Number of items: 60.
Book or Monograph
Visual Communication: From Theory to Practice
Baldwin, Jonathan and
Roberts, Lucienne
Visual Communication: From Theory to Practice.
AVA Publishing, London.
ISBN 9782940373093
Edited Book
Proceedings of the Second Life Education Workshop at the Second Life Community Convention
Livingstone, Daniel and
Kemp, Jeremy, eds.
Proceedings of the Second Life Education Workshop at the Second Life Community Convention.
Second Life Education Workshop, San Francisco.
ISBN 1-903978-32-7
Book Section
Developing an instrument to assess the impact of attitude and social norms on user selection of an interface design
Brinkman, Willem-Paul and
Love, Steve
Developing an instrument to assess the impact of attitude and social norms on user selection of an interface design.
Proceedings of the 13th Eurpoean conference on Cognitive ergonomics trust and control in complex socio-technical systems - ECCE '06.
ACM, New York, NY, pp. 129-136.
ISBN 9783906509235
Elio Caccavale Design Studio
Caccavale, Elio
Elio Caccavale Design Studio.
Betes De Style - Animals With Style.
5 Continents Editions, Milan, pp. 80-83.
ISBN 978-8874393459
Learning from Bananas. How DNA Entered the World of Design
Caccavale, Elio
Learning from Bananas. How DNA Entered the World of Design.
Interaction Design Premier Vol.1.
Postmedia Books, Milan, pp. 100-120.
ISBN 978-8874900299
MyBio Dolls
Caccavale, Elio
MyBio Dolls.
Dot Dot Dash!: Designer Toys, Action Figures and Character Art.
Die Gestalten Verlag, Berlin, pp. 258-259.
ISBN 978-3899551617
Putting a Second Life "Metaverse" Skin on Learning Management Systems
Kemp, Jeremy and
Livingstone, Daniel
Putting a Second Life "Metaverse" Skin on Learning Management Systems.
Proceedings of the Second Life Education Workshop at the Second Life Community Convention San Francisco August 20th, 2006.
The University of Paisley, pp. 13-18.
ISBN 1-903978-32-7
Kaleidomap Visualizations of Cardiovascular Function in Critical Care Medicine
Bale, Kim,
Chapman, Paul,
Purdy, Jon,
Aydin, Nizamettin and
Dark, Paul
Kaleidomap Visualizations of Cardiovascular Function in Critical Care Medicine.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical Information Visualization, Biomedical Visualization (MedVis'05).
pp. 51-58.
Human-Machine Collaboration Through Vehicle Head Up Display Interface
Charissis, V.,
Papanastasiou, S. and
Anderson, P.
Human-Machine Collaboration Through Vehicle Head Up Display Interface.
International Journal of Cognition, Technology and Work.
ISSN 1435-5558 (print) or 1435-5566 (electronic)
Camera-based Gesture Recognition Software
Horner, M. and
Camera-based Gesture Recognition Software.
Visualisation improves the usability of voice-operated mobile phone services
Howell, Mark,
Love, Steve and
Turner, Mark
Visualisation improves the usability of voice-operated mobile phone services.
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 64 (8).
pp. 754-769.
ISSN 1071-5819
Transfer or emergence: strategies for building design knowledge through knowledge transfer partnerships
Inns, Tom,
Baxter, S and
Murphy, Emma Lee
Transfer or emergence: strategies for building design knowledge through knowledge transfer partnerships.
The Design Journal, 9 (3).
pp. 34-44.
ISSN 1460-6965
Adult Learners’ Perceptions of a New Online Managed Learning Environment: A Case Study of the Trade Union Congress Online Delivery Using Teknical in Scotland
Love, Steve and
Corrigan, Brian
Adult Learners’ Perceptions of a New Online Managed Learning Environment: A Case Study of the Trade Union Congress Online Delivery Using Teknical in Scotland.
Selected Papers from ICICTE 2006, 1 (3).
pp. 61-72.
