Number of items: 149.
The Materiality, Authenticity and Aura of the Creative Replica: Can the use of visual art and socially engaged practice facilitate deeper engagement with lost or vulnerable heritage?
Alexander, Carolyn
The Materiality, Authenticity and Aura of the Creative Replica: Can the use of visual art and socially engaged practice facilitate deeper engagement with lost or vulnerable heritage?
PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
Undo the knot
Barker, Sara
Undo the knot.
Cample Line, Thornhill, Dumfriesshire,
31st October - 30 January 2021
The Decorators of Portobello: In their own words
Bird, Nicky
The Decorators of Portobello: In their own words.
Art Walk Press, Edinburgh, Scotland.
ISBN 978-1-7399400-0-3
Bird, Nicky
Street Level Photoworks, Glasgow,
27 April - 6 June 2021
GIO audio remixes for Tide Wave Radio
Birrell, Ross
GIO audio remixes for Tide Wave Radio.
In Memoriam Gustav Metzger
Birrell, Ross
In Memoriam Gustav Metzger.
In: The Art of Gustav Metzger and Climate Activism, 3 Nov 2021, The Common Guild.
Unquiet Earth
Birrell, Ross and
Gómez, Ángela Hoyos
Unquiet Earth.
Online broadcast,
18 July 2021
Audi Alteram Partem
Birrell, Ross,
Harding, David,
Türkoz, Saadet,
Rohrer, Thomas and
Mbembe, Achille
Audi Alteram Partem.
Krimminallabteilung Stadtpolizei Mühleweg, Zurich,
3-7 Nov 2021
Kokoro and other film re-mixes (Horike's Heartbeat)
Birrell, Ross and
Kaneko, Yasuko
Kokoro and other film re-mixes (Horike's Heartbeat).
Horike, Soja City Art Museum, Okayama, Japan,
9, 11 Nov 2021
Flattening the Curve: Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra’s Use of Virtual Improvising to Maintain Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Birrell, Ross and
MacDonald, Raymond
Flattening the Curve: Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra’s Use of Virtual Improvising to Maintain Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Critical Studies in Improvisation / Études critiques en improvisation, 14 (2-3).
ISSN 1712-0624
GIOfest XIV: Reconnections and New Directions
Birrell, Ross and
MacDonald, Raymond
GIOfest XIV: Reconnections and New Directions.
25-27 Nov 2020
Creative Centre for Fluid Territories (CCFT) – Nomadic Online Dialogue 2 – New Fluid Territories - Displacement
Brind, Susan,
Harold, Jim,
McMullan, Shauna,
Higgins, Duncan,
Sandborg, Johan,
Lien, Linda,
Lock, Andrew and
Hadjichristou, Yiorgos
Creative Centre for Fluid Territories (CCFT) – Nomadic Online Dialogue 2 – New Fluid Territories - Displacement.
Nicosia, Cyprus and Online,
9 October 2021
National Island Plan – Embedded Artist Commission: Exhibition – 'Angle of Vision'
Brind, Susan and
Laiseca, Monica Nunez
National Island Plan – Embedded Artist Commission: Exhibition – 'Angle of Vision'.
Pier Arts Centre, Stromness, Orkney,
24 July – 28 August 2021
Gustav Metzger - 'Mobbile'
Brown, Katrina
Gustav Metzger - 'Mobbile'.
Across Glasgow,
27 October - 3 November 2021
Sam Durant - 'Iconoclasm'
Brown, Katrina
Sam Durant - 'Iconoclasm'.
Sites across Glasgow,
17 May - 11 July 2021
Sharon Hayes - 'Ricerche'
Brown, Katrina
Sharon Hayes - 'Ricerche'.
Former Adelphi Terrace Public School,
9 October - 7 November 2021
'ambi': Rabiya Choudhry, Fiona Jardine, Raisa Kabir, Hanneline Visnes
Brownrigg, Jenny,
McKee, Francis,
Henry, Sabrina,
Choudhry, Rabiya,
Jardine, Fiona Ann,
Kabir, Raisa and
Visnes, Hanneline
'ambi': Rabiya Choudhry, Fiona Jardine, Raisa Kabir, Hanneline Visnes.
