Number of items: 91.
Envisioning Architecture Space/Time/Meaning
Maver, Tom,
Chapman, Paul,
Platt, Christopher,
Portela, Victor and
Eaton, David, eds.
Envisioning Architecture Space/Time/Meaning.
Freight Publishing, Glasgow.
ISBN 9780957666085
“How To Fail Your Research Degree “: Evaluation of a serious game for postgraduate skills
Abbott, Daisy
“How To Fail Your Research Degree “: Evaluation of a serious game for postgraduate skills.
In: 'Enhancing the student journey': 10th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, 30 March 2017, Glasgow, UK.
How to Fail Your Research Degree
Abbott, Daisy
How to Fail Your Research Degree.
The Game Crafter.
"How to Fail Your Research Degree": An educational game for postgraduate students
Abbott, Daisy
"How to Fail Your Research Degree": An educational game for postgraduate students.
In: 3rd International Enhancement in Higher Education Conference: Inspiring excellence - transforming the student experience, 6 - 8 June 2017, Glasgow, UK.
How to Fail Your Research Degree: interactive workshop on game -based learning of postgraduate research skills
Abbott, Daisy
How to Fail Your Research Degree: interactive workshop on game -based learning of postgraduate research skills.
In: Learning and Teaching Conference: Informing, Inspiring and Innovating, 19-20 June 2017, Inverness.
Development of cross-curricular key skills using a 3D immersive learning environment in schools
Abbott, Daisy,
Jeffrey, Stuart,
Gouseti, Anastasia,
Burden, Kevin and
Maxwell, Mhairi
Development of cross-curricular key skills using a 3D immersive learning environment in schools.
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 725.
pp. 60-74.
ISSN 1865-0929
Game-enhanced learning without the cost: modding analogue games
Abbott, Daisy and
Louchart, Sandy Jean-Jacques
Game-enhanced learning without the cost: modding analogue games.
In: Games and Simulation enhanced Learning (GSeL) Conference, 3-4 November 2017, Plymouth University, UK.
Paradocumentation and NT Live’s ‘CumberHamlet’
Abbott, Daisy and
Read, Claire
Paradocumentation and NT Live’s ‘CumberHamlet’.
Documenting Performance.
Bloomsbury Methuen Drama, London, pp. 165-187.
ISBN 97814725888173
DMI’s FuturEd Program: Global Survey Timeline and Trends
Aitchison, Iain
DMI’s FuturEd Program: Global Survey Timeline and Trends.
Design Management Review, 28 (3).
pp. 6-9.
ISSN 1557-0614
Immersive soundscapes to elicit anxiety in exposure therapy: physical desensitization and mental catharsis
Argo, Jessica
Immersive soundscapes to elicit anxiety in exposure therapy: physical desensitization and mental catharsis.
PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
Violence at ISSTA 2017: Sound-Makers: Technologies, Practices and Cultures
Argo, Jessica
Violence at ISSTA 2017: Sound-Makers: Technologies, Practices and Cultures.
Design Unwrapped Phase 1 User Testing
Argo, Jessica,
Love, Steve,
Glasgow, Lauren,
Smith, Damien,
Breslin, Mark and
Kudel, Pawel
Design Unwrapped Phase 1 User Testing.
Glasgow Improviser's Orchestra and Phil Minton - Democracy Through Improvisation: Feral Choristers, New Technology and Playfulness at Glasgow Jazz Festival 2017
Argo, Jessica,
Minton, Phil,
Roche, Emma,
MacGlone, Una,
MacDonald, Raymond and
Rossi, Gerry
Glasgow Improviser's Orchestra and Phil Minton - Democracy Through Improvisation: Feral Choristers, New Technology and Playfulness at Glasgow Jazz Festival 2017.
GIO-Matazz at the Glad Cafe
Argo, Jessica,
Muramatsu, Atzi,
Beagles, Sam and
Henderson, Robert
GIO-Matazz at the Glad Cafe.
GIO-Fest X
Argo, Jessica,
Rossi, Gerry and
MacDonald, Raymond
GIO-Fest X.
Sonica Talk: VR – In the Realm of the Sensors. Panel discussion on Siren Servers
Argo, Jessica,
Smith, Damien,
Lamb, Giles,
Butler, John and
Allan, Craig Ritchie
Sonica Talk: VR – In the Realm of the Sensors. Panel discussion on Siren Servers.
