Items where School is "Mackintosh School of Architecture" and Year is 2016

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Number of items: 83.


Edinburgh: Exploring how older adults make use of their local high streets

Brunelli, Luca (2016) Edinburgh: Exploring how older adults make use of their local high streets. Journal of the Centre for Accessible Environments (146). pp. 24-25. ISSN 0959-1591

Everyday Life and Older People’s Well-being in Local High Streets

Brunelli, Luca (2016) Everyday Life and Older People’s Well-being in Local High Streets. In: Mobility, Mood and Place: Habitats for Happy and Healthy Ageing, 11-14 October 2016, Edinburgh.

Everyday life and Older People’s Well‐being in Local High Streets

Brunelli, Luca (2016) Everyday life and Older People’s Well‐being in Local High Streets. In: British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference, 6-8 July 2016, Stirling.

Everyday Life and Older People’s Well-being in Local Town Centres in Edinburgh

Brunelli, Luca, Smith, Harry and Woolrych, Ryan (2016) Everyday Life and Older People’s Well-being in Local Town Centres in Edinburgh. Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research & Policy.

Understanding versus Sympathy

Buchanan, Roderick and Rodger, Johnny (2016) Understanding versus Sympathy. [Video]


UN Habitat III: Towards a people centred, city focused and integrated approach to the new urban agenda

Evans, Brian (2016) UN Habitat III: Towards a people centred, city focused and integrated approach to the new urban agenda. In: The Future of Urbanism, 9-10 June 2016, London.

The liveable city: Glasgow and Boston

Evans, Brian and Stockard, Jim (2016) The liveable city: Glasgow and Boston. The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow. ISBN 9780957666061

Briefing on Habitat III Regional Report on Housing and Urban Development for the UNECE Region of the UN

Evans, Brian Mark (2016) Briefing on Habitat III Regional Report on Housing and Urban Development for the UNECE Region of the UN. In: International Governmental Workshop: Regional Roadmap for HABITAT III Conference for the UNECE Region and preparations to the “European Habitat”, 22 February 2016, Geneva, Switzerland.

Glasgow - city of creative production: the pre-conditions

Evans, Brian Mark (2016) Glasgow - city of creative production: the pre-conditions. In: Summit for Glasgow: City of Creative Production, 28 September 2016, The Glasgow School of Art.

A New Urban Agenda

Evans, Brian Mark (2016) A New Urban Agenda. The Times Scotland/HousingScot. p. 10.

Small Scale Urbanism in the Towns and Cities of Scotland and Siberia

Evans, Brian Mark (2016) Small Scale Urbanism in the Towns and Cities of Scotland and Siberia. In: The Native Towns of Siberia - Gazprom Neft Corporate Social Responsibility, 01-02 Dec 2016, St Petersburgh, Russia.

Smart Directions in Urban Development – the Russian Experience

Evans, Brian Mark (2016) Smart Directions in Urban Development – the Russian Experience. In: Kommersant and Reed Midem Opening Conference Russia 2016: Smart directions in urban development, 15 March 2016, Cannes, France.

Towards a new paradigm in landscape and environment

Evans, Brian Mark (2016) Towards a new paradigm in landscape and environment. In: Growing Awareness: How green consciousness can change perceptions and places. RIAS, Edinburgh, pp. 256-277. ISBN 9781873190722

UN Habitat III: Towards a people centred, city-focused and integrated new urban agenda

Evans, Brian Mark (2016) UN Habitat III: Towards a people centred, city-focused and integrated new urban agenda. [Video]

Understanding and Reasoning the Landscape

Evans, Brian Mark (2016) Understanding and Reasoning the Landscape. In: Growing Awareness: How green consciousness can change perceptions and places. RIAS, Edinburgh, pp. 4-7. ISBN 9781873190722

Vancouver to Vladivostok: HABITAT III and the metropolitan context of the UNECE

Evans, Brian Mark (2016) Vancouver to Vladivostok: HABITAT III and the metropolitan context of the UNECE. In: Urban Futures: Cities and Towns in Transition, 1 September 2016, Dublin, Ireland.

What is Beauty? History, Evolution and Theory: The relevance of sublime and picturesque thought to the contemporary context

Evans, Brian Mark (2016) What is Beauty? History, Evolution and Theory: The relevance of sublime and picturesque thought to the contemporary context. In: Beauty, function and sustainability in the age of austerity, 03 - 04 March 2016, Sheffield, UK.

