Number of items: 81.
Envisioning Architecture Space/Time/Meaning
Maver, Tom,
Chapman, Paul,
Platt, Christopher,
Portela, Victor and
Eaton, David, eds.
Envisioning Architecture Space/Time/Meaning.
Freight Publishing, Glasgow.
ISBN 9780957666085
The Resilient City: Glasgow & Pittsburgh
Evans, Brian, ed.
The Resilient City: Glasgow & Pittsburgh.
MSA publications, Glasgow.
ISBN 9780-0-957-6660-7-8
Domestic thermal storage requirements for heat demand flexibility
Allison, John,
Bell, Keith,
Clarke, Joe,
Cowie, Andrew,
Elsayed, Ahmed,
Flett, Graeme,
Gbemi, Oluleye,
Hawker, Graeme,
Kelly, Nick,
Marinho de Castro, Maria Manuela,
Sharpe, Tim,
Shea, Andy and
Strachan, Paul
Domestic thermal storage requirements for heat demand flexibility.
In: 4th Sustainable Thermal Energy Management International Conference (SusTEM2017), 28th - 30th June 2017, Alkmaar, Netherlands.
Modelling indoor environmental quality in low energy housing
Bocanegra-Yanez, Maria del Carmen,
Strachan, Paul,
Morgan, Chris and
Sharpe, Tim
Modelling indoor environmental quality in low energy housing.
In: Building Simulation 2017, 7-9 August 2017, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Productive Places: Creating spaces for the new economy to thrive
Brian, Evans
Productive Places: Creating spaces for the new economy to thrive.
Project Report.
Scottish Council for Development and Industry, Glasgow.
Between Emic and Etic: a Design Pedagogy with Older people
Brunelli, Luca and
Bonet Miro, Ana
Between Emic and Etic: a Design Pedagogy with Older people.
In: Architecture Connects, Association of Architectural Educators, 6-9 September 2017, Oxford Brookes, UK.
Crotch, Joanna and
Deakin, Isabel
In: Envisioning Architecture- Space/Time/ Meaning : EAEA 13th Biennial International Conference, 6-8 September 2017, Glasgow School of Art, UK.
Fragments restoring Mackintosh's iconic library lights [dissertation]
Curtis, Joseph
Fragments restoring Mackintosh's iconic library lights [dissertation].
The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow.
Conservative Club, Helensburgh: survey and analysis [dissertation]
Downs, Elliot
Conservative Club, Helensburgh: survey and analysis [dissertation].
The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow.
Designing from context: a place focused, ecophilic and integrated approach to urbanism by design, PhD by Published Work
Evans, Brian
Designing from context: a place focused, ecophilic and integrated approach to urbanism by design, PhD by Published Work.
PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
From the past to the future: towards a new paradigm in landscape and environment
Evans, Brian
From the past to the future: towards a new paradigm in landscape and environment.
In: Public Lecture, 01 June 2017, Glasgow.
How the Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing inspired practical steps to promote sustainable housing at regional, national and local levels - Statement by Prof Brian Mark Evans
Evans, Brian
How the Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing inspired practical steps to promote sustainable housing at regional, national and local levels - Statement by Prof Brian Mark Evans.
In: International Congress, 8-10 November 2017, Geneva.
Introductory Statement to the Ministerial Meeting Roundtable II: Sustainable Urban Development Strategies
Evans, Brian
Introductory Statement to the Ministerial Meeting Roundtable II: Sustainable Urban Development Strategies.
In: International Congress, 8-10 November 2017, Geneva.
Key trends and challenges in sustainable urban development in the ECE Region
Evans, Brian
Key trends and challenges in sustainable urban development in the ECE Region.
In: International Congress, 8-10 November 2017, Geneva.
Strengthening national capacities for sustainable housing, energy efficiency and urban development: Best practice in city design
Evans, Brian
Strengthening national capacities for sustainable housing, energy efficiency and urban development: Best practice in city design.
In: Strengthening National Capacities for Sustainable Housing, Urban Development and Land Management: development, implementation and monitoring of the National Action Plans, 31 January - 02 February 2017, Belgrade, Serbia.
Why we need to urgently redouble our efforts
Evans, Brian
Why we need to urgently redouble our efforts.
Landscape for Scotland: Working together to help shape quality in landscape and place.
The Landscape Institute Scotland, Edinburgh, p. 10.
Best Practice in City Design
Evans, Brian Mark
Best Practice in City Design.