In: Sonica Talk: VR – In the Realm of the Sensors., 1 November 2017, Centre for Contemporary Arts.
The Aesthetics of Prosthetic Greaves: Co-Design For Expressing Personal Identity
Blom, Jeroen,
French, Tara and
Briscoe, Gerard
The Aesthetics of Prosthetic Greaves: Co-Design For Expressing Personal Identity.
In: Making Futures International Research Conference: Crafting a sustainable modernity towards a maker aesthetics of production and consumption, 21-22 September 2017, Plymouth College of Art, UK.
Bradley, Jay and
Blom, Jeroen
Project Report.
Digital Health & Care Institute (DHI).
Glimpse - Movement for Wellbeing in the Workplace
Bradley, Jay and
Johnson, Michael
Glimpse - Movement for Wellbeing in the Workplace.
Project Report.
Digital Health & Care Institute (DHI).
Nursing Records and Open Innovation
Bradley, Jay and
Tulloch, Angela
Nursing Records and Open Innovation.
Project Report.
Glasgow School of Art.
Novel approaches to production and post-production of immersive VR/360 audio-visual experiences
Breslin, Ronan,
Argo, Dr Jessica and
Petrova, Poli
Novel approaches to production and post-production of immersive VR/360 audio-visual experiences.
In: ISSTA International Festival and Conference On Sound In The Arts, Science And Technology, 7-8 September 2017, Dundalk, Republic of Ireland.
Materiality Matters: Exploring the use of design tools in innovation workshops with the craft and creative sector in the Northern
Isles of Scotland
Broadley, Cara,
Champion, Katherine and
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers
Materiality Matters: Exploring the use of design tools in innovation workshops with the craft and creative sector in the Northern
Isles of Scotland.
In: 12th European Academy of Design Conference – Design for Next, 12–14 April 2017, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome.
Materiality Matters: Exploring the use of design tools in innovation workshops with the craft and creative sector in the Northern Isles of Scotland
Broadley, Cara,
Champion, Katherine and
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers
Materiality Matters: Exploring the use of design tools in innovation workshops with the craft and creative sector in the Northern Isles of Scotland.
The Design Journal, 20 (1).
ISSN 1460-6925
Leapfrog Summer School 2017 Report: Exploring Community Engagement for Research: Power, Impact, & Collaboration
Broadley, Cara and
Mcara, Marianne
Leapfrog Summer School 2017 Report: Exploring Community Engagement for Research: Power, Impact, & Collaboration.
Project Report.
Leapfrog 2016 Summer School Report: Action Research, Engagement, and Co-design
Broadley, Cara and
Murphy, Emma
Leapfrog 2016 Summer School Report: Action Research, Engagement, and Co-design.
Project Report.
MyBio Dolls
Caccavale, Elio
MyBio Dolls.
Giro Giro Tondo - Design For Children.
Electa, Milan, pp. 177-178.
ISBN 978-8891813985
MyBio Xenotransplant Dolls
Caccavale, Elio,
Ashcroft, Richard and
Reiss, Michael
MyBio Xenotransplant Dolls.
Triennale Design Museum, Milan,
01 April 2017 - 08 Feb 2018
Design for social sustainability. A reflection on the role of the physical realm in facilitating community of co-design
Calvo, Mirian and
De Rosa, Annalinda
Design for social sustainability. A reflection on the role of the physical realm in facilitating community of co-design.
In: 12th European Academy Design Conference: Design For Next, 12-14 April 2017, Rome, Italy.
Art of Possible: AR/VR Trends and Futures
Chapman, Paul
Art of Possible: AR/VR Trends and Futures.
In: Art of Possible: AR/VR Trends and Futures, 3 July 2017, The Lighthouse, Glasgow.
Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality: Real problems, Virtual Solutions
Chapman, Paul
Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality: Real problems, Virtual Solutions.
In: Scottish Innovation - PechaKucha Night, 23 March 2017, Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh.
From Pong to Vive – The rise, fall and rise again of computer graphics and immersive environments
Chapman, Paul
From Pong to Vive – The rise, fall and rise again of computer graphics and immersive environments.