CCA, Glasgow,
07-29 May 2021
The Photograph as Haptic and Virtual Object:
Realms of Ephemeral Sensation and Material Objecthood
Butler, Jacqueline
The Photograph as Haptic and Virtual Object:
Realms of Ephemeral Sensation and Material Objecthood.
PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
CREATIVE CABIN SHORT 8 - Justin Carter 'Klecksography'
Carter, Justin
CREATIVE CABIN SHORT 8 - Justin Carter 'Klecksography'.
Elephant in the Room (2021). An installation at Rockingham Castle, part of the group exhibition 'The Howse Shal Be Preserved'
Carter, Justin
Elephant in the Room (2021). An installation at Rockingham Castle, part of the group exhibition 'The Howse Shal Be Preserved'.
'Sundew' (2021) Oak gall ink on paper pinned inside paradox box. 40 x 50cm.
Carter, Justin
'Sundew' (2021) Oak gall ink on paper pinned inside paradox box. 40 x 50cm.
'Material Agency and Meaning' - part of the 'Practicing Landscape: Landscapes of Energy and Extraction' series (2022)
Carter, Justin,
McNally, Danny and
McCausland, Onya
'Material Agency and Meaning' - part of the 'Practicing Landscape: Landscapes of Energy and Extraction' series (2022).
In: 'Material Agency and Meaning' - part of the 'Practicing Landscape: Landscapes of Energy and Extraction' series, 29th October 2021, online.
Leaving the Auld Toon
Clements, Neil
Leaving the Auld Toon.
Nothing Personal, 1 (Pilot).
pp. 8-15.
Fellow Traveller
Clements, Neil,
Paterson, Dominic and
Castriota, Brian
Fellow Traveller.
The Hunterian, University of Glasgow, Glasgow.
ISBN 978-0-904254-90-9
A love
Copestake, Anne-Marie
A love.
A love, Anne-Marie Copestake presents her film for ONE WORK, LUX Scotland
Copestake, Anne-Marie
A love, Anne-Marie Copestake presents her film for ONE WORK, LUX Scotland.
In: A love, March 2021, Online hosted by LUX Scotland.
Creating Myth through Studio Practice with Fictional Narrative
David, Karen
Creating Myth through Studio Practice with Fictional Narrative.
In: Material Encounters Summer Colloquium 2021: Uncertain knowledge (s) Birmingham Institute of Creative Arts, Birmingham City University, 8 July 2021, Birmingham City University.
Spirit in the Sky for Sally O'Reilly's The Open Arms
David, Karen
Spirit in the Sky for Sally O'Reilly's The Open Arms.
The Open Arms.
An investigation into the embodied cognitive processes elicited by moving image installation
Devenney, Lynda
An investigation into the embodied cognitive processes elicited by moving image installation.
PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
Breakthrough Fictioneers: Chance and Collage in Artists’ Publishing (1972–79)
Di Franco, Karen
Breakthrough Fictioneers: Chance and Collage in Artists’ Publishing (1972–79).
In: Cutting Edge: Collage in Britain, 1945 to Now, 5 - 14 October 2021, Online.
Concrete Erotics: Carolee Schneemann’s Parts of a Body House Book
Di Franco, Karen
Concrete Erotics: Carolee Schneemann’s Parts of a Body House Book.
In: Eroticism, Poetic Concretism, and Visuality (1960-1970), 17-18 September 2021, Musée national d’art moderne, Centre Pompidou.
Literal Corpus: Tracing a material history of women’s art practice through publishing
Di Franco, Karen
Literal Corpus: Tracing a material history of women’s art practice through publishing.
In: Visual Culture Methodologies in Periodical Studies, 19 March 2021, Online.
Publishing the Self:
Fiction and the aesthetics of self-publishing in 1970s New York
Di Franco, Karen
Publishing the Self:
Fiction and the aesthetics of self-publishing in 1970s New York.
