Number of items: 122.
Surrender: Elise Allan Research Portfolio
Allan, Elise
Surrender: Elise Allan Research Portfolio.
The Glasgow School of Art.
Bernat Klein: Design, Colour and the Interior
Anderson, Fiona
Bernat Klein: Design, Colour and the Interior.
In: Eye for Colour Symposium, Bernat Klein Foundation, 29th November 2018, National Museum of Scotland.
Book Review: Fashionability: Abraham Moon and the Creation of British Cloth for the Global Market
Anderson, Fiona
Book Review: Fashionability: Abraham Moon and the Creation of British Cloth for the Global Market.
Taylor & Francis, Textile History, Volume 49, no. 2.
High Sunderland: Cultural Exchange and the Home of Transnational Designer Bernat Klein
Anderson, Fiona
High Sunderland: Cultural Exchange and the Home of Transnational Designer Bernat Klein.
In: Design History Society annual conference, September 6-8, 2018, Parsons School of Design, New York.
IN:The British Black Arts Movement, Episode 29
Anzinger, Deborah,
Smythe-Johnson, Nicole,
Goodwin, Paul,
Whittle, Alberta,
Cheddie, Janice,
Arabindan Kesson, Anna,
Smith, Marlene,
Sumesh, Sharma,
Walker, Demi and
Boyle, Tiffany
IN:The British Black Arts Movement, Episode 29.
Colour Theory
Barker, Jo
Colour Theory.
Contemporary Applied Arts, London,
19 March - 23 April 2018
Through a Northern Lens: An Auto-ethnographic Turn
Bird, Nicky,
Robertson, Frances and
Brownrigg, Jenny
Through a Northern Lens: An Auto-ethnographic Turn.
In: Through a Northern Lens: An Auto-ethnographic Turn, 26 October 2018, Glasgow, UK.
The Body In Motion // In Motion
Boyle, Tiffany
The Body In Motion // In Motion.
Glasgow Film Theatre,
10th June 2018
On the Wider and Historical Contexts Around the Withdrawal of Transmission Gallery’s RFO Status
Boyle, Tiffany
On the Wider and Historical Contexts Around the Withdrawal of Transmission Gallery’s RFO Status.
Art Review Glasgow (2).
pp. 6-9.
Mother Tongue in collaboration with LUX Scotland, AfroScots: A Screening Programme of Artist Film and Video
Boyle, Tiffany and
Carden, Jessica
Mother Tongue in collaboration with LUX Scotland, AfroScots: A Screening Programme of Artist Film and Video.
Glasgow, School of Art, Edinburgh College of Art,
February 2018
Spectres of the Deep
Boyle, Tiffany and
Carden, Jessica
Spectres of the Deep.
MAP magazine.
Nadia Myre | Code-Switching and Other Work
Boyle, Tiffany,
Carden, Jessica and
Myre, Nadia
Nadia Myre | Code-Switching and Other Work.
The Briggait,
19th April - 7th May 2018
Lubaina Himid in conversation with Mother Tongue, for Glasgow International Festival of Visual Art 2018
Boyle, Tiffany and
Himid, Lubaina
Lubaina Himid in conversation with Mother Tongue, for Glasgow International Festival of Visual Art 2018.
In: Lubaina Himid in conversation with Mother Tongue, 21 April 2018, Kelvin Hall Lecture Theatre, Glasgow.
Discussion Day: Creative Diversity in Commissioning to Collect
Boyle, Tiffany,
Okon, Rohini Malik and
Keen, Melanie
Discussion Day: Creative Diversity in Commissioning to Collect.
In: Discussion Day: Creative Diversity in Commissioning to Collect, 02 November 2018, Manchester Art Gallery.
The Cloth: Fashion, Textiles and Art - Examining Intersecting Visual Practice, 1983-1987
Britt, Helena
The Cloth: Fashion, Textiles and Art - Examining Intersecting Visual Practice, 1983-1987.