In: Strengthening National Capacities for Sustainable Housing, Urban Development and Land Management: development, implementation and monitoring of the National Action Plans, 31 January - 02 February 2017, Belgrade, Serbia.
Between the Times and the Place: Thinking Smart – Working Fast – Living Slow
Evans, Brian Mark
Between the Times and the Place: Thinking Smart – Working Fast – Living Slow.
In: Rebuilding Ireland: Delivering a Sustainable Housing Recovery, 14 February 2017, Dublin Castle, Ireland.
Scotland’s Urban Age: Aberdeen – Glasgow – Edinburgh in the 21st Century
Evans, Brian Mark
Scotland’s Urban Age: Aberdeen – Glasgow – Edinburgh in the 21st Century.
In: Annual Staff Conference, Burness Paull, 27 January 2017, Dundee, Scotland.
Stitching the city: continuity, urban renewal and grassroots action in late-twentieth century Glasgow
Gillick, Ambrose
Stitching the city: continuity, urban renewal and grassroots action in late-twentieth century Glasgow.
The Journal of Architecture, 22 (2).
pp. 188-224.
ISSN 1360-2365
Building culture. Co-production, context and justice
Gillick, Ambrose and
Ivett, Lee
Building culture. Co-production, context and justice.
In: Architecture Connects: AAE 4th International Peer Reviewed Conference, 6-9 September 2017, Oxford Brookes University.
EUROPEAN COST ACTION TU1204, People-friendly cities in a data rich world, Short-term Scientific Mission to Glasgow (STSM Glasgow)
Gleeson, Richard Martin and
Evans, Brian Mark
EUROPEAN COST ACTION TU1204, People-friendly cities in a data rich world, Short-term Scientific Mission to Glasgow (STSM Glasgow).
Project Report.
Early Modern High-Rise Living and the Tenement Experience
Guidicini, Giovanna
Early Modern High-Rise Living and the Tenement Experience.
In: Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) Conference, 07-11 June 2017, Glasgow.
Early Modern High-Rise Living and the Tenement Experience
Guidicini, Giovanna
Early Modern High-Rise Living and the Tenement Experience.
In: Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) Conference, 7-11 June 2017, Glasgow, UK.
Festivals and Celebrations: James VI in Edinburgh 1579, 1590, and 1617
Guidicini, Giovanna
Festivals and Celebrations: James VI in Edinburgh 1579, 1590, and 1617.
In: Patronage and Processionals: A Riddle’s Court Study Day, Patrick Geddes Centre for Learning, Edinburgh.
Royal Welcomes in Edinburgh New Town: portraying civic identity in 1822 and 1842
Guidicini, Giovanna
Royal Welcomes in Edinburgh New Town: portraying civic identity in 1822 and 1842.
In: Edinburgh New Town and the new towns in Scotland, 1767-2017, 05-06 October 2017, University of Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens.
Whose Power? Iconography and Agendas in Early Modern Scottish Ceremonies
Guidicini, Giovanna
Whose Power? Iconography and Agendas in Early Modern Scottish Ceremonies.
In: College Art Association (CAA) 105th Annual Conference, 15-18 Feb 2017, New York, NY, USA.
Characterising the actual performance of domestic mechanical ventilation and heat recovery systems
Gupta, Rajat,
Gregg, Matt,
Sharpe, Tim,
McGill, Grainne and
Mawditt, Ian
Characterising the actual performance of domestic mechanical ventilation and heat recovery systems.
In: AIVC 2017, 6th TightVent Conference, 13-14 September 2017, University of Nottingham, UK.
Strategies in architectural conservation: case study of the Mackintosh Building at the Glasgow School of Art [dissertation]
Kirova, Hristiana
Strategies in architectural conservation: case study of the Mackintosh Building at the Glasgow School of Art [dissertation].
The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow.
Creative Practice
Mantho, Robert
Creative Practice.
KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.
Effect of slope angle on energy performance of ground-integrated buildings on slope terrain
Marinho de Castro, Maria Manuela and
Gadi, Mohamed B.
Effect of slope angle on energy performance of ground-integrated buildings on slope terrain.
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 12 (2).
pp. 283-293.
ISSN 1743-7601
A Taxonomy of Fabric Integrated Thermal Energy Storage: A review of storage types and building locations
Marinho de Castro, Maria Manuela,
Sharpe, Tim,
Kelly, Nicolas and
Allison, John
A Taxonomy of Fabric Integrated Thermal Energy Storage: A review of storage types and building locations.
In: SET2017 - 16th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, 17 - 20 July 2017, Bologna, Italy.
