Lynn-Sayers McHattie
- Senior Researcher
- Design-Institute of Design Innovation
Number of items: 42.
Material Futures: Crafting Circular Conversations
Ballie, Jen,
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers and
Broadley, Cara
Material Futures: Crafting Circular Conversations.
In: Circular Transitions: A Mistra Future Fashion Conference on Textile Design and the Circular Economy, 23-24 November 2016, London,UK.
From Participation to Collaboration: Reflections on the Co-Creation of Innovative Business Ideas
Broadley, Cara,
Champion, Katherine,
Johnson, Michael and
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers
From Participation to Collaboration: Reflections on the Co-Creation of Innovative Business Ideas.
In: The 50th Anniversary DRS Conference 2016, Future-Focused Thinking, 27-30 Jun 2016, Brighton, UK.
Materiality Matters: Exploring the use of design tools in innovation workshops with the craft and creative sector in the Northern
Isles of Scotland
Broadley, Cara,
Champion, Katherine and
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers
Materiality Matters: Exploring the use of design tools in innovation workshops with the craft and creative sector in the Northern
Isles of Scotland.
In: 12th European Academy of Design Conference – Design for Next, 12–14 April 2017, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome.
Materiality Matters: Exploring the use of design tools in innovation workshops with the craft and creative sector in the Northern Isles of Scotland
Broadley, Cara,
Champion, Katherine and
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers
Materiality Matters: Exploring the use of design tools in innovation workshops with the craft and creative sector in the Northern Isles of Scotland.
The Design Journal, 20 (1).
ISSN 1460-6925
Curated Care: Enhancing and Embedding Care in Highland Communities
Broadley, Cara,
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers and
McAra-McWilliam, Irene
Curated Care: Enhancing and Embedding Care in Highland Communities.
Project Report.
The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow.
Transforming Patient Experience: The Need for a Design Innovation Approach to Health Web Science and Medicine 2.0
Cumming, Grant,
French, Tara,
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers and
Broadley, Cara
Transforming Patient Experience: The Need for a Design Innovation Approach to Health Web Science and Medicine 2.0.
In: Medicine 2.0: World congress on social media, mobiles apps, Internet/Web 2.0, Malaga.
The Imagination and Public Participation: A Deweyan Perspective on
the Potential of Design Innovation and Participatory Design in Policy-Making
Dixon, Brian,
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers and
Broadley, Cara
The Imagination and Public Participation: A Deweyan Perspective on
the Potential of Design Innovation and Participatory Design in Policy-Making.
CoDesign, 18 (1).
pp. 151-163.
ISSN 1571-0882
Design in Action: A new economy of knowledge exchange
Follett, Georgina,
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers,
Speed, Chris,
White, Gregor and
Fremantle, Chris
Design in Action: A new economy of knowledge exchange.
Project Report.
University of Dundee.
Beyond the bottom line: redefining the value of design in SME formation
Johnson, Michael,
Champion, Katherine,
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers and
White, Gregory
Beyond the bottom line: redefining the value of design in SME formation.
In: 20th DMI: Academic Design Management Conference Inflection Point: Design Research Meets Design Practice, 22-29 July 2016, Boston, MA, USA.
Design Innovation for New Growth: Final Report
Johnson, Michael and
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers
Design Innovation for New Growth: Final Report.
Project Report.
The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, UK.
Making Design Explicit in Organisational Change: Detour or Latour
Johnson, Michael and
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers
Making Design Explicit in Organisational Change: Detour or Latour.
In: The 19th DMI: Academic Design Management Conference "Design Management in an Era of Disruption", 02-04 Sep 2014, London, UK.
RoundDING: Project Showcase of Design Innovation for New Growth
Johnson, Michael and
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers
RoundDING: Project Showcase of Design Innovation for New Growth.
Design Innovation for Creative Growth: modelling relational exchange to support and evaluate creative enterprise in the Scottish Highlands and Islands
Johnson, Michael,
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers and
Champion, Katherine
Design Innovation for Creative Growth: modelling relational exchange to support and evaluate creative enterprise in the Scottish Highlands and Islands.
Artifact: Journal of Design Practice, 6 (1-2).
ISSN 1749-3463
Supporting the open innovation process in small and medium enterprises
Kearney, Gemma and
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers
Supporting the open innovation process in small and medium enterprises.