What the Raven Saw: Taking a local world view of place

Evans, Brian Mark (2016) What the Raven Saw: Taking a local world view of place. In: Skipulagsdagurinn 2016 – gæði byggðar og umhverfis, 15 September 2016, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Why Habitat III must reflect the century of the city

Evans, Brian Mark (2016) Why Habitat III must reflect the century of the city. The Planner.

The new urban agenda and metropolitan trends in the global north

Evans, Brian Mark (2016) The new urban agenda and metropolitan trends in the global north. In: Do cities have limits?, 18 April 2016, Glasgow, UK.

Urban Environment and Resilience

Evans, Brian Mark, Barry, Martin, Buchoud, Nicholas and Vincente, Guallart (2016) Urban Environment and Resilience. In: European Habitat 2016, 16 - 18 March 2016, Prague, Czech Republic.

Habitat III - Towards a New Urban Agenda

Evans, Brian Mark, Elesei, Pietro, Rosenfeld, Orna, Roll, Gulnara, Figueiredo, Amie and Keiner, Marco (2016) Habitat III - Towards a New Urban Agenda. disP - The Planning Review, 52 (1). pp. 86-91. ISSN 2166-8604

Habitat III Regional Report on Housing and Urban Development for the UNECE Region: Towards a City-Focused, People-Centred and Integrated Approach to the New Urban Agenda

Evans, Brian Mark, Rosenfeld, Orna, Elesei, Pietro, Golubchikov, Oleg, Badynia, Anna, Saliez, Frédéric, Lenz, Annika and Küsters, Christian (2016) Habitat III Regional Report on Housing and Urban Development for the UNECE Region: Towards a City-Focused, People-Centred and Integrated Approach to the New Urban Agenda. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva.


Ventilate Right

Foster, Janice and Menon, Rosalie (2016) Ventilate Right. [Video]

Scottish Passive House: Insights into Environmental Conditions in Monitored Passive Houses

Foster, Janice, Sharpe, Tim, Poston, Anna, Morgan, Chris and Musau, Filbert (2016) Scottish Passive House: Insights into Environmental Conditions in Monitored Passive Houses. Sustainability, 8 (5). Article 412. ISSN 2071-1050

Building Performance Evaluation – A design approach for refurbishment of a small traditional building in Scotland

Foster, Janice A., Foster, Samuel A., Sharpe, Tim and Poston, Anna (2016) Building Performance Evaluation – A design approach for refurbishment of a small traditional building in Scotland. In: 2nd International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Comfort of Historic Buildings (EECHB 2016), 19 - 21 Oct 2016, Brussels, Belgium.


Gender, Age, Politics, and Religion: Problematic Scottish Monarchs and/in the Urban Space, 1503-1633

Guidicini, Giovanna (2016) Gender, Age, Politics, and Religion: Problematic Scottish Monarchs and/in the Urban Space, 1503-1633. In: Society for Renaissance Studies 7th Biennial Conference, 18-20 July 2016, Glasgow, UK.

Ordering the World: The Game of Trionfi and the Architectural Iconography of Stirling Castle, Scotland

Guidicini, Giovanna (2016) Ordering the World: The Game of Trionfi and the Architectural Iconography of Stirling Castle, Scotland. In: Renaissance Society of America (RSA) Conference, Boston.


West Burn Lane

Hussey, Charles and Sutherland, Charles (2016) West Burn Lane. [Artefact]


Scottish Uprising

Ivett, Lee (2016) Scottish Uprising. The Architectural Review. ISSN 0003-861X

Constructing Community: Synthesizing Lay and Professional Knowledge in Architecture

Ivett, Lee and Gillick, Ambrose (2016) Constructing Community: Synthesizing Lay and Professional Knowledge in Architecture. In: AMPS Liverpool 2016 Government and Housing in a Time of Crisis: Policy, Planning, Design and Delivery, 08- 09 September 2016, Liverpool, UK.


Shengzhou South City Core Area Masterplan

JTP, Architects and Masterplanners, Eble, Architektur, Evans, Brian and Buro, Happold (2016) Shengzhou South City Core Area Masterplan. Project Report. City of Shengzhou, Shengzhou, Zhejiang Province, People Republic of China.


Restoration of the Mac's legacy: reconstructing the library after the fire in the Glasgow School of Art [dissertation]

Kowalczyk, Sylwia (2016) Restoration of the Mac's legacy: reconstructing the library after the fire in the Glasgow School of Art [dissertation]. The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow.


