Number of items: 118.
Earth Minutes
Aldridge, Laura and
Maida, Lee
Earth Minutes.
Andrew Kreps, 535 West 22nd Street, New York, NY, USA,
2 Jul - 15 Aug 2014
Aldridge, Laura and
Mayer, Anna
Acts of Voicing: On the Poetics and Politics of the Voice
Andujar, Daniel G.,
Barker, John,
Beckett, Samuel,
Boseul Shin, Natalie,
Christ, Hans D.,
Doujak, Ines,
Dressler, Iris,
Etchells, Tim,
Grosfoguel, Ramon,
Hoffmann, Annette,
Hoskote, Ranjit,
Kunst, Bojana,
Pelmus, Manuel,
Peters, Christine,
Riff, David,
Stidworthy, Imogen,
Smith, Stephanie and
Stewart, Eddie
Acts of Voicing: On the Poetics and Politics of the Voice.
Spector Books, Stuttgart.
ISBN 9783944669892
Susan Philipsz 'Lowlands'
Arrhenius, Sara,
Brown, Katrina,
Christov-Bakargiev, Carolyn,
Franzen, Brigitte,
Lingwood, James and
Sinclair, Ross
Susan Philipsz 'Lowlands'.
Susan Philipsz 'You Are Not Alone'.
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig, London.
ISBN 978-3863354053
Archaeology of the Ordinary
Bird, Nicky
Archaeology of the Ordinary.
In: How Do We Study Objects?, 8-9 May 2014, Helsinki, Finland.
'‘Blood Oranges Dipped in Salt’ and the Latent Photographic Archive'
Bird, Nicky
'‘Blood Oranges Dipped in Salt’ and the Latent Photographic Archive'.
PAGES: archives and office, stationery and document.
Wild Pansy Press, Leeds, pp. 13-15.
ISBN 9781900687492
Family Ties: Reframing Memory, 2014
Bird, Nicky
Family Ties: Reframing Memory, 2014.
The Peltz Gallery, London,
3 - 25 July 2014
On a Scottish Rural Edge
Bird, Nicky
On a Scottish Rural Edge.
In: Of the Earth: Art, Photography, Writing and the Environment, 24-25 October 2014, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK.
Voyaging Voices: Ethical Encounters between Donor, User, Archivist, and Artist
Bird, Nicky
Voyaging Voices: Ethical Encounters between Donor, User, Archivist, and Artist.
In: Feminist Ethics in the Archive, 17 September 2014, CCA: Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow.
Being and Time; A Dice Throw; Conrad's Hand [Works exhibited in Counterpoint, Talbot Rice Gallery, Edinburgh]
Birrell, Ross
Being and Time; A Dice Throw; Conrad's Hand [Works exhibited in Counterpoint, Talbot Rice Gallery, Edinburgh].
An Envoy Reader
Birrell, Ross
An Envoy Reader.
LemonMelon, London.
ISBN 978 1 908260 12 3
Birrell, Ross
'The Unforeseeable: The Event and Gift of Uncertainty', Keynote Talk and Charrette leader for 'Forthcoming Materials of Practice: A Symposium in Two Halves', Edinburgh College of Art, 3 October 2014
Birrell, Ross
'The Unforeseeable: The Event and Gift of Uncertainty', Keynote Talk and Charrette leader for 'Forthcoming Materials of Practice: A Symposium in Two Halves', Edinburgh College of Art, 3 October 2014.
In: Forthcoming Materials of Practice, A Symposium in Two Halves, ECA, 3 Oct 2014, Edinburgh College of Art.
Winter Line
Birrell, Ross and
Harding, David
Winter Line.
Kunsthalle Basel,
17 January - 23 March 2014
You like this garden?
Ross Birrell / David Harding and Douglas Gordon
Birrell, Ross,
Harding, David and
Gordon, Douglas
You like this garden?
Ross Birrell / David Harding and Douglas Gordon.
Portikus, Frankfurt am Main.
ISBN 978-3-928071-92-5
In a place like this: An artists 'residency' project – Phase 1.
Brind, Susan,
Higgins, Duncan and
McMullan, Shauna
In a place like this: An artists 'residency' project – Phase 1.
In a Place Like That
Brind, Susan,
Higgins, Duncan,
McMullan, Shauna and
Brownrigg, Jenny
In a Place Like That.