In: Xerography: Women Artists, 1965–1990, 18-19 November 2021, Institut national d’histoire de l’art, Paris.
Some serious play: Collaborative online music making by the Glasgow
Improvisers Orchestra
Donohue, Maria,
MacDonald, Raymond,
De Nora, Tia,
Burke, Robert and
Birrell, Ross
Some serious play: Collaborative online music making by the Glasgow
Improvisers Orchestra.
In: Accessing Jazz and Improvised Music, 5-6 June 2021, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, The University of Sydney and the Australasian Jazz and Improvisation Research.
Cloths of Gold and Experiments on Light
Douglas, Caroline
Cloths of Gold and Experiments on Light.
In: Colour Fever, 25 Oct. - 5 Nov. 2021, Victoria & Albert Museum.
Frederick Douglas: Witness to Early Scottish Photography
Douglas, Caroline
Frederick Douglas: Witness to Early Scottish Photography.
National Galleries of Scotland: Feature Articles.
Pictures and progress? Frederick Douglass and early Scottish photography
Douglas, Caroline
Pictures and progress? Frederick Douglass and early Scottish photography.
V&A Blog: News, articles and stories from the V&A.
Postpartum: Unlearning Conception and Photography
Douglas, Caroline
Postpartum: Unlearning Conception and Photography.
CARE(LESS), A Supplement To On Care.
MA Biliothèque, London, pp. 33-36.
ISBN 978-1-910055-86-1
Retouching The Archive: Encountering the Paper Calotype
Douglas, Caroline
Retouching The Archive: Encountering the Paper Calotype.
Sonsy Fishwives: Gender and Class in Early Scottish Photography
Douglas, Caroline
Sonsy Fishwives: Gender and Class in Early Scottish Photography.
Studies in Photography, Spring.
pp. 88-97.
ISSN 1462-0510
The sublime truths of science are no longer confined to the wealthy and the learned
Douglas, Caroline
The sublime truths of science are no longer confined to the wealthy and the learned.
The Spookier School: (Anti-)Surrealism in Glasgow
Figgis, Laurence
The Spookier School: (Anti-)Surrealism in Glasgow.
In: Association for Art Historians Annual Conference, 14th - 17th April 2021, University of Birmingham (online event).
The Unit
Forrest, Sarah and
Šik, Becky
The Unit.
Hannah and her Sisters: loss of face in the paintings of Emma Roche
Fortnum, Rebecca
Hannah and her Sisters: loss of face in the paintings of Emma Roche.
The Complex, Dublin, Dublin.
Calling Occupants
Fraser, Marita
Calling Occupants.
In: INTERIOR/INTERIOR, 28 October 2021, online.
Careless Reply
Fraser, Marita
Careless Reply.
CARE(LESS). A Supplement to On Care.
MA Bibliothèque, London, pp. 44-46.
ISBN 978-1-910055-86-1
Life Support: Forms of Care in Art and Activism
Gausden, Caroline,
Lloyd, Kirsten,
Raha, Nat and
Spencer, Catherine
Life Support: Forms of Care in Art and Activism.
The Forgotten Mothers in the Cillin: spectral traces in the landscape and memory, woven in sound
Graham-George, Sheena
The Forgotten Mothers in the Cillin: spectral traces in the landscape and memory, woven in sound.
PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
Eye of the Storm: Academic Symposium
Greated, Marianne
Eye of the Storm: Academic Symposium.
In: Eye of the Storm: Academic Symposium of the work of the Scottish Landscape Painter James Morrison, 20th December 2021, Central Academy of Fine Arts, China.
Panel Stretch in Art of the Possible
Greated, Marianne
Panel Stretch in Art of the Possible.
Phyllis Christopher, Contacts
Guy, Laura
Phyllis Christopher, Contacts.
BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art,
23 Oct 2021 – 20 Mar 2022
Hannah, Michelle
No Bounds Radio.
Hannah, Michelle
No Bounds Radio.