Impact of Received Solar Radiation on Energy Potential of Ground Integrated Buildings on Slope Terrain

Marinho de Castro, Maria Manuela and Gadi, Mohamed B. (2016) Impact of Received Solar Radiation on Energy Potential of Ground Integrated Buildings on Slope Terrain. In: 15th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET 2016), 19- 22 July 2016, National University of Singapore, Singapore.

CAAD : A Five Decade Paradigm Shift

Maver, Tom (2016) CAAD : A Five Decade Paradigm Shift. In: The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland Centenary: 100th Birthday Contributions from the RIAS' Honorary Fellows. Royal Incorporation of architects in Scotland, Edinburgh, pp. 68-69. ISBN 9781873190753

Invited presentation to the opening Session of the 50th Anniversary Conference of the Design Research Society

Maver, Tom (2016) Invited presentation to the opening Session of the 50th Anniversary Conference of the Design Research Society. Not yet known.

CAAD : Four Decades that Transformed Architecture and Building Engineering

Maver, Tom and Petric, Jelena (2016) CAAD : Four Decades that Transformed Architecture and Building Engineering. In: Sports Facilities - Modernization and Construction. University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 11-23. ISBN 978-86-89773-16-3

Build Tight Ventilate Right in the 21st Century

McGill, Grainne (2016) Build Tight Ventilate Right in the 21st Century. In: RIBA Guerrilla Tactics Conference: Super Models, 8-9th November 2016, RIBA, 66 Portland Place, London.

Building Performance Evaluation: Huntershill Court

McGill, Grainne (2016) Building Performance Evaluation: Huntershill Court. Project Report. MEARU.

Indoor Air Quality in Selected New-build Airtight Dwellings: A UK Case Study

McGill, Grainne (2016) Indoor Air Quality in Selected New-build Airtight Dwellings: A UK Case Study. PhD thesis, Queen's University Belfast.

Lynn Crescent Passivhaus: Building Performance Evaluation

McGill, Grainne (2016) Lynn Crescent Passivhaus: Building Performance Evaluation. Technical Report. Orkney Housing Association, Robert Potter and Partners.

Building Performance Evaluation of a Retrofitted Dwelling in Scotland

McGill, Grainne and Sharpe, Tim (2016) Building Performance Evaluation of a Retrofitted Dwelling in Scotland. In: PLEA 2016: Cities, Buildings, People: Towards Regenerative Environments, 11-13 Jul 2016, Los Angeles, CA, USA.

Technologically dependent ventilation in a temperate climate- A UK case study

McGill, Grainne and Sharpe, Tim (2016) Technologically dependent ventilation in a temperate climate- A UK case study. In: Indoor Air 2016, The 14th International Conference of Indoor Air Quality and Climate, 3-8 Jul 2016, Ghent, Belgium.

Symposium organised at GSA on Health Effects of Modern Airtight Housing, with the HEMAC network

McGill, Grainne, Sharpe, Tim, Devereux, Graham and Turner, Steve (2016) Symposium organised at GSA on Health Effects of Modern Airtight Housing, with the HEMAC network. n/a.

Workshop organised at GSA with the HEMAC Network on 30th November 2016

McGill, Grainne, Sharpe, Tim, Devereux, Graham and Turner, Steve (2016) Workshop organised at GSA with the HEMAC Network on 30th November 2016. n/a.

Meta-analysis of indoor temperatures in new-build housing

McGill, Grainne, Sharpe, Tim, Robertson, Lynette, Gupta, Rajat and Mawditt, Ian (2016) Meta-analysis of indoor temperatures in new-build housing. Building Research & Information, 45 (1-2). pp. 19-39. ISSN 0961-3218

Simulation Software as a Design Tool in Multilayer Construction

Menon, Rosalie and Robertson, Graeme (2016) Simulation Software as a Design Tool in Multilayer Construction. In: Proceedings of the Advanced Building Skins Conference. Advanced Building Skins GmbH, Switzerland. ISBN 9783981205398

En busca de la vivienda social sustentable, confortable, y energéticamente eficiente en climas Subtropicales en México

Moreno-Rangel, Alejandro (2016) En busca de la vivienda social sustentable, confortable, y energéticamente eficiente en climas Subtropicales en México. In: Innovation Match MX 2015-2016, 1er Foro Internacional de Talento Mexicano, 6-8 April 2016, Guadalajara, Mexico.