Reid Gallery, Glasgow School of Art, UK,
16-21 Sep 2014
GENERATION: 25 Years of Contemporary Art in Scotland
Brown, Katrina
GENERATION: 25 Years of Contemporary Art in Scotland.
Look At Us
Calcutt, John
Look At Us.
Castelfield Gallery.
Sight-Seeing and Sign-Seeing. A View on The Kelpies
Calcutt, John,
Scott, Andy,
Naughtie, Jim,
Miller, Phil,
Burton, Tim,
Nicol, Jacqui and
Fullerton, Tracey
Sight-Seeing and Sign-Seeing. A View on The Kelpies.
The Kelpies: Making the World's Largest Equine Sculptures.
Freight Books, United Kingdom, pp. 9-17.
ISBN 9781908754851
Artists talk at 'Practising (in) Uncertainty' Colloquium, organised by Edwina FitzPatrick.
Carter, Justin
Artists talk at 'Practising (in) Uncertainty' Colloquium, organised by Edwina FitzPatrick.
In: Practising (in) Uncertainty Colloquium, Tuesday 6 May 2014, Banqueting Hall. Chelsea College of Arts (CCW) General Seminar Room 1. Glasgow School of Art (GSA).
‘Carrot/Stick’ - a Social Sculpture created for 'La Lune: Energy Producing Art' an off-site exhibition.
Carter, Justin
‘Carrot/Stick’ - a Social Sculpture created for 'La Lune: Energy Producing Art' an off-site exhibition.
Long Reef Headland, Sydney, Australia.,
10th-18th May, 2014
Forgetting What I Know - Knowing What I Forget.
T-shirt Produced for DISCORDIA exhibition, part of GENERATION - 25 Years of Contemporary Art in Scotland.
Carter, Justin
Forgetting What I Know - Knowing What I Forget.
T-shirt Produced for DISCORDIA exhibition, part of GENERATION - 25 Years of Contemporary Art in Scotland.
Re-framing Art Through Landscape - Practice, People and Place.
Carter, Justin
Re-framing Art Through Landscape - Practice, People and Place.
In: Unraveling The Logics of Landscape - the 26th session of the permanent European Conference for the study of rural landscape (PECSRL), 7-13th September, 2014, Gothenburg and Mariestad, Sweden.
The Garage Fordist
Clements, Neil
The Garage Fordist.
Tramway, Glasgow,
10 May - 15 Jun 2014
Scattered waters: sources streams rivers
Cooper, Thomas Joshua
Scattered waters: sources streams rivers.
Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh,
11 Oct - 29 Nov 2014
Scattered Waters
Cooper, Thomas Joshua and
Bathurst, Bella
Scattered Waters.
Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh.
ISBN 978-0956669292
Responsibility and the ‘Real’: Sculpture and Environmental Art (SEA) Student Placements in Criminal Justice Settings
Cosgrove, Paul
Responsibility and the ‘Real’: Sculpture and Environmental Art (SEA) Student Placements in Criminal Justice Settings.
Scottish Justice Matters: Poverty, Inequality and Justice, 2 (1).
pp. 17-18.
ISSN 2052-7950
Alan Currall
Currall, Alan
Alan Currall.
Riverside Museum, Glasgow, UK,
27 Jun - 29 Sep 2014
Ideas in Things
Currall, Alan
Ideas in Things.
Maria Stenfors, London, UK,
27 June – 26 July 2014
Silent dog whistles
Currall, Alan
Silent dog whistles.
Brass drums, brass suns, beccaficos and a cuckoo
Edbrook, Laura
Brass drums, brass suns, beccaficos and a cuckoo.
Queer Information Anthology, 1.
(After) After: Anachronism, Modernist Picture-making and the Romantic Literary Tradition
Figgis, Laurence
(After) After: Anachronism, Modernist Picture-making and the Romantic Literary Tradition.
The Glasgow School of Art.
Blonda (scarf design commissioned by Briggs and Cole)
Figgis, Laurence
Blonda (scarf design commissioned by Briggs and Cole).
Even or Perhaps
Figgis, Laurence and
Figgis, Jack
Even or Perhaps.
Artists' geographies of the landscape-archive: trace, loss and the impulse to preserve in the anthropocene age
Fitzpatrick, Edwina
Artists' geographies of the landscape-archive: trace, loss and the impulse to preserve in the anthropocene age.
PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
Deux Chambres
Greated, Marianne
Deux Chambres.
Reverberation and Anechoic Chambers, The University of Edinburgh,
Feb 2014
Greated, Marianne
Pier Arts Centre, Orkney,
September 2014
Marianne Greated
Greated, Marianne
Marianne Greated.
Sculpture Court, Edinburgh College of Art,
Feb 2014
Painting the Sustainable Landscape
Greated, Marianne
Painting the Sustainable Landscape.
The Glasgow School of Art.
Queer in Practice
Guy, L.E.
Queer in Practice.
Source Photographic Review.
Black Sea, White Sea
Hopkins, L
Black Sea, White Sea.
Linlithgow Burgh Halls, Linlithgow,
15th August to 2nd November 2014
Hopkins, Louise
Louise Hopkins & Carol Rhodes, Drawings Paintings and Prints
Hopkins, Louise and
Rhodes, Carol
Louise Hopkins & Carol Rhodes, Drawings Paintings and Prints.
A Secluded Sketching - Ground
Hynd, Lynn
A Secluded Sketching - Ground.
North View, Glasgow, Scotland,
12-20 April 2014
GENERATION: Counterpoint
Jackson, Deborah
GENERATION: Counterpoint.
Talbot Rice Gallery, Edinburgh, UK,
01 Aug - 18 Oct 2014
Over the Counter Culture
Jackson, Deborah
Over the Counter Culture.
An Talla Solais, Ullapool,
06 Sept-19 Oct 2014
What will art institutions be like in the future?
Jackson, Deborah
What will art institutions be like in the future?
Scottish Contemporary Art Network (SCAN).
Who’s Afraid of Contemporary Art?
Jackson, Deborah
Who’s Afraid of Contemporary Art?
In: Who’s Afraid of Contemporary Art?, 11 Oct 2014, An Talla Solais, Ullapool.
Forthcoming Materials of Practice: A Symposium in Two Halves
Jackson, Deborah and
Fusco, Maria
Forthcoming Materials of Practice: A Symposium in Two Halves.
Edinburgh College of Art & Talbot Rice Gallery.
GENERATION: 25 years of Contemporary Art in Scotland
Jeffrey, Moira,
Brown, Katrina,
Askew, Lucy,
Cameron, Shona,
Cairns, Steven,
Delaney, Julie-Ann,
Harman, Ben,
Hartley, Keith,
Jackson, Clare,
McGlashan, Sean,
Munro, Sarah,
Paterson, Dominic,
Patrizio, Andrew and
Young, Linsey
GENERATION: 25 years of Contemporary Art in Scotland.
National Galleries of Scotland and Glasgow Life.
ISBN 9781906270711
Artist residency with Glasgow Refugee Asylum Migration Network (GRAMNet)
Jorgensen, Birthe
Artist residency with Glasgow Refugee Asylum Migration Network (GRAMNet).
Glasgow Refugee Asylum Migration Network (GRAMNet).
Billy Town
Jorgensen, Birthe
Billy Town.
Jorgensen, Birthe
Billytown, The Hague, The Netherlands,
18 May 2014
Temporary communities of practice – on the instability of shared spiritual experiences
Jorgensen, Birthe
Temporary communities of practice – on the instability of shared spiritual experiences.
In: Making Sense of Religion Performance, Art and Experience, 22-23 May 2014, Universidada Nova, Lisbon, Portugal.
Unknown Countries
Jorgensen, Birthe
Unknown Countries.
In: Two artists talks, 4 Feb 2014, Transmission Gallery, Glasgow.
Do U Feel Like We Do?
Kelly, Conor
Do U Feel Like We Do?
Intermedia Gallery, CCA Glasgow,
20 Sep - 04 Oct 2014
All art is political: writings on performative art
Lowndes, Sarah
All art is political: writings on performative art.
Luath Press, Edinburgh.
ISBN 9781910021422
Vibrant Matters, Panel Moderator
McGraw, Mick
Vibrant Matters, Panel Moderator.
In: Vibrant Matters: A Land2/PLaCE International Conference & The Third Annual Art & Humanities Postgraduate Conference, 29-30 Jan 2015, University of Dundee, UK.
Beyond ‘Women’s Realm’: 21 Revolutions at Aye Write
McMullan, Shauna,
Patrick, Adele,
Miller, Alison,
Marney, Laura and
de Main, Helen
Beyond ‘Women’s Realm’: 21 Revolutions at Aye Write.
