Items where School is "School of Innovation and Technology" and Year is 2007

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Number of items: 53.


Digital Collections for the Performing Arts in the UK

Abbott, Daisy (2007) Digital Collections for the Performing Arts in the UK. In: Intermediality, Theatricality, Performance, (Re)-presentation and the New Media, 24-29 May 2007, Universities of Montreal and Quebec City, Canada.

Representations of Performance Panel Session

Abbott, Daisy, Jones, Sarah and Little, Hannah (2007) Representations of Performance Panel Session. In: Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts (DRHA2007), September 2007, Dartington College of Arts.

Risk Assessment for AHDS Performing Arts Collections: A Response to the Withdrawal of Core Funding

Abbott, Daisy, Jones, Sarah and Ross, Seamus (2007) Risk Assessment for AHDS Performing Arts Collections: A Response to the Withdrawal of Core Funding. Technical Report. University of Glasgow.

Surgical Education: Applied Virtual Anatomy: Can Virtual Reality Augment Postgraduate Anatomy Teaching?

Anderson, P., Ward, B. M., Charissis, Vassilis and Young, I. (2007) Surgical Education: Applied Virtual Anatomy: Can Virtual Reality Augment Postgraduate Anatomy Teaching? In: School of Surgery Day, 28 November 2007, Department of Surgery, Edinburgh University, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.


Kaleidomaps: A New Technique for the Visualization of Multivariate Time-Series Data

Bale, Kim, Chapman, Paul, Barraclough, Nick, Purdy, Jon, Aydin, Nizamettin and Dark, Paul (2007) Kaleidomaps: A New Technique for the Visualization of Multivariate Time-Series Data. Information Visualization, 6 (2). pp. 155-167. ISSN 1473-8716

Collaborative commission

Bell, I. (2007) Collaborative commission. [Artefact]

Making Roundels: the studio approach in collaboration with practitioners, local government and building developers.

Bell, I. (2007) Making Roundels: the studio approach in collaboration with practitioners, local government and building developers. In: Minds Making - Project KNOWHOW Symposium.


Future (Now) Families

Caccavale, Elio and Woods, Simon (2007) Future (Now) Families. [Artefact]

Developing Creative Cities

Champion, Katherine, Murray, Kevin and Adams, David (2007) Developing Creative Cities. In: The Vital City, European Urban Research Association (EURA) 10th Anniversary conference, 12-14 Sep 2007, University of Glasgow, UK.

Constructing and Interfacing with Virtual Archaeological Sites

Chapman, PMC (2007) Constructing and Interfacing with Virtual Archaeological Sites. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Driving Simulator for Head-Up Display Evaluation: Driver’s Response Time on Accident Simulation Cases

Charissis, V., Aarafat, S., Patera, M. and Christomanos, C. (2007) Driving Simulator for Head-Up Display Evaluation: Driver’s Response Time on Accident Simulation Cases. In: International Conference in Artificail Intelligence and Applications (AIA 07), part of the 25th International Multi-Conference on Applied Informatics, 13-15 Feb 2007, Innsbruck, Austria.

Dynamically Configured Vehicle

Charissis, Vassilis; Anderson, Paul; Kenny, Tom (2007) Dynamically Configured Vehicle. GB2424398.

Evaluation of Prototype Automotive Head-Up Display Interface: Testing Driver’s Focusing Ability through a VR Simulation

Charissis, V. and Naef, M. (2007) Evaluation of Prototype Automotive Head-Up Display Interface: Testing Driver’s Focusing Ability through a VR Simulation. In: IEEE International Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV 07) 13-15 June 2007, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 June 2007, Istanbul, Turkey.

Designing a Direct Manipulation HUD Interface for In-Vehicle Infotainment

Charissis, V., Naef, M., Papanastasiou, S. and Patera, M. (2007) Designing a Direct Manipulation HUD Interface for In-Vehicle Infotainment. In: HCI International 22-27 July 2007, Bejing, China.

Calibration Requirements of an Automotive HUD Interface Using a Virtual Reality Environment: Methodology and Implementation

Charissis, V., Naef, M. and Patera, M. (2007) Calibration Requirements of an Automotive HUD Interface Using a Virtual Reality Environment: Methodology and Implementation. In: IASTED Conference Conference on Graphics and Visualisation in Engineering, 3-5 January 2007, Florida USA.

Prototype System for Virtual Reality Simulation and Training: Initial Implementation for Large printing Units

Charissis, V., Nomicos, S. and Patera, M. (2007) Prototype System for Virtual Reality Simulation and Training: Initial Implementation for Large printing Units. In: 3rd International Conference on Typeography and Visual Communication (3rd ICTVC 07) From verbal to Graphic, 20-23 June 2007, Thessaloniki, Greece 2007.

