My research consists of enquiry published internationally in two aspects: on the one hand literary & critical writing, & on the other architecture & urbanism. The thesis which runs through all my work is that literary & critical writing has a direct, specific & particular influence on civil & political, & ultimately spatial formations. My field ‘Urban Literature’ is constituted by an examination of all forms of writing that are involved in the creation of the city including critical & fictional, & indeed examining the narratives of the city constructed not just via more conventional forms of writing but in & through artistic practice, law, political & social activism, music & performance.
Literature, Architecture, Politics, Urbanism, Art, Film
2019 £19 400 Creative Scotland, PI to launch The Drouth magazine as an online platform
2015 £87 000 award from the Leverhulme Trust as Co-I to set up the Leverhulme International Network of Contemporary Studies (LINCS)
2002-2017, £236 000 from Scottish Arts Council/Creative Scotland, PI for The Drouth (journal): received over these years, and managed the publication to make it the leading one in the field.
2013 £4000 PI from the Royal Society of Edinburgh for personal travel on the project ‘ The Spatial Distribution of Justice in Scotland’(working with Prof P Robson of Strath. Uni.)
2006-2008, £600 000 from Heritage Lottery Fund: Co-I for the Gillespie, Kidd & Coia project: part of a team, to secure a major archive, present an exhibition (attracted most visits ever at The Lighthouse) and write and edit a major scholarly publication.
2009 , £500 from the Centre for Burns Studies, Glasgow University towards the production of the book Fickle Man in 2009.
2010, £14 000 from Scottish Arts Council for A Literary Hub: PI to set up a Literary hub or institution around the journal.
2009-2011, £6000 from Scottish Arts Council/Creative Scotland: PI in Grants for books 3 x £2000 towards the production of Fickle Man in 2009, and again towards Tartan Pimps in 2010 and The Red Cockatoo in 2011.
Noah Rose, The Linguascape: Sculpture and miority language in marginal societies
Jeremy Hawkins, Poetry in Architectural Design
Mark Rego, The philosophy of Henri Bergson and Architecture
Wattana Songpetchmongkol, The Non-Walk, Walking in the City
Romina Froher, The Pahlavi Palace as a national and historical symbol of Iran
Prof. Craig Richardson, The neo-avant garde in modern Scottish art, and why it matters, 2017
Dr. Martin Cathcart Froden, We make spaces and spaces make us: An exploration through creative writing of the relationship between literature and carceral spaces. 2019
Dr. Morag Iles, Writing Artists’ Residencies in Scotland: the value of the residency experience from the perspective of the artist. 2023
Dr. Federica Giardino, Fictio and Facta: a comparative study of the literature and urbanism of Glasgow and Genova. 2024