In: Beyond ‘Women’s Realm’: 21 Revolutions at Aye Write, 11 April 2014, Mitchell Library, Glasgow.
Mulholland, Craig
In: FORTHCOMING MATERIALS OF PRACTICE: A Symposium In Two Halves, 3rd Oct2014, Edinburgh College of Art& Talbot Rice Gallery.
Mulholland, Craig
Glasgow International 2014, Fleming House, Glasgow,
04 - 21 April 2014
Mulholland, Craig
Talbot Rice Gallery, Edinburgh,
1st Aug - 18th Oct 2014
Indisciplinary Behaviour
Payne, Alistair
Indisciplinary Behaviour.
Rom8 Gallery, Bergen, Norway,
9th -19th January 2014
Generation: 25 Years of Contemporary Art in Scotland
Ramsay, Graham
Generation: 25 Years of Contemporary Art in Scotland.
The People's Palace, Glasgow,
27 Jun - 29 Sep 2014
Sell A Lung
Ramsay, Graham
Sell A Lung.
The Briggait, Glasgow International Festival of Contemparary Art 2014,
04 - 21 Apr 2014
Reclaimed. The Second Life of Sculpture
Ramsay, Graham and
Beagles, John
Reclaimed. The Second Life of Sculpture.
The Briggait, Glasgow, G1 5HZ,
April - May 2014
Bad Spells
Robertson, Fiona
Bad Spells.
Fiona Robertson, Glasgow Scotland.
ISBN 978-0-9931208.
The Green Man
Robertson, Fiona
The Green Man.
Drift (Berlin Series)
Roulstone, Karen
Drift (Berlin Series).
"Abandon Hope, All ye who enter here"
Sinclair, Ross
"Abandon Hope, All ye who enter here".
Prison Sainte Anne, 55 rue de la Banasterie, Avignon,
18 May - 25 Nov 2014
Bad Smells But No Sign of the Corpse
Sinclair, Ross
Bad Smells But No Sign of the Corpse.
Generation: 25 years of Contemporary Art in Scotland Reader.
National Galleries of Scotland and Glasgow Life, Scotland, pp. 23-31.
ISBN 978190627728
Information 2, Elements from 'Exchange Value' from Information, 1989
Sinclair, Ross
Information 2, Elements from 'Exchange Value' from Information, 1989.
Paisley Museum, High St Paisley, UK,
11 Jul - 05 Oct 2014
An Open Letter to Whomsoever it may Concern Regarding : Scotland – A Brief and Fractured Introduction to the History of the Period 1983/2083
Sinclair, Ross
An Open Letter to Whomsoever it may Concern Regarding : Scotland – A Brief and Fractured Introduction to the History of the Period 1983/2083.
Generation: 25 years of Contemporary Art in Scotland Reader.
National Galleries of Scotland and Glasgow Life, pp. 37-45.
ISBN 978190627728
Over the Counter Culture
Sinclair, Ross
Over the Counter Culture.
An Talla Solais, Ullapool,
Sep 6 – 19 Oct 2014
“Real Life Painting Sculpture, 1983 – 2014”
Sinclair, Ross
“Real Life Painting Sculpture, 1983 – 2014”.
Real Life Rocky Mountain
Sinclair, Ross
Real Life Rocky Mountain.
Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, National Galleries, Edinburgh,
Ross Sinclair: The Sixth annual Steven Campbell Trust Lecture
Sinclair, Ross
Ross Sinclair: The Sixth annual Steven Campbell Trust Lecture.
In: Ross Sinclair: The Sixth annual Steven Campbell Trust Lecture, 16 October 2014, CCA, Glasgow.
Sinclair, Ross,
Boyce, Martin,
Lambie, Jim,
Buchanan, Roddy,
Campbell, Duncan and
Gordon, Douglas
Glasgow, UK,
14 Jun 2014 to 04 Jul 2014
Susan Philipsz - Socialism in her Heart: A Melodic Reverie in the Key of G. The Seven Harmonies of the Timeline
Sinclair, Ross,
Franzen, Brigitte,
Arrhenius, Sara,
Christov-Bakargiev, Carolyn,
Connolly, Maeve,
Brown, Katrina,
Connor, Steven,
Shultz, Anna Sophie,
Roelstraate, Dieter and
London, Barbara
Susan Philipsz - Socialism in her Heart: A Melodic Reverie in the Key of G. The Seven Harmonies of the Timeline.
