Number of items: 80.
Digital Repositories and Archives Inventory
Abbott, Daisy
Digital Repositories and Archives Inventory.
Project Report.
Digital Repositories and Archives Inventory Project Data
Abbott, Daisy
Digital Repositories and Archives Inventory Project Data.
Curating Digital Records of Performance
Abbott, Daisy,
Jones, Sarah and
Ross, Seamus
Curating Digital Records of Performance.
In: International Documentation Committee of the International Council of Museums (CIDOC2008), September 2008, Athens, Greece.
Enhancing Customer Experience within the Mobile Telecommunications Industry
Anaman, Michael,
Lycett, Mark and
Love, Steve
Enhancing Customer Experience within the Mobile Telecommunications Industry.
In: ECIS 2008 Proceedings.
Medical Visualisations
Anderson, P. and
Brady, L.
Medical Visualisations.
Medical Visualisation
Anderson, P. and
Charissis, V.
Medical Visualisation.
In: Annual Inverness Symposium of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, 30 May 2008, Inverness.
An Enquiry into VR Interface Design for Medical Training: VR Augmented Anatomy Tutorials for Breast Cancer
Anderson, P.,
Charrissis, V,
Ward, B,
Naef, M,
Rowley, D and
Brady, L
An Enquiry into VR Interface Design for Medical Training: VR Augmented Anatomy Tutorials for Breast Cancer.
The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality. Conference, San Jose CA , ETATS-UNIS (2008), 6804
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham, WA, ETATS-UNIS (1981) (Revue) SPIE, Bellingham, Wash., ETATS-UNIS (2008) (Monographie), San Jose, California, USA.
ISBN 978-0-8194-6976-2 ; 0-8194-6976-9
Feasibility Study for a Scottish Medical Visualisation Network - Final Report
Anderson, Paul and
Charissis, Vassilis
Feasibility Study for a Scottish Medical Visualisation Network - Final Report.
Project Report.
Scottish Funding Council.
An Enquiry into VR Interface Design for Medical Training: VR Augmented Anatomy Tutorials for Breast Cancer
Brady, L.,
Charissis, Vassillis,
Ward, B and
Naef, Martin
An Enquiry into VR Interface Design for Medical Training: VR Augmented Anatomy Tutorials for Breast Cancer.
In: Proceedings of IS&T/SPIE 20th Annual Symposium of Electronic Imaging, Science and Technology, 26th -31st January, San Jose, California, USA..
Interpreting Lung Collapse: A Randomised Controlled Study into the Impact of Three-Dimensional Animation
Brady, L.,
Ward, B,
Chanock, D. and
Interpreting Lung Collapse: A Randomised Controlled Study into the Impact of Three-Dimensional Animation.
In: Proceedings of the United Kingdom Radiological Congress (UKRC 2008), Birmingham, UK..
An Evaluation of Prototype VR Medical Environment: Applied Surgical Anatomy Training for Malignant Breast Disease
Brady, L.,
Ward, B,
Charissis, Vassilis and
Rowley, David
An Evaluation of Prototype VR Medical Environment: Applied Surgical Anatomy Training for Malignant Breast Disease.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 16th (MMVR 16th) , 30th January- 1st February, Long Beach, California, USA.
Fertily Toys
MyBio Xenotransplant Dolls
Caccavale, Elio
Fertily Toys
MyBio Xenotransplant Dolls.
MoMA, New York,
24/02/2008 - 12/05/2008
MyBio Dolls and Fertilitoys
Caccavale, Elio
MyBio Dolls and Fertilitoys.
Design and the Elastic Mind.
The Museum of Modern Art, New York, pp. 31-32.
ISBN 978-0870707322
Will Public Engagement Lead to a Marriage Between Science and Society?
Caccavale, Elio and
Kerridge, Tobie
Will Public Engagement Lead to a Marriage Between Science and Society?
Human Futures: Art in the Age of Uncertainty.
Liverpool University Press, Liverpool.
ISBN 9781846311819
Material Beliefs – Open Labs, Speculative Design, Science and Society
Caccavale, Elio,
Kerridge, Tobie,
Loizeau, Jimmy and
Auger, James
Material Beliefs – Open Labs, Speculative Design, Science and Society.
Touch Me Festival: Feel Better!
Kontejner, Zagreb, pp. 135-151.
ISBN 978-9539536037
Animal Pharm
Caccavale, Elio,
Mirti, Stefano and
Christiansen, Line Ulrika
Animal Pharm.