Digital Heritage's Development in Architecture
Maver, Tom
Digital Heritage's Development in Architecture.
Territorio, 2017 (80).
pp. 44-47.
ISSN 1825-8689
How CAAD is changing society's role in architecture
Maver, Tom
How CAAD is changing society's role in architecture.
Architectural Research Addressing Societal Challenges.
EAAE/ARCC Conferences, 1-2
Taylor and Francis, pp. 997-1000.
ISBN 978-1-138-02966-8
Building Performance Evaluation: Croftfoot Road / Marfield Street
McGill, Grainne
Building Performance Evaluation: Croftfoot Road / Marfield Street.
Project Report.
Evidence presented in the House of Commons at the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Healthy Homes and Buildings
McGill, Grainne
Evidence presented in the House of Commons at the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Healthy Homes and Buildings.
APPG Healthy Homes and Buildings.
The effects of energy efficient design strategies on indoor air quality
McGill, Grainne
The effects of energy efficient design strategies on indoor air quality.
In: Vision 2017: The future of the built environment (Building health and wellness session), 6-7t June 2017, Olympia, London.
Health Effects of Modern Airtight Construction: Research Needs and Future Directions
McGill, Grainne and
Sharpe, Tim
Health Effects of Modern Airtight Construction: Research Needs and Future Directions.
In: Healthy Buildings Asia, 2-6th September 2017, Tainan, Taiwan.
The UK is putting IAQ and health on the agenda again
McGill, Grainne and
Sharpe, Tim
The UK is putting IAQ and health on the agenda again.
The REHVA European HVAC Journal, 54 (3).
pp. 45-49.
ISSN 1307-3729
Ventilation performance and end-user interaction: Comparison of natural and mechanical strategies in new-build social housing
McGill, Grainne and
Sharpe, Tim
Ventilation performance and end-user interaction: Comparison of natural and mechanical strategies in new-build social housing.
In: Passive Low Energy Architecture (PLEA) 2017, 3-5 July 2017, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Health effects of Modern Airtight Construction: HEMAC Multidisciplinary Network Summary Report
McGill, Grainne,
Sharpe, Tim,
Devereux, Graham and
Turner, Steve
Health effects of Modern Airtight Construction: HEMAC Multidisciplinary Network Summary Report.
Project Report.
HEMAC Network.
Sandpit organised at GSA with the HEMAC Network on 25th April 2017
McGill, Grainne,
Sharpe, Tim,
Devereux, Graham and
Turner, Steve
Sandpit organised at GSA with the HEMAC Network on 25th April 2017.
An Investigation of indoor air quality in UK Passivhaus dwellings
McGill, Grainne,
Sharpe, Tim,
Oyedele, Lukumon,
Keeffe, Greg and
McAllister, Keith
An Investigation of indoor air quality in UK Passivhaus dwellings.
Smart Energy Control Systems for Sustainable Buildings.
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 67
Springer, Switzerland, pp. 245-268.
ISBN 978-3-319-52074-2
Conference organised on behalf of the UK Indoor Environments Group on Indoor Environments and Health in Buildings
McGill, Grainne and
Ucci, Marcella
Conference organised on behalf of the UK Indoor Environments Group on Indoor Environments and Health in Buildings.
Dedicated Indoor Drying Spaces- A step towards improving indoor air quality
Menon, Rosalie
Dedicated Indoor Drying Spaces- A step towards improving indoor air quality.
In: UK IEG (Indoor Environments Group) Conference 2017, 26th April 2017, The Glasgow School of Art.
Upgrading Glasgow’s High-rise Building Stock – A Case Study
Menon, Rosalie
Upgrading Glasgow’s High-rise Building Stock – A Case Study.
Proceedings of the European Network of Housing Researchers 2017.
POLIS University, Tirana.
'Ventilate Right’ – Methods of Effective Communication to New Residents
Menon, Rosalie and
Foster, Janice
'Ventilate Right’ – Methods of Effective Communication to New Residents.
Proceedings of 33rd PLEA International Conference: Design to Thrive, Edinburgh, 2-5 July 2017.
NCEUB, pp. 503-510.
ISBN 9780992895754
Case study investigation of Indoor Air Quality during summer of the first PassivHaus in Mexico City
Moreno-Rangel, Alejandro,
Sharpe, Tim,
Musau, Filbert and
McGill, Grainne
Case study investigation of Indoor Air Quality during summer of the first PassivHaus in Mexico City.
In: Innovation Match MX 2016-2017 Conference, 31 May - 02 June 2017, Mexico City, Mexico.