In: Digital Disruption and the Skills Gap, 30 November 2017, Technology and Innovation Centre, Strathclyde University.
Innovation in the Making: Technology, Design and Digitalisation
Chapman, Paul
Innovation in the Making: Technology, Design and Digitalisation.
In: Future Now Symposium 2017, 25 May 2017, York, UK.
Keynote: Visualisation in Science
Chapman, Paul
Keynote: Visualisation in Science.
In: Visualisation in Science Conference, 5 April 2017, University of Glasgow, UK.
The Meaning of Immersion in VR
Chapman, Paul
The Meaning of Immersion in VR.
In: Glasgow Short Film Festival, 16-19 March 2017, Glasgow, UK.
VR - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Chapman, Paul
VR - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
In: Digital Cities: Glasgow 2017, 17 March 2017, BBC Scotland.
Virtual Reality: Temporary Distraction or Real Opportunity?
Chapman, Paul
Virtual Reality: Temporary Distraction or Real Opportunity?
In: EEO/AGI(S) Professional Seminar Series for 2017, 24 February 2017, University of Edinburgh Earth Observatory.
Design Value: The Role of Design in Innovation - Final Report
Cooper, Rachel,
Hernandez, Ricardo,
Murphy, Emma and
Tether, Bruce
Design Value: The Role of Design in Innovation - Final Report.
Project Report.
Lancaster University, Lancaster.
Trust and provenance in communication to eHealth consumers
Cumming, Grant P.,
French, Tara,
Hogg, Jamie,
McKendrick, Doug,
Gilstad, Heidi,
Molik, David and
Luciano, Joanne S.
Trust and provenance in communication to eHealth consumers.
The Digitization of Healthcare: New Challenges and Opportunities.
Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 189-203.
ISBN 9781349951727
Formulating eHealth utilising an ecological understanding
Cumming, Grant P.,
McKendrick, Doug,
Hogg, Jamie,
French, Tara,
Kahana, Eva,
Molik, David and
Luciano, Joanne
Formulating eHealth utilising an ecological understanding.
The Digitization of Healthcare: New Challenges and Opportunities.
Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 81-98.
ISBN 9781349951727
Educating for Appropriate Design Practice: Insights from Design Innovation
Dixon, Brian and
Murphy, Emma
Educating for Appropriate Design Practice: Insights from Design Innovation.
Design Management Journal, 11 (1).
pp. 58-66.
ISSN 1942-5074
Digital curation and online resources: digital scanning of surgical tools at the royal college of physicians and surgeons of Glasgow for an open university learning resource
Earley, Kirsty,
Livingstone, Daniel and
Rea, Paul
Digital curation and online resources: digital scanning of surgical tools at the royal college of physicians and surgeons of Glasgow for an open university learning resource.
Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine, 40 (1).
pp. 2-12.
ISSN 1745-3054
Experience Lab: Breastfeeding
French, Tara and
Hepburn, Leigh Anne
Experience Lab: Breastfeeding.
Project Report.
Digital Health and Care Institute.
The subtleties of care: illuminating relational care through design
French, Tara,
Teal, Gemma and
Broadley, Cara
The subtleties of care: illuminating relational care through design.
In: Does Design Care? An International Workshop of Design Thought and Action, 12-13 September 2017, Imagination, Lancaster University.
Indigenous Business Model & Strategy Canvas
Fullarton Pegg, Fergus
Indigenous Business Model & Strategy Canvas.
The Glasgow School of Art.
The Practical Circular Economy
Fullarton Pegg, Fergus
The Practical Circular Economy.
The Glasgow School of Art.
Work Shop a design methodology
Fullarton Pegg, Fergus
Work Shop a design methodology.
The Glasgow School of Art.
The indigenous business model
Fullarton Pegg, Fergus
The indigenous business model.
The Glasgow School of Art.
Disrupting the heritage of place: how counter archaeologies were practiced by the ACCORD project at Dumby, Scotland
Hale, Alex,
Fisher, Alison,
Hutchinson, John,
Jeffrey, Stuart,
Jones, Sian,
Maxwell, Mhairi and
Stuart-Watson, John
Disrupting the heritage of place: how counter archaeologies were practiced by the ACCORD project at Dumby, Scotland.
World Archaeology, 49 (3).
pp. 372-387.