ISSN 1715-9849
Developing a quality assurance metric: A panoptic view
Love, Steve and
Scoble, Rosa
Developing a quality assurance metric: A panoptic view.
Active Learning in Higher Education, 7 (2).
pp. 129-141.
ISSN 1469-7874
Virtual Human Animation in Natural Language Visualisation
Ma, Minhua and
McKevitt, Paul
Virtual Human Animation in Natural Language Visualisation.
The Artificial Intelligence Review.
pp. 37-54.
ISSN 0269-2821
The effect of working memory load on emotion-based processes involved in choosing advantageously
Pecchinenda, Anna,
Dretsch, Michael and
Chapman, Paul
The effect of working memory load on emotion-based processes involved in choosing advantageously.
Experimental Psychology, 53 (3).
pp. 191-197.
ISSN 1618-3169
Conference or Workshop Item
The Creation and Use of Digital Collections in the Performing Arts
Abbott, Daisy
The Creation and Use of Digital Collections in the Performing Arts.
In: Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts (DRHA2006), September 2006, Dartington College of Arts.
Human-Machine Collaboration Through Vehicle Head UP Display Interface
Anderson, P.,
Charissis, V. and
Papanastasiou, S.
Human-Machine Collaboration Through Vehicle Head UP Display Interface.
In: European Annual Conference on Human Decision-Making and Manual Control (EAM ‘06), 27-29 September 2006, Valenciennes, France.
VENUS: Virtual ExploratioN of Underwater Sites
Chapman, PMC
VENUS: Virtual ExploratioN of Underwater Sites.
In: 7th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Cyprus.
Enhancing driver’s vision with the use of prototype Automotive Head-Up Display Interface
Charissis, V. and
Anderson, P.
Enhancing driver’s vision with the use of prototype Automotive Head-Up Display Interface.
In: Vision In Vehicles (VIV 2006), 27 to 29 July 2006, Dublin, Ireland.
Enhancing driver’s vision with the use of prototype Automotive Head-Up Display Interface
Charissis, V. and
Anderson, P.
Enhancing driver’s vision with the use of prototype Automotive Head-Up Display Interface.
In: Vision In Vehicles, 11th International Conference (VIV ‘06), 27-29 July 2006, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
Driving Simulator for Head-Up Display Evaluation: Driver’s Response Time on Accident Simulation Cases
Charissis, V.,
Arafat, S.,
Chan, W. and
Christomanos, C.
Driving Simulator for Head-Up Display Evaluation: Driver’s Response Time on Accident Simulation Cases.
In: Proceedings of the Driving Simulator Conference, Asia/Pacific DSC, 31 May-June 2006, Tsukuba/Tokyo, Japan, AIST.
Design and Evaluation of an Automotive Full-Windshield Head-Up Display Interface: Low visibility guidance and navigation
Charissis, V. and
Papanastasiou, S.
Design and Evaluation of an Automotive Full-Windshield Head-Up Display Interface: Low visibility guidance and navigation.
Exploring the ad hoc network requirements of an automotive Head-Up Display Interface
Charissis, V. and
Papanastasiou, S.
Exploring the ad hoc network requirements of an automotive Head-Up Display Interface.
Human-Machine Collaboration Through Vehicle Head UP Display Interface
Charissis, V.,
Papanastasiou, S. and
Anderson, P.
Human-Machine Collaboration Through Vehicle Head UP Display Interface.
In: European Annual Conference on Human Decision-Making and Manual Control (EAM ‘06), Valenciennes, France, September 27-29.
A VR Interface for Collaborative 3D Audio Performance
Collicott, D. C. and
Naef, Martin
A VR Interface for Collaborative 3D Audio Performance.
Towards a Photogrammetry and Virtual Reality Based Heritage Information System: A Case Study of Shawbak Castle in Jordan
Drap, Pierre,
Durand, Anne,
Nedir, Malika,
Seinturier, Julien,
Papini, Odile,
Boucault, Florian,
Chapman, Paul,
Viant, Warren,
Vannini, Guido and
Nuccioti, Michele
Towards a Photogrammetry and Virtual Reality Based Heritage Information System: A Case Study of Shawbak Castle in Jordan.
