Number of items: 127.
One-to-another, One-to-one
Aldridge, Laura
One-to-another, One-to-one.
Paserelle Centre D'Art Contemporain,
06 Jun - 29 Aug 2015
Borrowing methods: what might creative practitioners in visual arts and dance learn from each other?
Bento Coelho, Inês
Borrowing methods: what might creative practitioners in visual arts and dance learn from each other?
In: Creativity: Method or Madness? The 4th International PG conference, 26-27 May 2015, University of Glasgow.
‘Uncanny encounters: Cameron, ‘Mary’ and an unknown woman at the gate’
Bird, Nicky
‘Uncanny encounters: Cameron, ‘Mary’ and an unknown woman at the gate’.
In: Symposium 200 Years: Julia Margaret Cameron, Pioneering Photography, 13 May 2015, Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Ghent, Belgium.
Family Ties: Subject Missing
Bird, Nicky,
Brodie, Ann,
Gonzalez, Laura,
Butler, Jaqueline and
Mersinis, Michael
Family Ties: Subject Missing.
In: Family Ties: Subject Missing, 20 November 2015, The Glasgow School of Art, UK.
'Heritage Site: visualising an unreachable heritage'
Bird, Nicky and
Jeffrey, Stuart
'Heritage Site: visualising an unreachable heritage'.
In: 21st European Association of Archaeologists Glasgow 2015, 2-5 September 2015, University of Glasgow.
Musical Composition and Improvisation in response to the 2014 Mackintosh Fire
Birrell, Ross
Musical Composition and Improvisation in response to the 2014 Mackintosh Fire.
The Glasgow School of Art.
The beginnings of that freedom, Parliament in the Making (2015)
Birrell, Ross
The beginnings of that freedom, Parliament in the Making (2015).
Westminster Hall, UK Parliament, Palace of Westminster, London,
20 January -12 December 2015
A Beautiful Living Thing (2015)
Birrell, Ross,
Crotch, Joanne and
Watt, Hugh
A Beautiful Living Thing (2015).
Where language ends
Birrell, Ross and
Harding, David
Where language ends.
Talbot Rice Gallery, Edinburgh,
14 March - 2 May 2015
Practising Landscape 1- Peripatetic Seminar Series
Brind, Susan,
Bird, Nicky,
Carter, Justin,
Greated, Marianne,
McBride, Christina,
McMullan, Shauna,
Mersinis, Michael,
Thomson, Amanda,
Punton, Lesley,
Watt, Hugh and
Brownrigg, Jenny
Practising Landscape 1- Peripatetic Seminar Series.
Brind, Susan and
Harold, Jim
University Gallery, Renmin University of China, Beijing,
20-25 Apr 2015 (Exhibition); 20-22 Apr 2015 (Conference)
Plazamania: Who is Public Space For and Why?
Brown, Katrina
Plazamania: Who is Public Space For and Why?
In: PLAZAMANIA, 17 Sep 2015, The Lighthouse, Glasgow, UK.
The Persistence of Objects
Brown, Katrina and
Anderson, Kitty
The Persistence of Objects.
Lismore, Ireland,
20 Jun - 31 Aug 2015
Graham Fagen
Brown, Katrina,
Curtis, Penelope,
Welsh, Louise and
Byatt, Lucy
Graham Fagen.
Graham Fagen.
Hospitalfield, Arbroath, pp. 118-123.
ISBN 9780993227509
An Introduction to the Wasteland Twinning Network
Carter, Justin
An Introduction to the Wasteland Twinning Network.
In: Landscape Wilderness and the Wild, 26-28 March 2015, Newcastle University, Department of Architecture, Planning and Landscape.
Understanding Sustainability through the Public Art Project – A Fine Art Perspective
Carter, Justin
Understanding Sustainability through the Public Art Project – A Fine Art Perspective.
In: IJADE Conference: Sustainability In Creative Arts Education, 6-7 Nov 2015, Glasgow School of Art, UK.
Wind-Assisted Drawing Machines
Carter, Justin
Wind-Assisted Drawing Machines.
'Autumn – After William James Muller (2013)'. Film screening at CCA Cinema, Glasgow.