Miracles, Monsters and Disturbances
Caccavale, Elio and
Reiss, Michael
Miracles, Monsters and Disturbances.
Creative Encounters: New Conversations in Science, Education and Arts.
Wellcome Trust, London, pp. 48-63.
ISBN 978 1 84129 077 5
Caccavale, Elio,
Warwick, Kevin,
Whalley, Ben,
Bacerra, Victor,
Downes, Julia,
Hammond, Mark,
Jaroslaw, Nasuto and
Xydas, Dimitris
LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Gijón,
09 October - 27 April 2008
Caccavale, Elio,
Warwick, Kevin,
Whalley, Ben,
Becerra, Victor,
Downes, Julia,
Hammond, Mark,
Muth, David,
Jaroslaw, Nasuto and
Xydas, Dimitris
Royal Society, London,
02/10/2008 - 21/11/2008
Caccavale, Elio,
Warwick, Kevin,
Whalley, Ben,
Becerra, Victor,
Downes, Julia,
Hammond, Mark,
Muth, David,
Jaroslaw, Nasuto and
Xydas, Dimitris
Nodal identity: exploration of character animation within a cyberspace world exploring terms of identity and self
Cameron, Bruce A.
Nodal identity: exploration of character animation within a cyberspace world exploring terms of identity and self.
MPhil thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
The business of creative cities
Champion, Katherine
The business of creative cities.
Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 2 (4).
pp. 111-123.
ISSN 1752-9638
The difference that place makes: a case study of creative industries in Greater Manchester
Champion, Katherine
The difference that place makes: a case study of creative industries in Greater Manchester.
In: RGS-IBG Postgraduate Conference, 1 Mar 2008, University of Liverpool, UK.
Enhanced 3D Visualisation: Augmenting Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Training
Chanock, D.,
Charissis, V.,
Ward, B. M.,
Brady, L. and
Anderson, P.
Enhanced 3D Visualisation: Augmenting Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Training.
In: United Kingdom Radiological Congress, Birmingham, UK.
VENUS (Virtual ExploratioN of Underwater Sites) -Two years of interdisciplinary collaboration
Chapman, PMC
VENUS (Virtual ExploratioN of Underwater Sites) -Two years of interdisciplinary collaboration.
Exploring Underwater Sites: Virtual Submarine Allows Access to Europe’s Sunken Wrecks
Chapman, Paul,
Bale, Kim and
Drap, Pierre
Exploring Underwater Sites: Virtual Submarine Allows Access to Europe’s Sunken Wrecks.
The Journal of Ocean Technology, 3 (4).
pp. 36-43.
ISSN 1718-3200
Virtual Exploration of Underwater Archaeological Sites: Visualization and Interaction in Mixed Reality Environments
Chapman, Paul,
Roussel, David,
Drap, Pierre and
Haydar, Mohamed
Virtual Exploration of Underwater Archaeological Sites: Visualization and Interaction in Mixed Reality Environments.
In: The 9th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Braga, Portugal.
Medical Visualisation
Charissis, V. and
Medical Visualisation.
Anatomy of Shoulder: Combinatory Investigation with the use of Ultrasound Imaging, 3D Modelling and Real-Life Demonstration
Charissis, V. and
Chanock, D.
Anatomy of Shoulder: Combinatory Investigation with the use of Ultrasound Imaging, 3D Modelling and Real-Life Demonstration.
In: UNSPECIFIED, 30 June 2008, Ayr Hospital, Ayr.
Interpreting Lung Collapse Cases: A Three-Dimensional Reconstruction
Charissis, V. and
Chanock, D.
Interpreting Lung Collapse Cases: A Three-Dimensional Reconstruction.
Lung Collapse Cases: Virtual Demonstration
Charissis, V. and
Chanock, D.
Lung Collapse Cases: Virtual Demonstration.
Ultrasound Scanning of Shoulder: 3D Anatomical Reconstruction and Simulation
Charissis, V. and
Chanock, D.
Ultrasound Scanning of Shoulder: 3D Anatomical Reconstruction and Simulation.
Understanding the Inguinal Canal: A Three-Dimensional Reconstruction
Charissis, V. and
Chanock, D.
Understanding the Inguinal Canal: A Three-Dimensional Reconstruction.
On the Impact of User’s Computer Knowledge on Driving Simulation Test Results - HUD Simulation Case Study
Charissis, V.,
Naef, Martin,
Arafat, Sachi and
Vlachos, George
On the Impact of User’s Computer Knowledge on Driving Simulation Test Results - HUD Simulation Case Study.