In: Fashion, Costume and Visual Cultures (FCVC 2018), 17-19 July 2018, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile Technology.
Glasgow School of Art Printed Textiles - Part 2: 2018
Britt, Helena and
Stephen-Cran, James
Glasgow School of Art Printed Textiles - Part 2: 2018.
Looking for Signs: ideas and imagined circumstances, Jimmy Cosgrove.
Graphical House, Glasgow, pp. 37-39.
ISBN 9781999712624
20 Years of Penguin Essentials
Cairns, Brian
20 Years of Penguin Essentials.
Ditchling Museum, Ditchling Museum of Art + Craft, Lodge Hill Lane, Ditchling, East Sussex, BN6 8SP,
6 January - 29 April 2018
Mapping the Boundaries
Cairns, Brian
Mapping the Boundaries.
Confia Conference.
Confia: 6th International Conference on Illustration and Animation, 2018
Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Porto, Portugal, pp. 378-387.
ISBN 978-989-99861-6-9
Post It Show 14
Cairns, Brian
Post It Show 14.
Giant Robot 2 Gallery, Los Angeles, USA,
1 - 9 December 2018
How Liberty looked to the past to imagine the future of fashion
Calvert, Robyne
How Liberty looked to the past to imagine the future of fashion.
Apollo: The International Art Magazine.
Intangible Matters: Mackintosh, Authenticity and Conservation
Calvert, Robyne
Intangible Matters: Mackintosh, Authenticity and Conservation.
In: Intangible Matters: Mackintosh, Authenticity and Conservation, 19-20 October 2018, Kelvinhall, University of Glasgow.
The Künstlerpaar: Mackintosh, Macdonald & The Rose Boudoir
Calvert, Robyne
The Künstlerpaar: Mackintosh, Macdonald & The Rose Boudoir.
Journal of the Charles Rennie Mackintosh Society - Celebratory Issue for Mackintosh 150 (102).
pp. 32-35.
ISSN 0141-559X
Script for 'Digital Laocoon', AHRC Immersive Experiences Project (Prof Steve Love, PI)
Calvert, Robyne and
Stevens, Thea
Script for 'Digital Laocoon', AHRC Immersive Experiences Project (Prof Steve Love, PI).
Screening, Cinenova: Now Showing
Cinenova, Archive and
O'Neill, Kimberley
Screening, Cinenova: Now Showing.
The Showroom, London,
28 February 2018
Not just things: The roles of objects at the end of life
Cleeve, Helena,
Tishelman, Carol,
Macdonald, Alastair,
Lindqvist, Olav and
Goliath, Ida
Not just things: The roles of objects at the end of life.
Sociology of Health and Illness.
pp. 1-15.
ISSN 0141-9889
Mise-en-Scene: Performative Spaces for Fashion
Flanagan, Pamela
Mise-en-Scene: Performative Spaces for Fashion.
In: Fashion, Costume and Visual Cultures (FCVC 2018), 17-19 July 2018, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile Technology.
"I wanna be in the room where it happens."
Fandom and Celebrity in popular contemporary theatre productions Hamilton: An American Musical and Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Foulis, Ruth
"I wanna be in the room where it happens."
Fandom and Celebrity in popular contemporary theatre productions Hamilton: An American Musical and Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.
In: Fan Studies Network Conference, 29 - 30 June 2018, Cardiff Univeristy.
Kinetic Rhythm
Gordon, Anna
Kinetic Rhythm.
The Scottish Gallery,
30th November - 22nd December 2018
Graphic design research: a cause for the concerned
Harland, R.,
Corazzo, J.,
Gwilt, I.,
Honnor, A. and
Rigley, S.
Graphic design research: a cause for the concerned.
In: Design Research Society 2018 Conference: Catalyst, 25th - 28th June 2018, Limerick, Ireland.
The Boring Talks
Herring, Eleanor
The Boring Talks.
Designing from the Centre: State-sponsored Design in Britain
and Politically Driven Decision-making
Herring, Eleanor
Designing from the Centre: State-sponsored Design in Britain
and Politically Driven Decision-making.