Hannah, Michelle
No Bounds Radio.
The richest scene I've ever seen
Hannah, Michelle
The richest scene I've ever seen.
The Moon and The Echo: responses to The Moon and The Melodies (1986) by Harold Budd and Cocteau Twins.
Pilot Press London.
On Uncertainty: an editorial
Haynes, Laura
On Uncertainty: an editorial.
The Yellow Paper: Journal for Art Writing.
The Glasgow School of Art, pp. 8-11.
ISBN 978-1-9162092-1-3
The Quick
Haynes, Laura
The Quick.
PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
A matter of time
Haynes, Laura
A matter of time.
Resurgence & Ecologist (329).
pp. 4-7.
ISSN 0034-5970
Scoring a Living Newspaper
Haynes, Laura,
Bik Van der Pol, and
Farrer, Cicely
Scoring a Living Newspaper.
In: FIELDWORK International Summer School 2021, 31 July - 1 August 2021, Hospitalfield, Arbroath, Scotland.
In Conversation with Jenny Hogarth
Haynes, Laura and
Hogarth, Jenny
In Conversation with Jenny Hogarth.
In: Meet me at the threshold, 4 May 2022, Talbot Rice Gallery, University of Edinburgh.
‘Affrug o’ the Sea’, at the Waterworlding: Reflections on Multiple Waters, University of Marburg
Hodson, Elizabeth
‘Affrug o’ the Sea’, at the Waterworlding: Reflections on Multiple Waters, University of Marburg.
In: Waterworlding: Reflections on Multiple Waters, 18th June 2021, Hosted by University of Marburg, Germany.
'From Mimicry to Symbiosis' at the Practicing Landscape Symposium: Mining the Animal, School of Fine Art, Glasgow School of Art
Hodson, Elizabeth
'From Mimicry to Symbiosis' at the Practicing Landscape Symposium: Mining the Animal, School of Fine Art, Glasgow School of Art.
In: Mining the Animal, Practising Landscape Symposium, 26th November 2021, GSA.
The register of the artist
Hodson, Elizabeth A.
The register of the artist.
Journal of Aesthetics and Culture, 13 (1).
Art 1920693.
ISSN 2000-4214
On the spatialisation of performance and the performance of spatialisation
Hunter, Roddy
On the spatialisation of performance and the performance of spatialisation.
Sculpture in Process: Sculpture as a Medium of Space Transformation / Rzeźba w procesie : rzeźba jako czynnik transformacji miejsca i przestrzeni : międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa.
University of Fine Arts in Poznań, Poznań, Poland, pp. 119-143.
ISBN 978-83-66015-93-7 a user’s guide: Remediation, Digitization and the Networked Art Archive
Hunter, Roddy and
Bodor, Judit
(2021) a user’s guide: Remediation, Digitization and the Networked Art Archive.
What Will Be Already Exists Temporalities of Cold War Archives in East-Central Europe and Beyond.
transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany, pp. 171-190.
ISBN 978-3-8394-5823-5
Networked Art Practice after Digital Preservation
Hunter, Roddy and
Cook, Sarah
Networked Art Practice after Digital Preservation.
In: Digital Curator International Symposium, 2nd - 3rd December 2020, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.
Artists’ Moving Image in Scotland: Production, Circulation, Reception, 1970–2021
Jack, Marcus
Artists’ Moving Image in Scotland: Production, Circulation, Reception, 1970–2021.
PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
Painting and Materiality: Three Creative Strategies for Transformation
Keehan, Allyson
Painting and Materiality: Three Creative Strategies for Transformation.
PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
Artist Praxis - Blue and Silver [Graham Lister on the Artist Praxis Podcast, October 26th, 2021]
Lister, Graham
Artist Praxis - Blue and Silver [Graham Lister on the Artist Praxis Podcast, October 26th, 2021].
Blue Tarp and Green Tarp [in "Without Borders" Group Exhibition, Elysium Gallery, Swansea]
Lister, Graham
Blue Tarp and Green Tarp [in "Without Borders" Group Exhibition, Elysium Gallery, Swansea].