Der Gute Lehrer
Platt, Christopher
Der Gute Lehrer.
The University of Weimar, Weimar.
Dong Workshop, Guangzhou University: Three Lectures
Platt, Christopher
Dong Workshop, Guangzhou University: Three Lectures.
In: Dong Workshop, Guangzhou University: Three Lectures, 14-19 July 2017, College of Architecture and Urban Planning of Guangzhou University.
Everyday Encounters
Platt, Christopher
Everyday Encounters.
Creative Minds The Personal Sketchbooks of Professors Andy MacMillan and Charles MacCallum.
Freight Books, Glasgow.
ISBN 9781911332527
Making the Negligible Considerable
Platt, Christopher
Making the Negligible Considerable.
Tonic, 1 (1).
pp. 4-5.
Narratives, Navigations and…Notations
Platt, Christopher
Narratives, Navigations and…Notations.
Drawing, Research, Theory, Practice, 2 (1).
pp. 189-194.
ISSN 2057-0384
Taking a Hard Line: The Revealing Power of Functional Draughtsmanship
Platt, Christopher
Taking a Hard Line: The Revealing Power of Functional Draughtsmanship.
Envisioning Architecture: Space/Time/Meaning.
Freight Publishing, Glasgow.
ISBN 978-0-9576660-8-5
Green space quantity and mental health: evidence on gender differences in relationships and use of work status as a proxy for exposure
Robertson, L. B,
Ward Thompson, C.,
Roe, J.,
Aspinall, P.A. and
Miller, D.
Green space quantity and mental health: evidence on gender differences in relationships and use of work status as a proxy for exposure.
In: The 29th Annual Scientific Conference of the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE2017): Healthy places, healthy people – what are the connections?, 24 - 28 September 2017, Sydney, Australia.
Green Space Quantity and Mental Health: Evidence on Gender Differences in Relationships and use of Work Status as a Proxy for Exposure
Robertson, L.B.,
Ward Thompson, C.,
Roe, J.,
Aspinall, P.A. and
Miller, D.
Green Space Quantity and Mental Health: Evidence on Gender Differences in Relationships and use of Work Status as a Proxy for Exposure.
In: Valuing Nature Annual Conference 2017, 18- 19 October 2017, Edinburgh, UK.
Improving indoor environmental quality and supporting health
and wellbeing with indoor plants, green roofs and green walls [Conference presentation]
Robertson, Lynette B.
Improving indoor environmental quality and supporting health
and wellbeing with indoor plants, green roofs and green walls [Conference presentation].
In: UK Indoor Environments Group Conference 2017, 26 April 2017, The Glasgow School of Art.
Improving indoor environmental quality and supporting health and wellbeing with indoor plants, green roofs and green walls [Conference abstract]
Robertson, Lynette B.
Improving indoor environmental quality and supporting health and wellbeing with indoor plants, green roofs and green walls [Conference abstract].
In: UK Indoor Environments Group Conference 2017, 26 April 2017, Glasgow, UK.
Renaturing Cities: Theories, Strategies and Methodologies [Workshop Presentation]
Robertson, Lynette B.
Renaturing Cities: Theories, Strategies and Methodologies [Workshop Presentation].
In: Renaturing Cities: Theories, Strategies and Methodologies, 10 - 13 July 2017, Goiânia, Brazil (Universidade Federal de Goiás).
Spaces of Justice: The Architecture of the Scottish Court
Robson, Peter and
Rodger, Johnny
Spaces of Justice: The Architecture of the Scottish Court.
Law, Culture, and the Humanities Series
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, Madison, New Jersey.
ISBN 9781683930884
Art is Architecture is Art
Rodger, Johnny
Art is Architecture is Art.
SWD -A Chronic Case in Muscovy : Reading Walter Scott in Other Unions
Rodger, Johnny
SWD -A Chronic Case in Muscovy : Reading Walter Scott in Other Unions.
The Drouth (59).
pp. 52-59.
ISSN 1474-6190
Should We be Celebrating or Lamenting Glasgow's 'Renaissance'?
Rodger, Johnny
Should We be Celebrating or Lamenting Glasgow's 'Renaissance'?
Building Design.
ISSN 0007-3423
'Spaces of Justice' symposium
Rodger, Johnny
'Spaces of Justice' symposium.
In: Spaces of Justice, 23 November 2017, Mackintosh School of Architecture, UK.
Creative Minds : The Personal Sketchbooks of Professors Andy MacMillan and Charles MacCallum
Rodger, Johnny,
MacMillan, Andy and
MacCallum, Charles
Creative Minds : The Personal Sketchbooks of Professors Andy MacMillan and Charles MacCallum.