Back to the Future. The Future in the Past.
Universitat de Barcelona, pp. 614-618.
ISBN 978-84-9168-156-4
Designing the future
Herring, Eleanor
Designing the future.
Design Thinking — a buzzword or the holy grail of design
Hillner, Matthias
Design Thinking — a buzzword or the holy grail of design.
In: International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, 5-6 September 2018, London, UK.
design thinking — towards a new perspective
Hillner, Matthias and
Lim, Stanley
design thinking — towards a new perspective.
In: 21st DMI: Academic Design Management Conference: Next Wave, 1-2 August 2018, Ravensbourne, London.
managing innovation — towards a business development model for design-led startups
Hillner, Matthias and
de Leon, Nick
managing innovation — towards a business development model for design-led startups.
In: 21st DMI: Academic Design Management Conference Next Wave, 1-2 August 2018, London, UK.
Eye for Colour Symposium
Jardine, Fiona Ann
Eye for Colour Symposium.
In: Eye for Colour Symposium, 29th November 2018, National Museum of Scotland.
'Industry and the Arts must walk hand in hand': Muriel Spark and Twentieth Century Design Ideology
Jardine, Fiona Ann
'Industry and the Arts must walk hand in hand': Muriel Spark and Twentieth Century Design Ideology.
In: Muriel Spark Centenary Symposium, 31 January - 02 February 2018, University of Glasgow, UK.
The Persistence of Type (issue 3)
Jardine, Fiona Ann
The Persistence of Type (issue 3).
Carpets and the Fashionable Interior
Jardine, Fiona Ann and
Cleaver, Jonathan
Carpets and the Fashionable Interior.
In: Carpets and the Fashionable Interior, 27th November 2018, Dovecot, Edinburgh.
Leather and Latex: Materials, Morals and Subcultural Style
Jardine, Fiona Ann,
Guy, Laura,
Mulholland, Craig,
O'Brien, Carmel,
Biggins, Grace,
Quye, Anita,
Polhemus, Ted and
Coburn, Theresa
Leather and Latex: Materials, Morals and Subcultural Style.
In: Leather and Latex: Materials, Morals and Subcultural Style, 11 April 2018, Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow.
ScotPep banner
Jardine, Fiona Ann,
ScotPep, Union and
Miller, Ashleigh
ScotPep banner.
Collect, The international Art Fair for Contemporary Objects
Lamb, Andrew
Collect, The international Art Fair for Contemporary Objects.
Saatchi Gallery London,
22 - 25 February 2018
'Heroes' Group Exhibition, Munich, Germany
Lamb, Andrew
'Heroes' Group Exhibition, Munich, Germany.
A.P.R. LAB Galeriestrasse 6A - Im Hofgarten, 80539 Munich - Germany,
8 - 11 March 2018
NEXUS: Meetings at the Edge
Lamb, Andrew
NEXUS: Meetings at the Edge.
Kirkcaldy Galleries, War Memorial Gardens Scotland & Ruthin Craft Centre, Ruthin, Wales,
31 March 2018 – 10 June 2018 & 29 September – 18 November 2018
'Vortex' Brooch
Titanium, 18ct yellow gold, 18ct white gold and silver.
66mm (diameter)
Lamb, Andrew
'Vortex' Brooch
Titanium, 18ct yellow gold, 18ct white gold and silver.
66mm (diameter).
Cautionary Tale: Stories Made and Distributed through the Internet
Leishman, Donna
Cautionary Tale: Stories Made and Distributed through the Internet.
Materialities of Literature, 6 (3).
pp. 105-114.
ISSN 2182-8830
Design Research for Change Showcase at London Design Fair 2018
Leishman, Donna
Design Research for Change Showcase at London Design Fair 2018.
Old Truman Brewery 26 Hanbury Street London E1 6QR,
20-23 Sep 2018
Design and Epistemology (how we know what we know)
Leishman, Donna
Design and Epistemology (how we know what we know).
