Number of items: 58.
Delineate: flax, pulp and rags
Boyle, Tiffany
Delineate: flax, pulp and rags.
Transparency: Alberta Whittle and Hardeep Pandhal
Boyle, Tiffany and
Carden, Jessica
Transparency: Alberta Whittle and Hardeep Pandhal.
Edinburgh Printmakers,
18 October 2019 – 5 January 2020
Beneath The Cloth: Discovering Collaborative Methods of Textile Designing and Making
Britt, Helena
Beneath The Cloth: Discovering Collaborative Methods of Textile Designing and Making.
In: Hidden Stories Human Lives - Textile Society of America 17th Biennial Symposium, 15-17 October 2020, Online.
Fraser Taylor & The Cloth
Britt, Helena
Fraser Taylor & The Cloth.
DESign ONline.
Futurescan 4: Valuing Practice Editorial
Britt, Helena
Futurescan 4: Valuing Practice Editorial.
Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice, 8 (2).
pp. 123-125.
ISSN 2051-1787
Interwoven Collections: Researching the Archives and Library Special Collections of the Glasgow School of Art
Britt, Helena
Interwoven Collections: Researching the Archives and Library Special Collections of the Glasgow School of Art.
In: The Threads of Research: Weaving Narrative and Understanding Through Historic Textile Collections, 21 July 2020, Cornell University (online).
The Value of the Handmade in a Digital World
Cairns, Brian
The Value of the Handmade in a Digital World.
Confia 2020: 8th International Conference on Illustration and Animation, 23-24 October.
Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Barcelos, Portugal, pp. 29-46.
ISBN 978-989-54939-0-6
‘The Artistic Aspect of Dress’: the Story of the Healthy and Artistic Dress Union
Calvert, Robyne
‘The Artistic Aspect of Dress’: the Story of the Healthy and Artistic Dress Union.
Costume, 54 (2).
pp. 175-201.
ISSN 0590-8876
May Morris was a master of many crafts, but it’s her embroideries that steal the show at Dovecot Studios
Calvert, Robyne
May Morris was a master of many crafts, but it’s her embroideries that steal the show at Dovecot Studios.
Apollo International Art Magazine.
The American Duchess Podcast: Artistic Dress & Glasgow Style with Dr. Robyne Calvert
Calvert, Robyne,
Stowell, Lauren and
Cox, Abby
The American Duchess Podcast: Artistic Dress & Glasgow Style with Dr. Robyne Calvert.
Queering Christ: Habitus theology as trans-embodied incarnation in late medieval culture
Coman, Jonah
Queering Christ: Habitus theology as trans-embodied incarnation in late medieval culture.
PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
Rocks, Morals, Quicksand, 2020
Ewan, Ruth and
Pickstone, Edwin
Rocks, Morals, Quicksand, 2020.
The Curated Representation of Saga Norén: Interweaving Narratives of Fashion and Interiors
Flanagan, Pamela
The Curated Representation of Saga Norén: Interweaving Narratives of Fashion and Interiors.
Film, Fashion and Consumption, 9 (1).
pp. 99-124.
ISSN 2044-2823
“I’ve Got to be in the Room Where it Happens”: Fan Pilgrimage and Tourism in Popular Contemporary Theatre
Foulis, Ruth
“I’ve Got to be in the Room Where it Happens”: Fan Pilgrimage and Tourism in Popular Contemporary Theatre.
Theatre Fandom.
University of Iowa Press.
Art & Industry Must Walk Hand in Hand: Muriel Spark and Twentieth Century Design Ideology
Jardine, Fiona Ann
Art & Industry Must Walk Hand in Hand: Muriel Spark and Twentieth Century Design Ideology.
The Crooked Dividend: Essays on Muriel Spark.
Association of Scottish Literary Studies.
Addressing inactivity after stroke: The Collaborative
Rehabilitation in Acute Stroke (CREATE) study.
Jones, Fiona,
Gombert, Karolina,
Honey, Stephanie,
Cloud, Geoffrey,
Harris, Ruth,
Macdonald, Alastair,
McKevitt, Christopher and
Clarke, David
Addressing inactivity after stroke: The Collaborative
Rehabilitation in Acute Stroke (CREATE) study.
International Journal of Stroke, 16 (6).
pp. 669-682.
ISSN 1747-4949
Using co-production to increase activity in acute stroke units: the CREATE mixed-methods study
Jones, Fiona,
Gombert-Waldron, Karolina,
Honey, Stephanie,
Cloud, Geoffrey,
Harris, Ruth,
Macdonald, Alastair,
McKevitt, Chris,
Robert, Glenn and
Clarke, David
Using co-production to increase activity in acute stroke units: the CREATE mixed-methods study.