Susan Philipsz - You Are Not Alone.
Walther Konig, Artangel, et al., pp. 177-191.
ISBN 978-3-86335-405-3
Identifying and pursuing authenticity in Contemporary Art / Artist in Conversation: 'Real Life' questions of Authenticity
Sinclair, Ross and
Gordon, Rebecca
Identifying and pursuing authenticity in Contemporary Art / Artist in Conversation: 'Real Life' questions of Authenticity.
Authenticity and Replication: The 'Real Thing' in Art and Conservation.
Archetype Publications Ltd., London, pp. 95-116.
ISBN 9781904982999
Fatty Foods & Woollen Goods: Selling Scottish Heritage
Sinclair, Ross,
Maclean, Rachel,
Riach, Alan,
Dunlop, Joy and
Baker, Timothy C.
Fatty Foods & Woollen Goods: Selling Scottish Heritage.
In: Fatty Foods & Woollen Goods: Selling Scottish Heritage, 23 August 2014, Aros Hall, Tobermory, Mull.
The Art of Drawn Movements: Animation Films by GSA Alumni
Smith, Sarah
The Art of Drawn Movements: Animation Films by GSA Alumni.
Norman McLaren: The Student Films (1933-36)
Smith, Sarah
Norman McLaren: The Student Films (1933-36).
The Glasgow School of Art,
3 May 2014
Slurs, Stutters and Screams: Articulations of Hollywood’s Unconscious in Artists’ Films
Smith, Sarah
Slurs, Stutters and Screams: Articulations of Hollywood’s Unconscious in Artists’ Films.
In: College Art Association 102nd Annual Conference, 12-15 Feb 2014, Chicago, IL, United States.
CCA Creative Lab Residency
Smith, Stephanie and
Stewart, Eddie
CCA Creative Lab Residency.
CCA Glasgow.
Generation: 25 Years of Contemporary Art in Scotland
Smith, Stephanie and
Stewart, Eddie
Generation: 25 Years of Contemporary Art in Scotland.
Women's Images of Men
Smith, Stephanie and
Stewart, Eddie
Women's Images of Men.
Nottingham Contemporary.
Book Torture: An Interview with Ross Birrell
Smyth, Adam,
Partington, Gill and
Birrell, Ross
Book Torture: An Interview with Ross Birrell.
Book Destruction from the Medieval to the Contemporary.
New Directions in Book History
Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 74-86.
ISBN 978-1-137-44325-9
Group Exhibition: 'When Elephants Come Marching In: Sixties Echoes in Todays Art', De Appel, Amsterdam, 2014
Stubbs, Michael
Group Exhibition: 'When Elephants Come Marching In: Sixties Echoes in Todays Art', De Appel, Amsterdam, 2014.
De Appel, Amsterdam,
27 Sep 2014 - 11 Jan 2015
Solo Exhibition: Michael Stubbs, Cass Gallery, London Metropolitan University, 2013
Stubbs, Michael
Solo Exhibition: Michael Stubbs, Cass Gallery, London Metropolitan University, 2013.
Cass gallery, London Metropolitan University,
9 February - 2 March 2013
Solo Exhibition: Michael Stubbs, The Avenue, Mayfair, London, 2014
Stubbs, Michael
Solo Exhibition: Michael Stubbs, The Avenue, Mayfair, London, 2014.
The Avenue, Mayfair, London,
18 March - 6 June 2014
Brass Art: The Imagining of Things
Thompson, Susannah
Brass Art: The Imagining of Things.
ROTOЯ Review.
University of Huddersfield Press, Huddersfield, pp. 41-44.
ISBN 9781862181199
Josh Faught: I know I Came into this Room for a Reason
Thompson, Susannah
Josh Faught: I know I Came into this Room for a Reason.
Art Review.
ISSN 1745-9303
Review of Echt by Bedwyr Williams
Thompson, Susannah
Review of Echt by Bedwyr Williams.
Art Review, 66 (5).
p. 151.
ISSN 1745-9303
Review of Monads and Party Paintings, by Spencer Sweeney
Thompson, Susannah
Review of Monads and Party Paintings, by Spencer Sweeney.
Art Review, 66 (4).
p. 102.