In: Northumbria University’s NPRG and Media Arts Research Group, 10 Jan 2018, Northumbria University.
The Fairy Tale about the Wise Man
Leishman, Donna
The Fairy Tale about the Wise Man.
Fairy Tales and Fables from Weimar Days, Collected Utopian Tales / New and Revised Edition.
Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 91-101.
ISBN 978-3-319-69274-6
Guest Comment: A Living Room for the City
Leishman, Donna
Guest Comment: A Living Room for the City.
A Living Room for the City.
V&A Dundee.
ISBN 9781851779239
More eyes, different eyes
Leishman, Donna
More eyes, different eyes.
Journal of Illustration, 5 (2).
pp. 191-205.
ISSN 2052-0212
Decolonising Landscape and the Entangled Visuality of the Anthropocene
Loder, Dave
Decolonising Landscape and the Entangled Visuality of the Anthropocene.
In: Through a Northern Lens: An Auto-ethnographic Turn, 26 October 2018, Glasgow, UK.
Decolonising Time: Katie Paterson’s Nonlinear Monuments
Loder, Dave
Decolonising Time: Katie Paterson’s Nonlinear Monuments.
In: Monuments: the 26th Biennial Conference of the Nordic Association For American Studies, 25 – 27 April 2019, Bergen, Norway.
Sounding Scales: Monumental Landscapes in the Networked Anthropocene
Loder, Dave
Sounding Scales: Monumental Landscapes in the Networked Anthropocene.
In: Tirana Architecture Week 2018: [CO]HABITATION TACTICS - Imagining Future Spaces in Architecture, City and Landscape, 20-23 September 2018, POLIS University, Tirana, Albania.
St Andrew’s House and the Scottish Ambulance Service Headquarters
Loder, Dave
St Andrew’s House and the Scottish Ambulance Service Headquarters.
St Andrew's First Aid.
Tertiary Memory and Nonlinear Landscapes: Monumentalising the ‘geologic turn’ in contemporary art
Loder, Dave
Tertiary Memory and Nonlinear Landscapes: Monumentalising the ‘geologic turn’ in contemporary art.
In: "The Place of Memory and Memory of Place": International Conference, 16 June 2018, Birkbeck, London.
A Wh()ly Ring(ing)
Loder, Dave
A Wh()ly Ring(ing).
The Fashion and Textile Design Centre, Derry,
17 Nov 2018 - 15 Jan 2019
Antimicrobial resistance: join us for a fresh approach
MacDuff, Colin,
Rafferty, Anne Marie,
Prendiville, Alison,
Currie, Kay,
Castro Sanchez, Enrique,
King, Caroline,
Rhodes, Sarah and
Iedema, Rick
Antimicrobial resistance: join us for a fresh approach.
British Journal of Nursing, 27 (7).
p. 356.
ISSN 0966-0461
Where all things are always possible
Macbeth, Penny
Where all things are always possible.
Fitness for What Purpose? Essays on Design Education Celebrating 40 Years of the Sir Misha Black Awards.
Design Manchester / Eyewear Publishing, London.
ISBN 9781912477807
Evaluating the visualisation of dynamic biomechanical data for healthcare and design
Macdonald, Alastair
Evaluating the visualisation of dynamic biomechanical data for healthcare and design.
The New Dynamics of Ageing.
The New Dynamics of Ageing, 1
Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 235-258.
ISBN 978-1-4473-1473-8
Multiple confounders and complex entanglements: two case studies from design-led research for infection prevention and control educational tools.
Macdonald, Alastair
Multiple confounders and complex entanglements: two case studies from design-led research for infection prevention and control educational tools.
In: NordDesign 2018 Linköping: Design in the Era of Digitalization, 14-17 August 2018, Linköping, Sweden.
HAIVAIRN: Report on the HAIVAIRN (Healthcare Associated Infection Visualisation and Ideation Research Network).