Carter, Justin and
Owen, Ben
'Autumn – After William James Muller (2013)'. Film screening at CCA Cinema, Glasgow.
In: Material Culture in Action: Practices of Making, Collecting and Re-enacting Art and Design, 7-8 Sep 2015, The Glasgow School of Art, UK.
Associate Members Show at Limbo Arts, curated by Adam Chodzko. (substation project space) Margate, Kent.
Carter, Justin and
Owen, Ben A.
Associate Members Show at Limbo Arts, curated by Adam Chodzko. (substation project space) Margate, Kent.
Substation Project Space, Limbo Arts, Margate, Kent.,
28th March - 19th April, 2015.
Ballet of the Palette
Clements, Neil
Ballet of the Palette.
Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow,
20 Feb 2015 - 26 Jan 2016
Remembering the Celtic Peregrinati
Cooper, Thomas Joshua
Remembering the Celtic Peregrinati.
Journal of Landscape Architecture, 10 (2).
pp. 58-69.
ISSN 1862-6033
My Previous Life as an Ape
Coutts, Nicky
My Previous Life as an Ape.
A Beautiful Living Thing
Crotch, Joanna and
Birrell, Ross
A Beautiful Living Thing.
In: Reading Architecture Across the Arts and Humanities, 5-6 Dec 2015, University of Stirling, UK.
SOUTH OF NO NORTH: Approaches to art and performance
Currall, Alan
SOUTH OF NO NORTH: Approaches to art and performance.
Centre for Photography, Edinburgh, UK,
18 Sep – 29 Nov 2015
"And when you’re ready, slowly open your eyes..."
Edbrook, Laura
"And when you’re ready, slowly open your eyes...".
Multiplicity, 5.
Art is Elsewhere: Radical Subjectivity and Deviant Voices in the Means and Production of Art and its Discourses
Edbrook, Laura
Art is Elsewhere: Radical Subjectivity and Deviant Voices in the Means and Production of Art and its Discourses.
In: Interactions with the Real, 21 Nov 2015, Royal Holloway, University of London.
The Subject's Object
Edbrook, Laura
The Subject's Object.
Material Press.
'Thank you for writing to me so often, you are revealing yourself to me in the only way you can', Sick Sick Sick: The Books of Ornery Women
Edbrook, Laura
'Thank you for writing to me so often, you are revealing yourself to me in the only way you can', Sick Sick Sick: The Books of Ornery Women.
In: Northeastern Modern Language Association Annual Convention, 2015, Toronto, Ontario.
Thank you for writing to me so often, you are revealing yourself to me in the only way you can: ‘Sick, Sick, Sick’: The Books of Ornery Women
Edbrook, Laura
Thank you for writing to me so often, you are revealing yourself to me in the only way you can: ‘Sick, Sick, Sick’: The Books of Ornery Women.
MAP Magazine.
Figgis, Laurence
The Briggait, Glasgow,
18th September - 20th November 2015
About 'The Great Macguffin'
Figgis, Laurence
About 'The Great Macguffin'.
In: Silence: A Semiotics of (In)Significance, 1 - 3 July 2015, University of LIverpool.
American Gothic: Chaos, Anachronism and Modernity in Eyvind Earle's Sleeping Beauty
Figgis, Laurence
American Gothic: Chaos, Anachronism and Modernity in Eyvind Earle's Sleeping Beauty.
In: PCA/ACA National Conference Animation (Silverman and Chanthanakone) Division, 1-5 April 2015, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Oh My Have
Figgis, Laurence
Oh My Have.
1 Royal Terrace, Glasgow,
30th March - 19th April 2015
Marita Fraser
Fraser, Marita
Marita Fraser.
Kerstin Engholm Gallery, Schleifmühlgasse 3, Vienna,
12 November – 13 December 2015
Subversive Art as place, identity and bohemia: The San Francisco Bay area 1945-1965
Gracie, David
Subversive Art as place, identity and bohemia: The San Francisco Bay area 1945-1965.
MPhil thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
Super Woofer
Graham, Ramsay
Super Woofer.