ISSN 1745-9303
Review of Mood is Made/Temperature is Taken by Quinn Latimer
Thompson, Susannah
Review of Mood is Made/Temperature is Taken by Quinn Latimer.
Art Review.
p. 139.
ISSN 1745-9303
Review of Woman Coming Home from the Cinema Expecting Triplets by Aaron Angell and Jack Bilbo
Thompson, Susannah
Review of Woman Coming Home from the Cinema Expecting Triplets by Aaron Angell and Jack Bilbo.
Art Review, 66 (1).
p. 118.
ISSN 1745-9303
ROTOR: Transdisciplinary dialogue and debate
Thompson, Susannah and
Mojsiewicz, Kristin
ROTOR: Transdisciplinary dialogue and debate.
University of Huddersfield Press.
21 Revolutions, Two Decades of Changing Minds at Glasgow Women's Library
Thomson, Amanda
21 Revolutions, Two Decades of Changing Minds at Glasgow Women's Library.
21 Revolutions.
Freight Books, Glasgow, pp. 92-93.
ISBN 978-0-9522273-3-5
Impact 8: Borders and Crossings: the artist as explorer
Chapter title: 'Making a place: art and a multi-modal, multi-disciplinary approach'
Thomson, Amanda
Impact 8: Borders and Crossings: the artist as explorer
Chapter title: 'Making a place: art and a multi-modal, multi-disciplinary approach'.
"Borders & Crossings: the artist as explorer.
Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, University of Dundee, Glasgow.
ISBN 1 899837 70 1
Thomson, Amanda
Landing Stages.
Ashden Directory, pp. 78-79.
ISBN 978-0-992950613
Placemaking and Landscape: Explorations & Articulations of Scottish Highland landscapes through artistic and poetic forms of practice, in and from the field
Thomson, Amanda
Placemaking and Landscape: Explorations & Articulations of Scottish Highland landscapes through artistic and poetic forms of practice, in and from the field.
The Glasgow School of Art.
Seeing the wood and the trees: becoming art in a becoming forest
Thomson, Amanda
Seeing the wood and the trees: becoming art in a becoming forest.
In: Reading and Exhibiting Nature - International Conference, February 2014, University of Westminster, London.
Topping, Jane
7 Customs
Tripp, Sarah
7 Customs.
Wirksworth Parish Room,
9– 25 Sep 2014
You Are of Vital Importance
Tripp, Sarah
You Are of Vital Importance.
Book Works, London.
ISBN 9781906012540
Youth Administrator
Tripp, Sarah
Youth Administrator.
Flat Time House, London,
9 Oct – 23 Nov 2014
Ursitti, Clara
Glasgow Sculpture Studios Gallery,
Jul - Sep 2014
Jeux de Peau
Ursitti, Clara
Jeux de Peau.
The Performative Role of Scent in Cultural Constructions of Gender
Ursitti, Clara
The Performative Role of Scent in Cultural Constructions of Gender.
The Glasgow School of Art.
Revisiting Authorship
Ursitti, Clara
Revisiting Authorship.
In: Authenticity in Transition, December 2014, The Glasgow School of Art, UK.
Lust auf Linie
Visnes, Hanneline
Lust auf Linie.
Gallery Arte Giani, Frankfurt,
05 Oct 2014
A Picture Show
Visnes, Hanneline
A Picture Show.
Glasgow Museum of Modern Art, UK,
12 Feb 2013 - 12 Mar 2014
Nanjing International Art Exhibition
Walker, Richard
Nanjing International Art Exhibition.
Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China,
8 Oct - 14 Oct 2014
Studio Paintings
Walker, Richard
Studio Paintings.
Reid Gallery, Reid Building, Glasgow,
4 Oct - 2 Nov 2014
Encounters with Iceland's Eventful Landscape: a series of photographic occasions
Wall, Gina
Encounters with Iceland's Eventful Landscape: a series of photographic occasions.
Relate North 2014.
Lapland University Press, Rovaniemi, Finland, pp. 128-145.
ISBN 9789523109896
De Re Aedificatoria, as part of Bricolage,
Glasgow International Festival
Šik, Becky
De Re Aedificatoria, as part of Bricolage,
Glasgow International Festival.
Pipe factory, Glasgow,
April 2014
This list was generated on Mon Mar 10 04:32:57 2025 UTC.