Number of items: 25.
Book Review - Designs on Democracy, Architecture and the Public in Inter-War London by Neal Shashore
Herring, Eleanor
Book Review - Designs on Democracy, Architecture and the Public in Inter-War London by Neal Shashore.
Oxford University Press.
The Boring Talks
Herring, Eleanor
The Boring Talks.
Carpentry and Crisis
Herring, Eleanor
Carpentry and Crisis.
Crafts: The Magazine for Contemporary Craft (261).
pp. 52-57.
ISSN 0306-610X
Critical and Contextual Discussion within Design Education
Herring, Eleanor
Critical and Contextual Discussion within Design Education.
In: iJADE conference - Belonging: Dialogues for a culturally responsive art and design curriculum, 11-13 November 2022, online.
Cultivating Critical Thinkers: An Inquiry into Critical and Contextual Discussion within the department of Design History and Theory at GSA
Herring, Eleanor
Cultivating Critical Thinkers: An Inquiry into Critical and Contextual Discussion within the department of Design History and Theory at GSA.
In: A FOCUS ON PEDAGOGY: Teaching, Learning and Research in the Modern Academy, 20-22 April, 2022, online.
Designing from the Centre: State-sponsored Design in Britain
and Politically Driven Decision-making
Herring, Eleanor
Designing from the Centre: State-sponsored Design in Britain
and Politically Driven Decision-making.
Back to the Future. The Future in the Past.
Universitat de Barcelona, pp. 614-618.
ISBN 978-84-9168-156-4
Designing the future
Herring, Eleanor
Designing the future.
Designs on Democracy, Architecture and the Public in Inter-War London, Neal Shashore, Oxford University press, 2022 [Book review]
Herring, Eleanor
Designs on Democracy, Architecture and the Public in Inter-War London, Neal Shashore, Oxford University press, 2022 [Book review].
Journal of Design History, 2023.
ISSN 0952-4649
Everyday Legacies – the ordinary and the extraordinary
Herring, Eleanor
Everyday Legacies – the ordinary and the extraordinary.
In: Streets Ahead: Post-Pandemic Civic Spaces, 9-10 September 2022, Dublin.
‘Furnishing the modern street’
Herring, Eleanor
‘Furnishing the modern street’.
ICDHS 2012 Design Frontiers: Territories, Concepts, Technologies.
Editora Edgard Blucher, São Paulo, pp. 281-285.
ISBN 9788521206927
Government-sponsored design: Changing attitudes to design policy in Britain between 1946 and 2016
Herring, Eleanor
Government-sponsored design: Changing attitudes to design policy in Britain between 1946 and 2016.
In: Facing the World Differently? Seventy years on from the Britain Can Make It Exhibition, 7 October 2016, University of Brighton.
Interview with Henry Rees-Sheridan about Street Furniture Design: Contesting Modernism in Post-War Britain for Monocle Radio Section D
Herring, Eleanor
Interview with Henry Rees-Sheridan about Street Furniture Design: Contesting Modernism in Post-War Britain for Monocle Radio Section D.
Monocle Radio.
Interview with Rana Mitter about Street Furniture Design: Contesting Modernism in Post-War Britain. Free Thinking, BBC Radio 3
Herring, Eleanor
Interview with Rana Mitter about Street Furniture Design: Contesting Modernism in Post-War Britain. Free Thinking, BBC Radio 3.
BBC Radio 3.
Joining the Modern World: A study of Street Furniture Design in Postwar Britain
Herring, Eleanor
Joining the Modern World: A study of Street Furniture Design in Postwar Britain.
Tradition, Transition, Trajectories: Major or Minor Influences? Proceedings of the 9th conference of the International Committee of Design History and Design Studies.
Universidade de Aveiro Editora, Aveiro, pp. 551-556.
Lampposts: For or Against?
Herring, Eleanor
Lampposts: For or Against?
In: The Boring Conference, 7 May 2016, Conway Hall, London.
Renewal and Retreat: Heritage-Style Street Furniture Design in 1980s Britain
Herring, Eleanor
Renewal and Retreat: Heritage-Style Street Furniture Design in 1980s Britain.
In: Design History Society Annual Conference 'Design and Time' organised by the University of Middlesex, 8-10 September 2016, London, UK.
‘Sick serpents and concrete giraffes: The critical debate on street furniture design in postwar Britain’
Herring, Eleanor
‘Sick serpents and concrete giraffes: The critical debate on street furniture design in postwar Britain’.
Design Frontiers: Selected Papers of the 8th ICDHS Conference.
Designio, México, pp. 1-10.
Street Furniture Design: Contesting Modernism in Post-War Britain
Herring, Eleanor
Street Furniture Design: Contesting Modernism in Post-War Britain.
Bloomsbury, London.
ISBN 9781474245616
Street Furniture and the Nation State: A Global Process
Herring, Eleanor
Street Furniture and the Nation State: A Global Process.
A Matter of Design: Making Society through Science and Technology. Proceedings of the 5th STS Italia Conference 2014.
STS Italia Publishing, pp. 127-136.
ISBN 978-90-78146-05-6
'Street Furniture: Improving the Designed Environment?' in 'Designed to Improve? Buildings, interventions and the makings of the 'social' in interdisciplinary urban practices' (Special Feature)
Herring, Eleanor
'Street Furniture: Improving the Designed Environment?' in 'Designed to Improve? Buildings, interventions and the makings of the 'social' in interdisciplinary urban practices' (Special Feature).
City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action, 20 (1-2).
ISSN 1360-4813
Unpicking the design process
Herring, Eleanor
Unpicking the design process.
Eye Magazine, 23 (92).
‘The acid test of good town design’: Designing street furniture in post-war Britain.
Herring, Eleanor
‘The acid test of good town design’: Designing street furniture in post-war Britain.
In: 2015 Annual Design History Society Conference: “How we live, and How we might live”: Design and the Spirit of Critical Utopianism, September 11-13, 2015, California College of the Arts, San Francisco, California.
Critical Speculations on Art School Education
Herring, Eleanor and
Jackson, Jake
Critical Speculations on Art School Education.
Teaching Beyond the Curriculum: Focus on Pedagogy
Herring, Eleanor and
Jackson, Jake
Teaching Beyond the Curriculum: Focus on Pedagogy.
Routledge and/or UCL Press.
Design for Movement in the Public Realm: Cycling, Active Travel and People-Prioritised Spaces
Herring, Eleanor,
Oddy, Nicholas and
Peter, Bruce
Design for Movement in the Public Realm: Cycling, Active Travel and People-Prioritised Spaces.
This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 04:36:21 2025 UTC.