UK.
Do tenements generate social cohesion? - The city as an active agent vs. the city as a site for action
Urban, Florian
Do tenements generate social cohesion? - The city as an active agent vs. the city as a site for action.
In: Annual Urban History Group Conference: Re-Evaluating the Place of the City in History, 31 Mar- 1 Apr 2016, University of Cambridge, UK.
Frank Lloyd Wright
Urban, Florian
Frank Lloyd Wright.
In: The Battle of the Architects - Scotland vs. America, 16 March 2016, Glasgow City Heritage Trust , Webster's Theatre.
"Le Grand Glasgow" - the Decentralisation of Glasgow 1950-1970
Urban, Florian
"Le Grand Glasgow" - the Decentralisation of Glasgow 1950-1970.
In: Inventing Grand Paris - Cross-Perspectives on Metropolitan Areas from the 1940s to the 1960s, 1-2 Dec 2015, Petit Palais, Paris, France.
The Friedrichstadt Palace in East Berlin
Urban, Florian
The Friedrichstadt Palace in East Berlin.
Setting the Scene: Perspectives on Twentieth-Century Theatre Architecture.
Routledge, Farnham, pp. 219-236.
ISBN 9781472416520
Germany, Country of Tenants
Urban, Florian
Germany, Country of Tenants.
Built Environment, 41 (2).
pp. 183-195.
ISSN 0263-7960
The Future of Planning History
Urban, Florian
The Future of Planning History.
In: International Planning History Workshop, 11-13 June 2015, TU Delft, The Netherlands.
The New Tenement
Urban, Florian
The New Tenement.
In: Public Lecture Series at the Institute for Social Sciences, 18 May 2015, Institute for Social Sciences, Humboldt University, Berlin.
Informal architecture in La Perla, Old San Juan - Heritage or Disturbance?
Urban, Florian
Informal architecture in La Perla, Old San Juan - Heritage or Disturbance?
In: De Ruinas, Memorias, Paisajes y Monumentos: Las Dimensiones Sinuosas Del Patrimonio, 26-27 March 2015, Universidad de Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
La Perla – 100 years of Informal Architecture in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Urban, Florian
La Perla – 100 years of Informal Architecture in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Planning Perspectives, 30 (4).
pp. 495-536.
ISSN 0266-5433
“Balmoral Castle – European Romanticism and Nation Building in the Scottish Highlands” [co-authored with Aonghus MacKechnie], Architectural History 58 n. 1 (2015), 159-196.
Urban, Florian and
MacKechnie, Aonghus
“Balmoral Castle – European Romanticism and Nation Building in the Scottish Highlands” [co-authored with Aonghus MacKechnie], Architectural History 58 n. 1 (2015), 159-196.
Architectural History.
Myth no. 7: Only Immigrants Still Live in European Public Housing
Urban, Florian
Myth no. 7: Only Immigrants Still Live in European Public Housing.
Public Housing Myths: Beyond Victims and Villains.
Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY.
La Perla – 100 years of informal architecture in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Urban, Florian
La Perla – 100 years of informal architecture in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
In: Lecture Series at the Center for Metropolitan Studies, Berlin Technical University, 4 November 2014, Berlin.
The Märkisches Viertel in West Berlin
In Mark Swenarton, Tom Avermaete, and Dirk van den Heuvel, eds., Architecture and the Welfare State (Abingdon: Taylor and Francis, 2014)
Urban, Florian
The Märkisches Viertel in West Berlin
In Mark Swenarton, Tom Avermaete, and Dirk van den Heuvel, eds., Architecture and the Welfare State (Abingdon: Taylor and Francis, 2014).
Architecture and the Welfare State.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 177-198.
La ville divisée 1945-1989
Urban, Florian
La ville divisée 1945-1989.
Berlin – Histoire, Promenades, Anthologie et Dictionnaire.
Editions Laffont, Paris.
ISBN 9782221125700
The Battle over Märkisches Viertel in West Berlin - Conference Presentation at the University of Amsterdam
Urban, Florian
The Battle over Märkisches Viertel in West Berlin - Conference Presentation at the University of Amsterdam.
In: International Sociological Association RC43 (Research Committee on Housing and the Built Environment), 10-12 July 2013,, Amsterdam University, M Building (Amsterdam Business School), Plantage Muidergracht 12, 1018 TV Amsterdam, Netherlands.
The Hut on the Garden Plot - Informal Architecture in Twentieth-Century Berlin
Urban, Florian
The Hut on the Garden Plot - Informal Architecture in Twentieth-Century Berlin.
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 72 (2).
pp. 221-249.
ISSN 00379808
Glasgow’s Royal Concert Hall and the Invention of the Post-modern City
Urban, Florian
Glasgow’s Royal Concert Hall and the Invention of the Post-modern City.
