Daisy Abbott
- Research Developer
- Digital Design Studio
Number of items: 83.
Book Section
An Educational Game to Teach Immune Evasion of the Schistosome and Validation of Its Impact
Dai, Junlong,
Abbott, Daisy and
Bialic, Hannah
An Educational Game to Teach Immune Evasion of the Schistosome and Validation of Its Impact.
Medical Visualization and Applications of Technology.
Biomedical Visualization, 2
Springer, Cham, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 263-295.
ISBN 9783031634628
A Model for Mapping Serious Game Mechanics to Pedagogical Patterns
Ferguson, Jamie,
Abbott, Daisy and
Louchart, Sandy Jean-Jacques
A Model for Mapping Serious Game Mechanics to Pedagogical Patterns.
Serious Games. JCSG 2023.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14309
Springer, Cham.
ISBN 978-3-031-44750-1
Serious ‘Slow’ Game Jam - A Game Jam Model for Serious Game Design
Abbott, Daisy,
Chatzifoti, Olga,
Ferguson, Jamie,
Louchart, Sandy Jean-Jacques and
Stals, Shenando
Serious ‘Slow’ Game Jam - A Game Jam Model for Serious Game Design.
ICGJ '23: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Game Jams, Hackathons and Game Creation Events.
ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 28-36.
ISBN 979-8-4007-0879-4/23/08
Provoking Games to Encourage Critical Reflection
Abbott, Daisy,
Chatzifoti, Olga and
Louchart, Sandy Jean-Jacques
Provoking Games to Encourage Critical Reflection.
Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Game Based Learning.
Academic Conferences and Publishing International.
Communicative Powers of Interactive Digital Mediums in the Field of Polyomics
Bushko, Isabella,
Abbott, Daisy,
Barrett, Michael and
Bialic, Hannah
Communicative Powers of Interactive Digital Mediums in the Field of Polyomics.
Medical Visualization and Applications of Technology.
Biomedical Visualization, 1
Springer, Cham, pp. 181-202.
ISBN Hardcover: 978-3-031-06734-1; eBook: 978-3-031-06735-8
Serious Game Rapid Online Co-design to Facilitate Change Within Education
Abbott, Daisy,
Chatzifoti, Olga and
Craven, Joanne
Serious Game Rapid Online Co-design to Facilitate Change Within Education.
Proceedings of Games and Learning Alliance, 10th International Conference, GaLA 2021.
Intentional Learning Design for Educational Games: a workflow supporting both novices and experts
Abbott, Daisy
Intentional Learning Design for Educational Games: a workflow supporting both novices and experts.
Learner and User Experience Research: An Introduction for the Field of Learning Design & Technology.
EdTech Books.
Beyond Vicarious Learning: Embedding Dialogic Learning into Educational Games
Abbott, Daisy
Beyond Vicarious Learning: Embedding Dialogic Learning into Educational Games.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Game Based Learning.
Academic Conferences International Limited, Reading, pp. 1-10.
ISBN 978-1-912764-71-6
A Serious Game on Skull Anatomy for Dental Undergraduates
Dall, Ruaridh,
Abbott, Daisy,
Rea, Paul and
Varsou, Ourania
A Serious Game on Skull Anatomy for Dental Undergraduates.
Biomedical Visualisation.
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 7
Springer, pp. 217-237.
ISBN 978-3-030-43960-6
Modding Tabletop Games for Education
Abbott, Daisy
Modding Tabletop Games for Education.
Games and Learning Alliance. GALA 2018.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11385
Springer, pp. 318-329.
ISBN 978-3-030-11547-0
Paradocumentation and NT Live’s ‘CumberHamlet’
Abbott, Daisy and
Read, Claire
Paradocumentation and NT Live’s ‘CumberHamlet’.
Documenting Performance.
Bloomsbury Methuen Drama, London, pp. 165-187.
ISBN 97814725888173
Preserving Interaction
Abbott, Daisy
Preserving Interaction.
Preserving Complex Digital Objects.
Facet Publishing, London, UK, pp. 297-309.