Health Services and Delivery Research, 8 (35).
ISSN 2050-4349
Ishihara Brooch - 'Beige, International Group Exhibition' Copenhagen -
Gold alloys and silver. 38 mm diameter X 8 mm. 2020
Lamb, Andrew
Ishihara Brooch - 'Beige, International Group Exhibition' Copenhagen -
Gold alloys and silver. 38 mm diameter X 8 mm. 2020.
Occupying Infrastructure
Loder, Dave
Occupying Infrastructure.
ism Architecture Magazine, 2.
pp. 26-29.
Des Voyageuses de Rouen en première ligne
Léobal, Clémence and
Miller, Mitchell
Des Voyageuses de Rouen en première ligne.
Revue Z, 1 (13).
pp. 159-161.
ISSN 2101-4787
The Contribution of Disciplines from the Arts and Humanities to addressing Antimicrobial Resistance (CODA AMR)
MacDuff, Colin
The Contribution of Disciplines from the Arts and Humanities to addressing Antimicrobial Resistance (CODA AMR).
Project Report.
The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow.
Visualizing within Health-Care Practice
MacDuff, Colin
Visualizing within Health-Care Practice.
The Routledge Companion to Health Humanities.
Routledge, Abingdon and New York, pp. 78-84.
ISBN 9781138579903
Envisage and Act on AMR: An agenda from, and for, nurses and their policy allies
MacDuff, Colin,
Carvalho, Fernando,
Prendiville, Alison,
King, Caroline,
Rafferty, Anne Marie,
Currie, Kay,
Castro Sanchez, Enrique and
Iedema, Rick
Envisage and Act on AMR: An agenda from, and for, nurses and their policy allies.
Re-envisaging Infection Practice Ecologies in Nursing (RIPEN) project.
Creative Methods to Envision Nursing Practices Addressing
Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR): a report on the use of arts and humanities approaches to co-design healthcare service innovation
MacDuff, Colin,
Prendiville, Alison,
Carvalho, Fernando and
King, Caroline
Creative Methods to Envision Nursing Practices Addressing
Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR): a report on the use of arts and humanities approaches to co-design healthcare service innovation.
Project Report.
Glasgow School of Art and RIPEN Project, Glasgow.
Fostering nursing innovation to prevent and control antimicrobial resistance using approaches from the arts and humanities
MacDuff, Colin,
Rafferty, Anne Marie,
Prendiville, Alison,
Currie, Kay,
Castro-Sanchez, Enrique,
King, Caroline,
Carvalho, Fernando and
Iedema, Rick
Fostering nursing innovation to prevent and control antimicrobial resistance using approaches from the arts and humanities.
Journal of Research in Nursing, 25 (3).
pp. 189-207.
ISSN 1744-9871
The Scent of Roses: ‘The inward fragrance of each other’s heart’
MacKenzie, Mairi
The Scent of Roses: ‘The inward fragrance of each other’s heart’.
Ravishing: The Rose in Fashion.
Fashion and Textile Design
Yale University Press, London & New York, pp. 176-191.
ISBN 9780300250084
Teddy Girls by Ken Russell
MacKenzie, Mairi and
Russell, Ken
Teddy Girls by Ken Russell.
Teddy Girls.
Happy Dancer Books, London.
ISBN 978-1-8382113-1-8
Co-design as a democratizing force
Macdonald, Alastair
Co-design as a democratizing force.
The Routledge Companion to Health Humanities.
Routledge, Abingdon and New York, pp. 91-95.
ISBN 978-1-138-57990-3
Using novel visualisation methods to combat infection risk during clinical practices
Macdonald, Alastair,
Chambers, Mark,
La Ragione, Roberto,
Wyles, Kayleigh,
Poyade, Matthieu,
Wales, Andrew,
Klepacz, Naomi,
Kupfer, Tom,
Watson, Fraje and
Noble, Shona
Using novel visualisation methods to combat infection risk during clinical practices.
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Design4Health, Amsterdam, NL.
Lab4Living, pp. 139-141.
ISBN 978-1-8381117-0-0
From first concepts to diasonograph: the role of product design in the first medical obstetrics ultrasound machines in 1960’s Glasgow
Macdonald, Alastair S.
From first concepts to diasonograph: the role of product design in the first medical obstetrics ultrasound machines in 1960’s Glasgow.
