Number of items: 87.
Book or Monograph
Ideas Leave Objects Standing
Bellingham, D.
Ideas Leave Objects Standing.
Baltic, Gateshead,UK / Platform Projects, Edinburgh, UK..
ISBN 0 9546831 5 3
Ideas Leave Objects Standing
Bellingham, D.
Ideas Leave Objects Standing.
Baltic, Gateshead, UK / Platform Projects, Edinburgh, UK..
ISBN 0-9546831-5-3
Wind Blown Clouds
Brind, S.
Wind Blown Clouds.
Rizzoli International, New York.
ISBN 0-8478-2711-9
COAST a visual exploration
Greated, M. and
Fisher, Pat
COAST a visual exploration.
Redgate Publishing.
ISBN 0-9550801-0-X
Catalogue entitled; WANDERLUST, 2005 HGB Leipzig/GSA Glasgow
McKinney, J.
Catalogue entitled; WANDERLUST, 2005 HGB Leipzig/GSA Glasgow.
Afterwards, in the blank wood
Visnes, H.
Afterwards, in the blank wood.
Centre for Contemporary Art, Glasgow.
ISBN 1 - 873331 - 28 -2
Book Section
The Gift of Terror: Suicide Bombing as Potlatch
Birrell, Ross
The Gift of Terror: Suicide Bombing as Potlatch.
Art in the Age of Terrorism.
Paul Holberton Press, London, pp. 96-113.
ISBN 1903470412
Meaningless Work: Art as Abstract labour, notes on Santiago Sierra and the Political Economy of Man Under Capitalism’ and ‘Labour Exchange: A Dialogue with Santiago Sierra
Birrell, Ross
Meaningless Work: Art as Abstract labour, notes on Santiago Sierra and the Political Economy of Man Under Capitalism’ and ‘Labour Exchange: A Dialogue with Santiago Sierra.
Transcript 2 Cross-Wired: Communication – Interface – Locality.
Manchester University Press in association with School of Fine Art, DJCAD, pp. 93-109.
ISBN 0719070376
Middle Lands
Bjerge-Hansen, A.
Middle Lands.
Mead Gallery, Warwick Art Centre, Warwick, UK.
Freedom of Information: Paintings and drawings 1996-2005
Hopkins, Louise,
Bradley, Fiona,
Hilty, Greg and
Loock, Ulrich
Freedom of Information: Paintings and drawings 1996-2005.
Freedom of Information.
The Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh.
ISBN 0947912 98 3
A Free State
McKee, F.
A Free State.
Content in Context: New Technologies for Distribution.
Netherlands Media Art Institute Montevideo/Time based arts, Amsterdam, 2005, pp. 31-35.
So Everything Joyful is Mobile…Matt Locke, Matthew Chalmers and Francis Mckee in conversation with Simon Yuill
McKee, F.
So Everything Joyful is Mobile…Matt Locke, Matthew Chalmers and Francis Mckee in conversation with Simon Yuill.
Cross-wired : communication, interface, locality.
Manchester University Press, pp. 39-50.
ISBN 9780719070365
Eugène Atget, Michel de Certeau, Walker Evans, Raymond Loewy, Chris Marker, Photography, John Singer Sargent
Sutton, D.
Eugène Atget, Michel de Certeau, Walker Evans, Raymond Loewy, Chris Marker, Photography, John Singer Sargent.
Transatlantic Relations: France and the Americas.
ISBN 1851094113
The Female Sea: Notes on Distressed Genres
Thompson, Susannah
The Female Sea: Notes on Distressed Genres.
Laurence Figgis, 'The Great Macguffin'.
Transmission Gallery, Glasgow, pp. 2-3.
ISBN 0-9529002-4-6
The Map is Not the Recipe
Thompson, Susannah
The Map is Not the Recipe.
Campbell's Soup.
Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, pp. 18-19.
ISBN 9780901904591
Portfolio: Dining on Imagination
Jackson, Deborah
Portfolio: Dining on Imagination.
MAP Magazine (1).
ISSN 2633-8009
Portfolio: Nigel Peake
Jackson, Deborah
Portfolio: Nigel Peake.
MAP Magazine (2).
ISSN 2633-8009
Review of: Laurie Anderson's The End of the Moon, Edinburgh
Jackson, Deborah
Review of: Laurie Anderson's The End of the Moon, Edinburgh.
MAP Magazine (2).
ISSN 2633-8009
Ireland in the 1940s and 1950s: The Photographs of Bert Hardy
Smith, Sarah
Ireland in the 1940s and 1950s: The Photographs of Bert Hardy.
Field Day Review.
pp. 133-155.
Nokia Moments
Sutton, D.
Nokia Moments.
ISSN 1369-2224
Rediagnosing <i>A Matter of Life and Death</i>
Sutton, D.
Rediagnosing <i>A Matter of Life and Death</i>.
Screen Journal, 46 (1).
pp. 51-61.
ISSN 0036-9543
The Case for Critical Regionalism in Recent Scottish Art Criticism
Thompson, Susannah
The Case for Critical Regionalism in Recent Scottish Art Criticism.