ISBN 978-1-85604-958-0
Theoretical Discussions on Digital Representations of Performance
Abbott, Daisy,
Jones, Sarah and
Ross, Seamus
Theoretical Discussions on Digital Representations of Performance.
Capturing the Essence of Performance: The Challenges of Intangible Heritage.
Société internationale des bibliothèques et musées des arts du spectacle (SIBMAS)
PIE Peter Lang, Brussels, pp. 81-88.
ISBN 978-90-5201-637-5
Empower New Code Citizens to Reflect and Communicate on Code Security
Maarek, Manuel,
Abbott, Daisy,
Chatzifoti, Olga,
Shah, Ryan,
Chan, Sheun Chi,
Loidl, Hans-Wolfgang,
Stewart, Robert,
Ferguson, Jamie,
Louchart, Sandy Jean-Jacques,
Stals, Shenando and
Baillie, Lynne
Empower New Code Citizens to Reflect and Communicate on Code Security.
IEEE Security & Privacy.
pp. 2-11.
ISSN 1558-4046
Evaluating Serious Slow Game Jams as a Mechanism for Co-Designing Serious Games to Improve Understanding of Cybersecurity
Stals, Shenando,
Baillie, Lynne,
Ferguson, Jamie Iona,
Abbott, Daisy,
Maarek, Manuel,
Shah, Ryan and
Louchart, Sandy Jean-Jacques
Evaluating Serious Slow Game Jams as a Mechanism for Co-Designing Serious Games to Improve Understanding of Cybersecurity.
Games: Research and Practice.
ISSN 2832-5516
Game-Based Approaches for Research Skills Training and Researcher Development: A Survey of Attitudes and Acceptance in Higher Education
Abbott, Daisy
Game-Based Approaches for Research Skills Training and Researcher Development: A Survey of Attitudes and Acceptance in Higher Education.
ICERI2024 Proceedings.
pp. 1440-1449.
ISSN 2340-1095
Choose Your Own Adventure! An empirical study on gamification of postgraduate learning on research project design
Abbott, Daisy
Choose Your Own Adventure! An empirical study on gamification of postgraduate learning on research project design.
Journal of Play in Adulthood, 6 (1).
pp. 18-43.
ISSN 2632-1254
Health Care Providers’ Readiness to Adopt an Interactive 3D Web App in Consultations About Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Qualitative Evaluation of a Prototype
Holuszko, Olivia,
Abdulcadir, Jasmine,
Abbott, Daisy and
Clancy, Jenny
Health Care Providers’ Readiness to Adopt an Interactive 3D Web App in Consultations About Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Qualitative Evaluation of a Prototype.
JMIR Formative Research, 7 (e44696).
ISSN 2561-326X
Adopting the use of a legacy digital artefact in formal educational settings: opportunities and challenges
Gouseti, Anastasia,
Abbott, Daisy,
Jeffrey, Stuart and
Burden, Kevin
Adopting the use of a legacy digital artefact in formal educational settings: opportunities and challenges.
Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 29 (5).
pp. 613-629.
ISSN 1747-5139
Game-based learning for postgraduates: an empirical study of an educational game to teach research skills
Abbott, Daisy
Game-based learning for postgraduates: an empirical study of an educational game to teach research skills.
Higher Education Pedagogies, 4 (1).
pp. 80-104.
ISSN 2375-2696
Development of cross-curricular key skills using a 3D immersive learning environment in schools
Abbott, Daisy,
Jeffrey, Stuart,
Gouseti, Anastasia,
Burden, Kevin and
Maxwell, Mhairi
Development of cross-curricular key skills using a 3D immersive learning environment in schools.
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 725.
pp. 60-74.
ISSN 1865-0929
“How to Fail Your Research Degree”: A serious game for research students in Higher Education
Abbott, Daisy
“How to Fail Your Research Degree”: A serious game for research students in Higher Education.
Serious Games, 9090 (1).
pp. 179-185.
ISSN 0302-9743
Digital Curation and Doctoral Research
Abbott, Daisy
Digital Curation and Doctoral Research.
International Journal of Digital Curation, 10 (1).