ISSN 0043-8243
Experience Lab: Crossreach
Hepburn, Leigh Anne,
Tulloch, Angela and
French, Tara
Experience Lab: Crossreach.
Project Report.
Digital Health and Care Institute.
Organisations as Artefacts –
An Inquiry into Hidden Design Activities Within Situated Organisational Contexts
Herfurth, Lorenz
Organisations as Artefacts –
An Inquiry into Hidden Design Activities Within Situated Organisational Contexts.
PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Blockchain Ruralities: Novel Digital Geographies in the Scottish Highlands
Jaramillo, George Steve
Blockchain Ruralities: Novel Digital Geographies in the Scottish Highlands.
In: Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference - POWER 2.0: Digital Geographies, 30 August 2017, London, UK.
Cartographies of Occlusion and the Underground: Wanderings with(in) the Peak District
Jaramillo, George Steve
Cartographies of Occlusion and the Underground: Wanderings with(in) the Peak District.
LivingMaps Review (online).
ISSN 2398-0338
Enabling Capabilities: Innovation and development in the Outer Hebrides
Jaramillo, George Steve
Enabling Capabilities: Innovation and development in the Outer Hebrides.
M/C Journal, 20 (2).
ISSN 1441-2616
Extractive Geographies, Immersive Lives: Performative
Explorations of Labour and Materialities in the Southern Peak District
Jaramillo, George Steve
Extractive Geographies, Immersive Lives: Performative
Explorations of Labour and Materialities in the Southern Peak District.
Reanimating Regions: Culture, Politics, Performance.
Regions and Cities
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 287-301.
ISBN 9781138931534
Fragmentary Landscapes: Explorations through the detritus of the Peak District
Jaramillo, George Steve
Fragmentary Landscapes: Explorations through the detritus of the Peak District.
Landscape Research, 42 (6).
pp. 663-676.
ISSN 0142-6397
Hebridean Views: Contemporary Postcards from the Outer Hebrides
Jaramillo, George Steve
Hebridean Views: Contemporary Postcards from the Outer Hebrides.
Project Report.
The Glasgow School of Art.
Harmonics: Towards Enlightened Evaluation
Jaramillo, George Steve and
Champion, Katherine
Harmonics: Towards Enlightened Evaluation.
In: 12th European Academy Design Conference: Design For Next, 12-14 April 2017, Rome, Italy.
Harmonics: Towards Enlightened Evaluation
Jaramillo, George Steve and
Champion, Katherine
Harmonics: Towards Enlightened Evaluation.
The Design Journal: An International Journal for All Aspects of Design, 20 (Sup1).
ISSN 1460-6925
HARPS, the Historical Archaeology Research Project on Staffa
Jeffrey, Stuart
HARPS, the Historical Archaeology Research Project on Staffa.
Archaeology Scotland Magazine, 28.
pp. 7-9.
ISSN 2041-7039
Working through Co-production with Community Groups
Jeffrey, Stuart and
Abbott, Daisy
Working through Co-production with Community Groups.
In: SGSAH Summer School, 21st June 2017, IET Teacher Building, 14 St Enoch Square, Glasgow.
Digital Diabetes - Communication Between
Communicators (CBC): Supporting Behaviour Change
Johnson, Michael,
Teal, Gemma,
Thorup, Tine and
Ballie, Jen
Digital Diabetes - Communication Between
Communicators (CBC): Supporting Behaviour Change.
Project Report.
Digital Health and Care Institute (DHI).
CO/DEsign: building a shared dialogue around analysis within co-design
Johnson, Michael Pierre,
Ballie, Jen,
Thorup, Tine and
Brooks, Elizabeth
CO/DEsign: building a shared dialogue around analysis within co-design.
The Design Journal, 20 (Sup).
ISSN 1460-6965
Living on the Edge: design artefacts as boundary objects
Johnson, Michael Pierre,
Ballie, Jen,
Thorup, Tine and
Brooks, Elizabeth
Living on the Edge: design artefacts as boundary objects.
The Design Journal, 20 (Sup 1).
ISSN 1460-6965
3D heritage visualisation and the negotiation of authenticity: the ACCORD project
Jones, Sian,
Jeffrey, Stuart,
Maxwell, Mhairi,
Hale, Alex and
Jones, Cara
3D heritage visualisation and the negotiation of authenticity: the ACCORD project.