Macdonald, Alastair and
Macduff, Colin
HAIVAIRN: Report on the HAIVAIRN (Healthcare Associated Infection Visualisation and Ideation Research Network).
Project Report.
The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow.
Co-designing new resources to support better quality end of life care with people with dementia and family carers
Macdonald, Alastair,
Neves, Sandra,
McLellan, Emma,
Poole, Marie,
Harrison-Dening, Karen,
Tucker, Sue,
Bamford, Claire and
Robinson, Louise
Co-designing new resources to support better quality end of life care with people with dementia and family carers.
Journal of Dementia Care, 26 (1).
pp. 28-31.
ISSN 1351-8372
Northern Italian Painting and Naturalism: Robert Strange, William Hunter and the Royal Academy of Arts
McCormack, Helen
Northern Italian Painting and Naturalism: Robert Strange, William Hunter and the Royal Academy of Arts.
In: The Roman Art World in the Eighteenth Century and the Birth of the Art Academy in Britain, 10-11 December 2018, British School, Rome.
Inner City
McMillen, Michael C.,
Whittle, Alberta and
Miller, Mitchell
Inner City.
February-November 2018
Ma, Mon, Tori-i: The influence of Japanese art and design on Charles Rennie Mackintosh's masterwork The Glasgow School Art [dissertation]
McQuarrie, Erin
Ma, Mon, Tori-i: The influence of Japanese art and design on Charles Rennie Mackintosh's masterwork The Glasgow School Art [dissertation].
The Glasgow School of Art.
Kirkintilloch Town Hall
Miller, Mitchell
Kirkintilloch Town Hall.
Portraits of the City: Investigating the Glasgow Style
Miller, Mitchell
Portraits of the City: Investigating the Glasgow Style.
New Glasgow Society,
11-14 October 2018
A Fair Run for Scotland’s Showpeople: Challenges representing the ICH of Scotland’s Occupational Travellers
Miller, Mitchell,
Beall, ts and
Colquohoun, Alex James
A Fair Run for Scotland’s Showpeople: Challenges representing the ICH of Scotland’s Occupational Travellers.
In: (In)visible Stories: An investigation in to the status of ICH in Scotland, 14th May 2018, University of the West of Scotland.
Falkirk Steeple
Miller, Mitchell and
Irvine, Alison
Falkirk Steeple.
Combating malnutrition in hospitals
Moynihan, Paula,
Methven, Lisa,
Teal, Gemma,
Bamford, Claire and
Macdonald, Alastair
Combating malnutrition in hospitals.
The New Dynamics of Ageing 2.
The New Dynamics of Ageing, 2
Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 177-196.
ISBN 978-1447314790
Fall Breaks Back Into Winter (A Cover Version), Screening event, MFS X PAC exchange, Plymouth Arts Centre
O'Neill, Kimberley
Fall Breaks Back Into Winter (A Cover Version), Screening event, MFS X PAC exchange, Plymouth Arts Centre.
Rough Music Workshop
O'Neill, Kimberley,
Scott, Julia and
Welch, Fritz
Rough Music Workshop.
In: Rough Music, 24 February 2018, Summerhall, Edinburgh.
History, Tweed and the Invisible Bicycle
Oddy, Nicholas
History, Tweed and the Invisible Bicycle.
Invisible Bicycle: Parallel Histories and Different Timelines.
Technology and Change in History, 15
Brill, Leiden, pp. 215-232.
ISBN 978-90-04-28996-3 (hbk) 978-90-04-28997-0 (e-book)
Size, Then Gauge, Then Scale.Why did the principal manufacturers of model trains adopt 00 (1:76) in the UK and H0 (1:87) elsewhere, instead of something more logical?
Oddy, Nicholas and
Mangleson, Stuart
Size, Then Gauge, Then Scale.Why did the principal manufacturers of model trains adopt 00 (1:76) in the UK and H0 (1:87) elsewhere, instead of something more logical?
The Train Collector (46).
pp. 11-23.