Ultrasound, 28 (3).
pp. 187-195.
ISSN 1742-271X
Addressing Infection Risk in Veterinary Practice through the Innovative Application of Interactive 3D Animation Methods
Macdonald, Alastair S.,
Chambers, Mark A.,
La Ragione, Roberto,
Wyles, Kayleigh,
Poyade, Matthieu,
Wales, Andrew,
Klepacz, Naomi,
Kupfer, Tom R.,
Watson, Fraje and
Noble, Shona
Addressing Infection Risk in Veterinary Practice through the Innovative Application of Interactive 3D Animation Methods.
The Design Journal, 24 (1).
pp. 51-72.
ISSN 1460-6925
Animalia, Autopsia, Natura: George Stubbs' The Moose (1770)
McCormack, Helen
Animalia, Autopsia, Natura: George Stubbs' The Moose (1770).
In: George Stubbs 'All Done From Nature', 17 January 2020, MK Gallery, Milton Keynes.
Joseph Banks and William Hunter: where the Royal Society meets the Royal Academy
McCormack, Helen
Joseph Banks and William Hunter: where the Royal Society meets the Royal Academy.
Journal for Maritime Research, 21 (1-2).
pp. 119-142.
ISSN 2153 - 3369
Dialectograms: Drawing/Arguing with the City
Miller, Mitchell
Dialectograms: Drawing/Arguing with the City.
City: Analysis of Urban Change, Theory, Action, 24 (1-2).
pp. 343-347.
ISSN 1360-4813
There/Not There: Batman and Other Unilateral Americans
Miller, Mitchell
There/Not There: Batman and Other Unilateral Americans.
The Drouth (65).
ISSN 1474-6190
Co-designing a Care Plan Guide app to support early
conversations about end-of-life care in dementia
Neves, S.,
Macdonald, A.,
McLellan, E.,
Poole, M.,
Harrison-Dening, K.,
Tucker, S.,
Bamford, C. and
Robinson, L.
Co-designing a Care Plan Guide app to support early
conversations about end-of-life care in dementia.
Advances in Design and Digital Communication Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Design and Digital Communication, Digicom 2020, November 5–7, 2020, Barcelos, Portugal.
Springer Series in Design and Innovation
Springer, Cham, pp. 325-336.
ISBN 978-3-030-61670-0
Investigation of a Private Collection of silversmithing and jewellery, in collaboration with the collector. June 2019- March 2020 (Collection transferred to GSA Archive December 2020)
Pell, Michael
Investigation of a Private Collection of silversmithing and jewellery, in collaboration with the collector. June 2019- March 2020 (Collection transferred to GSA Archive December 2020).
Art Deco Architecture by the Sea
Peter, Bruce
Art Deco Architecture by the Sea.
Art Deco by the Sea.
Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, pp. 23-41.
ISBN 9781916133600
Color Line and the development of Norwegian international ferry services since 1825
Peter, Bruce
Color Line and the development of Norwegian international ferry services since 1825.
Ferry Publications, Ramsey, isle of Man.
ISBN 9781911268390
Ferries of Corsica, Sardinia and Elba
Peter, Bruce
Ferries of Corsica, Sardinia and Elba.
Ferry Publications, Ramsey, Isle of Man.
ISBN 9781911268451
The Italian Line: Gio Ponti's Ocean Liner Interiors
Peter, Bruce
The Italian Line: Gio Ponti's Ocean Liner Interiors.
Il Libro:The Magazine of Italian Art, 2.
pp. 124-133.
Jet Age Hotels and the International Style 1950-1965
Peter, Bruce
Jet Age Hotels and the International Style 1950-1965.
Lily Publications, Ramsey, Isle of Man.
ISBN 9781911177678
Travel to the seaside
Peter, Bruce
Travel to the seaside.
Art Deco by the Sea.
Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, pp. 58-73.
ISBN 9781916133600
Particle or Wave? Both. Essay
Pickstone, Edwin
Particle or Wave? Both. Essay.
Anti-Matter (Non-Type) An Artistic Research Process.
Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Oslo, Norway, pp. 2-7.
ISBN 978-82-92613-88-7
C is for Complexity
Pizey, Hugh
C is for Complexity.
An illustrated A to Z for the Design of Care.
Lancaster University, pp. 18-19.
ISBN 978-1-86220-366-2
To look at the 'future of care' which is best - science fiction or design fiction?
Pizey, Hugh and
Fantini Van Ditmar, Delfina
To look at the 'future of care' which is best - science fiction or design fiction?