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 1746-8256
Old plays, new narratives: fan production of new media texts from broadcast theatre
Abbott, Daisy
Old plays, new narratives: fan production of new media texts from broadcast theatre.
Interactive Film and Media Journal, 1 (2).
pp. 33-51.
ISSN 2564-4173
Empire 3D: A Collaborative Semantic Annotation Tool for Virtual Environments
Abbott, Daisy,
Bale, Kim,
Gowigati, Ramy,
Pritchard, Douglas and
Chapman, Paul
Empire 3D: A Collaborative Semantic Annotation Tool for Virtual Environments.
Proceedings of The 2011 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP'11: July 18-21, 2011, USA).
pp. 47-52.
ISSN 1-60132-192-9
Linking Evidence with Heritage Visualization Using a Large Scale Collaborative Interface
Abbott, Daisy,
Bale, Kim,
Gowigati, Ramy,
Pritchard, Douglas and
Chapman, Paul
Linking Evidence with Heritage Visualization Using a Large Scale Collaborative Interface.
Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (VAST 2011).
pp. 121-128.
ISSN 1811-864x
Linking Evidence with Heritage Visualization using a large
Scale Collaborative Interface
Bale, Kim,
Abbott, Daisy,
Gowigati, Ramy,
Pritchard, Douglas and
Chapman, Paul
Linking Evidence with Heritage Visualization using a large
Scale Collaborative Interface.
Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage VAST.
pp. 121-128.
ISSN 1811-864x
Empire 3D: A Collaborative Semantic Annotation Tool for Virtual Environments
Abbott, Daisy,
Bale, Kim,
Gowigati, Ramy,
Pritchard, Douglas and
Chapman, Paul
Empire 3D: A Collaborative Semantic Annotation Tool for Virtual Environments.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Visualization Methods, WORLDCOMP 2011..
pp. 121-128.
Content Models for Enhancement and Sustainability: Creating a Generic Framework for Digital Resources in the Arts and Humanities
Stuart, David,
Aitken, Brian,
Abbott, Daisy,
Chassanoff, Alex,
Hedges, Mark and
McHugh, Andrew
Content Models for Enhancement and Sustainability: Creating a Generic Framework for Digital Resources in the Arts and Humanities.
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 240.
pp. 234-244.
DCC Briefing Papers on Web 2.0 for Researchers and Curators; Interoperability; Data Quality and Accreditation; Annotation; Genre Classification; and What is Digital Curation? - DCC, 2008-2009
Abbott, Daisy
DCC Briefing Papers on Web 2.0 for Researchers and Curators; Interoperability; Data Quality and Accreditation; Annotation; Genre Classification; and What is Digital Curation? - DCC, 2008-2009.
DCC Resources.
DigiCULT.Info Issues 4 - 10, June 2003 - February 2005
Abbott, Daisy
DigiCULT.Info Issues 4 - 10, June 2003 - February 2005.
DigiCULT.Info Online Journal.
Conference or Workshop Item
Games and Gamification for Personalized and Inclusive Learning
Abbott, Daisy
Games and Gamification for Personalized and Inclusive Learning.
In: 17th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 11-13 Nov 2024, Seville, Spain.
ChatTKT: A framework for understanding and engaging with ChatGPT
Hooper, Alan,
Abbott, Daisy,
Murphy, Correy and
Weir, Catherine
ChatTKT: A framework for understanding and engaging with ChatGPT.
In: The Glasgow School of Art Learning and Teaching Conference 2024, 5th June 2024, Glasgow, UK.
Use AI for Good! / Use AI for Evil!
Abbott, Daisy
Use AI for Good! / Use AI for Evil!
In: The Glasgow School of Art Learning and Teaching Conference 2024, 5th June 2024, Glasgow, UK.
Teachers as Agents of Change: a toolkit for teachers and schools addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Abbott, Daisy,
Cantali, Dianne,
Dzieciatko, Barbara,
King, Betsy and
Pantić, Nataša
Teachers as Agents of Change: a toolkit for teachers and schools addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
In: Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Conference, 22 -24 November 2023, Queen Margaret University, Musselburgh, Scotland.
