Number of items: 22.
Barfield, N
Semperdepot, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria
Digital + Art
Barfield, N
Digital + Art.
In: ArtBits, Digital Fine Art Printmaking Conference, Semperdepot, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria, May 2002.
Installation Japan
Barfield, N
Installation Japan.
Vain Glorious, 7 Artillery Passage, London
The most interesting current digital printmaking projects from around the world
Barfield, N
The most interesting current digital printmaking projects from around the world.
In: ArtBits Digital Fine Art Printmaking Conference, Semperdepot, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria, May 2002.
Conversations in Japan
Barfield, N and
Walker, A.
Conversations in Japan.
Digital Collaborations
Barfield, N and
Walker, A.
Digital Collaborations.
Diversity in Digital Print
Barfield, N and
Whale, George
Diversity in Digital Print.
Printmaking Today.
pp. 30-31.
ISSN 0960 9253
Acts of Renewal: Japanese Art Re-Interpreted
Barfield, R.
Acts of Renewal: Japanese Art Re-Interpreted.
Victoria & Albert Museum, London
Digital Responses
Barfield, R.
Digital Responses.
The Victoria & Albert Museum, London
The Visit (Digital Responses)
Barfield, R.
The Visit (Digital Responses).
Victoria and Albert Museum
Acts of Renewal: Japanese Art Re-interpreted
Barfield, R. and
Walker, A.
Acts of Renewal: Japanese Art Re-interpreted.
Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Acts of Renewal: Japanese Art Re-interpreted
Barfield, R. and
Walker, Allan
Acts of Renewal: Japanese Art Re-interpreted.
Acts of Renewal.
Victoria and Albert Museum.
ISBN 1-8517-7396-7
Tokyo (Digital Collaborations)
Barfield, R. and
Walker, Allan
Tokyo (Digital Collaborations).
Cover Up Project Space, Calvin Street, London
[Show/Exhibition] limited edition box set
Barfield, R.,
Walker, Allan and
Barfield, Naren
(2002) limited edition box set.
Boxing Stories
Neil, Ken
Boxing Stories.
Art History, 25 (1).
pp. 113-118.
…While I am Thinking I am Just Over Here...
Neil, Ken
…While I am Thinking I am Just Over Here...
Journal of Visual Arts Practice, 2 (1/2).
p. 12.
ISSN 1470-2029
Acts of Renewal: Japanese Art Re-interpreted
Walker, A and
Barfield, Naren
Acts of Renewal: Japanese Art Re-interpreted.
Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Digital Dialogues
Walker, A and
Barfield, Naren
Digital Dialogues.
Digital Collaboration: Installation maquette, video, and series of four digital prints
Walker, A,
Barfield, Naren and
Masi, Denis
Digital Collaboration: Installation maquette, video, and series of four digital prints.
Cover Up
Cultures of Assessment
Walker, A and
Barfield, Raz
Cultures of Assessment.
In: Enhancement in Art and Design and Media. limited edition box set
Walker, A,
Barfield, Raz and
Barfield, Naren
(2002) limited edition box set.
worldwide public collections, including V&A, London
Conversations in Japan (Acts of Renewal: Japanese Art Re-Interpreted)
Walker, R. and
Walker, Allan
Conversations in Japan (Acts of Renewal: Japanese Art Re-Interpreted).
Victoria and Albert Museum
This list was generated on Mon Mar 10 04:32:19 2025 UTC.