Artificial Intelligence Rationale for Autonomous Vehicle Agents Behaviour in Driving Simulation Environment
Charissis, V. and
Papanastasiou, S.
Artificial Intelligence Rationale for Autonomous Vehicle Agents Behaviour in Driving Simulation Environment.
I-Tech Education and Publishing KG, Vienna, Austria.
Comparative Study of Prototype Automotive HUD vs. HDD: Collision Avoidance Simulation and Results
Charissis, V.,
Papanastasiou, S. and
Vlachos, G.
Comparative Study of Prototype Automotive HUD vs. HDD: Collision Avoidance Simulation and Results.
Investigation of Users’ Age and Driving Performance With the Use of Prototype Automotive HUD System
Charissis, V.,
Papanastasiou, S. and
Vlachos, G.
Investigation of Users’ Age and Driving Performance With the Use of Prototype Automotive HUD System.
In: Proceedings of the 15th World Congress in Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE, 16-20 November, New York City, NY, USA..
3D Stereoscopic Design of Submersive Rescue Vehicle and Rescue Mission Simulation
Charissis, V.,
Ramsay, John,
Sharples, Ben and
Naef, Martin
3D Stereoscopic Design of Submersive Rescue Vehicle and Rescue Mission Simulation.
An Enquiry into VR Interface Design for Medical Training: VR Augmented Anatomy Tutorials for Breast Cancer
Charissis, V.,
Ward, B,
Naef, Martin and
Rowley, David
An Enquiry into VR Interface Design for Medical Training: VR Augmented Anatomy Tutorials for Breast Cancer.
In: IS&T/SPIE 20th Annual Symposium of Electronic Imaging, Science and Technology, 26-31 January 2008, San Jose, California, USA.
An Evaluation of Prototype VR Medical Environment: Applied Surgical Anatomy Training for Malignant Breast Disease
Charissis, V.,
Ward, B,
Rowley, D. and
Brady, Linda
An Evaluation of Prototype VR Medical Environment: Applied Surgical Anatomy Training for Malignant Breast Disease.
In: International Conference of Medicine meets Virtual Reality (MMVR 16th) 30 Jan - 01 Feb 2008.
Interpreting Lung Collapse: A Randomised Controlled Study into the Impact of Three-Dimensional Animation
Charissis, V.,
Ward, B. M.,
Chanock, D. and
Brady, L.
Interpreting Lung Collapse: A Randomised Controlled Study into the Impact of Three-Dimensional Animation.
Augmented Reality Anatomy Training for Inguinal Canal Region
Charissis, V.,
Ward, B. M.,
Sakellariou, S. and
Parkin, I.
Augmented Reality Anatomy Training for Inguinal Canal Region.
An Inquiry Into the Application and Validation of Stereoscopic Anatomy
Charissis, V.,
Ward, B. M.,
Young, I. and
Rowley, D.
An Inquiry Into the Application and Validation of Stereoscopic Anatomy.
In: Society of Academic & Research Surgery (SARS) ASiT, Annual Conference, 7 - 9 March 2008, Birmingham, UK.
Surgical VR Training Environments: An Inquiry into the Application and Validation of Stereoscopic Anatomy Tutorials for Operative Surgical Training
Charissis, V.,
Ward, B. M.,
Young, I. and
Rowley, D.
Surgical VR Training Environments: An Inquiry into the Application and Validation of Stereoscopic Anatomy Tutorials for Operative Surgical Training.
Cognitive Implications of InformationSpaces: Human Issues in the Design and Use of Electronic Library Interfaces
Chen, Sherry,
Coughlan, Jane,
Love, Steve,
Macredie, Robert D. and
Wilson, Frankie
Cognitive Implications of InformationSpaces: Human Issues in the Design and Use of Electronic Library Interfaces.
Digital Convergence – Libraries of the Future.
Springer London, pp. 253-271.
ISBN 9781846289026
There will come soft rains
Cotter, Peter
There will come soft rains.
MPhil thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
Emerging Applications - Immersive Technologies
Davis, Darryl and
Chapman, Paul
Emerging Applications - Immersive Technologies.
Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence.
IGI Global, pp. 536-540.
ISBN 1599048493
Emerging Applications in Immersive
Davis, Darryl and
Chapman, Paul
Emerging Applications in Immersive
Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence.
