VR has been around for decades but recent technical advances have caused a huge surge in popularity within the last 24 months. Haven’t we been here before? Is this yet another failed push by the tech companies with gimmicky technology crying out for real-world applications? Or, have we reached a tipping point similar to the birth of the web in the early 90’s where it’s now time to get on board or be left behind? Given the huge investment in VR by Facebook, Nokia, Microsoft and Samsung it’s imperative that we are ‘VR aware’ and that we don't make the same mistakes that we made in the 1990s.
This talks provides an unbiased review of VR and AR technology. It will explain and clarify the benefits of these technologies with the true costs required to develop effective VR/AR applications. It will consider in detail the critical success factors for implementing VR projects exploring why some have been successful whilst others have failed.