Number of items: 40.
Interaction Devices and Interface Issues
Anderson, P.
Interaction Devices and Interface Issues.
Virtual Replaces Physical
Anderson, P.
Virtual Replaces Physical.
Medical Visualisations
Anderson, P. and
Brady, L.
Medical Visualisations.
Medical Visualisation
Anderson, P. and
Charissis, V.
Medical Visualisation.
In: Annual Inverness Symposium of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, 30 May 2008, Inverness.
Human-Machine Collaboration Through Vehicle Head UP Display Interface
Anderson, P.,
Charissis, V. and
Papanastasiou, S.
Human-Machine Collaboration Through Vehicle Head UP Display Interface.
In: European Annual Conference on Human Decision-Making and Manual Control (EAM ‘06), 27-29 September 2006, Valenciennes, France.
An Enquiry into VR Interface Design for Medical Training: VR Augmented Anatomy Tutorials for Breast Cancer
Anderson, P.,
Charrissis, V,
Ward, B,
Naef, M,
Rowley, D and
Brady, L
An Enquiry into VR Interface Design for Medical Training: VR Augmented Anatomy Tutorials for Breast Cancer.
The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality. Conference, San Jose CA , ETATS-UNIS (2008), 6804
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham, WA, ETATS-UNIS (1981) (Revue) SPIE, Bellingham, Wash., ETATS-UNIS (2008) (Monographie), San Jose, California, USA.
ISBN 978-0-8194-6976-2 ; 0-8194-6976-9
3motion - Wireless 3D Gesture recognition (video)
Anderson, P.,
Naef, Martin,
Keir, Paul and
Elgoyhen, Jocelyn
3motion - Wireless 3D Gesture recognition (video).
Surgical Education: Applied Virtual Anatomy: Can Virtual Reality Augment Postgraduate Anatomy Teaching?
Anderson, P.,
Ward, B. M.,
Charissis, Vassilis and
Young, I.
Surgical Education: Applied Virtual Anatomy: Can Virtual Reality Augment Postgraduate Anatomy Teaching?
In: School of Surgery Day, 28 November 2007, Department of Surgery, Edinburgh University, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.
Construction of an anatomically accurate 3D model of the head and neck region of a male cadaver using digital technologies to enhance dental education and training
Anderson, Paul
Construction of an anatomically accurate 3D model of the head and neck region of a male cadaver using digital technologies to enhance dental education and training.
Clinical Anatomy
11th Congress of European Association of Clinical Anatomy (EACA) and British Association of Clinical Anatomists, United Kingdom.
Embedded Reflection Mapping
Anderson, Paul and
Carvalho, Goncalo
Embedded Reflection Mapping.
Real-time Medical Visualization of Human Head and Neck Anatomy and its Applications for Dental Training and Simulation
Anderson, Paul,
Chapman, Paul,
Ma, Minhua and
Rea, Paul
Real-time Medical Visualization of Human Head and Neck Anatomy and its Applications for Dental Training and Simulation.
Current Medical Imaging Reviews, 9 (4).
pp. 298-308.
ISSN 1573-4056
Feasibility Study for a Scottish Medical Visualisation Network - Final Report
Anderson, Paul and
Charissis, Vassilis
Feasibility Study for a Scottish Medical Visualisation Network - Final Report.
Project Report.
Scottish Funding Council.
Three Dimensional Human-Computer Interface
Paul Anderson, Saquib Ibrahim
Three Dimensional Human-Computer Interface.
The role of emerging visualisation technologies in delivering competitive market advantage
Anderson, Paul,
Kenny, Tom and
Ibrahim, Saquib
The role of emerging visualisation technologies in delivering competitive market advantage.
In: 2nd International Conference on Total Vehicle Technology, 11-12 Nov 2002, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.
A Haptic-Based Virtual Reality Head and Neck Model for Dental Education
Anderson, Paul,
Ma, Minhua and
Poyade, Matthieu
A Haptic-Based Virtual Reality Head and Neck Model for Dental Education.
Virtual, Augmented Reality and Serious Games for Healthcare 1.
Intelligent Systems Reference Library, 68
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Heidelberg, pp. 29-50.
