Number of items: 15.
Warhol in Ten Takes
Davis, Glyn Peter
Warhol in Ten Takes.
British Film Institute, London.
ISBN 9781844574018
Madness, Women and the Power of Art
Gonzalez, Laura
Madness, Women and the Power of Art.
Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford.
The Unreliable Reader (Reading as Art)
Gonzalez, Laura
The Unreliable Reader (Reading as Art).
'Between laughter and crying'
Gonzalez, Laura and
Bowen, Eleanor
'Between laughter and crying'.
Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford.
The hysteric as mad: unfolding an exquisite corpse
Gonzalez, Laura and
Bowen, Eleanor
The hysteric as mad: unfolding an exquisite corpse.
Beyond These Walls: Confronting Madness in Society, Literature and Art.
Probing the Boudaries
Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, pp. 169-179.
ISBN 978-1-84888-203-4
Trance Art and Other Possessions
Gonzalez, Laura and
Danowski, Christopher
Trance Art and Other Possessions.
In: Trans-what? (Transartfest), 27 July – 9 August 2013, Berlin.
The role of the ethical imagination in the development of student agency – a view from Art education.
Neame, Charles
The role of the ethical imagination in the development of student agency – a view from Art education.
Improving Student Learning through research and scholarship: 20 years of ISL.
Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, pp. 123-137.
ISBN 978-1-1-873576-92-2
Philosophy of Education research and action research portfolio, stemming from a paper given at the Canada International Conference on Education, Toronto, Canada, May 2010
Thapalyal, Ranjana
Philosophy of Education research and action research portfolio, stemming from a paper given at the Canada International Conference on Education, Toronto, Canada, May 2010.
In: Canada International Conference in Education 2010, 24-26 May 2010 (Postponed from 24-26 April 2010), Toronto, Canada.
Alex Impey: Orangutan
Thompson, Susannah
Alex Impey: Orangutan.
Art Review, 66.
p. 141.
ISSN 1745-9303
Art Criticism and the Glasgow Miracle
Thompson, Susannah
Art Criticism and the Glasgow Miracle.
The Glasgow Miracle:Materials for Alternative Histories.
‘But ye de de art, divvint ye?’ Authenticity, identity and the historicisation of the Pitmen Painters
Thompson, Susannah
‘But ye de de art, divvint ye?’ Authenticity, identity and the historicisation of the Pitmen Painters.
Visual Studies, 28 (3).
pp. 207-217.
ISSN 1472-586X
Costume: Written Clothing
Thompson, Susannah
Costume: Written Clothing.
Art Review.
ISSN 1745-9303
Mick Peter: Trademark Horizon
Thompson, Susannah
Mick Peter: Trademark Horizon.
Art Review, Summer (69).
pp. 148-149.
ISSN 1745-9303
Sound Affects
Thompson, Susannah
Sound Affects.
Redgate Publications.
Tears of the Moon, Sweat of the Sun
Thompson, Susannah
Tears of the Moon, Sweat of the Sun.
Susie Green and The International Three.
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