Are they actually watching my videos? Reflections on my flipped
Abbott, Daisy
Are they actually watching my videos? Reflections on my flipped
In: GSA Learning & Teaching conference, 7th June 2023, Glasgow, UK.
Choose Your Own Learning and Teaching Adventure
Illingworth, Sam and
Abbott, Daisy
Choose Your Own Learning and Teaching Adventure.
In: for QAA Scotland’s 5th International Enhancement Conference: Shaping the Student Experience Together: 20 Years of Enhancement, 14-15 June 2023, Glasgow, UK.
Provocative Approaches to Serious Game Design and Analysis
Ferguson, Jamie,
Abbott, Daisy and
Louchart, Sandy Jean-Jacques
Provocative Approaches to Serious Game Design and Analysis.
In: DIGRA 2023: Limits and Margins of Games, 19-23 June 2023, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain.
Choose Your Own Learning Adventure - how to create and analyse an interactive learning tool
Abbott, Daisy
Choose Your Own Learning Adventure - how to create and analyse an interactive learning tool.
In: The Glasgow School of Art Learning and Teaching Conference 2022: Celebrating Success and Looking to the Future, 8th June 2022, Online.
Playful Learning Online
Abbott, Daisy
Playful Learning Online.
In: Connect More 2022, 4th May 2022 - 6th May 2022, Online.
Serious Games for Accelerating progress towards UN Sustainable Development Goals workshop
Abbott, Daisy,
Cantali, Dianne,
Pantić, Nataša and
King, Betsy
Serious Games for Accelerating progress towards UN Sustainable Development Goals workshop.
In: The 12th Global RCE Conference: ‘Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: action through learning in a time of global crises’, 16-18 November 2021, Online.
Agents of Change Toolkit
Dzieciatko, Barbara,
Abbott, Daisy,
Pantić, Nataša and
Cantali, Dianne
Agents of Change Toolkit.
In: Accelerating Progress towards the Global Goals: Knowledge into Practice, 25th November 2021, Online.
Accelerating progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals: serious games for teachers as agents of change
Abbott, Daisy,
Pantić, Nataša,
Cantali, Dianne,
Dzieciatko, Barbara,
King, Betsy and
McColl, Rosie
Accelerating progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals: serious games for teachers as agents of change.
In: British Educational Research Association Conference, 13 - 16 September 2021, Online.
Teachers as Agents of Change: a toolkit for teachers and schools addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Cantali, Dianne,
Dzieciatko, Barbara,
Abbott, Daisy,
Pantić, Nataša,
King, Betsy and
McColl, Rosie
Teachers as Agents of Change: a toolkit for teachers and schools addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
In: British Educational Research Association Conference, 13 - 16 September 2021, Online.
Teachers as Agents of Change: development of a toolkit for teachers and schools for addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Pantić, Nataša,
Abbott, Daisy,
Cantali, Dianne,
Dzieciatko, Barbara,
McColl, Rosie and
King, Betsy
Teachers as Agents of Change: development of a toolkit for teachers and schools for addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
In: European Conference on Educational Research, 06 - 10 September 2021, Geneva (online).
The challenges of taking physical educational games online.
Abbott, Daisy
The challenges of taking physical educational games online.
In: 2nd Research support games day (RSGD #2), 8 December 2020, Online.
Transmedia narratives to drive changes in climate policy at creative institutions
Abani, Ibarieze and
Abbott, Daisy
Transmedia narratives to drive changes in climate policy at creative institutions.
In: NEoN Digital Arts Festival, 4 - 10 November 2019, Dundee.
Noses in Screens – (how) can mobile computing support outdoor learning?
Abbott, Daisy
Noses in Screens – (how) can mobile computing support outdoor learning?
In: Playful Learning, 10-12 July 2019, Leicester, UK.
Visualising the Anatomy of Pleasure Through 3D Interactive Visualisation
Mann, Alakina,
Mitchell, Kirstin,
Abbott, Daisy and
Rea, Paul
Visualising the Anatomy of Pleasure Through 3D Interactive Visualisation.
In: 2nd Visualisation in Science Conference 2018, 3 December 2018, Glasgow, UK.