ISBN 9783642548154
Design and Implementation of Augmented Reality Environment for Complex Anatomy Training: Inguinal Canal Case Study
Anderson, Paul,
Ward, B,
Charissis, V,
Sakellariou, S and
Chanock, D
Design and Implementation of Augmented Reality Environment for Complex Anatomy Training: Inguinal Canal Case Study.
Virtual and Mixed Reality: Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Human-Computer Interaction. Virtual and Mixed Reality, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5622
Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, United Kingdom, pp. 605-614.
ISBN 978-3-642-02770-3
Enhanced 3D Visualisation: Augmenting Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Training
Chanock, D.,
Charissis, V.,
Ward, B. M.,
Brady, L. and
Anderson, P.
Enhanced 3D Visualisation: Augmenting Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Training.
In: United Kingdom Radiological Congress, Birmingham, UK.
Using Virtual Learning Environments for Improving Professional Understanding of Drug Misuse within the Pharmaceutical Sector
Chapman, Paul,
Power, Ailsa and
Anderson, Paul
Using Virtual Learning Environments for Improving Professional Understanding of Drug Misuse within the Pharmaceutical Sector.
Virtual & Augmented Reality in Healthcare.
Enhancing driver’s vision with the use of prototype Automotive Head-Up Display Interface
Charissis, V. and
Anderson, P.
Enhancing driver’s vision with the use of prototype Automotive Head-Up Display Interface.
In: Vision In Vehicles (VIV 2006), 27 to 29 July 2006, Dublin, Ireland.
Enhancing driver’s vision with the use of prototype Automotive Head-Up Display Interface
Charissis, V. and
Anderson, P.
Enhancing driver’s vision with the use of prototype Automotive Head-Up Display Interface.
In: Vision In Vehicles, 11th International Conference (VIV ‘06), 27-29 July 2006, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
Dynamically Configured Vehicle
Charissis, Vassilis; Anderson, Paul; Kenny, Tom
Dynamically Configured Vehicle.
Human-Machine Collaboration Through Vehicle Head UP Display Interface
Charissis, V.,
Papanastasiou, S. and
Anderson, P.
Human-Machine Collaboration Through Vehicle Head UP Display Interface.
In: European Annual Conference on Human Decision-Making and Manual Control (EAM ‘06), Valenciennes, France, September 27-29.
Human-Machine Collaboration Through Vehicle Head Up Display Interface
Charissis, V.,
Papanastasiou, S. and
Anderson, P.
Human-Machine Collaboration Through Vehicle Head Up Display Interface.
International Journal of Cognition, Technology and Work.
ISSN 1435-5558 (print) or 1435-5566 (electronic)
Surgical Education: Applied Virtual Anatomy: Can Virtual Reality Augment Postgraduate Anatomy Teaching?
Charissis, V.,
Ward, B. M.,
Young, I. and
Anderson, Paul
Surgical Education: Applied Virtual Anatomy: Can Virtual Reality Augment Postgraduate Anatomy Teaching?
In: School of Surgery Day, Department of Surgery, Edinburgh University, 28 November 2007, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.
Automated Gesture Recognition
The Glasgow School of Art
Automated Gesture Recognition.
The role of emerging visualisation technologies in delivering competitive market advantage
Ibrahim, Saquib,
Anderson, Paul and
Kenny, Tom
The role of emerging visualisation technologies in delivering competitive market advantage.
Gesture-recognition with non-referenced tracking
Keir, P.,
Payne, J.,
Elgoyhen, J.,
Horner, M.,
Naef, M. and
Anderson, P.
Gesture-recognition with non-referenced tracking.
In: 1st IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI 2006), 25-26 March 2006, Alexandria, VA, USA.
Future Trends of Virtual, Augmented Reality, and Games for Health
Ma, Minhua,
Jain, Lakhmi C. and
Anderson, Paul
Future Trends of Virtual, Augmented Reality, and Games for Health.
Virtual, Augmented Reality and Serious Games for Healthcare 1.
Intelligent Systems Reference Library, 68
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Heidelberg, pp. 1-6.
