Number of items: 39.
Performing Technology: the challenges of documenting interactive artworks
Abbott, Daisy
Performing Technology: the challenges of documenting interactive artworks.
In: Documentation and Conservation of the Media Arts Heritage Summit (DOCAM2010), 4-5 March 2010, Montreal, Canada.
Empire 3D Application
Abbott, Daisy,
Bale, Kim and
Gowigati, Ramy
Empire 3D Application.
Digital Design Studio, Glasgow School of Art.
Theoretical Discussions on Digital Representations of Performance
Abbott, Daisy,
Jones, Sarah and
Ross, Seamus
Theoretical Discussions on Digital Representations of Performance.
Capturing the Essence of Performance: The Challenges of Intangible Heritage.
Société internationale des bibliothèques et musées des arts du spectacle (SIBMAS)
PIE Peter Lang, Brussels, pp. 81-88.
ISBN 978-90-5201-637-5
Ideas at Daresbury
Allmann, Kurt,
Cruickshank, Leon,
Fogg, Helen,
Herfurth, Lorenz,
Howells, Jeremy,
Jones, Tim,
Lundbeck, Alison,
Mather, Al,
Mortati, Marzia,
Shehabuddeen, Noordin and
Soetanto, Danny
Ideas at Daresbury.
Project Report.
Lancaster University.
A Pig Saved My Life
Caccavale, Elio
A Pig Saved My Life.
Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Cultue, 12.
pp. 26-30.
ISSN 1756-9575
Science and Design: Neuroscope
Caccavale, Elio
Science and Design: Neuroscope.
Design of the Other Things.
Electa, Milan, pp. 36-41.
ISBN 978-8837076580
Utility Pets
Caccavale, Elio
Utility Pets.
Science Gallery, Dublin,
08/10/2009 - 11/12/2009
Caccavale, Elio,
Warwick, Kevin,
Whalley, Ben,
Downes, Julia,
Hammond, Mark,
Muth, David,
Jaroslaw, Nasuto and
Xydas, Dimitris
Triennale Design Museum, Milan,
26 May - 04 July 2010
Hobson’s choice? Constraints on accessing spaces of creative production
Champion, Katherine
Hobson’s choice? Constraints on accessing spaces of creative production.
Creative Industries Journal, 3 (1).
pp. 11-28.
ISSN 1751-0694
Squeezing the spaces of creative production: a case study of the Northern Quarter in Manchester, UK
Champion, Katherine
Squeezing the spaces of creative production: a case study of the Northern Quarter in Manchester, UK.
Regions Magazine, 277 (1).
pp. 20-21.
ISSN 1367-3882
We All Live in a Virtual Submarine
Chapman, Paul and
Bale, Kim
We All Live in a Virtual Submarine.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 30 (1).
pp. 85-90.
We All Live in a Virtual Submarine
Chapman, Paul,
Bale, Kim and
Drap, Pierre
We All Live in a Virtual Submarine.
IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, 30 (1).
pp. 85-89.
ISSN 0272-1716
Designing for Social Enterprise: The Audi Design Prize / Sustain our Nation Competition Winner 2010 with the Wyndford Community, Glasgow and ongoing work
Grout, Ian,
Masters Students, Design Innovation GSA and
Masters Students, MEDes GSA
Designing for Social Enterprise: The Audi Design Prize / Sustain our Nation Competition Winner 2010 with the Wyndford Community, Glasgow and ongoing work.
SceneMaker: Multimodal Visualisation of Natural Language Film Scripts
Hanser, Eva,
Mc Kevitt, Paul,
Lunney, Tom,
Condell, Joan and
Ma, Minhua
SceneMaker: Multimodal Visualisation of Natural Language Film Scripts.
Journal on data semantics.
pp. 430-439.
ISSN 0302-9743
Cultural Studies Within Immersive Environments in the Internet: A Methodology Through Avatars
Horner, M. and
Gomez Flores, L.
Cultural Studies Within Immersive Environments in the Internet: A Methodology Through Avatars.
In: 9th European Conference on e-Learning, Instituto de Engenharia de Porto.
Leisure Time in Second Life: Cultural Differences and Similarities
Horner, M. and
Gomez Flores, L.
Leisure Time in Second Life: Cultural Differences and Similarities.
In: International Conference on Cyberworlds 2010.
"We are always after that balance” – managing innovation as ambidexterity in the new digital media industries
Hotho, Sabine and
Champion, Katherine
"We are always after that balance” – managing innovation as ambidexterity in the new digital media industries.
Journal of Technology, Management and Innovation, 5 (3).
pp. 36-50.
ISSN 0718-2724
Resource Discovery and Curation
of Complex and Interactive Digital Datasets
Jeffrey, Stuart
Resource Discovery and Curation
of Complex and Interactive Digital Datasets.
Revisualizing Visual Culture.
Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities
Ashgate, London, pp. 45-60.
ISBN 978-0-7546-7568-6
Putting users' first: the importance of human-centred design in the development of mobile applications and services
Love, Steve,
Young, Mark and
Brinkman, Willem-Paul
Putting users' first: the importance of human-centred design in the development of mobile applications and services.
ECCE '10 Proceedings of the 28th Annual European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics.
ACM, New York, NY, pp. 299-300.
ISBN 9781605589466
Tenses, Aspects, and Pace in Game Narratives
Ma, Minhua and
Bassi, Bhavinder
Tenses, Aspects, and Pace in Game Narratives.
In: 15th International Conference on Computer Games: AI, Animation, Mobile, Interactive Multimedia, Educational and Serious Games, 28 to 31 July 2010, Galt House Hotel, Louisville, Kentucky, USA.