International Journal of Heritage Studies, 24 (4).
pp. 333-353.
ISSN 1352-7258
Development of a Patient-Specific 3D-Printed Liver Model for Preoperative Planning
Madurska, Marta,
Poyade, Matthieu,
Eason, David,
Rea, Paul and
Watson, Angus J.M.
Development of a Patient-Specific 3D-Printed Liver Model for Preoperative Planning.
Surgical Innovation, 24 (2).
pp. 145-150.
ISSN 1553-3506
Participatory design with young people: exploring the experiential, relational and contextual dimensions of participation
McAra, Marianne
Participatory design with young people: exploring the experiential, relational and contextual dimensions of participation.
PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
Leapfrog: Stories of Impact; co-designing tools that support new volunteers to transition into a new role and to articulate the impact of their volunteering
McAra, Marianne and
Smith, Paul
Leapfrog: Stories of Impact; co-designing tools that support new volunteers to transition into a new role and to articulate the impact of their volunteering.
Project Report.
ImaginationLancaster and The Glasgow School of Art.
The user experience of mobile music making: An ethnographic exploration of music production and performance in practice
McGrath, Sean and
Love, Steve
The user experience of mobile music making: An ethnographic exploration of music production and performance in practice.
Computers in Human Behaviour, 72.
pp. 233-245.
ISSN 0747-5632
Leapfrog: Be Included: co-designing tools for person-centered evaluation of services for adults with learning difficulties
Mcara, Marianne and
Smith, Paul
Leapfrog: Be Included: co-designing tools for person-centered evaluation of services for adults with learning difficulties.
Project Report.
imaginationLancaster and The Glasgow School of Art.
Leapfrog: Tackling Loneliness and Isolation; Tools to support social enterprises to share practice and to engage in conversation with service users
Mcara, Marianne and
Smith, Paul
Leapfrog: Tackling Loneliness and Isolation; Tools to support social enterprises to share practice and to engage in conversation with service users.
Project Report.
ImaginationLancaster and The Glasgow School of Art.
Co-designed Tools: what happens after? A Leapfrog Dissemination Event
Mcara, Marianne,
Smith, Paul and
Johnson, Michael
Co-designed Tools: what happens after? A Leapfrog Dissemination Event.
Creative Campus, Forres,
June 2017
Designing a Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy to Familiarise and Desensitise to Environmental Stressors in Airports
Poyade, Matthieu,
Morris, Glyn,
Taylor, Ian and
Portela, Victor
Designing a Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy to Familiarise and Desensitise to Environmental Stressors in Airports.
In: EuroVR Conference 2017, 12-14 December 2017, Laval, France.
Using Mobile Virtual Reality to Empower People with Hidden Disabilities to Overcome Their Barriers
Poyade, Matthieu,
Morris, Glyn,
Taylor, Ian and
Portela, Victor
Using Mobile Virtual Reality to Empower People with Hidden Disabilities to Overcome Their Barriers.
In: 19th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2017), 13–17 November 2017, Glasgow, UK.
Towards the development of a virtual reality simulator with haptic force feedback for training in stereotactic brain biopsies
Pérez-Pachón, Laura,
Poyade, Matthieu,
Brown, Jennifer and
Fallon, Valerie
Towards the development of a virtual reality simulator with haptic force feedback for training in stereotactic brain biopsies.
Serious Games and Edutainment Applications.
Springer International Publishing, pp. 121-145.
ISBN 9783319516431
Canine neuroanatomy: development of a 3D reconstruction and interactive application for undergraduate veterinary education
Raffan, Hazel,
Guevar, Julien,
Poyade, Matthieu and
Rea, Paul M.
Canine neuroanatomy: development of a 3D reconstruction and interactive application for undergraduate veterinary education.
PLoS ONE, 12 (2).
ISSN 1932-6203
Designing a culture of resilience: Embedding innovation in health and social care integration in Scotland
Raman, Sneha and
French, Tara
Designing a culture of resilience: Embedding innovation in health and social care integration in Scotland.
In: NHS Highland Research, Development & Innovation Annual Conference 2017: Resilience for Public Health, for the NHS, for Communities, for Patients and for All, 24 November 2017, Centre for Health Science, Inverness.