Blue and Silver & Maybe Some Blue Sky Back There [In Touch, Czong Institute for Contemporary Art (CICA), Gimpo-si, South Korea]
Lister, Graham
Blue and Silver & Maybe Some Blue Sky Back There [In Touch, Czong Institute for Contemporary Art (CICA), Gimpo-si, South Korea].
Brightness Behind
Lister, Graham
Brightness Behind.
Touching Distance - Exhibition Catalogue
Lister, Graham
Touching Distance - Exhibition Catalogue.
Graham Lister.
Touching Distance [Solo Exhibition]
Lister, Graham
Touching Distance [Solo Exhibition].
Mount Florida Gallery, Glasgow,
April - May 2021
Yellow Belly [in the Society of Scottish Artists' 123rd Annual Exhibition at the Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh]
Lister, Graham
Yellow Belly [in the Society of Scottish Artists' 123rd Annual Exhibition at the Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh].
Our Virtual Tribe: Sustaining and Enhancing Community via Online Music Improvisation
MacDonald, Raymond,
Burke, Robert,
De Nora, Tia,
Donohue, Maria Sappho and
Birrell, Ross
Our Virtual Tribe: Sustaining and Enhancing Community via Online Music Improvisation.
Frontiers in Psychology, 11.
pp. 1-19.
ISSN 1664-1078
Hospitalfield Interdisciplinary Residency
McBride, Christina
Hospitalfield Interdisciplinary Residency.
not relevant.
In Process
McBride, Christina
In Process.
185 Bath Street Glasgow,
29/10/21 - 27/11/2021
Sustaining a Photographic Practice in an Ecological Crisis
McBride, Christina,
Holdengarde, Jess,
King, Melanie and
Fletcher, Hannah
Sustaining a Photographic Practice in an Ecological Crisis.
In: Sustaining a Photographic Practice in an Ecological Crisis, 3rd December 2021, online.
Seeds of Change
McCaughey, Peter
Seeds of Change.
McKee, Francis
Ester Krumbachova.
UMPRUM, pp. 17-23.
ISBN 978-80-88308-47-8
Mendelson, Zoë and
Bunting-Branch, Anna
In: INTERIOR, INTERIOR, 28 October 2021, online via Dialogues at CCW, UAL.
Deviations and Conversions, Seventies Style: Mandy Merck in Conversation with Laura Guy
Merck, Mandy and
Guy, Laura
Deviations and Conversions, Seventies Style: Mandy Merck in Conversation with Laura Guy.
Third Text, 35 (1).
pp. 11-24.
ISSN 0952-8822
Mining the Animal - Silk Town
Mersinis, Michael,
Hodson, Elizabeth and
Harold, Jim
Mining the Animal - Silk Town.
In: Practicing Landscape: Landscapes of Energy and Extraction, 26 November 2021, Online.
In / out / of this world
Morris, Rosie
In / out / of this world.
3/7/21 - 10/8/21
Mulholland, Craig
Glasgow & International Online Event,
25 February 2021
In Transit - Depictions of Hounslow
Newth, Martin
In Transit - Depictions of Hounslow.
Creative People and Places Hounslow Visual Arts Programme, Hounslow, London.
Dance with the One Who Brought You
Park, Sin
Dance with the One Who Brought You.
Patricia Fleming,
9 December 2021 - 30 January 2022
'Midwinter' and 'Edgingly'
Paul, Nalini
'Midwinter' and 'Edgingly'.
Aberdeen University Press, Aberdeen, UK.
Lesley Punton - artist website
Punton, Lesley
Lesley Punton - artist website.
Lesley Punton, Glasgow, UK.
A Queer Marxist [Trans]Feminism: Queer and Trans Social Reproduction
Raha, Nat
A Queer Marxist [Trans]Feminism: Queer and Trans Social Reproduction.
Transgender Marxism.
Pluto Press, London, pp. 85-115.