Detecting Return-to-libc Buffer Overflow Attacks Using Network Intrusion Detection Systems
Ma, Minhua,
Day, David and
Zhao, Zhengxu
Detecting Return-to-libc Buffer Overflow Attacks Using Network Intrusion Detection Systems.
In: Fourth International Conference on Digital Society, 10 to 16 February 2010, St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles.
A Flexible E-Assessment System Inspired by Design Methodology Management to Accommodate Diverse Learning Styles
Ma, Minhua and
Dube, Tendai
A Flexible E-Assessment System Inspired by Design Methodology Management to Accommodate Diverse Learning Styles.
International Journal of Digital Society.
pp. 44-52.
Marking short free text responses in e-assessment
Ma, Minhua and
Dube, Tendai
Marking short free text responses in e-assessment.
In: e-Teaching and Learning Workshop Proceedings, 16 to 20 1 June 2010, University of Greenwich, London.
The Influence of Art Concepts on Visual Communication in Games
Ma, Minhua and
McGrath, Heather
The Influence of Art Concepts on Visual Communication in Games.
In: the 3rd Annual International Conference on Computer Games, Multimedia and Allied Technology, 6 to 7 April 2010, Singapore Management University, Singapore.
Network Architectures and Data Management for Massively Multiplayer Online Games
Ma, Minhua and
Oikonomou, Andreas
Network Architectures and Data Management for Massively Multiplayer Online Games.
Evolving Developments in Grid and Cloud Computing: Advancing Research.
IGI Global, Hershey, USA, pp. 144-155.
ISBN 146660056X
Virtual Reality and 3D Animation in Forensic Visualisation
Ma, Minhua,
Zheng, Huiru and
Lallie, Harjinder
Virtual Reality and 3D Animation in Forensic Visualisation.
Journal of Forensic Sciences, 55 (5).
pp. 1227-1231.
ISSN 1556-4029
Complex systems, collective mind-shifting and interactive workshop design
Macdonald, A. S.,
Teal, G and
Rice, G
Complex systems, collective mind-shifting and interactive workshop design.
In: Cambridge Workshop for Universal Access and Assistive Technology, March 2010, Cambridge.
An Inclusive Design Methodology for Redesigning the Food Service for Vulnerable Older Adult Hospital Patients
Macdonald, A. S.,
Teal, Gemma and
Moynihan, Paula J.
An Inclusive Design Methodology for Redesigning the Food Service for Vulnerable Older Adult Hospital Patients.
In: 3rd International Conference for Universal Design, 30 October - 3 November 2010, Hamamatsu Japan.
A smarter food service for nutritionally vulnerable older adult hospital patients
Macdonald, A. S.,
Teal, Gemma and
Moynihan, Paula J.
A smarter food service for nutritionally vulnerable older adult hospital patients.
Redesigning the food service for vulnerable older adult hospital patients
Macdonald, Alastair S,
Teal, Gemma and
Moynihan, Paula J
Redesigning the food service for vulnerable older adult hospital patients.
In: International Society for Gerontechnology 7th World Conference, 27 to 30 May 2010, Vancouver, Canada.
Designing interactive music history for young adults
Matus, Chloe Hannah
Designing interactive music history for young adults.
PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
Evaluation of the user experience of a standard telecare product – the personal trigger
Taylor, Andrea and
Agamanolis, Stefan
Evaluation of the user experience of a standard telecare product – the personal trigger.
The Second International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine and Social Medicine eTELEMED 2010.
CPS, Netherlands, pp. 51-56.
ISBN 978-1-4244-5803-5
Adapting service design tools to facilitate interdisciplinary research collaborations
Teal, Gemma,
Macdonald, Alastair S. and
Moynihan, Paula J.
Adapting service design tools to facilitate interdisciplinary research collaborations.
In: ServDes Service Design and Innovation Conference 2010: ExChanging Knowledge, 1 - 3 December 2010, Linköping, Sweden.
The influence of passive haptic feedback and difference interaction metaphors on presence and task performance
Viciana-Abad, Raquel,
Lecuona, Arcadio Reyes and
Poyade, Matthieu
The influence of passive haptic feedback and difference interaction metaphors on presence and task performance.
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 19 (3).
pp. 197-212.
ISSN 1054-7460
The influence of passive haptic feedback and difference interaction metaphors on presence and task performance
Viciana-Abad, Raquel,
Reyes Lecuona, Arcadio and
Poyade, Matthieu
The influence of passive haptic feedback and difference interaction metaphors on presence and task performance.
Presence, 19 (3).
pp. 197-212.
ISSN 1054-7460
NESTA iDiscover Workshop - Digital Orchestra
Wilson, Richard
NESTA iDiscover Workshop - Digital Orchestra.
In: Digital Orchestra Workshop, 2009 - 2010, West Coast of Scotland High Schools.
NESTA iDiscover Workshops - Artful Dodgems
Wilson, Richard
NESTA iDiscover Workshops - Artful Dodgems.
In: Artful Dodgems Workshop, 2009 - 2010, West Coast of Scotland.
NESTA iDiscover Workshops - InventorBox
Wilson, Richard
NESTA iDiscover Workshops - InventorBox.
In: InventorBox, 2009 - 2010, West Coast of Scotland High Schools.
Digital Documentation of Historic Ferrous Metal Structures : 3D Laser Scanning as a Conservation Tool
wilson, Lyn,
Mitchell, David,
Davey, Ali and
Pritchard, Douglas
Digital Documentation of Historic Ferrous Metal Structures : 3D Laser Scanning as a Conservation Tool.
In: METAL 2010-PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERIM MEETING OF THE ICOM-CC METAL WORKING GROUP,, 11th to 15th October 2010, Charleston, South Carolina, USA.
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