Matts Gallery, London,
1 Aug 2015
Hush Now
Greated, Marianne
Hush Now.
Pier Arts Centre, Orkney,
Sep 2015
Queens Park Music Club - Volume 2
Greated, Marianne
Queens Park Music Club - Volume 2.
Queens Park Railway Club, Glasgow.
Greated, Marianne
Shetland Museum and Archive, Lerwick,
04-12 Apr 2015
What Lies Beneath
Greated, Marianne
What Lies Beneath.
Hugh Miller's Birthplace & Museum, Cromarty,
Sep 2015
Within the Spectrum
Greated, Marianne
Within the Spectrum.
In: Colour Collection - Interdisciplinary Poster Event, Oct 2015, The University of Edinburgh, UK.
A Living Man Declared Dead and its Ground of Displacement
Greenman, Benjamin
A Living Man Declared Dead and its Ground of Displacement.
In: Association of Art Historians Conference, 9-11 Apr 2015, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.
Embracing feminism: TEN.8 photographic magazine and the Greenham women’s peace protest
Guy, L.E.
Embracing feminism: TEN.8 photographic magazine and the Greenham women’s peace protest.
Photoworks (22).
Networks of Attribution: The Cultural Origins of Meaning
Hamlyn, Jim
Networks of Attribution: The Cultural Origins of Meaning.
In: 10th International Conference on the Arts in Society and the Arts in Society Knowledge Community, 22-24 Jul 2015, Imperial College, London.
Ambient interaction and situational influence: case studies in public sites
Her, Jiun and
Hamlyn, Jim
Ambient interaction and situational influence: case studies in public sites.
Digital Creativity, 26 (3-4).
pp. 245-262.
ISSN 1462-6268
Ambient Interaction - Interactivity as a creative medium
Her, Jiun Jhy and
Hamlyn, Jim
Ambient Interaction - Interactivity as a creative medium.
Digital Creativity, 26 (3-4).
pp. 245-262.
ISSN 1462-6268
Beyond Perception
Hodson, Elizabeth
Beyond Perception.
SRUC, Aberdeenshire,
1- 4 September 2015
The Line As Mediator: Mapping the Lacuna in Contemporary Icelandic Art
Hodson, Elizabeth
The Line As Mediator: Mapping the Lacuna in Contemporary Icelandic Art.
Journal of Visual Art Practice, 14 (1).
pp. 28-43.
ISSN 1470-2029
Visibility in the Gallery: Anthropology as Curating Co-Authorship
Hodson, Elizabeth
Visibility in the Gallery: Anthropology as Curating Co-Authorship.
In: Drawing Conversations: Collective and Collaborative Drawing, December 2015, Coventry University.
Below Another Sky
Hopkins, L
Below Another Sky.
British Council, London,
25th September 2015 to 2nd of November 2015
Dévider le réel
Hopkins, L
Dévider le réel.
Les Abattoirs, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Toulouse,
18 September 2015 to 17th January 2016
Ripples on the Pond
Hopkins, Louise
Ripples on the Pond.
Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow,
May 2015 - Feb 2016
ROOM Collaborators 4
Hughes, Alexandra,
Allen, Ambrose,
Toren, Amikam,
Semeiko, Andro,
Macrae, Billy,
Bunt, Carolyn,
Shaw Hughes, Chris,
Garrido, Cristina,
Taylor, Diana,
Stibbon, Emma,
Richardson, Frances,
Cheung, Gordon,
Fugard, Gwenyth,
Parker, Jayne,
Key, Joan,
Plowman, John,
Cockburn, Julie,
Punton, Lesley,
Lake, Lydia & Phoebe,
Dunhill, Mark,
O'Brien, Tamiko,
Hutber, Reynir,
Haselden, Ron,
Davey, Rose,
Hughes, Rowena,
Dobai, Sarah,
Griffiths, Sean,
Wakely, Shelagh,
Ward, Simon,
Andrews, Tabitha,
Wilding, Alison and
Wolseley, Tom
ROOM Collaborators 4.
37-39 Bryanston Mews West, London, UK,
4 Oct - 12 Dec 2015
California Wow!