Information Science Reference, pp. 536-540.
ISBN 1599048493
Development of a (silent) speech recognition system for patients following laryngectomy
Fagan, M.J.,
Ell, S.R.,
Gilbert, J.M.,
Sarrazin, E. and
Chapman, P.M.
Development of a (silent) speech recognition system for patients following laryngectomy.
Medical Engineering & Physics, 30 (4).
pp. 419-425.
ISSN 1350-4533
The valley of right and wrong
Forbes, Innes
The valley of right and wrong.
MPhil thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
Changing the Change Conference Proceedings
Paper: A Dialogue on the Future of Design Education
Grout, Ian and
Gornick, Naomi
Changing the Change Conference Proceedings
Paper: A Dialogue on the Future of Design Education.
Allemandi Conference Press, Italy.
ISBN 978-88-422-1670-4
The affect of lecturers' attitude on students' use of an online learning environment
Hammoud, Lamis,
Love, Steve and
Brinkman, Willem-Paul
The affect of lecturers' attitude on students' use of an online learning environment.
Proceedings of the 15th European conference on Cognitive ergonomics the ergonomics of cool interaction - ECCE '08.
ACM, New York, NY, p. 1.
ISBN 9781605583990
Virtual Exploration of Underwater Archaeological Sites :
Visualization and Interaction in Mixed Reality Environments
Haydar, M,
Maidi, M,
Roussel, D,
Mallem, M,
Drap, P,
Bale, Kim and
Chapman, Paul
Virtual Exploration of Underwater Archaeological Sites :
Visualization and Interaction in Mixed Reality Environments.
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (VAST 2008).
pp. 141-148.
The Giraffe Semantic Web Browser
Horner, M.
The Giraffe Semantic Web Browser.
Virtual Work Experience: From Classroom to Workplace
Horner, M.,
Milne, Mark,
Benjamin, J. and
Monteith, G.
Virtual Work Experience: From Classroom to Workplace.
In: 2nd European Conference on Games-Based Learning, Barcelona, Spain, 16-17 Oct 2008.
User characteristics and performance with automated mobile phone systems
Howell, Mark,
Love, Steve and
Turner, Mark
User characteristics and performance with automated mobile phone systems.
International Journal of Mobile Communications, 6 (1).
pp. 1-15.
ISSN 1470-949X
The Last Minutes of HMS Hood
Johnston, I.
The Last Minutes of HMS Hood.
Mobile Phone Use Across Cultures: A Comparison Between the United Kingdom and Sudan
Khattab, Ishraga and
Love, Steve
Mobile Phone Use Across Cultures: A Comparison Between the United Kingdom and Sudan.
International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 4 (2).
pp. 35-51.
ISSN 1548-3908
3D Visualisation of Crime Scenes: Computer Animation in Forensics
Ma, Minhua
3D Visualisation of Crime Scenes: Computer Animation in Forensics.
In: 3rd Annual Teaching & Assessment Conference: Flexibity, current and future practice, 10 July 2008, University of Derby, Buxton.
Serious Games for Movement Therapy after Stroke
Ma, Minhua and
Bechkoum, Kamal
Serious Games for Movement Therapy after Stroke.
IEEE, pp. 1872-1877.
ISBN 978-1-4244-2384-2
Music education and digital design: an interactive approach to structure
Matus, Chloe,
Rubenz, Johannes,
Oebelsberger, Monika and
Naef, Martin
Music education and digital design: an interactive approach to structure.
PTSD: exploration into the psychological effects that a traumatic experience can have on a person
McCrorie, Gareth
PTSD: exploration into the psychological effects that a traumatic experience can have on a person.
MPhil thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
Feasibility of the Living Canvas - Restricting Projection to a Performer on Stage
Naef, M. and
Boyd, C.
Feasibility of the Living Canvas - Restricting Projection to a Performer on Stage.
In: ACM Multimedia 2008 - Interactive Arts Program, Vancouver, Canada, October 27 - Nov 1.
Testing the Living Canvas on Stage
Naef, M. and
Boyd, Cathie
Testing the Living Canvas on Stage.
On the Impact of User’s Computer Knowledge on Driving Simulation Test Results - HUD Simulation Case Study
Naef, M.,
Charissis, Vassilis,
Arafat, Sachi and
Vlachos, George
On the Impact of User’s Computer Knowledge on Driving Simulation Test Results - HUD Simulation Case Study.