Does Design Care...?! Head-to-Head Debates.
Lancaster University, Lancaster, pp. 223-235.
ISBN 978-1-86220-372-3
Alien introductions: trees, memory and landscape history
Robertson, Frances
Alien introductions: trees, memory and landscape history.
In: Practicing Landscape Symposium, 19-20 March 2020 (postponed), The Lighthouse, Glasgow.
Imposter (charcoal on paper) 2020
Robertson, Frances
Imposter (charcoal on paper) 2020.
Photography and Illustration
Robertson, Frances
Photography and Illustration.
The Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press, Volume 3 Competition and Disruption, 1900-2017.
Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
ISBN 9781474424929
Supporting good quality, community-based end-of-life care for people living with dementia: the SEED research programme including feasibility RCT
Robinson, L.,
Poole, M.,
McLellan, E.,
Lee, R.,
Amador, S.,
Bhattarai, N.,
Bryant, A.,
Coe, D.,
Corbett, A.,
Exley, C.,
Goodman, C.,
Gotts, Z.,
Harrison-Dening, K.,
Hill, S.,
Howel, D.,
Hrisos, S.,
Hughes, J.,
Kernohan, A.,
Macdonald, A.,
Neves, S.,
Mason, H.,
Massey, C.,
Paes, P.,
Rennie, K.,
Rice, S.,
Robinson, T.,
Sampson, L.,
Tucker, S.,
Tzelis, D.,
Vale, L. and
Bamford, C.
Supporting good quality, community-based end-of-life care for people living with dementia: the SEED research programme including feasibility RCT.
Programme Grants for Applied Research, 8 (8).
ISSN 2050-4330
Effectiveness and Efficiency of Persuasive Space Graphics (PSG) in Motivating UK Primary School Children’s Hand Hygiene
Rutter, Sophie,
Stones, Catherine,
Wood, Jane,
MacDuff, Colin and
Gomez-Escalada, Margarita
Effectiveness and Efficiency of Persuasive Space Graphics (PSG) in Motivating UK Primary School Children’s Hand Hygiene.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (7).
p. 2351.
ISSN 1661-7827
Cast from the Past: Laocoön
Stevens, Thea
Cast from the Past: Laocoön.
The Visual Representation of Germs: a typology of popular germ depictions
Stones, Catherine,
Stark, Jamie,
Rutter, Sophie and
MacDuff, Colin
The Visual Representation of Germs: a typology of popular germ depictions.
Visual Communication.
ISSN 1470-3572
Efficacy of a Microbial Reality Simulator (AMRSim) as an education tool for antimicrobial stewardship teaching for veterinary undergraduates
Subasinghe, D.W.D.,
Sofokleous, S.,
Howgate, M.,
Bartlett, K.,
Trace, C.,
Balloo, K.,
Lygo-Baker, S.,
Cockcroft, P.,
Wyles, K.,
Macdonald, A. and
Chambers, M.
Efficacy of a Microbial Reality Simulator (AMRSim) as an education tool for antimicrobial stewardship teaching for veterinary undergraduates.
In: GW4 Multidisciplinary Approaches to AMR; Bench to bedside and beyond, 30 November - 04 December 2020, Online symposium.
"To exist is to survive unfair choices": "Tribal Ontology" in the Netflix Originals Series The OA
Sweeney, David
"To exist is to survive unfair choices": "Tribal Ontology" in the Netflix Originals Series The OA.
The Comparatist, 44.
pp. 115-134.
ISSN 0195-7678
'A lost, hazy disquiet' Hookland, Scarfolk and the 'Haunted Generation'
Sweeney, David
'A lost, hazy disquiet' Hookland, Scarfolk and the 'Haunted Generation'.
Revenant: Critical and Creative Studies of the Supernatural, 5.
pp. 69-81.
ISSN 2397-8791
Combatting infection risk in veterinary practice through novel animation methods
Watson, Fraje,
Chambers, Mark,
Wyles, Kayleigh,
Poyade, Matthieu,
Noble, Shona,
Kupfer, Tom,
Wales, Andy,
La Ragione, Roberto,
Klepacz, Naomi and
Macdonald, Alastair
Combatting infection risk in veterinary practice through novel animation methods.
In: BSAVA: British Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress 2020, 2 - 5 April 2020, Birmingham.
The Fundamentals of Illustration
Zeegen, Lawrence and
Cairns, Brian
The Fundamentals of Illustration.
The Fundamentals of Illustration (3rd Edition).
Bloomsbury, London, p. 79.
ISBN 978-1-4742-4039-0
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