ISSN 2516-0605
The Architecture of Promotion
Peter, Bruce
The Architecture of Promotion.
Ocean Liners.
V& A Publications, London.
ISBN 9781851779062
Post-war Liners: 1945-1975
Peter, Bruce
Post-war Liners: 1945-1975.
Ocean Liners.
V& A Publications, London.
ISBN 9781851779062
The changing face of the British railways
Peter, Bruce
The changing face of the British railways.
Lily Publications, Isle of Man.
ISBN 9781911177364
The Enemies of Books 2 (2017) Parenthesis 34: The Journal of the Fine Press book Association, Special Edition, Summer 2018
Pickstone, Edwin
The Enemies of Books 2 (2017) Parenthesis 34: The Journal of the Fine Press book Association, Special Edition, Summer 2018.
SWG3 Caseroom Residency
Rigley, Steve
SWG3 Caseroom Residency.
In: SWG3 Caseroom Residency and Talk, 27- 31 August 2018, SWG3, Glasgow.
The Future of Design Education: A collaboration between the Design Council, The Indian Design Council and the British Council
Rigley, Steve,
Boddington, Anne,
McLaren, Graham,
Bichet, Jo-Anne,
Dewsberry, Emma,
Innes, Derek and
Curtis, Kerry
The Future of Design Education: A collaboration between the Design Council, The Indian Design Council and the British Council.
Project Report.
British Council / Design Council / Indian Design Council.
Graphic Design and the REF
Rigley, Steve,
Corazzo, James,
Harland, Robert and
Honnor, Alison
Graphic Design and the REF.
In: Graphic Design Educators’ Network (GDEN), The Council for Higher Education in Art and Design (CHEAD), the Art and Design Research Centre (ADRC), and the Sheffield Institute of Arts (SIA)., 17 Oct 2018, Sheffield Hallam University.
Childbirth and Language/ A Study on Metaphor in The Language of 'Natural' Birth: A Review of Literature
Roan, Susan
Childbirth and Language/ A Study on Metaphor in The Language of 'Natural' Birth: A Review of Literature.
A Cultural History of 'Natural' Childbirth in Europe and North America: A Review of Literature
Roan, Susan
A Cultural History of 'Natural' Childbirth in Europe and North America: A Review of Literature.
The Holistic and Humanist Models of Childbirth and Philosophies of 'The Natural' In Childbirth in Europe and North America: A Review of Literature
Roan, Susan
The Holistic and Humanist Models of Childbirth and Philosophies of 'The Natural' In Childbirth in Europe and North America: A Review of Literature.
"The Same Type of Power that Brings the Sun up in the Morning"/ DRAWING, METAPHOR AND EMBODIED EXPERIENCES OF BIRTH
Roan, Susan
"The Same Type of Power that Brings the Sun up in the Morning"/ DRAWING, METAPHOR AND EMBODIED EXPERIENCES OF BIRTH.
In: 'The Embodied Experience of Drawing', 13th April 2018, Plymouth.
Systems of Knowledge Surrounding Childbirth in Europe and North America: A Review of Literature
Roan, Susan
Systems of Knowledge Surrounding Childbirth in Europe and North America: A Review of Literature.
The Technocratic Model of Childbirth and a Study on the Machine Metaphor in Childbirth in Europe and North America: A Review of Literature
Roan, Susan
The Technocratic Model of Childbirth and a Study on the Machine Metaphor in Childbirth in Europe and North America: A Review of Literature.
Engineering drawings
Robertson, Frances
Engineering drawings.
In: ReEngineer Workshop, 20 September 2018, Aberdeen Maritime Museum.
Engineering drawings: engineers as visual technicians
Robertson, Frances
Engineering drawings: engineers as visual technicians.
In: Understanding Technology Series of Public Lectures, National Museums of Scotland↲ and Institute for the Study of Science Technology and Inn↲ ovation (ISSTI), 2 October 2018, Seminar Room, Learning Centre, National Museums Scotland.