3D Stereoscopic Design of Submersive Rescue Vehicle and Rescue Mission Simulation
Naef, M.,
Charissis, Vassilis,
Ramsay, John and
Sharples, Ben
3D Stereoscopic Design of Submersive Rescue Vehicle and Rescue Mission Simulation.
An Enquiry into VR Interface Design for Medical Training: VR Augmented Anatomy Tutorials for Breast Cancer
Naef, M.,
Charissis, Vassillis,
Ward, B and
Rowley, David
An Enquiry into VR Interface Design for Medical Training: VR Augmented Anatomy Tutorials for Breast Cancer.
In: Proceedings of IS&T/SPIE 20th Annual Symposium of Electronic Imaging, Science and Technology, 26th -31st January, San Jose, California, USA..
Music education and digital design: an interactive approach to structure
Naef, M.,
Matus, Chloe,
Rubenz, Johannes and
Oebelsberger, Monika
Music education and digital design: an interactive approach to structure.
Exploring the Magic Cottage: A Virtual Reality Environment for Stimulating Children’s Imaginative Writing
Naef, M.,
Patera, M. and
Draper, S.
Exploring the Magic Cottage: A Virtual Reality Environment for Stimulating Children’s Imaginative Writing.
Journal for Interactive Learning.
Exploring the Magic Cottage: A Virtual Reality Environment for Stimulating Children's Imaginative Writing
Naef, M.,
Patera, Marianne and
Draper, Steve
Exploring the Magic Cottage: A Virtual Reality Environment for Stimulating Children's Imaginative Writing.
Journal for Interactive Learning Environments, Routledge.
Visualising an Amusement Park - A Case Study
Naef, M.,
Pritchard, Douglas,
McMahon, Chris and
Anderson, Paul
Visualising an Amusement Park - A Case Study.
In: IEEE Virtual Reality 2008 Workshop on Virtual Cityscapes, IEEE VR 2008, 8-9 March 2008, Reno, USA.
Visualising an Amusement Park - A Case Study
Naef, Martin,
Pritchard, Douglas,
McMahon, Chris and
Anderson, P.
Visualising an Amusement Park - A Case Study.
In: IEEE Virtual Reality 2008 Workshop on Virtual Cityscapes, 8-9 March 2008, Reno, NV, USA.
Nimmo, Graeme
MPhil thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
Exploring the Magic Cottage: A Virtual Reality Environment for Stimulating Children's Imaginative Writing
Patera, M.,
Draper, Steve and
Naef, Martin
Exploring the Magic Cottage: A Virtual Reality Environment for Stimulating Children's Imaginative Writing.
Journal for Interactive Learning Environments, Routledge.
Visualising an Amusement Park - A Case Study
Pritchard, D.,
Naef, Martin,
McMahon, Chris and
Anderson, Paul
Visualising an Amusement Park - A Case Study.
Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality 2008 Workshop on Virtual Cityscapes.
Silent Sky
Roach, Nancy
Silent Sky.
MPhil thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
The importance of mobile telephone communication medium to the maintenance of social relationships
Turner, Mark,
Love, Steve and
Howell, M.
The importance of mobile telephone communication medium to the maintenance of social relationships.
In: AHFE International Conference: 2nd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 14-17 Jul 2008, Las Vegas, NV, USA.
Understanding emotions experienced when using a mobile phone in public: The social usability of mobile (cellular) telephones
Turner, Mark,
Love, Steve and
Howell, Mark
Understanding emotions experienced when using a mobile phone in public: The social usability of mobile (cellular) telephones.
Telematics and Informatics, 25 (3).
pp. 201-215.
ISSN 0736-5853
An Evaluation of Prototype VR Medical Environment: Applied Surgical Anatomy Training for Malignant Breast Disease
Ward, B,
Charissis, V,
Rowley, D,
Anderson, Paul and
Brady, L
An Evaluation of Prototype VR Medical Environment: Applied Surgical Anatomy Training for Malignant Breast Disease.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 132.
pp. 550-555.
ISSN 978-1-58603-822-9
Interpreting Lung Collapse: A Randomised Controlled Study into the Impact of Three-Dimensional Animation
Ward, Ben Michael,
Chanock, David,
Charissis, Vassilis,
Brady, Linda and
Anderson, Paul
Interpreting Lung Collapse: A Randomised Controlled Study into the Impact of Three-Dimensional Animation.
In: The United Kingdom Radiological Congress, 02 -04 June 2008, Birmingham, UK.
This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 04:33:17 2025 UTC.