Journal of the Scottish Society for Art History, 10.
pp. 64-75.
ISSN 1362-248X
Show Some Initiative
Thompson, Susannah
Show Some Initiative.
A-N Collections: Shifting Practice.
pp. 10-13.
Conference or Workshop Item
Mourning McModernism.
Calcutt, J.
Mourning McModernism.
In: Mourning McModernism, October 2, 2005, Albright Knox Museum, Buffalo, NY.
Public art and interpretation: professional development in fine art education
Cosgrove, P.
Public art and interpretation: professional development in fine art education.
In: Engage Scotland.
Reasons to Research
Jung, K.
Reasons to Research.
In: re:search - in and through the arts project conference - European League of Institutes of the Arts/Universität der Künste Berlin.
Ancient Remnant Forest
McGraw, M.
Ancient Remnant Forest.
In: Arcadia Id Est, Artists’ Books, Nature and Landscape, University of West of England, Bristol.
Taking Risks: Leaving the safety of our disciplines
Mitchell, K.
Taking Risks: Leaving the safety of our disciplines.
In: Foundations in Art, Theory and Education (FATE) Conference, Boston..
Mulholland, Craig
In: Bearer On Demand: Artist's lecture, 26th Feb 2005, Transmission Gallery.
ARPHID: Symposium
Mulholland, Craig and
Mulholland, Neil
ARPHID: Symposium.
In: Arphid, 9th July 2005, The Changing Room, Stirling.
Death of the Photograph: Laying Roland Barthes’ <i>Camera Lucida</i> to rest
Sutton, D.
Death of the Photograph: Laying Roland Barthes’ <i>Camera Lucida</i> to rest.
In: Thinking Photography (Again).
Form Follows Fiction, or when design theory met Fred and Ginger
Sutton, D.
Form Follows Fiction, or when design theory met Fred and Ginger.
In: Designs for Living: space and place in the cinema.
How do you theorize a digital cinema?
Sutton, D.
How do you theorize a digital cinema?
In: Cinema and Technology.
The Nose Knows
Ursitti, C.
The Nose Knows.
In: Sensuous Knowledge 2: Aesthetic Practice and Aesthetic Insight. An International Working Conference on Fundamental Problems of Artistic Research and Development.
The Nose Knows
Ursitti, C.
The Nose Knows.
In: Sensuous Knowledge 2: Aesthetic Practice and Aesthetic Insight.An International Working Conference on Fundamental Problems of Artistic Research and Development, Soltrand, Norway. Nov 9 -11 2005..
Eternal Now
Birrell, Ross
Eternal Now.
Listen- Unity is strength. Public Artwork, commission proposal
Cosgrove, P.
Listen- Unity is strength. Public Artwork, commission proposal.
Fusion: building, dwelling, thinking.
Cosgrove, P. and
Barber, Tony
Fusion: building, dwelling, thinking.
Photo/text works commissioned by
Currall, A.
Photo/text works commissioned by
The Edge of an Island
McMullan, S.
The Edge of an Island.
The Flag Project
Ainsley, S.
The Flag Project.
4 Bethnal Green Road, London,
24-25 September 2005
Homo Ludens: Works from the Envoy Series, 1998-2005
Birrell, Ross
Homo Ludens: Works from the Envoy Series, 1998-2005.
Invisible Fields
Bjerge-Hansen, A.
Invisible Fields.
Middle Lands
Bjerge-Hansen, A.
Middle Lands.
Mead Gallery, Warwick Art Centre, Warwick, UK
Bjerge-Hansen, A. and
Bernardez, Enrique
A Treasury of Human Inheritance, Huntingdon Disease, Entres Case
Borland, C.
A Treasury of Human Inheritance, Huntingdon Disease, Entres Case.
Lisson Gallery,67 Lisson St, LondonNW1 5AD
Essay of 2,500 words entitled Returning Theseus for hardback, bi-lingual (English/German) publication to accompany Louise Schmids exhibition SwimmingAid, 24 March - 7 May 2005
Calcutt, J.
Essay of 2,500 words entitled Returning Theseus for hardback, bi-lingual (English/German) publication to accompany Louise Schmids exhibition SwimmingAid, 24 March - 7 May 2005.
Solar Powered Ice Cream Stall II.
Carter, Justin
Solar Powered Ice Cream Stall II.
Toyota Municipal Museum of Art, Toyota City, Japan.,
5 to 17 July 2005
Participation in Database Imaginary
Currall, A.
Participation in Database Imaginary.
Freedom of Information: Paintings and drawings 1996-2005
Hopkins, L.
Freedom of Information: Paintings and drawings 1996-2005.
The Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh
Suitcase Show
MacKenzie, Stuart
Suitcase Show.
Harbour Front Gallery, Toronto, Canada
Arcadia id est
McGraw, M.
Arcadia id est.
Trace Gallery, Dorset, England
LAND2, Beyond Landscape
McGraw, M.
LAND2, Beyond Landscape.
Exhibition, Royal West of England Academy, Bristol, Beyond Landscape?
LAND2: Art “After Landscape”, Memory, Place and Identity
McGraw, M.
LAND2: Art “After Landscape”, Memory, Place and Identity.
