Number of items: 49.
Museums as the Catalysts for a Democratic Revolution in Cultural Policy
Anderson, David,
Le Guennec, Aude,
Castilla, Americo and
Scarff, Lynn
Museums as the Catalysts for a Democratic Revolution in Cultural Policy.
Cultural Trends.
ISSN 0954-8963
How well-being of older people can be supported by local high streets?
Brunelli, Luca
How well-being of older people can be supported by local high streets?
In: SEDA Health and Wellbeing Green Drinks, 18 January 2024, GSA, Reid Building.
Domesticating SDGs in Rwanda’s housing: the case study of Karama model village in Kigali
Brunelli, Luca and
Malonza, Josephine
Domesticating SDGs in Rwanda’s housing: the case study of Karama model village in Kigali.
In: 11th East Africa Architecture Workshop and Exhibition, 28th and 29th of August 2024, School of Architecture, University of Nairobi, Kenya.
An activity field guide in the landscape
Brunelli, Luca and
Mochrie, Neil
An activity field guide in the landscape.
Pedagogy of Place - A Field Guide to Reading Landscape for Artists, Architects, & Designers.
Intellect Books, Bristol.
High streets, ageing and well-being
Brunelli, Luca,
Smith, Harry and
Woolrych, Ryan
High streets, ageing and well-being.
Journal of Urban Design.
ISSN 1357-4809
Are we contributing to a benign Anthroposystem in our Cities?
Evans, Brian
Are we contributing to a benign Anthroposystem in our Cities?
Activities of the Geneva UN Charter Centres of Excellence.
pp. 3-26.
"A Flourishing City"
Evans, Brian
"A Flourishing City".
In: Europe Day 2024, 9th April 2024, City Chambers Glasgow.
The Metropolitan Everyday
Evans, Brian
The Metropolitan Everyday.
In: The Liveable City in Scotland, 4 to 5 November 2024, Glasgow & Stirling.
Putting Place and Communities at the heart of the Regional Action Plan 2030
Evans, Brian and
Esposito, Raffaele
Putting Place and Communities at the heart of the Regional Action Plan 2030.
In: 85th session of the Committee on Urban Development, Housing and Land Management, 02-04 October 2024, Geneva.
30 Years of MEARU Exhibition
Foster, Janice and
Menon, Rosalie
30 Years of MEARU Exhibition.
Reid Gallery, The Glasgow School of Art,
13 - 31 January 2024
Occupant experience of domestic kitchen environments in low-energy social and affordable housing in Scotland
Foster, Janice A and
Poston, Anna
Occupant experience of domestic kitchen environments in low-energy social and affordable housing in Scotland.
Building Research & Information, 52 (7).
pp. 799-816.
ISSN 0961-3218
Foster, Janice A.
RIAS Quarterly.
ISSN 2044-1851
Il seminario di St Peter (Cardross, Scozia) e l’evoluzione nelle tecnologie di rappresentazione
Guidicini, Giovanna
Il seminario di St Peter (Cardross, Scozia) e l’evoluzione nelle tecnologie di rappresentazione.
In: UN DIALOGO POSSIBILE. RAPPRESENTARE E CONSERVARE IL CONTEMPORANEO (II), 28 November 2024, Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo.
ChatGPT: It Doesn't Byte!
Hooper, Alan
ChatGPT: It Doesn't Byte!
In: Cumulus Ethical Leadership: A New Frontier for Digital, 3-7th June 2025, Nantes, France.
ChatTKT: A framework for understanding and engaging with ChatGPT
Hooper, Alan,
Abbott, Daisy,
Murphy, Correy and
Weir, Catherine
ChatTKT: A framework for understanding and engaging with ChatGPT.
In: The Glasgow School of Art Learning and Teaching Conference 2024, 5th June 2024, Glasgow, UK.
“Tell me”: when clothing becomes a tool for learning, communication and self-expression in early years and primary education.
LE GUENNEC, Aude and
BARBU, Laetitia
“Tell me”: when clothing becomes a tool for learning, communication and self-expression in early years and primary education.
In: School uniforms, dress codes and public responses.
Work created as part of The Through Line exhibition
Lamb, Andrew
Work created as part of The Through Line exhibition.
Dressed for School/S'habiller pour L'ecole: presentation of the exhibition at the National Museum of Education, Rouen, France
Le Guennec, Aude
Dressed for School/S'habiller pour L'ecole: presentation of the exhibition at the National Museum of Education, Rouen, France.
In: ACORSO Museum Exhibition's Day, 22.06.24, Online.