Jackson, Claire and
Aldridge, Laura
California Wow!
Tramway, Glasgow,
30 Jan - 22 Mar 2015
Ortonandon: Three Go Adventuring Again
Jackson, Deborah
Ortonandon: Three Go Adventuring Again.
Map Magazine (36).
ISSN 2633-8009
The Shock of Victory
Jackson, Deborah
The Shock of Victory.
Centre for Contemporary Arts (CCA) & University of Edinburgh.
Mobile Learning Within The Context of Fine Art Education
Jackson (Mckinney), Jake
Mobile Learning Within The Context of Fine Art Education.
In: Workshop: Implementing Mobile Learning in Kazakhstan, February 11th-13th 2015, Alamty Management University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Artist residency with The Danish Institute in Athens
Jorgensen, Birthe
Artist residency with The Danish Institute in Athens.
Danish Institute in Athens.
Delaying Tactics
Jorgensen, Birthe
Delaying Tactics.
The Studio Pavillion, Glasgow,
23 Nov 2015 - 17 Jan 2016
Riotous exuberant green and the dutiful beating of one’s heart
Jorgensen, Birthe
Riotous exuberant green and the dutiful beating of one’s heart.
1 Royal Terrace, Glasgow,
07-08 June 2015
Jorgensen, Birthe,
Blunt, Alison and
Coppes, James
Easterhouse, Glasgow,
29 Apr 2015
The Painter of Altermodern Life
Lister, Graham
The Painter of Altermodern Life.
In: Material Culture in Action: Practices of Making, Collecting and Re-enacting Art and Design, 7-8 Sep 2015, The Glasgow School of Art, UK.
The Persistence of Objects
Long, Declan,
Claydon, Steven,
Kuri, Gabriel,
Tompkins, Hayley,
Anderson, Kitty and
Brown, Katrina
The Persistence of Objects.
In: 'The Persistence of Objects' Seminar, 20 Jun 2015, Lismore Heritage Centre, Lismore, Ireland.
McBride, Christina and
Bravo, Roberto
Fotohof, Salzburg.
ISBN 9783902993199
I Want to Hide it
McGraw, Mick
I Want to Hide it.
In: Traffic: movement/place/flow/mobility, 15-16 Apr 2016, University of Plymouth, England.
Ripples on the Pond
McMullan, Shauna
Ripples on the Pond.
Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA) Glasgow,
May 2015 - Feb 2016
Album / Argento
Mersinis, Michael
Album / Argento.
In: Material Culture in Action: Practices of Making, Collecting and Re-enacting Art and Design, 7-8 Sep 2015, The Glasgow School of Art, UK.
Birds do not Sing
Mersinis, Michael
Birds do not Sing.
Journal of Landscape Architecture, 10 (1).
pp. 58-67.
ISSN 1862-6033
Family Ties Network Presentation - Subject Missing
Mersinis, Michael
Family Ties Network Presentation - Subject Missing.
In: Family Ties Network Presentation - Subject Missing, Friday 20th November 2015,
Making up the Family Album
Mersinis, Michael
Making up the Family Album.
In: Family Ties Network: Subject Missing, 20 Nov 2015, The Glasgow School of Art, UK.
The Threshold of Practice
Mersinis, Michael
The Threshold of Practice.
In: CRD Launch Conference, 13 Nov 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Starlight (for Sophus)
Mersinis, Michail
Starlight (for Sophus).
DEVILS IN THE MAKING - Bitmaps Vs Vectors
Mulholland, Craig
DEVILS IN THE MAKING - Bitmaps Vs Vectors.
Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow, UK,
18 Sep 2015 - 28 Feb 2016
Mulholland, Craig
Koppe Astner, Glasgow,
Nov 21, 2015 - Jan 9, 2016
Mulholland, Craig,
Hannah, Michelle and
Saltel, Delphine
Radio France, Collection Documentaire De France Culture, Paris, France.
The Raven's Song
Paul, Nalini and
Hiley, Catherine
The Raven's Song.
Catherine Hiley and Nalini Paul, Edinburgh.
ISBN 9781910437247
Who Is Hiding Now?
Payne, Alistair
Who Is Hiding Now?