ISBN Paperback: 9780745341668; eBook: 9781786807335
Fashion Dust Umami
Ramsay, Graham and
Beagles, John
Fashion Dust Umami.
Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow,
3rd December 2021
The Shape of a Thinking Thing
Rankovic, Katarina
The Shape of a Thinking Thing.
PhD Programme, Art Department Goldsmiths, University of London.
PhD Programme, Art Department Goldsmiths, University of London, London, pp. 19-20.
ISBN 9781527295087
Individual Relic
Rankovic, Katarina and
Davies, Nina
Individual Relic.
Death Writes: Microbursts & The Clearing: a discussion on text, subject and craft with Elizabeth Reeder and Amanda Thomson - collaborators on microbursts and with Samantha Clark author of The Clearing
Reeder, Elizabeth,
Clark, Samantha and
Thomson, Amanda
Death Writes: Microbursts & The Clearing: a discussion on text, subject and craft with Elizabeth Reeder and Amanda Thomson - collaborators on microbursts and with Samantha Clark author of The Clearing.
Eventbrite/ Zoom,
25 March 2021
Reeder, Elizabeth and
Thomson, Amanda
Prototype, London.
ISBN 978-1-913513-06-1
The Climate Crisis Can't Be Cancelled
Robertson, Fiona
The Climate Crisis Can't Be Cancelled.
Robertson, Fiona
The cook, the cupboard and Joan of Arc
Robertson, Fiona
The cook, the cupboard and Joan of Arc.
The Creator Doctus Constellation: Exploring a New Model for a Doctorate in the Arts
Rogers, Henry
The Creator Doctus Constellation: Exploring a New Model for a Doctorate in the Arts.
The Creator Doctus Constellation: Exploring a New Model for a Doctorate in the Arts.
Gerrit Rietveld Academie and EQ-ARTS, pp. 37-66.
ISBN 978-90-830969-1-9
Situating Supervision in the Research Environment: Re-situating in a Peer-Learning Context
Rogers, Henry and
Bento Coelho, Ines
Situating Supervision in the Research Environment: Re-situating in a Peer-Learning Context.
Advancing Supervision for Artistic Research Doctorates.
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna,
British Art Show 9
Salmon, Margaret
British Art Show 9.
Icarus (after Amelia)
Salmon, Margaret
Icarus (after Amelia).
Salmon, Margaret
“Real Life is Dead & Other Show Tunes 2004 – 2021-2-3-4”
Sinclair, Ross
“Real Life is Dead & Other Show Tunes 2004 – 2021-2-3-4”.
It's Kinda Funny: music Douglas MacIntyre (Port Sulphur); film Prof. Ross Sinclair
Sinclair, Ross and
MacIntyre, Douglas
It's Kinda Funny: music Douglas MacIntyre (Port Sulphur); film Prof. Ross Sinclair.
Every which way
Smith, Stephanie and
Stewart, Eddie
Every which way.
Works on paper, ongoing -
Smith, Stephanie and
Stewart, Eddie
Works on paper, ongoing -.
Group Exhibition: 'Trans_Formations I', Laurent Delaye Gallery, Ramsgate, UK, 2021
Stubbs, Michael
Group Exhibition: 'Trans_Formations I', Laurent Delaye Gallery, Ramsgate, UK, 2021.
Laurent Delaye Gallery, Ramsgate, UK,
27 May - 2 August 2021
Solo Exhibition: Michael Stubbs: Three Paintings
Stubbs, Michael
Solo Exhibition: Michael Stubbs: Three Paintings.
Palfrey Space, London, UK,
11 November – 4 December 2021
Alison Watt: A Portrait Without Likeness
Thompson, Susannah
Alison Watt: A Portrait Without Likeness.
Scottish Art News (34).
pp. 37-39.
ISSN 1749 7330
Citation Required?: Modes of critical writing beyond the academy
Thompson, Susannah
Citation Required?: Modes of critical writing beyond the academy.
In: Citation Required?: Modes of critical writing beyond the academy, 24 June 2021, Online (University of West of England).