How to Fail Your Research Degree
Abbott, Daisy
How to Fail Your Research Degree.
In: Playful Learning, 11th - 13th July 2018, Manchester, UK.
Game-enhanced learning without the cost: modding analogue games
Abbott, Daisy and
Louchart, Sandy Jean-Jacques
Game-enhanced learning without the cost: modding analogue games.
In: Games and Simulation enhanced Learning (GSeL) Conference, 3-4 November 2017, Plymouth University, UK.
"How to Fail Your Research Degree": An educational game for postgraduate students
Abbott, Daisy
"How to Fail Your Research Degree": An educational game for postgraduate students.
In: 3rd International Enhancement in Higher Education Conference: Inspiring excellence - transforming the student experience, 6 - 8 June 2017, Glasgow, UK.
Working through Co-production with Community Groups
Jeffrey, Stuart and
Abbott, Daisy
Working through Co-production with Community Groups.
In: SGSAH Summer School, 21st June 2017, IET Teacher Building, 14 St Enoch Square, Glasgow.
How to Fail Your Research Degree: interactive workshop on game -based learning of postgraduate research skills
Abbott, Daisy
How to Fail Your Research Degree: interactive workshop on game -based learning of postgraduate research skills.
In: Learning and Teaching Conference: Informing, Inspiring and Innovating, 19-20 June 2017, Inverness.
“How To Fail Your Research Degree “: Evaluation of a serious game for postgraduate skills
Abbott, Daisy
“How To Fail Your Research Degree “: Evaluation of a serious game for postgraduate skills.
In: 'Enhancing the student journey': 10th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference, 30 March 2017, Glasgow, UK.
The REVISIT project: legacy heritage visualisations and educational potential
Abbott, Daisy,
Jeffrey, Stuart,
Burden, Kevin,
Gouseti, Anastasia and
Maxwell, Mhairi
The REVISIT project: legacy heritage visualisations and educational potential.
In: International Symposium on Evaluating Digital Cultural Resources (EDCR 2016), 12-13 Dec 2016, Glasgow, UK.
Game-based Learning: How to Fail your Research Degree
Abbott, Daisy
Game-based Learning: How to Fail your Research Degree.
In: Still Game (to Learn), 9 Dec 2016, City of Glasgow College, Glasgow, UK.
The potential of virtual 3D models in primary and secondary school settings: The case of the 1938 British Empire Exhibition model
Abbott, Daisy,
Jeffrey, Stuart,
Burden, Kevin,
Gouseti, Anastasia and
Maxwell, Mhairi
The potential of virtual 3D models in primary and secondary school settings: The case of the 1938 British Empire Exhibition model.
In: 9th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 14-16 Nov 2016, Seville, Spain.
“Cut me to pieces” Shakespeare, fandom, and the fractured narrative
Abbott, Daisy
“Cut me to pieces” Shakespeare, fandom, and the fractured narrative.
In: Proceedings of the Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts Conference, 31 August – 3 September 2014, University of Greenwich.
Another View of the Empire – Camera Control for Heritage Applications
McRoberts, Alexander G.,
Livingstone, Daniel and
Abbott, Daisy
Another View of the Empire – Camera Control for Heritage Applications.
In: Immersive Learning Research Network 2015, 13-14, Prague.
Reconnecting with Public Monuments: Dynamically Generated Site Specific Music
Jeffrey, Stuart,
Abbott, Daisy and
Wilson, Paul
Reconnecting with Public Monuments: Dynamically Generated Site Specific Music.
In: European Association of Archaeologists 20th Annual Meeting, 10-14 Sep 2014, Instanbul.
Designing Interactive Systems: Storystorm Workshop
Abbott, Daisy,
Woods, Mel and
Maxwell, Debbie
Designing Interactive Systems: Storystorm Workshop.
In: Designing Interactive Systems: Storystorm Workshop, June 22nd 2014, Vancouver, Canada.
Transparent Evidence & Interpretation: the British Empire Exhibition of 1938
Abbott, Daisy
Transparent Evidence & Interpretation: the British Empire Exhibition of 1938.
In: 33rd Meeting of the Theoretical Archaeology Group, 14-16 Dec 2011, Birmingham.