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IJESB), 23 (4).
pp. 552-567.
ISSN 1476-1297
Flourish: Personhood and Collective Wellbeing
McAra-McWilliam, Irene,
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers and
Broadley, Cara
Flourish: Personhood and Collective Wellbeing.
Project Report.
Scottish Universities Insight Institute, Glasgow.
Flourishing Times: Participation Issue
McAra-McWilliam, Irene,
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers and
Broadley, Cara
Flourishing Times: Participation Issue.
The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow.
Flourishing Times: Personhood and Collective Wellbeing
McAra-McWilliam, Irene,
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers and
Broadley, Cara
Flourishing Times: Personhood and Collective Wellbeing.
The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow.
The situal self: fashioning identity discourses and loved objects
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers
The situal self: fashioning identity discourses and loved objects.
PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
MATERIAL FUTURES: Design-led approaches to crafting conversations in the circular economy
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers and
Ballie, Jen
MATERIAL FUTURES: Design-led approaches to crafting conversations in the circular economy.
Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice, 6 (2).
pp. 184-200.
ISSN 2051-1787
Designing Empathy: Ritual Respect
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers and
Broadley, Cara
Designing Empathy: Ritual Respect.
In: Enabling Empathy in Health & Care: Design Methods & Challenges: A CHI 2014 workshop, 27th April, 2014, Toronto, Canada.
Steek-Aboot: The role of ‘women’s work’ in the recuperation of craft practice in Scotland
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers and
Champion, Katherine
Steek-Aboot: The role of ‘women’s work’ in the recuperation of craft practice in Scotland.
MAI: Feminism & Visual Culture, 8.
ISSN 2003-167x
Craft, textiles, and cultural assets in the Northern Isles: innovation from tradition in the Shetland Islands
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers,
Champion, Katherine and
Broadley, Cara
Craft, textiles, and cultural assets in the Northern Isles: innovation from tradition in the Shetland Islands.
Island Studies Journal, 13 (2).
pp. 39-54.
ISSN 1715-2593
Crafting the local: the lived experience of craft production in the Northern Isles of Scotland
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers,
Champion, Katherine and
Johnson, Michael
Crafting the local: the lived experience of craft production in the Northern Isles of Scotland.
Cultural Trends, 28 (4).
pp. 305-316.
ISSN 0954-8963
Transforming Patient Experience: Health Web Science Meets
Medicine 2.0
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers,
Cumming, Grant and
French, Tara
Transforming Patient Experience: Health Web Science Meets
Medicine 2.0.
Medicine 2.0, 3 (1).
CoDesign Special Issue Introduction: Designing for Reimagined Communities
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers and
Dixon, Brian
CoDesign Special Issue Introduction: Designing for Reimagined Communities.
CoDesign, 18 (1).
pp. 1-3.
ISSN Print: 1571-0882; Electronic: 1745-3755
Communities of hope: design-led innovation for landscape decision making
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers,
Dixon, Brian and
Prosser, Zoe
Communities of hope: design-led innovation for landscape decision making.
Landscape Research.
ISSN 0142-6397
Seannachies (pro: Sen-a-hees)
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers,
Fremantle, Chris and
Seaman, Pete
Seannachies (pro: Sen-a-hees).
Project Report.
The Institute of Design Innovation.
Place-based Research: Landscape Decision-making in Scotland
Design Innovation & Land Assets (DI&L)
Design Innovation & Cultural Resonances (Resonance)
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers,
Johnson, Michael and
Prosser, Zoe
Place-based Research: Landscape Decision-making in Scotland
Design Innovation & Land Assets (DI&L)
Design Innovation & Cultural Resonances (Resonance).
Project Report.
The Glasgow School of Art.
Design Innovation: Experimental Creative Research Approaches
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers,
MacLean, Donald and
Dixon, Brian
Design Innovation: Experimental Creative Research Approaches.
In: IASDR 2013, 26 - 30 Aug 2013, Tokyo, Japan.
Designing in-between: Innovation from field to fabric
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers and
Stewart Sherrod, Lindsey
Designing in-between: Innovation from field to fabric.
Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice, 11 (1-2).
pp. 61-80.