Fabrics of Identity: School Uniforms
Le Guennec, Aude
Fabrics of Identity: School Uniforms.
Integrer l'enfance au design : est-ce simple ?
Le Guennec, Aude
Integrer l'enfance au design : est-ce simple ?
In: Integrer l'enfance au design : est-ce simple ?, 19.09.2024, Jardin des metiers d'Art (Sevres, France) and online.
L’habit fait-il le genre de l’écolier ? La question de la mode genrée à l’épreuve de l’institution scolaire dans la France de la deuxième moitié du XXème siècle à nos jours. [Gender construction in the school environment, France, from the 1950s onwards].
Le Guennec, Aude
L’habit fait-il le genre de l’écolier ? La question de la mode genrée à l’épreuve de l’institution scolaire dans la France de la deuxième moitié du XXème siècle à nos jours. [Gender construction in the school environment, France, from the 1950s onwards].
Le vêtement de l’eleve : un objet d’education (XIVe-XXIe siècles).
Le vêtement scolaire (XVIe-XXIe siècles)
Septentrion, Université de Lille, Lille, France.
ISBN 9782757441404
Creative Perspectives Towards Trans-disciplinary Learning Models: Clothing as a Medium for Creative Enhancement and Education
Le Guennec, Aude and
Barbu, Laetitia
Creative Perspectives Towards Trans-disciplinary Learning Models: Clothing as a Medium for Creative Enhancement and Education.
In: Creative Skills Week, 16-20 September 2024, Amsterdam and online.
Enjeux et apports de la patrimonialisation des usages vestimentaires scolaires : l’exemple de l’exposition S’habiller pour l’école présentée au Musée National de l’Éducation
Le Guennec, Aude and
Coutant, Nicolas
Enjeux et apports de la patrimonialisation des usages vestimentaires scolaires : l’exemple de l’exposition S’habiller pour l’école présentée au Musée National de l’Éducation.
In: La loi du 15 Mars 2004 – 20 ans après, 15-16.03.2024, Institut du Droit de l’Espace, des Territoires, de la Culture et de la Communication (IDETCOM – Law Institute), University of Toulouse-Capitole (France).
Enjeux et apports de la patrimonialisation des usages vestimentaires scolaires : l’exemple de l’exposition S’habiller pour l’école présentée au Musée National de l’Éducation
Le Guennec, Aude and
Coutant, Nicolas
Enjeux et apports de la patrimonialisation des usages vestimentaires scolaires : l’exemple de l’exposition S’habiller pour l’école présentée au Musée National de l’Éducation.
La loi du 15 mars 2004 – 20 ans après - Vêtements, religions et espace scolaire public.
IFJD (Institut Francophone pour la Justice et la Démocratie).
Children’s clothing collections, problems and perspectives: A case study of French and British Museums
Le Guennec, Aude and
Rose, Clare
Children’s clothing collections, problems and perspectives: A case study of French and British Museums.
In Situ, 52.
ISSN 1630-7305
"Dressed for School”: from the museum exhibition to the symposium
LeGuennec, Aude
"Dressed for School”: from the museum exhibition to the symposium.
In: School uniforms, dress codes and public responses, 20.11.2024, University of Aberdeen and online.
The Architectural Monument to Robert Burns in the new age of Identity Politics and Nationalism
Rodger, Johnny
The Architectural Monument to Robert Burns in the new age of Identity Politics and Nationalism.
The Oxford Handbook of Robert Burns.
Oxford Handbooks
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
ISBN 9780198846246
The Bananalisation of Consumption
Rodger, Johnny
The Bananalisation of Consumption.
Visual Culture in Britain.
ISSN 1471-4787
Being Bella Baxter : 'Poor Things' in book and film
Rodger, Johnny
Being Bella Baxter : 'Poor Things' in book and film.
Bella Caledonia.
Bruising the Mack? The Bourdon and the Mackintosh
Rodger, Johnny
Bruising the Mack? The Bourdon and the Mackintosh.
HE is Paul and she IS Orlando: Paul Preciado, Gender and Film
Rodger, Johnny
HE is Paul and she IS Orlando: Paul Preciado, Gender and Film.
The Drouth (81).
ISSN 1474-6190
The Housing Film
Rodger, Johnny
The Housing Film.
Political Cinemas
Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
ISBN 978-1-3995-2033-1
Jonas Staal's 'Climate Propagandas'
Rodger, Johnny
Jonas Staal's 'Climate Propagandas'.
The Drouth (82).
ISSN 1474-6190
Wild Research
Rodger, Johnny and
Breslin, Ronan
Wild Research.