In: VAST: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage, 2006, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Gesture-recognition with non-referenced tracking
Elgoyhen, J.,
Keir, Paul,
Naef, Martin and
Payne, John
Gesture-recognition with non-referenced tracking.
3motion - Wireless 3D Gesture Recognition (video)
Elgoyhen, J.,
Naef, Martin,
Keir, Paul and
Payne, John
3motion - Wireless 3D Gesture Recognition (video).
Gameplay Issues in the Design of Spatial 3D Gestures for Video Games
Elgoyhen, J.,
Payne, John,
Keir, Paul and
McLundie, Mairghread
Gameplay Issues in the Design of Spatial 3D Gestures for Video Games.
Gesture-recognition with non-referenced tracking
Horner, M.,
Keir, Paul,
Elgoyhen, Jocelyn and
Naef, Martin
Gesture-recognition with non-referenced tracking.
In: 1st IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI 2006), 25-26 March 2006, Alexandria, USA.
Gameplay Issues in the Design of Spatial 3D Gestures for Video Games
Horner, M.,
Payne, John,
Keir, Paul and
Elgoyhen, Jocelyn
Gameplay Issues in the Design of Spatial 3D Gestures for Video Games.
In: Work in Progress Conference Track, CHI 2006, April 22–27, Montréal, Québec, Canada.
The Haves and Have-Nots: re-considering consumption in light of Simmel, Tarde & Latour
Hush, G. J.
The Haves and Have-Nots: re-considering consumption in light of Simmel, Tarde & Latour.
In: Designing and Consuming: objects, practices and processes - workshop/seminar.
Improving ship design reviews with immersive environments
Johnston, I.,
Sherwood Jones, Brian and
McLundie, Mairghread
Improving ship design reviews with immersive environments.
Gesture-recognition with non-referenced tracking
Keir, P.,
Elgoyen, Jocelyn,
Naef, Martin and
Payne, John
Gesture-recognition with non-referenced tracking.
3motion - Wireless 3D Gesture Recognition (video)
Keir, P.,
Naef, Martin,
Elgoyhen, Jocelyn and
Payne, John
3motion - Wireless 3D Gesture Recognition (video).
Gesture-recognition with non-referenced tracking
Keir, P.,
Payne, J.,
Elgoyhen, J.,
Horner, M.,
Naef, M. and
Anderson, P.
Gesture-recognition with non-referenced tracking.
In: 1st IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI 2006), 25-26 March 2006, Alexandria, VA, USA.
Gameplay Issues in the Design of Spatial 3D Gestures for Video Games
Keir, P.,
Payne, John,
Elgoyhen, Jocelyn and
McLundie, Mairghread
Gameplay Issues in the Design of Spatial 3D Gestures for Video Games.
Physics-based Virtual Reality for Post-stroke Rehabilitation
Ma, Minhua,
McNeill, Michael,
Charles, Darryl and
McDonough, Suzanne
Physics-based Virtual Reality for Post-stroke Rehabilitation.
In: Eurographics Ireland 2006 Workshop, 31 October 2006, Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design & Technology, Dun Laoghaire, Ireland.
Physics Fidelity of Virtual Reality in Motor Rehabilitation
Ma, Minhua,
McNeill, Michael,
McDonough, Suzanne and
Crosbie, Jacqui
Physics Fidelity of Virtual Reality in Motor Rehabilitation.
In: Virtual: a Real Success: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Virtual Reality, 26 to 30 April 2006., Laval, France.
Gameplay Issues in the Design of Spatial 3D Gestures for Video Games
McLundie, M.,
Payne, John,
Keir, Paul and
Elgoyhen, Jocelyn
Gameplay Issues in the Design of Spatial 3D Gestures for Video Games.
Improving ship design reviews with immersive environments
McLundie, M.,
Sherwood Jones, Brian and
Johnston, Ian
Improving ship design reviews with immersive environments.