In: The Hidden Curriculum, 9 - 11 September 2015, Academy of Fine Arts, Poznan, Poland.
The virtual, alternate spaces and their affects upon artwork
Payne, Alistair
The virtual, alternate spaces and their affects upon artwork.
Handbook of Research on Digital Media and Creative Technologies.
IGI Global, America, pp. 60-82.
ISBN 978146668204
Bloused and Mintier
Pickstone, Edwin and
Phillips, Ciara
Bloused and Mintier.
Blip Blip Blip, East Street Arts, Patrick Studios, St Mary's Lane, Leeds,
14 - 29 May 2015
Curious Artefacts
Ramsay, Graham
Curious Artefacts.
Artwall Project Space, Athens, Greece,
16 Sep - 14 Oct 2015
Devils In The Making: Glasgow School of Art and the Collection
Ramsay, Graham
Devils In The Making: Glasgow School of Art and the Collection.
GoMA, Glasgow, UK,
18 Sep 2015 - 28 Feb 2016
An Empathetic Affair: The Embodied Practice of Hedwig Houben
Rankovic, Katarina
An Empathetic Affair: The Embodied Practice of Hedwig Houben.
Curating the Contemporary.
Neu Reekie!: Anywhere but the Cities, Helensburgh
Reekie!, Neu,
Sinclair, Ross,
Hand, Withered,
Bisset, Alan,
Clark, Polly,
McNish, Holly,
Found, The,
Williamson, Kevin and
Pederson, Michael
Neu Reekie!: Anywhere but the Cities, Helensburgh.
The Tower Digital Art Centre, Helensburgh,
23 July 2015
Green Head
Robertson, Fiona
Green Head.
Present Tense
Roulstone, Karen
Present Tense.
The Alamo Project, Plymouth,
26 September 2015 - 4 October 2015
20 Years of Real Life Publication: Free Instruments for Teenagers, Vinyl Album with Risograph booklet and poster
Sinclair, Ross
20 Years of Real Life Publication: Free Instruments for Teenagers, Vinyl Album with Risograph booklet and poster.
Collective, Edinburgh.
The Beginnings of that Freedome
Sinclair, Ross
The Beginnings of that Freedome.
Westminster Hall, UK Parliament, Palace of Westminster,
Beyond the Goldmine Standard
Sinclair, Ross
Beyond the Goldmine Standard.
RPM Music 4 Old George Yard, Newcastle upon Tyne,
Apr-May 2015
Closing Keynote Presentation: True North Conference, Timespan, Helmsdale.
Sinclair, Ross
Closing Keynote Presentation: True North Conference, Timespan, Helmsdale.
In: True North Conference, 5-7 March 2015, Timespan, Helmsdale.
Over Over Over
Sinclair, Ross
Over Over Over.
Simone de Souza Gallery, Detroit,
July/August 2015
Public Engagement/Education Conference of Generation, 25 Years of Contemporary Art in Scotland, Generation Engagement Project: presenting "20 Years of Real Life, Free Instruments for Teenagers" at Collective, Edinburgh.
Sinclair, Ross
Public Engagement/Education Conference of Generation, 25 Years of Contemporary Art in Scotland, Generation Engagement Project: presenting "20 Years of Real Life, Free Instruments for Teenagers" at Collective, Edinburgh.
In: Public Engagement/Education Conference of Generation, 25 Years of Contemporary Art in Scotland, 15 May 2015, Glasgow School of Art, Assembly Hall.
Queens Park Music Club - Volume 2
Sinclair, Ross
Queens Park Music Club - Volume 2.
Queens Park Railway Club, Glasgow.
Evaluating Participatory Practice
Sinclair, Ross and
Gray, Kate
Evaluating Participatory Practice.
In: 2015 Engage International Conference, 18-21 November 2015, Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow.
Turner Prize Thursdays: How Do You Make a Glaswegian Artist?
Sinclair, Ross and
Payne, Alistair
Turner Prize Thursdays: How Do You Make a Glaswegian Artist?
Tramway, Glasgow.
The Top Ten of Top Tens
Sinclair, Ross and
Tai, Cedric
The Top Ten of Top Tens.
