Number of items: 28.
Masculinities, Colour, Dyeing and the Design of Tweeds 1829–1914
Anderson, Fiona
Masculinities, Colour, Dyeing and the Design of Tweeds 1829–1914.
Colour Matters.
Open Book Publishers, Cambridge.
Jo Barker & Sara Brennan: Marking Time & Place
Barker, Jo
Jo Barker & Sara Brennan: Marking Time & Place.
SPACEcraft at the Solstice Seminars the European Lunar Symposium
Bottomley, Stephen
SPACEcraft at the Solstice Seminars the European Lunar Symposium.
In: Solstice Seminars the European Lunar Symposium, 20.06.2024, Crichton Campus, Easterbrook Hall, Dumfries and Galloway.
Supporting the mental health of young people from ethnically diverse groups during the transition from primary to secondary school
Cunningham, Emily,
Raman, Sneha,
Taylor, Andrea,
Svirydzenka, Nadia,
Siddiqi, Abdul Moiz,
Abdinasir, Kadra and
Raghavan, Raghu
Supporting the mental health of young people from ethnically diverse groups during the transition from primary to secondary school.
Health Education Journal.
ISSN 0017-8969
Depth and surface: women’s style as memorial, resistance and reverie in late 1970s and early 1980s Glasgow
Draycott, Esther
Depth and surface: women’s style as memorial, resistance and reverie in late 1970s and early 1980s Glasgow.
PhD thesis, Glasgow School of Art.
Ornament and Crime: Power, gender and domestic opulence in Gomorrah (2014-21)
Flanagan, Pamela
Ornament and Crime: Power, gender and domestic opulence in Gomorrah (2014-21).
Journal of European Popular Culture, 15 (2).
pp. 99-120.
ISSN 2040-6134
Revisiting Cognitive Maps to Promote Transdisciplinary Working
Macdonald, Alastair
Revisiting Cognitive Maps to Promote Transdisciplinary Working.
In: Design4Health 2024, 25 - 27 June 2024, Sheffield, UK.
Serious stories seeking positive outcomes
Macdonald, Alastair
Serious stories seeking positive outcomes.
In: Design4Health 2024, 25-27 June 2024, Sheffield, UK.
Macklin, Patrick
In: 'PRACTICE' (Interior Educators Conference 2024), 21 and 22 November 2024, Northumbria University, Department of Architecture and the Built Environemnt.
[Book review] Interiors in the Age of Enlightenment: A Cultural History
McCormack, Helen
[Book review] Interiors in the Age of Enlightenment: A Cultural History.
Journal of Design History.
ISSN 1741-7279
Concrete Dreams: The Rise and Fall of Cumbernauld Town Centre
Miller, Mitchell,
Leslie, Chris and
Irvine, Alison
Concrete Dreams: The Rise and Fall of Cumbernauld Town Centre.
Graphical House, Glasgow.
ISBN 9781999712693
Monotype MIDI
Pickstone, Edwin,
Maguire, Paul and
Robertson, Frances
Monotype MIDI.
Book 2.0, 14 (1 & 2).
pp. 169-185.
ISSN 2042-8022
LTA Connect: Compassionate Pedagogies - Compassionate feedback: how to reduce inequity in our feedback practices
Stevens, Thea,
Greated, Marianne,
Hill, Vikki and
Mantho, Robert
LTA Connect: Compassionate Pedagogies - Compassionate feedback: how to reduce inequity in our feedback practices.
In: Compassionate feedback: how to reduce inequity in our feedback practices, 22 August 2024, Online.
'Pushing Too Hard: The Performance of Masculinity in the Pusher Trilogy'
Sweeney, David
'Pushing Too Hard: The Performance of Masculinity in the Pusher Trilogy'.
The Pusher Trilogy [booklet for the Blu Ray/DVD 4K boxset].
Veterinary Infection and Prevention through Visualisation (VIPVis): can infection in veterinary practice be reduced by using an educational simulation tool
Thomas, Becky,
Wyles, Kayleigh,
Subasinghe, Dynatra,
Macdonald, Alastair,
Chambers, Mark and
La Ragione, Roberto
Veterinary Infection and Prevention through Visualisation (VIPVis): can infection in veterinary practice be reduced by using an educational simulation tool.
In: European College of Veterinary Microbiology, 5-6 September 2024, University of Nottingham.
Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia Japonica): Realizing Non-Human Living Agency in the Anthropocene
Van Olden, Catherine
Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia Japonica): Realizing Non-Human Living Agency in the Anthropocene.
PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
Culture of Making (Wear / Share / Explore)
Weidenbach, Silvia
Culture of Making (Wear / Share / Explore).
Leipzig, Germany
Danner-Talk II /„Jugendstil. Made in Munich“, Danner Stiftung Munich
Weidenbach, Silvia
Danner-Talk II /„Jugendstil. Made in Munich“, Danner Stiftung Munich.
In: Danner-Talk II, 11.11.2024, Münchner Künstlerhaus.
Group exhibition at Munich Jewellery Week 2024:MJW 2024 – KON.NO.TA.TI.ON(en)
Weidenbach, Silvia
Group exhibition at Munich Jewellery Week 2024:MJW 2024 – KON.NO.TA.TI.ON(en).
Munich, Germany,
29.02 - 02.03.2024
Reframing Architecture: Piercy & Company Talk Series: Matilda Pye (curator) in conversation with Silvia Weidenbach
Weidenbach, Silvia
Reframing Architecture: Piercy & Company Talk Series: Matilda Pye (curator) in conversation with Silvia Weidenbach.
In: Reframing Architecture, 12.09.2024, London.
Talk at "Assembling Intelligence: Alternative Perspectives on AI through Art and Design"
Weidenbach, Silvia
Talk at "Assembling Intelligence: Alternative Perspectives on AI through Art and Design".
In: Assembling Intelligence Symposium, 24/25 April 2024, HEAD_Genève.
West, Katy
The Glasgow School of Art Archives and Collections.
[A Game of Exquisite Corpse]
West, Katy
[A Game of Exquisite Corpse].
Windows Heritage, Reid Building, Glasgow School of Art,
17 - 24 May 2024
The Past is Ever-Present (A Game of Exquisite Corpse)
West, Katy
The Past is Ever-Present (A Game of Exquisite Corpse).
In: Scottish Society for Art History Annual Conference: Art & Text 2025, 6-7 Feb 2025, National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh.
The Past is Ever-Present (a game of exquisite corpse)
West, Katy
The Past is Ever-Present (a game of exquisite corpse).
Work exhibited as part of the Dundee Design Festival - FRAMEWORK 2024
West, Katy
Work exhibited as part of the Dundee Design Festival - FRAMEWORK 2024.
The Past is Ever-Present (Exploring GSA’s Ceramic Collection)
West, Katy and
Hook, Stella
The Past is Ever-Present (Exploring GSA’s Ceramic Collection).
In: The Glasgow School of Art Learning and Teaching Conference 2024, 5th June 2024, Glasgow School of Art.
Tomorrow Never Dies: Laocoön’s Hyperrealities
Zappia, Francesca
Tomorrow Never Dies: Laocoön’s Hyperrealities.
Plaster cast collection, University of Geneva,
28 February - 15 May 2024
This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 04:33:55 2025 UTC.