In: Wild Research, 13-14 September 2024, The Revelator, Glasgow.
Never Forever, How Buildings Change and How They Change Us: Lessons from Mackintosh
Stewart, Sally
Never Forever, How Buildings Change and How They Change Us: Lessons from Mackintosh.
In: Central Academy of Fine Art, Department of Architecture Scholarly Lecture Series, 24.10.2024, Central Academy of Fine Art, Beijing, Department of Architecture.
Making Spaces | Cultures of Architecture: Towards A New Plurality
Summers, Andy
Making Spaces | Cultures of Architecture: Towards A New Plurality.
In: Making Spaces | Cultures of Architecture: Towards A New Plurality, 24 Jan 2024, National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland.
A Fragile Correspondence - Scotland + Venice at the V&A Dundee
Summers, Andy,
McGuire, Neil,
Nolan, Aoife,
McEwan, Amy,
Enberg, Kristina,
Riacchi, Alissar,
Choudhury, Alyesha,
Jonsson, Carl and
Pinder-Hussein, Mia
A Fragile Correspondence - Scotland + Venice at the V&A Dundee.
V&A Dundee, 1 Riverside Esplanade, Dundee DD1 4EZ,
15 November 2024 - 25 May 2025
The Architecture Concept Book (New Edition)
Tait, James
The Architecture Concept Book (New Edition).
Thames & Hudson, London.
ISBN 9780500027929
Price and the 'Participatory Turn'
Tait, James
Price and the 'Participatory Turn'.
In: Delightful Fun, 3 December 2024 -13 December 2024, The Glasgow School of Art, Grace & Clark Fyfe Gallery and Bourdon Lecture Theatre.
Ambivalent Anti-Urbanism – the „Eco Estates” in 1980s West Germany
Urban, Florian
Ambivalent Anti-Urbanism – the „Eco Estates” in 1980s West Germany.
In: European Architectural History Network Conference, 19-23 June 2024, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, Greece.
Does Postmodern Mean Capitalist? On Postmodernism and the Planned Economy in Poland and the German Democratic Republic
Urban, Florian
Does Postmodern Mean Capitalist? On Postmodernism and the Planned Economy in Poland and the German Democratic Republic.
A+U Architekura Urbanizmus, 57 (3-4).
pp. 162-175.
ISSN 0044-8680
The Future of Large Housing Estates. Requirements. Opportunities. Perspectives
Urban, Florian
The Future of Large Housing Estates. Requirements. Opportunities. Perspectives.
In: Cities.Building.Culture. New Approaches to Heritage Development in Eastern Europe, 21-22 March 2024, RWTH Aachen University, Germany.
Architecture can Save the World - Keynote Lecture at the Conference "Re-Energise", organised by the Architects' Climate Action Network (ACAN)
Urban, Florian,
Calder, Barnabas and
Burns, John
Architecture can Save the World - Keynote Lecture at the Conference "Re-Energise", organised by the Architects' Climate Action Network (ACAN).
In: Re-energise, 23 May 2024, Glasgow School of Art, Reid Lecture Theatre.
Beyond Formal and Informal: Mid-twentieth-century Residential Architecture in Barcelona's El Carmel Neighbourhood
Urban, Florian and
Golda-Pongratz, Kathrin
Beyond Formal and Informal: Mid-twentieth-century Residential Architecture in Barcelona's El Carmel Neighbourhood.
Urban History.
pp. 1-31.
ISSN 0963-9268
Informal Housing in 20th-century Europe: origins, transformations, divergences
Urban, Florian and
Manzano, Noel
Informal Housing in 20th-century Europe: origins, transformations, divergences.
In: European Association for Urban History Biennial Conference, 4-6 September 2024, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic.
The Ethical City
Webster, Miranda
The Ethical City.
In: The Ethical City - Open Talk, 18th October 2024, Faculty of Architecture- University of Porto, Library Auditorium.
People, Place, Planet: The Ethical City
Webster, Miranda
People, Place, Planet: The Ethical City.
People Planet Place: Reflections on the 2023/24 WEdesign Event Series.
pp. 50-61.
Practices of Care
Webster, Miranda and
Deakin, Isabel
Practices of Care.
In: Delightful Fun: A Cedric Price Thinkbelt for Our Times, 9th December 2024, Bourdon Lecture Theatre, Mackintosh School of Architecture, Glasgow School of Art.
Finding Joy in Place, Space and Time
Webster, Miranda,
Deakin, Isabel,
Lees, Kirsty and
Walker, Nick
Finding Joy in Place, Space and Time.
UMARELL04 issue// A Hand to Hold.
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