ISSN 2051-1787 (Print) 2051-1795 (Online)
Indigenous Relations: Craft, Vernacular Materials and Cultural Assets in Borneo
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers and
Teo, Wendy
Indigenous Relations: Craft, Vernacular Materials and Cultural Assets in Borneo.
CoDesign, 20 (1).
pp. 194-217.
ISSN 1571-0882
Crafting Futures: Inspiring Interdisciplinary Innovation with Young Craft Artisans in Malaysia
Mcara, Marianne and
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers
Crafting Futures: Inspiring Interdisciplinary Innovation with Young Craft Artisans in Malaysia.
Pages on Art and Design, 18.
pp. 306-328.
ISSN 1972-7887
Engaging Young People in Heritage Contexts: design-led approaches to support collaborative participation within the cultural sector
Mcara, Marianne and
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers
Engaging Young People in Heritage Contexts: design-led approaches to support collaborative participation within the cultural sector.
Routledge Handbook of Co-creation and Collaboration in Museums, Heritage and the Arts.
Engaging with Young People in Heritage Contexts: design-led innovation approaches to co-creation within the cultural sector
Mcara, Marianne and
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers
Engaging with Young People in Heritage Contexts: design-led innovation approaches to co-creation within the cultural sector.
Routledge Handbook of Co-creation and Collaboration in Museums, Heritage and the Arts.
Serumpun: crafts across borders
Mcara, Marianne,
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers,
Dewanggamanik, Gamia and
Wendy, Teo
Serumpun: crafts across borders.
Borneo Cultures Museum,
3rd December 2022 onwards
The Lancaster Care Charter
Rodgers, Paul A.,
Innella, Giovanni,
Bremner, Craig,
Broadley, Cara,
Coxon, Ian,
Cadomuro, Alessia,
Carleklev, Stephanie,
Chan, Kwan,
Dilnot, Clive,
Fathers, James,
Fennell, Jac,
Fremantle, Chris,
French, Tara,
Henriques, Diogo,
Lloyd Jones, Peter,
Kettley, Richard,
Kettley, Sara,
Khan, Mashal,
Logge, Karl,
Archer-Martin, Jen,
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers,
Pulley, Robert,
Shahar, Dina,
Teal, Gemma,
Tewari, Saurabh,
Treadaway, Cathy,
Tsekleves, Emmanuel,
Moradi Valadkeshyaei, Hamed,
Ventura, Jonathan,
Watt, Trudy A.,
Wiltse, Heather and
Winton, Euan
The Lancaster Care Charter.
Design Issues, 35 (1).
pp. 73-77.
ISSN 0747-9360
Sustainable Design Futures: An open design vision for the circular economy in fashion and textiles
Smith, Paul,
Baille, Jen and
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers
Sustainable Design Futures: An open design vision for the circular economy in fashion and textiles.
The Design Journal, 20 (Sup 1).
ISSN 1460-6925
ReMantle and Make: Feasibility Report for Future Makespaces in RdM
Smith, Paul,
Johnson, Michael,
Baille, Jennifer,
Prosser, Zoe and
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers
ReMantle and Make: Feasibility Report for Future Makespaces in RdM.
Project Report.
The Glasgow School of Art.
Re-Mantle and Make
Smith, Paul,
Johnson, Michael and
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers
Re-Mantle and Make.
ReMantle and Make: A cross geographical study exploring the role of maker spaces and the circular economy in Scottish textiles
Smith, Paul,
Johnson, Michael and
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers
ReMantle and Make: A cross geographical study exploring the role of maker spaces and the circular economy in Scottish textiles.
Journal of Peer Production, 2 (12).
pp. 115-132.
ISSN 2213-5316
Re-Mantle and Make: the role of maker spaces in empowering a new wave of circular thinking for textile designers.
Smith, Paul,
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers and
Ballie, Jen
Re-Mantle and Make: the role of maker spaces in empowering a new wave of circular thinking for textile designers.
In: Circular Transitions: Mistra Future Fashion Conference on Textile Design and the Circular Economy, 23–24 November 2016, Chelsea College of Arts & Tate Britain, London.
Serumpun: crafts across borders
Teo, Wendy,
McHattie, Lynn-Sayers,
Dewanggamanik, Gamia and
Mcara, Marianne
Serumpun: crafts across borders.
B. Crafts Atelier, Borneo.
ISBN 978-629-98857-0-2
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