Industrial design, body imaging, and the ultrasonic life room
Robertson, Frances
Industrial design, body imaging, and the ultrasonic life room.
In: Art, materiality and representation RAI 2018, 1-3 June 2018, SOAS and the British Museum, London.
Post print culture?
Robertson, Frances
Post print culture?
Perspectives on Contemporary Printmaking: Critical Writing Since 1986.
Manchester University Press, Manchester.
ISBN 978-1526125750
Robertson, Frances
Looking for signs: ideas and imagined circumstances.
Graphical House, Glasgow, pp. 97-101.
ISBN 9781999712624
Mac Research Symposium : How To Publish an Academic Book
Rodger, Johnny,
McCormack, Helen,
Robertson, Frances and
Urban, Florian
Mac Research Symposium : How To Publish an Academic Book.
In: Mac Research symposium, 24 January 2018, Bourdon building, Main Lecture theatre, Glasgow School of Art.
Digitally Recreating Pioneers of Post-War Pattern
Shaw, Alan,
Britt, Helena and
Waters, Susannah
Digitally Recreating Pioneers of Post-War Pattern.
In: UNIVERSEUM 2018 Working Together: Partnerships, Co-creation, Co-curation, 13 - 15 June 2018, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow, Scotland.
Pattern Pioneers
Shaw, Alan,
Waters, Susannah and
Britt, Helena
Pattern Pioneers.
Harvey Nichols, Edinburgh / The Garment Factory, Glasgow,
03 - 27 August 2018 / 31 August - 9 September 2018
'Prime Minister in the Home Department': Female Gendered Identity in Colonial Upper Canada
Spooner, Rosie
'Prime Minister in the Home Department': Female Gendered Identity in Colonial Upper Canada.
British Women and Cultural Practices of Empire, 1770-1940.
Material Culture of Art and Design
Bloomsbury Visual Arts, London, pp. 193-214.
ISBN 9781501332173
Cultural Mediation – Interpreting the Past, Present and Future. Discussion panel (invited member)
Stevens, Thea
Cultural Mediation – Interpreting the Past, Present and Future. Discussion panel (invited member).
In: Cultural Mediation – Interpreting the Past, Present and Future. Discussion panel. XPO North: Scotland’s Leading Creative Industries Festival, 27-28 June 2018, Inverness, Scotland.
Design Domain: Created Space, Creative Space
Stevens, Thea
Design Domain: Created Space, Creative Space.
In: iJADE Conference: Creating Spaces: Inclusivity, Ethics and Participation in Art and Design Education, February 22nd - 23rd 2019, Goldsmiths, University of London.
Material Objects [Exhibition essay]
Stevens, Thea
Material Objects [Exhibition essay].
Clockwise, Savoy Tower, Renfrew Street. Glasgow International 2018.,
20 April - 7 May 2018
The Plaster Cast Collection of the Glasgow
School of Art: History, Aura and Experience
Stevens, Thea
The Plaster Cast Collection of the Glasgow
School of Art: History, Aura and Experience.
Journal of the Scottish Society for Art History, Vol.23, 2018-19: Art Organisations and Institutions in Scotland, 23.
pp. 23-30.
ISSN 1362-248X
'Gonna Catch Us All?' The Possibilities of the Weaponisation of Augmented Reality Technology and the Development of Incursive Experiences
Sweeney, David
'Gonna Catch Us All?' The Possibilities of the Weaponisation of Augmented Reality Technology and the Development of Incursive Experiences.
In: Spiral: FIlm & Philosophy Conference, 11 May 2018, Toronto, ON, Canada.
'O, my ties are distant': Diaspora, Displacement and Disenchantment in the work of Gemma Files
Sweeney, David
'O, my ties are distant': Diaspora, Displacement and Disenchantment in the work of Gemma Files.
Things That Go Bump in the North: Critical Essays on Canadian Horror Fiction.
“Who'd ever fall for an android?”