Journal of Architecture, 18 (2).
pp. 254-296.
ISSN 1360-2365
Tower and Slab - Public Lecture at Columbia University
Urban, Florian
Tower and Slab - Public Lecture at Columbia University.
In: Lecture Series in the Department of History at Columbia University, Columbia University - Lehman Center for American History
406 International Affairs Building
420 West 118th Street
New York, NY 10027.
The Hut on the Garden Plot
Urban, Florian
The Hut on the Garden Plot.
In: Society of Architectural Historians (SAH), Annual Meeting in Buffalo, USA, Society of Architectural Historians, Annual Meeting, Buffalo, NY, USA.
New Tenements and the Image of the Past – the Crown Street Development in Glasgow’s New Gorbals
Urban, Florian
New Tenements and the Image of the Past – the Crown Street Development in Glasgow’s New Gorbals.
arq: Architectural Research Quarterly, 17 (1).
pp. 37-48.
ISSN 1359-1355
East Berlin
Urban, Florian
East Berlin.
Capital Cities in the Shadow of the Cold War.
Alexandrine Press (Taylor and Francis), New York.
Public Housing in European Cities
Urban, Florian
Public Housing in European Cities.
In: the Lecture Series European Urbanism, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany.
Historic Conservation and East Berlin’s Socialist Heritage
Urban, Florian
Historic Conservation and East Berlin’s Socialist Heritage.
In: Conference "Yesterday Today Tomorrow: Memory in the Urban Space", National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, organised by the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation.
The Märkisches Viertel in West Berlin
Urban, Florian
The Märkisches Viertel in West Berlin.
In: Architecture and the Welfare State 1918-1979, September 2012, University of Liverpool.
The Ambivalent Success of Social Housing in Germany
Urban, Florian
The Ambivalent Success of Social Housing in Germany.
In: Conference of the International Planning History Society (IPHS) in Sao Paulo, July 2012.
Urban Restructuring in Europe since the 1970s
Urban, Florian
Urban Restructuring in Europe since the 1970s.
In: Conference of the International Planning History Society in Sao Paulo (July 2012).
Japanese Occidentalism and the Emergence of Postmodern Architecture
Urban, Florian
Japanese Occidentalism and the Emergence of Postmodern Architecture.
Journal of Architectural Education, 65 (2).
pp. 89-102.
ISSN 1046-4883
Tower Blocks - Brush them up or knock them down?
Urban, Florian
Tower Blocks - Brush them up or knock them down?
In: Red Road Underground - A Series Public Lecture at the New Glasgow Society, New Glasgow Society, Glasgow.
Mumbai’s Suburban Mass Housing – Modernist Tower Blocks in an Indian Metropolis 1947-1990
Urban, Florian
Mumbai’s Suburban Mass Housing – Modernist Tower Blocks in an Indian Metropolis 1947-1990.
Urban History, 39 (1).
pp. 128-148.
ISSN 0963-9268
Tower and Slab – Histories of Global Mass Housing
Urban, Florian
Tower and Slab – Histories of Global Mass Housing.
Routledge, London.
ISBN 0415676290
The Reinvention of Industrial Glasgow
Urban, Florian
The Reinvention of Industrial Glasgow.
In: Annual Conference of the Society for American City and Regional Planning History (SACRPH), November 2011, Baltimore.
Tower and Slab – Global Mass Housing
Urban, Florian
Tower and Slab – Global Mass Housing.
In: Lecture Series in the Department of History at Fordham University, November 2011, New York.
Mass Housing in East and West Germany
Urban, Florian
Mass Housing in East and West Germany.
In: Mass Housing, Edinburgh, Edinburgh College of Art.
Reinventing Industrial Glasgow
Urban, Florian
Reinventing Industrial Glasgow.
In: Port City Networks, August 2011, Hamburg.
Book Review of Architecture’s Historical Turn – Phenomenology and the Rise of the Postmodern by Jorge Otero-Pailos, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2010
Urban, Florian
Book Review of Architecture’s Historical Turn – Phenomenology and the Rise of the Postmodern by Jorge Otero-Pailos, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2010.
Planning Perspectives, 26 (2).
pp. 319-343.
ISSN 0266-5433
Built Historiography in Glasgow’s New Gorbals
Urban, Florian
Built Historiography in Glasgow’s New Gorbals.
Journal of Art Historiography.
ISSN 2042-4752
Mass Housing in Germany – Controversial Success and Ambivalent Heritage
Urban, Florian
Mass Housing in Germany – Controversial Success and Ambivalent Heritage.
Espacios Ambivalentes: historias y olvidos en la arquitectura social moderna.