May 2015
Post-Feminism’s Confessional Mode as Discursive Decoy: The Misclassification of Natasha Merritt
Smith, Sarah
Post-Feminism’s Confessional Mode as Discursive Decoy: The Misclassification of Natasha Merritt.
In: Console-ing Passions: International Conference on Television, Video, Audio, New Media and Feminism, 18-20 Jun 2015, Dublin, Ireland.
Honesty in conservation: exploring if conservation is and can be an honest process using the restoration of the Glasgow School of Art Mackintosh building as a basis for debate [dissertation]
Snow, Rebecca
Honesty in conservation: exploring if conservation is and can be an honest process using the restoration of the Glasgow School of Art Mackintosh building as a basis for debate [dissertation].
The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow.
Group Exhibition, 'Autocatalytic Future Games', No Format Gallery, London, 2015
Stubbs, Michael
Group Exhibition, 'Autocatalytic Future Games', No Format Gallery, London, 2015.
No Format Gallery, London,
11 - 21 June 2015
Solo Exhibition: Michael Stubbs, 'Fireeye Shift', From Council (with Laurent Delaye Art Projects), Bloomsbury, London, 2015
Stubbs, Michael
Solo Exhibition: Michael Stubbs, 'Fireeye Shift', From Council (with Laurent Delaye Art Projects), Bloomsbury, London, 2015.
From Counsel, Bloomsbury, London,
19 September - 25 October 2015
Solo Exhibition: Michael Stubbs, Hollenbach Gallery, Stuttgart, 2015
Stubbs, Michael
Solo Exhibition: Michael Stubbs, Hollenbach Gallery, Stuttgart, 2015.
Hollenbach Gallery, Stuttgart,
12 June - 16 August 2015
Hugo Canoilas: Someone a long time ago, now
Thompson, Susannah
Hugo Canoilas: Someone a long time ago, now.
Art Review, 67 (4).
ISSN 1745-9303
Jonathan Gardner
Thompson, Susannah
Jonathan Gardner.
Art Review, 67 (1).
p. 131.
ISSN 1745-9303
Maud Sulter: Passion
Thompson, Susannah
Maud Sulter: Passion.
Art Review, 67 (5).
p. 143.
ISSN 1745-9303
Nervous skies
Thompson, Susannah
Nervous skies.
MAP: Journeys in Contemporary Art.
ISSN 1745-4484
Seaside modernity
Thompson, Susannah
Seaside modernity.
a-n The Artists Information Company.
To the Editor of Amateur Photographer - Mark Fell and Luke Fowler
Thompson, Susannah
To the Editor of Amateur Photographer - Mark Fell and Luke Fowler.
Art Review.
ISSN 1745-9303
A Fine Arts Practice Based Research - Research into practice into form; mixed methods and interdisciplinarity
Thomson, Amanda
A Fine Arts Practice Based Research - Research into practice into form; mixed methods and interdisciplinarity.
In: Creative Practice Conference: Making Research, Researching Making, 10 - 12 September 2015, Arkitektskolen Aarhus, Denmark.
Hidden performance and quiet encounter: solitary and social discoveries of place in the remnant pinewoods of Abernethy.
Thomson, Amanda
Hidden performance and quiet encounter: solitary and social discoveries of place in the remnant pinewoods of Abernethy.
In: Performing Place 3, 19th - 20th June 2015, University of Chichester.
Hidden performance and quiet encounter: solitary and social discoveries of place in the remnant pinewoods of Abernethy.
Thomson, Amanda
Hidden performance and quiet encounter: solitary and social discoveries of place in the remnant pinewoods of Abernethy.
In: Performing Place 3, 19th - 20th June 2015, University of Chichester.
Thomson, Amanda
Printing the Storied Landscape: An Expanded Field of Printmaking that takes account of the Space, Constructedness and the Temporalities of Place'
Thomson, Amanda
Printing the Storied Landscape: An Expanded Field of Printmaking that takes account of the Space, Constructedness and the Temporalities of Place'.
In: Southern Graphics International Conference, March 18 - 21, 2015, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.