The Effect of RTS/TCS Handshake on TCP

Charissis, V., Papanastasiou, S. and Ould-Khaoua, M. (2007) The Effect of RTS/TCS Handshake on TCP. In: IEEE 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 07) Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada 21-23 May 2007.

A survey of MAC protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Charissis, V., Papanastasiou, S. and Ould-Khaoua, M. (2007) A survey of MAC protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. In: Advances in Wireless Networks: Performance Modelling, Analysis and Enhancement. 8 Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing, Nova Science Publishers. ISBN 1-60021-713-3

Symbolic vs Alphanumeric: Representations in Human Machine Interface Design

Charissis, V. and Patera, M. (2007) Symbolic vs Alphanumeric: Representations in Human Machine Interface Design. In: 9th World Congress of IASS-AIS 2007, Communication: Understanding/Misunderstanding 11-17 June 2007, Imatra, Finland.

Human Machine Interface for Prototype Head Up Display: Comparative study between 2D and VR Simulation Results

Charissis, V. and Patera, Marianne (2007) Human Machine Interface for Prototype Head Up Display: Comparative study between 2D and VR Simulation Results. In: International Conference of Transport Science and Technology Congress , (TRANSTEC ’07) Prague.

Surgical Education: Applied Virtual Anatomy: Can Virtual Reality Augment Postgraduate Anatomy Teaching?

Charissis, V., Ward, B. M., Young, I. and Anderson, Paul (2007) Surgical Education: Applied Virtual Anatomy: Can Virtual Reality Augment Postgraduate Anatomy Teaching? In: School of Surgery Day, Department of Surgery, Edinburgh University, 28 November 2007, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.

Enhancing the driver's spatial and situational awareness through the use of a head-up display interface

Charissis, Vassilis (2007) Enhancing the driver's spatial and situational awareness through the use of a head-up display interface. PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.


Products & Pleasure

Hush, G. J. (2007) Products & Pleasure. In: Design for Pleasurable Products and Interfaces, 2007.

The Socio-Spatial Construction of Consumption

Hush, G. J. (2007) The Socio-Spatial Construction of Consumption. UNSPECIFIED.

Designing in the Fourth Dimension: design as an indicator of social change

Hush, G.J. and Peralta, Carlos (2007) Designing in the Fourth Dimension: design as an indicator of social change. In: British Sociological Association 2007.



Johnston, I. (2007) QE2. UNSPECIFIED.

The Titan Crane

Johnston, I. (2007) The Titan Crane. [Show/Exhibition]

1938 Empire Exhibition

Johnston, I. and Pritchard, Douglas (2007) 1938 Empire Exhibition. Virtual model on permanent exhibition in House for an Art Lover, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, UK [Show/Exhibition]

Recreating the 1938 British Empire Exhibition

Johnston, I. and Pritchard, Douglas (2007) Recreating the 1938 British Empire Exhibition. In: IEEE VAST 2007: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage..


Adaptive Virtual Reality Games for Rehabilitation of Motor Disorders

Ma, Minhua, McNeill, Michael, Charles, Darryl, McDonough, Suzanne, Crosbie, Jacqui, Oliver, Louise and McGoldrick, Clare (2007) Adaptive Virtual Reality Games for Rehabilitation of Motor Disorders. In: 4th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, 22 to 27 July 2007, Beijing.

Adaptive Virtual Reality Games for Rehabilitation of Motor Disorders

Ma, Minhua, McNeill, Michael, Charles, Derryl and McDonough, Suzanne (2007) Adaptive Virtual Reality Games for Rehabilitation of Motor Disorders. Journal on data semantics. pp. 681-690. ISSN 0302-9743

A Cross-disciplinary Examination of Individual Differences in Approach to Design Practice

McLundie, M. (2007) A Cross-disciplinary Examination of Individual Differences in Approach to Design Practice. Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal, ume. ISSN 1833-1874

Strictly ballroom or dancing in the moment? Methods for enhancing the partnership of design and business.

Murphy, Emma Lee and Press, M (2007) Strictly ballroom or dancing in the moment? Methods for enhancing the partnership of design and business. Proceedings of the Seventh European Academy of Design Conference: Dancing with Disorder: Design, Discourse, Disaster. Izmir, Turkey.. ISSN 9789758789214

Developing creative cities: a perspective from the UK

Murray, Kevin and Champion, Katherine (2007) Developing creative cities: a perspective from the UK. In: When Creative Industries Crossover with Cities The Hong Kong Institute of Planners and the Urban Planning Society of China, 02-03 April 2007, Hong Kong, China.