Indoor air quality in low energy homes in Mexico City

Moreno-Rangel, Alejandro (2016) Indoor air quality in low energy homes in Mexico City. In: XIV Symposium of Mexican Students and Studies, 16-18 June 2016, Edinburgh, UK.

Overheating in Scotland: contributing factors in occupied homes

Morgan, C., Foster, J.A, Poston, A. and Sharpe, T.R. (2016) Overheating in Scotland: contributing factors in occupied homes. Building Research & Information, 45 (1-2). pp. 143-156. ISSN 0961-3218


“Explication of Tacit Knowledge” Deliverable 10 – Interpretation

Ottaviani, Dorotea, Buoli, Alice and De Marinis, Cecilia (2016) “Explication of Tacit Knowledge” Deliverable 10 – Interpretation. ADAPTr ITN.

“Explication of Tacit Knowledge” Deliverable 9 – Collection of Data

Ottaviani, Dorotea, Buoli, Alice and De Marinis, Cecilia (2016) “Explication of Tacit Knowledge” Deliverable 9 – Collection of Data. ADAPT-r ITN.

“Refinement and Explication of Methods” Deliverable 11 – Collection of Data

Ottaviani, Dorotea, Buoli, Alice and De Marinis, Cecilia (2016) “Refinement and Explication of Methods” Deliverable 11 – Collection of Data. ADAPT-r ITN.

“Refinement and Explication of Methods” Deliverable 11b – Interpretation

Ottaviani, Dorotea, Buoli, Alice and De Marinis, Cecilia (2016) “Refinement and Explication of Methods” Deliverable 11b – Interpretation. ADAPT-r ITN.

Large-scale, white-light, transformation optics using integral imaging

Oxburgh, Stephen, White, Chris, Georgious, Antoniou, Orife, Ejovbokoghene, Courtial, Johannes and Sharpe, Tim (2016) Large-scale, white-light, transformation optics using integral imaging. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 18 (4). 044009. ISSN 1464-4258


Architecture's Continuing Contribution in X Agendas for Architecture

Platt, Christopher (2016) Architecture's Continuing Contribution in X Agendas for Architecture. In: X Agendas for Architecture. Artifice, London, pp. 55-57. ISBN 9781908967763

Dialogues, Doubts and Details

Platt, Christopher (2016) Dialogues, Doubts and Details. [Artefact]

'Home' 'Albert Road'

Platt, Christopher (2016) 'Home' 'Albert Road'. [Video]

Learning from Robert Maguire

Platt, Christopher (2016) Learning from Robert Maguire. Architecture Today (265). p. 13. ISSN 0958-6407


Indoor air quality and ventilation in modern airtight homes

Roaf, Sue and McGill, Grainne (2016) Indoor air quality and ventilation in modern airtight homes. RIAS Practice Note.

Designing with Nature: Green Walls [Workshop / CPD Presentation]

Robertson, L.B. (2016) Designing with Nature: Green Walls [Workshop / CPD Presentation]. In: Designing with Nature, 29 Sep 2016, Battleby, Perth, Scotland.

A Brisk Walk: Buildings At Risk in Glasgow

Rodger, Johnny (2016) A Brisk Walk: Buildings At Risk in Glasgow. [Audio]

‘Nor did ever fairies trip with such alacrity’: Peregrinations since Colmcille in his Historic Footsteps

Rodger, Johnny (2016) ‘Nor did ever fairies trip with such alacrity’: Peregrinations since Colmcille in his Historic Footsteps. Northern Scotland, 7 (1). pp. 1-20. ISSN 0306-5278

Ruining Film Undoing Time

Rodger, Johnny (2016) Ruining Film Undoing Time. In: Narrations Contemporaines / Contemporary Narratives, 27-29 Apr 2016, Universite du Quebec a' Montreal.

'The Stalest Windbag?' Teaching in the 'Year System' at the Mackintosh School of Architecture

Rodger, Johnny (2016) 'The Stalest Windbag?' Teaching in the 'Year System' at the Mackintosh School of Architecture. Charrette, 3 (1). pp. 45-53. ISSN 2054-6718

Toons 'n' Tec : An Architecture of Comix

Rodger, Johnny (2016) Toons 'n' Tec : An Architecture of Comix. The Drouth (56). pp. 15-24. ISSN 1474-6190

Exception is the Rule : Jolanta Dolewska's 'Holding' photography

Rodger, Johnny and Dolewska, Jolanta (2016) Exception is the Rule : Jolanta Dolewska's 'Holding' photography. The Drouth (54). pp. 4-13. ISSN 1474-6190


Characteristics and performance of MVHR systems A meta study of MVHR systems used in the Innovate UK Building Performance Evaluation Programme

Sharpe, Tim, Mawditt, Ian, Gupta, Rajat, McGill, Grainne and Gregg, Mat (2016) Characteristics and performance of MVHR systems A meta study of MVHR systems used in the Innovate UK Building Performance Evaluation Programme. Technical Report. Innovate UK.