The Democratisation of Art? Manchester International Festival 2021
Thompson, Susannah
The Democratisation of Art? Manchester International Festival 2021.
Art Review.
ISSN 1745-9303
Edmonia Lewis's 'Bust of Christ': A Rediscovery?
Thompson, Susannah
Edmonia Lewis's 'Bust of Christ': A Rediscovery?
In: Rediscovering our sculpture: Art UK, 11-12 March 2021, Online.
Joan Eardley and Catterline Panel Discussion
Thompson, Susannah
Joan Eardley and Catterline Panel Discussion.
In: Joan Eardley and Catterline Panel Discussion, 30 June 2021, Online / National Galleries of Scotland.
Laura Aldridge: sumVigour
Thompson, Susannah
Laura Aldridge: sumVigour.
Scottish Art News.
'Maker of Exhibitions': Cordelia Oliver as Curator
Thompson, Susannah
'Maker of Exhibitions': Cordelia Oliver as Curator.
In: Association for Art History Annual Conference 2021, 14-17 April 2021, Online.
Nothing Personal
Thompson, Susannah
Nothing Personal.
MAP Magazine, 62.
ISSN 2633-8009
Passionate and political: centring black women in Maud Sulter's 'Zabat'
Thompson, Susannah
Passionate and political: centring black women in Maud Sulter's 'Zabat'.
Art UK.
Scots w'Afro: The Photography of Maud Sulter
Thompson, Susannah
Scots w'Afro: The Photography of Maud Sulter.
In: The Scottish Society for the History of Photography - The Annan Lecture 2021, 21 August 2021, Online.
The Story of Scottish Art (Book Review)
Thompson, Susannah
The Story of Scottish Art (Book Review).
The Burlington Magazine, 163 (1424).
p. 1090.
ISSN 0007-6287
Three Scottish Surrealists: Sulter, Douthwaite, Flannigan
Thompson, Susannah
Three Scottish Surrealists: Sulter, Douthwaite, Flannigan.
In: Association for Art History Annual Conference 2021, 13-17 April 2020, Online.
Scotland and Surrealism - Digital Workshop
Thompson, Susannah,
Allmer, Patricia and
Rice, Grainne
Scotland and Surrealism - Digital Workshop.
In: Surrealism and Scotland, 28 April 2021, Online.
Early Eardley: Placing Arran Works in Context
Thompson, Susannah and
Brownrigg, Jenny
Early Eardley: Placing Arran Works in Context.
In: Arran - An Artistic Legacy: The Arran Arts Heritage Trail Symposium, 29 April 2021, Online.
Joan Eardley at The Glasgow School of Art
Thompson, Susannah and
Brownrigg, Jenny
Joan Eardley at The Glasgow School of Art.
Scottish Art News (34).
pp. 13-16.
ISSN 1749-7310
In Conversation with Kirsty Wark - Joan Eardley's work & legacy
Thompson, Susannah,
Brownrigg, Jenny,
Morrison, Anne,
Patience, Jan,
Carlisle, Anna and
Mathie, Alexandra
In Conversation with Kirsty Wark - Joan Eardley's work & legacy.
In: Arran - An Artistic Legacy: The Arran Arts Heritage Trail Symposium, 29 April 2021, Online.
Letters from Joan
Thompson, Susannah and
Haynes, Laura
Letters from Joan.
In: "All becomes art": Writers Celebrate Joan Eardley's Centenary, 18 May 2021, Online / University of Glasgow.
Unravelling the Mystery: Edmonia Lewis and Bute
Thompson, Susannah,
Insley, Jessica,
Farrington, Lisa,
Buick Pai, Kirsten and
Nelson, Charmaine A.
Unravelling the Mystery: Edmonia Lewis and Bute.
In: Unravelling the Mystery: Edmonia Lewis and Bute, 22 Oct 2021, Online (Mount Stuart, Isle of Bute).
Thomson, Amanda
Irish Pages: A Journal of Contemporary Writing, 11 (1).
pp. 186-192.