Freight Books, Glasgow.
ISBN 9781911332527
Building tight – ventilating right?
Sharpe, Tim
Building tight – ventilating right?
In: Air Quality, 18 October 2017, MaccreanorLavington Architects.
Impacts on Indoor Air Quality of thermally driven housing retrofit projects in Scotland
Sharpe, Tim
Impacts on Indoor Air Quality of thermally driven housing retrofit projects in Scotland.
In: Healthy Buildings 2017 Asia, 2-6 Sept 2017, Taiwan.
A breath of Fresh Air? Ventilation performance in contemporary homes
Sharpe, Tim
A breath of Fresh Air? Ventilation performance in contemporary homes.
In: Low Energy Ventilation Network, Ventilation, Air Flow and Health Symposium, 19 Dec 2017, University of Leeds, UK.
Chengdu City Museum- as built
Sutherland, Charles,
Hussey, Charles and
Harris, Colin
Chengdu City Museum- as built.
Linkeroever - Across the river
Sutherland, Charles,
Massie, Graeme and
Dickson, Stuart
Linkeroever - Across the river.
Linkeroever. Across the river.
Flanders Architecture Institute, Belgium.
ISBN 9789492567024
Der Hof im Stadtquartier (The Courtyard in the Urban Neighbourhood)
Urban, Florian
Der Hof im Stadtquartier (The Courtyard in the Urban Neighbourhood).
In: Stadtbaukunst - die Entwicklung von Stadtquartieren [Urban Design - Neighbourhood Development], 28 June 2017, Frankfurt, Germany.
Die Wiederentdeckung der Altstadt. Das Nikolaiviertel und die Husemannstraße in Ost-Berlin
Urban, Florian
Die Wiederentdeckung der Altstadt. Das Nikolaiviertel und die Husemannstraße in Ost-Berlin.
In: Das doppelte Stadtjubiläum, 8 September 2017, Berlin Wall Foundation, Berlin.
Mass Housing Elsewhere
Urban, Florian
Mass Housing Elsewhere.
In: Society of Architectural Historians, Annual Meeting, 7-9 June 2017, Glasgow.
The New Tenement - Residences in the Inner City Since 1970
Urban, Florian
The New Tenement - Residences in the Inner City Since 1970.
Routledge, Abingdon.
ISBN 9781138224469
The New Tenement
Urban, Florian
The New Tenement.
In: Sykhiv Lectures, organized by the Center for Urban History, 22 August 2017, Lviv, Ukraine.
Polnische postmoderne Architektur im internationalen Spannungsfeld [Polish Postmodern Architecture in an International Context]
Urban, Florian
Polnische postmoderne Architektur im internationalen Spannungsfeld [Polish Postmodern Architecture in an International Context].
In: Verflechtung und Abgrenzung. Deutsch-polnische Perspektiven in der Kunstgeschichte seit 1945/ Powiązania i rozbieżności. Niemiecko-polskie perspektywy badawcze w historii sztuki po roku 1945 [German-Polish perspectives in art history since 1945], 16-17 November 2017, German Historical Institute, Warsaw.
The Postmodern City in the German Democratic Republic
Urban, Florian
The Postmodern City in the German Democratic Republic.
In: The Ins and Outs of Socialism, 25-27 August 2017, Centre for the Urban History of East Central Europe, Lviv, Ukraine.
‘The Slab’ in East Germany - an Ambivalent Heritage
Urban, Florian
‘The Slab’ in East Germany - an Ambivalent Heritage.
In: How Long are New Towns New? European Post-War New Towns as Authentic Places in a Comparative Perspective, 23-24 February 2017, Potsdam, Germany.
The housing estate Märkisches Viertel in Berlin – 50 years of struggle over a concrete utopia
Urban, Florian
The housing estate Märkisches Viertel in Berlin – 50 years of struggle over a concrete utopia.
In: Concrete Utopias, 12-13 May 2017, Liverpool.
A half remembered tradition: stained glass at the Mack [dissertation]
Yehezkel, Naomi
A half remembered tradition: stained glass at the Mack [dissertation].
The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow.
Communication of Sustainability Information and Assessment within BIM-enabled Collaborative Environment
Zanni, Maria Angeliki
Communication of Sustainability Information and Assessment within BIM-enabled Collaborative Environment.
PhD thesis, Loughborough University.
This list was generated on Mon Mar 10 04:32:31 2025 UTC.