Performing Technology: the challenges of documenting interactive artworks
Abbott, Daisy
Performing Technology: the challenges of documenting interactive artworks.
In: Documentation and Conservation of the Media Arts Heritage Summit (DOCAM2010), 4-5 March 2010, Montreal, Canada.
Curating Digital Records of Performance
Abbott, Daisy,
Jones, Sarah and
Ross, Seamus
Curating Digital Records of Performance.
In: International Documentation Committee of the International Council of Museums (CIDOC2008), September 2008, Athens, Greece.
Digital Collections for the Performing Arts in the UK
Abbott, Daisy
Digital Collections for the Performing Arts in the UK.
In: Intermediality, Theatricality, Performance, (Re)-presentation and the New Media, 24-29 May 2007, Universities of Montreal and Quebec City, Canada.
Representations of Performance Panel Session
Abbott, Daisy,
Jones, Sarah and
Little, Hannah
Representations of Performance Panel Session.
In: Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts (DRHA2007), September 2007, Dartington College of Arts.
The Creation and Use of Digital Collections in the Performing Arts
Abbott, Daisy
The Creation and Use of Digital Collections in the Performing Arts.
In: Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts (DRHA2006), September 2006, Dartington College of Arts.
Remade in 3D: Empire Exhibition, Glasgow 1938
Abbott, Daisy
Remade in 3D: Empire Exhibition, Glasgow 1938.
26th Oct 2024
Decolonising Narratives of the British Empire Exhibition of 1938
Abbott, Daisy
Decolonising Narratives of the British Empire Exhibition of 1938.
8th - 12th August 2024
A new method for effective interdisciplinary game design: the Serious Slow Game Jam
Abbott, Daisy,
Louchart, Sandy Jean-Jacques and
Ferguson, Jamie
A new method for effective interdisciplinary game design: the Serious Slow Game Jam.
University of Leicester,
5-7 July 2023
Boundaries: an immersive Mixed Reality performance for one audience member
Gasson, Leonie Rae,
Abbott, Daisy and
Noble, Shona
Boundaries: an immersive Mixed Reality performance for one audience member.
Digital Repositories and Archives Inventory
Abbott, Daisy
Digital Repositories and Archives Inventory.
Project Report.
Risk Assessment for AHDS Performing Arts Collections: A Response to the Withdrawal of Core Funding
Abbott, Daisy,
Jones, Sarah and
Ross, Seamus
Risk Assessment for AHDS Performing Arts Collections: A Response to the Withdrawal of Core Funding.
Technical Report.
University of Glasgow.
Getting to know our Audience: AHDS Performing Arts Scoping Study
Abbott, Daisy
Getting to know our Audience: AHDS Performing Arts Scoping Study.
Arts and Humanities Data Service.
Information Retrieval in DigiCULT Technology Watch Report 3
Abbott, Daisy
Information Retrieval in DigiCULT Technology Watch Report 3.
Technical Report.
DigiCULT Forum.
Digital Repositories and Archives Inventory Project Data
Abbott, Daisy
Digital Repositories and Archives Inventory Project Data.
Serious Game Rapid Co-Design Workflow
Abbott, Daisy
Serious Game Rapid Co-Design Workflow.
The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, UK.
Chatzifoti, Olga,
Abbott, Daisy,
Louchart, Sandy Jean-Jacques,
Goodwins, Rupert and
Duffy, Clare
SECRIOUS research project.
Chatzifoti, Olga,
Abbott, Daisy,
Louchart, Sandy Jean-Jacques,
Goodwins, Rupert and
Duffy, Clare
SECRIOUS research project.
On the Shoulders of Giants [Educational game]
Abbott, Daisy
On the Shoulders of Giants [Educational game].
Published by the author.
How to Fail Your Research Degree
Abbott, Daisy
How to Fail Your Research Degree.
The Game Crafter.
Empire 3D Application
Abbott, Daisy,
Bale, Kim and
Gowigati, Ramy
Empire 3D Application.
Digital Design Studio, Glasgow School of Art.
This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 04:37:03 2025 UTC.