Dean Clough Gallery, Halifax, Royal West of England Academy, Bristol
WANDERLUST'. An exhibition that travelled from Leipzig to Glasgow.
McKinney, J.
WANDERLUST'. An exhibition that travelled from Leipzig to Glasgow.
Catalogue entitled; WANDERLUST, 2005 HGB Leipzig/GSA Glasgow
McKinney, J. and
Mckinney, Jake
Catalogue entitled; WANDERLUST, 2005 HGB Leipzig/GSA Glasgow.
McMullan, Shauna
The Toyota Museum of Modern Art, Toyota, Japan,
Mulholland, Craig
Whitechapel Project Space, London,
15th Oct - 13th Nov 2005
Mulholland, Craig
Transmission Gallery, Glasgow,
29th Jan - 26th Feb 2005
Mulholland, Craig
Art Now : Tate Britian,
5th November-31st December 2005
Mulholland, Craig
The Changing Room, Stirling,
6th-31st July 2005
Tower of Babel
Parry, J.
Tower of Babel.
Flower of the West
Punton, L.
Flower of the West.
Tramway, 25 Albert Drive, Glasgow, G41 2PE, UK
R O O M Editions
Punton, Lesley
R O O M Editions.
When Humour Becomes Painful - New Meat (2004) DVD, 4:40 minTwo ventriloquist dummy self-portraits voice a series of cryptic monologues. They act in the burlesque, grotesque, melodramatic and slapstick manner typical of the British music hall tradition. The dummies were handbuilt by myself and John Beagles over a period of one year.
Ramsay, G. and
Beagles, John
When Humour Becomes Painful - New Meat (2004) DVD, 4:40 minTwo ventriloquist dummy self-portraits voice a series of cryptic monologues. They act in the burlesque, grotesque, melodramatic and slapstick manner typical of the British music hall tradition. The dummies were handbuilt by myself and John Beagles over a period of one year.
Migros Museum fur Gegenwartskunst, Zurich Switzerland
Real Life Family Tree
Sinclair, Ross
Real Life Family Tree.
Aichi, Japan,
25 March 2005 to 25 September 2005
Barbarism begins at home
Smith, Stephanie and
Stewart, Eddie
Barbarism begins at home.
Klemens Gasser and Tanja Grunert Inc., New York,
1-26 March 2005
Night Sites
Smith, Stephanie and
Stewart, Eddie
Night Sites.
Kunstverein, Hannover, Germany,
26 November 2005
Smith, Stephanie and
Stewart, Eddie
Glasgow International, Glasgow,
02 May 2005
The Potter's Mirror- exhibition based on Iznik Cermaics collection as a result of six months artist's residency at The Burrell Collection, Glasgow.
Thapalyal, R.
The Potter's Mirror- exhibition based on Iznik Cermaics collection as a result of six months artist's residency at The Burrell Collection, Glasgow.
The Burrell Collection Glasgow
Visnes, H.
Sammlung ESSL Kunst Der Gegenwart
Beacon Road Paintings
Walker, R.
Beacon Road Paintings.
Alexandre Gallery 41 E. 57th St. New York
Beacon Road Paintings Solo exhibition
Walker, R.
Beacon Road Paintings Solo exhibition.
Alexandre Gallery 41 E. 57th St. New York
Matthew Barney: Drawing Restraint Vol.1 1987-2002
McKee, F.
Matthew Barney: Drawing Restraint Vol.1 1987-2002.
the vanity of allegory
McKee, F.
the vanity of allegory.
Ursitti, C.
Knowing the Unknown Sitter, 2005-2011
Bird, Nicky,
Bruce, V,
Cannizzo, J,
Hartley, L,
Matthews-David, A,
Nunn, P.G,
Perry, L,
Pollen, A,
Stoke, B and
Veness, A
Knowing the Unknown Sitter, 2005-2011.
Not applicable.
Middle Lands
Bjerge-Hansen, A.
Middle Lands.
The Oxford Companion to the Photograph. Edited by Robin Lenman.
Cooper, T.
The Oxford Companion to the Photograph. Edited by Robin Lenman.
Thames and Hudson, London England.
Listen- Unity is strength. Public Artwork, commission proposal
Cosgrove, P.
Listen- Unity is strength. Public Artwork, commission proposal.
Scotland Today: The Age of the Digital Image
Judge, V.
Scotland Today: The Age of the Digital Image.
clean hands pure heart
McKee, F.
clean hands pure heart.
ireland at venice 2005
McKee, F.
ireland at venice 2005.
susan philipsz,
McKee, F.
susan philipsz,.
thinking of the outside: new art and the city of bristol,
McKee, F.
thinking of the outside: new art and the city of bristol,.
Staff and student Exchange Project between The Academy of Visual Arts in Leipzig (HGB) and The Glasgow School of Art (GSA)
McKinney, J.
Staff and student Exchange Project between The Academy of Visual Arts in Leipzig (HGB) and The Glasgow School of Art (GSA).
Review of They Are The We of Me by Jane Topping at Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow
Smith, Sarah
Review of They Are The We of Me by Jane Topping at Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow.
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