Ediciones Callejón, San Juan, Puerto Rico, pp. 52-75.
Built Historiography in Glasgow’s New Gorbals
Urban, Florian
Built Historiography in Glasgow’s New Gorbals.
In: Third Annual Glasgow Colloquium on Art Historiography, 25 to 27 November 2010, University of Glasgow.
Erker im Plattenbau – Die DDR entdeckt die historische Stadt
Urban, Florian
Erker im Plattenbau – Die DDR entdeckt die historische Stadt.
Paradigmenwechsel und Kontinuitätslinien im DDR-Städtebau.
Institut für Regionalentwicklung und Strukturplanung, Berlin.
ISBN 3934669093
Massenwohnungsbau in Moskau und Ost-Berlin
Urban, Florian
Massenwohnungsbau in Moskau und Ost-Berlin.
In: 11th Conference on East German Planning History, 2010, Leibniz Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning Erkner, Berlin, Germany.
Mumbai Mass Housing
Urban, Florian
Mumbai Mass Housing.
In: Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) Annual Meeting, 2010, Pasadena, California.
Postmoderne als Konsens: Neo-historistischer Wiederaufbau im Ost-Berliner Nikolaiviertel 1977-1989
Urban, Florian
Postmoderne als Konsens: Neo-historistischer Wiederaufbau im Ost-Berliner Nikolaiviertel 1977-1989.
In: Rebuilding European Cities: Reconstruction-Policy since 1945, 2010, University of Hamburg, Forschungsstelle für Zeitgeschichte, Germany.
Vivienda social en los dos estados alemanes
Urban, Florian
Vivienda social en los dos estados alemanes.
In: Vivir y pensar la comunidad moderna: historia y memorias de la vivienda social, 1938-1968, 2001, Universidad de Puerto Rico, School of Architecture, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Neo-historical East Berlin – Architecture and Urban Design in the German Democratic Republic 1970-1990
Urban, Florian
Neo-historical East Berlin – Architecture and Urban Design in the German Democratic Republic 1970-1990.
Ashgate Studies in Architecture
Ashgate, Farnham.
ISBN 0754676161
Book review of “A women’s Berlin” by Despina Stratigakos
Urban, Florian
Book review of “A women’s Berlin” by Despina Stratigakos.
European Architectural History Network.
ISSN 1997-5023
Prefab Russia
Urban, Florian
Prefab Russia.
Docomomo Journal, 39.
pp. 18-22.
Designing the Past in East Berlin Before and After the German Reunification
Urban, Florian
Designing the Past in East Berlin Before and After the German Reunification.
Progress in Planning, 86 (1).
pp. 1-55.
ISSN 0305-9006
High-rise Housing in Chicago, Berlin, Moscow, and Shanghai
Urban, Florian
High-rise Housing in Chicago, Berlin, Moscow, and Shanghai.
In: Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, 2008, Boston, USA.
Políticas de preservación arquitectónica en Berlín y Guadalajara
Urban, Florian
Políticas de preservación arquitectónica en Berlín y Guadalajara.
In: Arquitectura moderna del siglo XX en Guadalajara: La conservación de un patrimonio, Escuela Superior de Arquitectura, Guadalajara, Mexico.
Berlin / DDR, neohistorisch: Geschichte aus Fertigteilen
Urban, Florian
Berlin / DDR, neohistorisch: Geschichte aus Fertigteilen.
Gebrüder Mann Verlag, Berlin.
ISBN 3786125449
From Obsolescence to Eternal Preservation
Urban, Florian
From Obsolescence to Eternal Preservation.
Future Anterior, 3 (1).
pp. 24-35.
The Invention of the Historic City – Building the Past in East Berlin 1970-1990
Urban, Florian
The Invention of the Historic City – Building the Past in East Berlin 1970-1990.
PhD thesis, MIT/Berlin Technical University.
Rudolf Schwarz and the Speech of the Land – Grammar as a Political Device in Postwar Germany
Urban, Florian
Rudolf Schwarz and the Speech of the Land – Grammar as a Political Device in Postwar Germany.
Journal of Architecture, 9 (3).
pp. 251-266.
ISSN 1360-2365
Picture Postcards of Urbanity – Reflections on Berlin’s Inner City and the 1999 Master Plan
Urban, Florian
Picture Postcards of Urbanity – Reflections on Berlin’s Inner City and the 1999 Master Plan.
Journal of Architectural Education, 57 (1).
pp. 68-73.
ISSN 1046-4883
The Spirit of the City – Transcendence and Urban Design in Postwar Berlin
Urban, Florian
The Spirit of the City – Transcendence and Urban Design in Postwar Berlin.
Thresholds 25: Sacrosanct (25).
pp. 84-89.
ISSN 1091-711X
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