Ripples on the Pond
Thomson, Amanda
Ripples on the Pond.
Glasgow Gallery of Modern Art,
May 2015 - Feb 2016
Traces: an exhibition of archival interventions
Thomson, Amanda
Traces: an exhibition of archival interventions.
Centennial Museum, Sheguiandah, Manitoulin, Ontario, Canada,
9th - 30th May 2015
Thomson, Amanda
An other wild: some thoughts on making place, and making art
Thomson, Amanda
An other wild: some thoughts on making place, and making art.
In: Landscape, Wilderness and the Wild, 26 - 28 March 2015, Newcastle University, Department of Architecture, Planning and Landscape.
Teeth (Single Channel Video, 2:19 mins, 2014)
Topping, Jane
Teeth (Single Channel Video, 2:19 mins, 2014).
Listening to Strangers
Tripp, Sarah
Listening to Strangers.
Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow,
1 Oct 2015
Collected Gnommero
Tripp, Sarah,
Bailey, Giles,
Barker, Ruth,
Beasley, Becky,
Benera, Anca,
Betteridge, Tom,
de Briey, Nathalie,
Bright, Kimberley,
Brownrigg, Jenny,
Bojanowska, Maria,
Burns, Barry,
Davidson, Neil,
Disbury, Rachael,
Easton, Rowena,
Edbrook, Laura,
Elkin, Kathryn,
Fallon, Stuart,
Grenyer, Kate,
Hall, Lauren,
Hartshorn, Jane,
Hogarth, Jamie,
Hutchinson, Simone,
Knight, Ben,
Lafferty, Mhari,
Li, Chin,
Matsumoto, Lila,
McCallum, Eona,
McStravick, Conal,
Mistretta, Giuseppe,
Morgan, Charlotte,
Morrell, Kate,
Omann, Aniara,
Paige, Steven,
Potter, Jessica,
Rhymes, Darren,
Schrag, Anthony,
Simpson, Laura,
Skinner, Carrie,
Shelley, Louise,
Sowerby, Katherine,
Speed, Emily,
Staff, Patrick,
Street, Catherine,
Taylor, Richard,
Tendink, Iris,
Tolmie, Cara,
Varley, Tom,
Walker, Chris,
Walker, Thom,
Watson, Daniella,
Wells, Lauren,
Wilcox, Rebecca and
Ziffo, George
Collected Gnommero.
Independently published, Glasgow.
Belle Haleine: The Scent of Art
Ursitti, Clara
Belle Haleine: The Scent of Art.
Tinguley Museum,
10 Feb - May 17 2015
A Big Stick of Confidence
Ursitti, Clara
A Big Stick of Confidence.
Esther Klein Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, USA,
Sep - Oct 2014
Ursitti, Clara
Castle De Lovie, Poperinge, Belgium,
May 1 - August 30, 2015
Spirits in the Material World
Ursitti, Clara
Spirits in the Material World.
In: Material Culture in Action: Practices of making, collecting and re-enacting Art and Design, 7-8 Sep 2015, The Glasgow School of Art.
There is Something in the Air: Scent in Art
Ursitti, Clara
There is Something in the Air: Scent in Art.
Museum Villa Rot, Ulm, Germany,
22 Mar- 28 Jul 2015
Chapter XVII
Vissar, Bianca,
Calcutt, John and
McKee, Francis
Chapter XVII.
meanwhile ...
Risotto Studio, Glasgow.
Fair and Foul
Walker, Richard and
Cranston, Andrew
Fair and Foul.
Iota Gallery, Glasgow,
14 Nov - 12 Dec2015
Future Thinking: Imaginative Expectations for the Leaky University
Wall, Gina
Future Thinking: Imaginative Expectations for the Leaky University.
Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 3 (1).
pp. 6-10.
ISSN 2051-9788
The Ghosts of Google Street View: Revealing the fractured temporality of the image
Weir, Catherine M.
The Ghosts of Google Street View: Revealing the fractured temporality of the image.
In: Material Culture in Action: Practices of Making, Collecting and Re-enacting Art and Design, 7-8 Sep 2015, The Glasgow School of Art, UK.
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