Affective Labour, Sex Work and the Reality of Fiction in 2046 and Blade Runner 2049
Sweeney, David
“Who'd ever fall for an android?”
Affective Labour, Sex Work and the Reality of Fiction in 2046 and Blade Runner 2049.
In: Science Fiction and Embodiment, 18-19 May 2018, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
“A cliffhanger in every panel!”
Digital Comics, Field of View and Narrative Suspense
Sweeney, David
“A cliffhanger in every panel!”
Digital Comics, Field of View and Narrative Suspense.
Alternative Francophone.
ISSN 1916-8470
A Review of Apps and Websites for Promoting Mental Wellbeing: Findings and Initial Recommendations for Design
Taylor, Andrea
A Review of Apps and Websites for Promoting Mental Wellbeing: Findings and Initial Recommendations for Design.
In: 32nd International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI), 2-6 July 2018, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
A School Survey on Use and Knowledge of Apps and Websites for Promoting Mental Wellbeing
Taylor, Andrea
A School Survey on Use and Knowledge of Apps and Websites for Promoting Mental Wellbeing.
In: British HCI 2018, 2-6 July 2018, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Exploring the Potential of Home Energy Monitors for Transactive Energy Supply Arrangements
Taylor, Andrea,
Stephen, Bruce,
Whittet, Craig and
Galloway, Stuart
Exploring the Potential of Home Energy Monitors for Transactive Energy Supply Arrangements.
In: AHFE 2018, 21-25 July 2018, Orlando, Florida, USA.
A Prototype Design for a Virtual Hospice and Initial Usability Study
Taylor, Andrea and
Wilcock, Geoff
A Prototype Design for a Virtual Hospice and Initial Usability Study.
In: British HCI 2018, 2-6 July 2018, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Art School Textiles in the 1980s, Fraser Taylor and The Cloth
Taylor, Fraser and
Britt, Helena
Art School Textiles in the 1980s, Fraser Taylor and The Cloth.
In: Art School Textiles in the 1980s, Fraser Taylor and The Cloth, 8 November 2018, Dovecot Studios, Edinburgh.
The Grass is Green in the Fields for You 2018 Subscription
Walkerdine, Matthew
The Grass is Green in the Fields for You 2018 Subscription.
Walkerdine, Matthew
Salford, UK,
6 May 2018
Ruins, Spats
Walkerdine, Matthew and
Higgins, Jessica
Ruins, Spats.
Please Accept This Catalogue For Your Shelves
Walkerdine, Matthew,
Higgins, Jessica,
James, Hannah,
Bickerton, Neil and
Wilcox, Rebecca
Please Accept This Catalogue For Your Shelves.
Turf Projects, Fungus Press and Museums Press, Croydon, UK.
Artist's Type Foundry Spring/Summer '18 Collection
Walkerdine, Matthew,
Higgins, Jessica and
Piper, Owen
Artist's Type Foundry Spring/Summer '18 Collection.
Weidenbach, Silvia
Visual Feast
Weidenbach, Silvia
Visual Feast.
Victoria and Albert Museum London,
9 July 2018 to 7 January 2019
Visual Feast: Silvia Weidenbach
Weidenbach, Silvia
Visual Feast: Silvia Weidenbach.
Silvia Weidenbach.
Programming Light: The Processing and performance of digital photographs
Weir, Catherine M.
Programming Light: The Processing and performance of digital photographs.
PaintingDigitalPhotography: Synthesis and Difference in the Age of Media Equivalence.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, pp. 42-63.
ISBN 978-1-5275-1110-1
Fair Play Storage Jar for Collective
West, Katy
Fair Play Storage Jar for Collective.
Early Learning
West, Katy and
McMullan, Mhari
Early Learning.
Scotland Street School Museum
Reconciling traditional healthcare-related and design-based approaches to explore and enhance patient participation in spinal cord injury rehabilitation
Wheeler, Gemma
Reconciling traditional healthcare-related and design-based approaches to explore and enhance patient participation in spinal cord injury rehabilitation.
PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
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