Interactive 3D Environments for Ship Design Review and Simulation
McLundie, M.,
Sherwood Jones, Brian and
Naef, Martin
Interactive 3D Environments for Ship Design Review and Simulation.
A VR Interface for Collaborative 3D Audio Performance
Naef, M. and
Collicott, Daniel
A VR Interface for Collaborative 3D Audio Performance.
In: New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 2006, 4-8 June, Ircam, Paris.
Gesture-recognition with non-referenced tracking
Naef, M.,
Keir, Paul,
Elgoyhen, Jocelyn and
Payne, John
Gesture-recognition with non-referenced tracking.
Designing the Third Space: all or nothing in the representation of sensory information for communicating across distance
Naef, M.,
Light, A. and
Healey, P.
Designing the Third Space: all or nothing in the representation of sensory information for communicating across distance.
The Magic Cottage: A Virtual Reality Environment for Stimulating Children’s Imaginative Writing
Naef, M.,
Patera, Marianne and
Draper, Steve W.
The Magic Cottage: A Virtual Reality Environment for Stimulating Children’s Imaginative Writing.
Gameplay Issues in the Design of Spatial 3D Gestures for Video Games
Naef, M.,
Payne, John,
Keir, Paul and
Elgoyhen, Jocelyn
Gameplay Issues in the Design of Spatial 3D Gestures for Video Games.
Interactive 3D Environments for Ship Design Review and Simulation
Naef, M.,
Sherwood Jones, Brian and
McLundie, Mairghread
Interactive 3D Environments for Ship Design Review and Simulation.
The Magic Cottage: A Virtual Reality Environment for Stimulating Children’s Imaginative Writing
Patera, M.,
Naef, Martin and
Draper, Steve W.
The Magic Cottage: A Virtual Reality Environment for Stimulating Children’s Imaginative Writing.
Gameplay Issues in the Design of Spatial 3D Gestures for Video Games
Payne, J.,
Keir, Paul,
Elgoyhen, Jocelyn and
McLundie, Mairghread
Gameplay Issues in the Design of Spatial 3D Gestures for Video Games.
Gesture-recognition with non-referenced tracking
Payne, J.,
Keir, Paul,
Elgoyhen, Jocelyn and
Naef, Martin
Gesture-recognition with non-referenced tracking.
3motion - Wireless 3D Gesture Recognition (video)
Payne, J.,
Naef, Martin,
Keir, Paul and
Elgoyhen, Jocelyn
3motion - Wireless 3D Gesture Recognition (video).
Gameplay Issues in the Design of Spatial 3D Gestures for Video Games
Payne, John,
Keir, Paul,
Elgoyhen, Jocelyn,
McLundie, Mairghread,
Naef, Martin,
Horner, Martyn and
Anderson, Paul
Gameplay Issues in the Design of Spatial 3D Gestures for Video Games.
In: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2006, 22-27 April 2006, Montréal, Québec, Canada.
Utility Pets
Caccavale, Elio
Utility Pets.
Museum of Contemporary Design and Applied Arts, Losanne,
13/12/2006 - 11/02/2007
Getting to know our Audience: AHDS Performing Arts Scoping Study
Abbott, Daisy
Getting to know our Audience: AHDS Performing Arts Scoping Study.
Arts and Humanities Data Service.
3motion - Wireless 3D Gesture recognition (video)
Anderson, P.,
Naef, Martin,
Keir, Paul and
Elgoyhen, Jocelyn
3motion - Wireless 3D Gesture recognition (video).
Automatic Conversion of Natural Language to 3D Animation
Ma, Minhua
Automatic Conversion of Natural Language to 3D Animation.
PhD thesis, University of Ulster.
The Haves and Have-Nots: re-considering 'consumption' in light of Simmel, Tarde & Latour
Hush, G. J.
The Haves and Have-Nots: re-considering 'consumption' in light of Simmel, Tarde & Latour.
The Three Queens
Johnston, I.
The Three Queens.
This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 04:33:21 2025 UTC.