Design-led Approach to Co-production of Values for Collective Decision-Making
Raman, Sneha,
French, Tara and
Tulloch, Angela
Design-led Approach to Co-production of Values for Collective Decision-Making.
The Design Journal, 20 (Sup 1).
ISSN 1756-3062
Digitisation of Anatomical Specimens and Historical Pathology Specimens for Educational Benefit
Rea, Paul,
Livingstone, Daniel,
Jocks, Ianto Thorvald and
Osnes, Cecilie
Digitisation of Anatomical Specimens and Historical Pathology Specimens for Educational Benefit.
Serious Games and Edutainment Applications.
Springer, pp. 101-119.
ISBN 9783319516431
Constellations of Movement: An Interactive Application to Visualise Research in Motor Imagery Decoding
Rogers, Jen,
Poyade, Matthieu and
Pollick, Frank
Constellations of Movement: An Interactive Application to Visualise Research in Motor Imagery Decoding.
In: SIGGRAPH 2017, 30 July- 03 August 2017, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
CONSTELLATIONS OF MOVEMENT: An Interactive Visualization of Functional Mapping for Motor Imagery Decoding Research
Rogers, Jennifer,
Poyade, Matthieu and
Pollick, Frank
CONSTELLATIONS OF MOVEMENT: An Interactive Visualization of Functional Mapping for Motor Imagery Decoding Research.
In: Electronic Imaging 2017 - Science and Technology, 29 Jan- 2 Feb 2017, Burlingame, CA, USA.
Adopting Game Technology for Heritage Information Modelling
Sinclair, Calum,
Loranger, Brian and
Livingstone, Daniel
Adopting Game Technology for Heritage Information Modelling.
In: Immersive Learning Research Network Conference iLRN 2017, 26-29 June 2017, Coimbra, Portugal.
Digital Maker Networks. Benefits, barriers and opportunities for re-localised UK manufacturing for the future
Smith, Paul
Digital Maker Networks. Benefits, barriers and opportunities for re-localised UK manufacturing for the future.
The Design Journal, 20 (Sup 1).
ISSN 1460-6925
Sustainable Design Futures: An open design vision for the circular economy in fashion and textiles
Smith, Paul,
Baille, Jen and
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers
Sustainable Design Futures: An open design vision for the circular economy in fashion and textiles.
The Design Journal, 20 (Sup 1).
ISSN 1460-6925
ReMantle and Make: Feasibility Report for Future Makespaces in RdM
Smith, Paul,
Johnson, Michael,
Baille, Jennifer,
Prosser, Zoe and
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers
ReMantle and Make: Feasibility Report for Future Makespaces in RdM.
Project Report.
The Glasgow School of Art.
Re-Mantle and Make
Smith, Paul,
Johnson, Michael and
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers
Re-Mantle and Make.
Leapfrog: Peer-to-peer Community Engagement
Smith, Paul,
Mcara, Marianne,
Broadley, Cara and
Johnson, Michael
Leapfrog: Peer-to-peer Community Engagement.
Project Report.
ImaginationLancaster and The Glasgow School of Art.
Commons People: Additive Manufacturing Enabled Collaborative Commons Production (by design)
Smith, Paul and
Mortati, Marzia
Commons People: Additive Manufacturing Enabled Collaborative Commons Production (by design).
International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing, 6 (2-3).
pp. 197-213.
ISSN 1757-8825
Developing design principles for a Virtual Hospice: improving access to care
Taylor, Andrea,
French, Tara and
Raman, Sneha
Developing design principles for a Virtual Hospice: improving access to care.
BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care.
ISSN 2045-435X
Nursing Records and Open Innovation visual findings
Tulloch, Angela and
Bradley, Jay
Nursing Records and Open Innovation visual findings.
Sinbad and the Magic Cure: A Serious Game for Children with ASD and Auditory Hypersensitivity
Zakari, Hanan,
Poyade, Matthieu and
Simmons, David
Sinbad and the Magic Cure: A Serious Game for Children with ASD and Auditory Hypersensitivity.
Games and Learning Alliance, GALA 2017.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 54-63.
ISBN 978-3-319-71939-9
Live Brain-Computer Cinema Performance
Zioga, Polina
Live Brain-Computer Cinema Performance.
PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 04:33:19 2025 UTC.