Interaction and Ergonomics Issues in Immersive Design Review Environments

Naef, M. (2007) Interaction and Ergonomics Issues in Immersive Design Review Environments. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Towards the Living Canvas

Naef, M. (2007) Towards the Living Canvas. In: ACM SIGGRAPH Sketches and Posters. ACM SIGGRAPH 2007, 5-9 August, San Diego, USA.

Designing a Direct Manipulation HUD Interface for In-Vehicle Infotainment

Naef, M., Charissis, V., Patera, M. and Papanastasiou, S. (2007) Designing a Direct Manipulation HUD Interface for In-Vehicle Infotainment. In: Proceedings of HCI International 2007.

Evaluation of Prototype Automotive Head-Up Display Interface: Testing Driver’s Focusing Ability through a VR Simulation

Naef, M. and Charissis, Vassilis (2007) Evaluation of Prototype Automotive Head-Up Display Interface: Testing Driver’s Focusing Ability through a VR Simulation. In: IEEE International Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV 07) 13-15 June 2007, Istanbul, Turkey.

Calibration Requirements of an Automotive HUD Interface Using a Virtual reality Environment: Metodology and Implementation

Naef, M., Charissis, Vassilis and Patera, Marianne (2007) Calibration Requirements of an Automotive HUD Interface Using a Virtual reality Environment: Metodology and Implementation. In: UNSPECIFIED.

AutoEval mkII - Interaction design for a VR Design Review System

Naef, M. and Payne, John (2007) AutoEval mkII - Interaction design for a VR Design Review System. In: Proceedings of IEEE 3DUI 2007.

Low-Cost Telepresence for Collaborative Virtual Environments

Naef, M., Rhee, Seon-Min, Ziegler, Remo and Park, Jiyoung (2007) Low-Cost Telepresence for Collaborative Virtual Environments. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Computer Society.


Symbolic vs Alphanumeric: Representations in Human Machine Interface Design

Patera, M. and Charissis, Vassilis (2007) Symbolic vs Alphanumeric: Representations in Human Machine Interface Design. In: 9th World Congress of IASS-AIS 2007, Communication: Understanding/Misunderstanding 11-17 June 2007, Imatra, Finland.

Calibration Requirements of an Automotive HUD Interface Using a Virtual Reality Environment: Methodology and Implementation

Patera, M., Charissis, Vassilis and Naef, Martin (2007) Calibration Requirements of an Automotive HUD Interface Using a Virtual Reality Environment: Methodology and Implementation. In: IASTED Conference Conference on Graphics and Visualisation in Engineering, 3-5 January 2007, Florida USA.

Designing a Direct Manipulation HUD Interface for In-Vehicle Infotainment

Patera, M., Charissis, Vassilis, Naef, Martin and Papanastasiou, S. (2007) Designing a Direct Manipulation HUD Interface for In-Vehicle Infotainment. In: HCI International 22-27 July 2007, Bejing, China.

Immersive 3D visualisation and teaching colour use to interior designers

Patera, M. and Draper, Stephen W. (2007) Immersive 3D visualisation and teaching colour use to interior designers. In: Computer Assisted Learning ’07 (CAL ’07): Development, Disruption and Debate. 26-28 March 2007, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland..

AutoEval mkII - Interaction design for a VR Design Review System

Payne, J. and Naef, Martin (2007) AutoEval mkII - Interaction design for a VR Design Review System. In: Proceedings of IEEE 3DUI 2007.

Usability issues of a bimanual 2D/3D interface for the design and review of MEMS

Payne, John (2007) Usability issues of a bimanual 2D/3D interface for the design and review of MEMS. PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.

Capturing the City; The Development of the Virtual City of Glasgow

Pritchard, D. (2007) Capturing the City; The Development of the Virtual City of Glasgow. In: 10th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management; Foz do Iguacu; Brazil July 2007.

Glasgow City Model

Pritchard, D. (2007) Glasgow City Model. [Image]

High Definition: the Construction of the Virtual City of Glasgow

Pritchard, D. (2007) High Definition: the Construction of the Virtual City of Glasgow. In: Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society Conference 2007, Nottingham.

Improving Access to the Design Process: The Development of the 3D Model for Glasgow

Pritchard, D. (2007) Improving Access to the Design Process: The Development of the 3D Model for Glasgow. In: International Conference on Technology, Knowledge and Society, Cambridge University 2007.

1938 Empire Exhibition

Pritchard, D. and Johnston, Ian (2007) 1938 Empire Exhibition. Virtual model on permanent exhibition in House for an Art Lover, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, UK [Show/Exhibition]

Recreating the 1938 British Empire Exhibition

Pritchard, D. and Johnston, Ian (2007) Recreating the 1938 British Empire Exhibition. In: IEEE VAST 2007: International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage..

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