Care and Attention Across Forms
Thomson, Amanda
Care and Attention Across Forms.
In: Phosphorescence: A weekend of dance in partnership with DanceLive, 15 - 17th October 2021, The Barn Arts, Banchory.
Common Guild Commentary: Sam Durant 'Iconoclasm'
Thomson, Amanda
Common Guild Commentary: Sam Durant 'Iconoclasm'.
Common Guild Commentary.
Country Diary: all around the Bone Caves, the stillness is spectacular
Thomson, Amanda
Country Diary: all around the Bone Caves, the stillness is spectacular.
The Guardian.
p. 5.
ISSN 1756-3224
Country Diary: the lapwings are back, but without a warm welcome
Thomson, Amanda
Country Diary: the lapwings are back, but without a warm welcome.
The Guardian.
ISSN 1756-3224
Country Diary: tuned in for the Highlands summer soundtrack
Thomson, Amanda
Country Diary: tuned in for the Highlands summer soundtrack.
The Guardian.
ISSN 1756-3224
Country diary: Faraway stags and overhead geese accompany my evening walk
Thomson, Amanda
Country diary: Faraway stags and overhead geese accompany my evening walk.
The Guardian newspaper.
ISSN 0261-3077
Craw Sunday
Thomson, Amanda
Craw Sunday.
The Wild Isles: An anthology of the Best British and Irish nature writing.
Head of Zeus/ Apollo, London, pp. 27-36.
ISBN 9781789541403
Drink in the Beauty
Thomson, Amanda
Drink in the Beauty.
Glasgow Gallery of Modern Art,
04 June 2021 - 22 January 2022
Life, Still
Thomson, Amanda
Life, Still.
London Review of Books Subject/ Object: The Birds Festival - A conversation about the place of birds in writing about place: Steve Ely, Jessica J. Lee, Anita Sethi and Amanda Thomson
Thomson, Amanda
London Review of Books Subject/ Object: The Birds Festival - A conversation about the place of birds in writing about place: Steve Ely, Jessica J. Lee, Anita Sethi and Amanda Thomson.
In: London Review of Books, Subject/ Object: The Birds Festival, 27 May 2021, online.
Thomson, Amanda
Gifts of Gravity and Light: A Nature Almanac for the 21st Century.
Hodder and Stoughton, London, pp. 207-221.
ISBN 9781529363159
Open the Door 2021: Glasgow Women's Library : In Conversation with Amanda Thomson and Amy Gear
Thomson, Amanda and
Gear, Amy
Open the Door 2021: Glasgow Women's Library : In Conversation with Amanda Thomson and Amy Gear.
Art and Writing between spaces
Thomson, Amanda,
Reeder, Elizabeth and
Carpenter, J.R.
Art and Writing between spaces.
8 April 2021
The Peter & nou Handbook: A Field Guide to an SF Practice (So Far), 2020
Topping, Jane
The Peter & nou Handbook: A Field Guide to an SF Practice (So Far), 2020.
PhD thesis, University of Cumbria Institute of Arts.
The Naming of Things
Tripp, Sarah,
Dawson, Bryony,
Spong, Srishana,
Godet, Charlie,
Constantin, Jeanne,
Higgins, Jessica and
Davies, Lydia
The Naming of Things.
‘Please Say More’: mediating conflict through letter-writing
in British second wave feminist periodicals, 1970-1990
Wonders, Bec
‘Please Say More’: mediating conflict through letter-writing
in British second wave feminist periodicals, 1970-1990.
PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
Said the Curate to the Curator
Young, Sharon
Said the Curate to the Curator.
ISBN 9781910055861
Šik, Becky
Collective Gallery, Edinburgh,
5th June - 15th August 2021
Šik, Becky
Carbon-Mercury: Thinking Through Holes
Šik, Becky and
Kubba, Sukaina
Carbon-Mercury: Thinking Through Holes.
In: Carbon-Mercury:Thinking through holes, 8th July 2021, Online Zoom performance for Collective Gallery, Edinburgh.
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