Number of items: 8.
Elected works
Bellingham, David
Elected works.
Cairn Gallery, Pittenweem, UK,
12 September-16 October 2010
Beneath the Surface / Hidden Place, 2007-2010
Bird, Nicky
Beneath the Surface / Hidden Place, 2007-2010.
Beneath the Surface / Hidden Place
Bird, Nicky,
McKenzie, Ray,
Lloyd, Kirsten and
Warwick, Rhona
Beneath the Surface / Hidden Place.
Stills, Edinburgh.
ISBN 978-096458-07-5
McBride, Christina
Duke Street,
18 04 2010
Si Monumentum Requiris, Circumspice: commemoration and loss at Lethanhill
McKenzie, Ray and
Bird, Nicky
Si Monumentum Requiris, Circumspice: commemoration and loss at Lethanhill.
Beneath the Surface / Hidden Place.
Stills Gallery, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, pp. 11-14.
ISBN 978-0-906458-07-5
Michael Scott: Testament
McKenzie, Ray and
Normand, Tom
Michael Scott: Testament.
Aristaeus Press, Glasgow.
ISBN 978-0-9564294-0-7
Heart of The Matter
Mersinis, Michael
Heart of The Matter.
MacLellan Galleries, Glasgow,
September 2010
Terra Nullius
Mersinis, Michael
Terra Nullius.
This list was generated on Mon Mar 10 04:33:48 2025 UTC.