Large-scale cloaking with tiny telescopes

Steven, Oxburgh, White, Chris D., Courtial, Johannes, Antoniou, Georgios, Orife, Ejovbokoghene and Sharpe, Tim (2016) Large-scale cloaking with tiny telescopes. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics. ISSN 1464-4258

Advancing Practice: how can emerging models of doctoral study help support architecture and creative practice?

Stewart, Sally (2016) Advancing Practice: how can emerging models of doctoral study help support architecture and creative practice? In: Cross Americas Probing Disglobal Networks. ACSA International Conference 2016 . Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, p. 20.

Indoor Annual Sunlight Opportunity in Domestic Dwellings May Predict Well-Being in Urban Residents in Scotland

Swanson, Vivien, Sharpe, Tim, Porteous, Colin, Hunter, Colin and Shearer, Donald (2016) Indoor Annual Sunlight Opportunity in Domestic Dwellings May Predict Well-Being in Urban Residents in Scotland. Ecopsychology, 8 (2). pp. 121-130. ISSN 1942-9347


Fingerprints of the Mac: how a building remembers its inhabitants [dissertation]

Tinneny, Roisin (2016) Fingerprints of the Mac: how a building remembers its inhabitants [dissertation]. The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow.


Back to the City (Conference)

Urban, Florian (2016) Back to the City (Conference). In: Back to the City - Urbanism, Density, Housing 1976-2016, 5-6 May 2016, Glasgow, UK.

Berlin’s Building Groups – A Bottom-Up Initiative in a Highly Professionalized Environment

Urban, Florian (2016) Berlin’s Building Groups – A Bottom-Up Initiative in a Highly Professionalized Environment. In: Conference of the European Architectural History Network (EAHN), 2-4 Jun 2016, Dublin Castle, Ireland.

The De-industrializing City

Urban, Florian (2016) The De-industrializing City. In: The De-industrialising City: Urban, architectural and socio-cultural perspectives, 12-13 December 2016, German Historical Institute, London.

Do tenements generate social cohesion? - The city as an active agent vs. the city as a site for action

Urban, Florian (2016) Do tenements generate social cohesion? - The city as an active agent vs. the city as a site for action. In: Annual Urban History Group Conference: Re-Evaluating the Place of the City in History, 31 Mar- 1 Apr 2016, University of Cambridge, UK.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Urban, Florian (2016) Frank Lloyd Wright. In: The Battle of the Architects - Scotland vs. America, 16 March 2016, Glasgow City Heritage Trust , Webster's Theatre.

The New Tenement - Re-housing the Inner City

Urban, Florian (2016) The New Tenement - Re-housing the Inner City. In: Architecture History and Theory Lecture Series, 4 Oct 2016, Minto House, University of Edinburgh, UK.

The New Tenement – on Urban Density and Social Cohesion

Urban, Florian (2016) The New Tenement – on Urban Density and Social Cohesion. In: Biennial Conference of the International Planning History Society (IPHS), 17-20 Jul 2016, TU Delft, The Netherlands.

Organization of the Conference "Back to the City - Urbanity, Density, Housing 1976-2016"

Urban, Florian (2016) Organization of the Conference "Back to the City - Urbanity, Density, Housing 1976-2016". The Glasgow School of Art.

Visualizing Traces of Destruction

Urban, Florian and Platt, Christopher (2016) Visualizing Traces of Destruction. In: 42nd Annual Conference of the Association of Art Historians, 7-9 April 2016, University of Edinburgh, UK.


Cameronwebster Architects - North Gardner Street

Webster, Miranda (2016) Cameronwebster Architects - North Gardner Street. [Artefact]


Towards a BIM-enabled sustainable building design process: roles, responsibilities, and requirements

Zanni, Maria Angeliki, Soetanto, Robby and Ruikar, Kirti (2016) Towards a BIM-enabled sustainable building design process: roles, responsibilities, and requirements. Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 13 (2). pp. 101-129. ISSN 1752-7589

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