ISBN 9783642548154
Visualising an Amusement Park - A Case Study
Naef, M.,
Pritchard, Douglas,
McMahon, Chris and
Anderson, Paul
Visualising an Amusement Park - A Case Study.
In: IEEE Virtual Reality 2008 Workshop on Virtual Cityscapes, IEEE VR 2008, 8-9 March 2008, Reno, USA.
Visualising an Amusement Park - A Case Study
Naef, Martin,
Pritchard, Douglas,
McMahon, Chris and
Anderson, P.
Visualising an Amusement Park - A Case Study.
In: IEEE Virtual Reality 2008 Workshop on Virtual Cityscapes, 8-9 March 2008, Reno, NV, USA.
Automated Gesture Recognition
Payne, J.,
Elgoyhen, Jocelyn,
Anderson, Paul and
Keir, Paul
Automated Gesture Recognition.
Gameplay Issues in the Design of Spatial 3D Gestures for Video Games
Payne, John,
Keir, Paul,
Elgoyhen, Jocelyn,
McLundie, Mairghread,
Naef, Martin,
Horner, Martyn and
Anderson, Paul
Gameplay Issues in the Design of Spatial 3D Gestures for Video Games.
In: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2006, 22-27 April 2006, Montréal, Québec, Canada.
Toward the Development of an Accurate 3D Human Body Model Implemented in a Real-Time, Interactive Application to Enhance Anatomy Teaching
Poyade, Matthieu,
Clunie, Lauren,
McGeough, Brian,
Lysakowski, Anna,
Rea, Paul and
Anderson, Paul
Toward the Development of an Accurate 3D Human Body Model Implemented in a Real-Time, Interactive Application to Enhance Anatomy Teaching.
The FASEB Journal, 29 (1).
ISSN 0892-6638
Development of a Haptic Training Simulation for the Administration of Dental Anaesthesia based upon Accurate Anatomical Data
Poyade, Matthieu,
Lysakowski, Anna and
Anderson, Paul
Development of a Haptic Training Simulation for the Administration of Dental Anaesthesia based upon Accurate Anatomical Data.
In: EuroVR2014, 8 - 10 December 2014, Bremen, Germany.
Visualising an Amusement Park - A Case Study
Pritchard, D.,
Naef, Martin,
McMahon, Chris and
Anderson, Paul
Visualising an Amusement Park - A Case Study.
Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality 2008 Workshop on Virtual Cityscapes.
3D Head and Neck project: Development of a Novel Visualisation Tool for Education, Training and Research in Human Anatomy
Pulijala, Yeshwanth,
Poyade, Matthieu and
Anderson, Paul
3D Head and Neck project: Development of a Novel Visualisation Tool for Education, Training and Research in Human Anatomy.
In: AMEE: An International Association for Medical Education, 5-9 Sep 2015, Glasgow, UK.
A Novel Approach to CT Scans’ Interpretation via Incorporation into a VR Human Model
Sakellariou, S,
Charissis, V,
Anderson, Paul,
Ward, B M and
Channock, D
A Novel Approach to CT Scans’ Interpretation via Incorporation into a VR Human Model.
Digital Human Modeling: Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Springer, pp. 550-559.
ISBN 978-3-642-02808-3
Diversity as a Determinant of System Complexity
Sherwood Jones, Brian and
Anderson, Paul
Diversity as a Determinant of System Complexity.
An Evaluation of Prototype VR Medical Environment: Applied Surgical Anatomy Training for Malignant Breast Disease
Ward, B,
Charissis, V,
Rowley, D,
Anderson, Paul and
Brady, L
An Evaluation of Prototype VR Medical Environment: Applied Surgical Anatomy Training for Malignant Breast Disease.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 132.
pp. 550-555.
ISSN 978-1-58603-822-9
Interpreting Lung Collapse: A Randomised Controlled Study into the Impact of Three-Dimensional Animation
Ward, Ben Michael,
Chanock, David,
Charissis, Vassilis,
Brady, Linda and
Anderson, Paul
Interpreting Lung Collapse: A Randomised Controlled Study into the Impact of Three-Dimensional Animation.
In: The United Kingdom Radiological Congress, 02 -04 June 2008, Birmingham, UK.
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