Number of items: 39.
Rehabilitation professionals’ perceptions of the use of new visualisation software tools with people with stroke
Ballinger, Claire,
Taylor, Anne,
Loudon, David and
Macdonald, Alastair S.
Rehabilitation professionals’ perceptions of the use of new visualisation software tools with people with stroke.
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 11 (2).
pp. 139-149.
ISSN 1748-3107
Boyd, Jonathan
The M8 Intersection at Charing Cross as a Metaphor for my Heartbeart
Boyd, Jonathan
The M8 Intersection at Charing Cross as a Metaphor for my Heartbeart.
Boyd, Jonathan
Interwoven connections: The Stoddard-Templeton design studio and design library 1843-2005
Britt, Helena and
Chappell, Duncan
Interwoven connections: The Stoddard-Templeton design studio and design library 1843-2005.
Art Libraries Journal (ALJ), 39 (3).
pp. 14-19.
ISSN 0307-4722
Charles Rennie Mackintosh as Symbolist
Calvert, Robyne
Charles Rennie Mackintosh as Symbolist.
In: Rising from the Ashes: The Conservation of Mackintosh’s Glasgow School of Art, 9-10 May 2016, British School at Rome, Italy.
Love is Hell: Dante, Rossetti and Pre-Raphaelitism
Calvert, Robyne
Love is Hell: Dante, Rossetti and Pre-Raphaelitism.
In: Reading Art: Pre-Raphaelite Poetry and Painting, 27-28 May 2016, Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery, Chamberlain Square, Birmingham.
Original Mackintosh plans for Glasgow School of Art revealed
Calvert, Robyne
Original Mackintosh plans for Glasgow School of Art revealed.
Mackintosh plans first treasures to move into Kelvin Hall
Calvert, Robyne,
Davidson, Elizabeth and
Campbell, Mungo
Mackintosh plans first treasures to move into Kelvin Hall.
Conversation Piece: Still Invisible?
Calvert, Robyne and
DeMontfort, Patricia
Conversation Piece: Still Invisible?
British Art Studies, 1 (2).
ISSN 2058-5462
Visual Techniques to Engage Patients, Family and Staff in Discussions about Improving the Care Environment at the End-of-Life
Goliath, I.,
Kjellgren, H.,
Lindqvist, O.,
Hajdarevic, S.,
Kleijberg, M.,
Macarow, K.,
Macdonald, A.,
Rasmussen, B.,
Robert, G.,
Göran Ström, L.,
Westerlund, B. and
Tishelman, C.
Visual Techniques to Engage Patients, Family and Staff in Discussions about Improving the Care Environment at the End-of-Life.
Palliative Medicine, 30 (6).
ISSN 0269-2163
Carpentry and Crisis
Herring, Eleanor
Carpentry and Crisis.
Crafts: The Magazine for Contemporary Craft (261).
pp. 52-57.
ISSN 0306-610X
Government-sponsored design: Changing attitudes to design policy in Britain between 1946 and 2016
Herring, Eleanor
Government-sponsored design: Changing attitudes to design policy in Britain between 1946 and 2016.
In: Facing the World Differently? Seventy years on from the Britain Can Make It Exhibition, 7 October 2016, University of Brighton.
Lampposts: For or Against?
Herring, Eleanor
Lampposts: For or Against?
In: The Boring Conference, 7 May 2016, Conway Hall, London.
'Street Furniture: Improving the Designed Environment?' in 'Designed to Improve? Buildings, interventions and the makings of the 'social' in interdisciplinary urban practices' (Special Feature)
Herring, Eleanor
'Street Furniture: Improving the Designed Environment?' in 'Designed to Improve? Buildings, interventions and the makings of the 'social' in interdisciplinary urban practices' (Special Feature).
City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action, 20 (1-2).
ISSN 1360-4813
Unpicking the design process
Herring, Eleanor
Unpicking the design process.
Eye Magazine, 23 (92).
Bernat Klein, Press Visit, April 1963
Jardine, Fiona
Bernat Klein, Press Visit, April 1963.
The Inventors of Tradition II.
pp. 120-123.
Donald Brothers, Dundee
Jardine, Fiona
Donald Brothers, Dundee.
In: DUSK Study Day: Artists & Textiles, 3 December 2016, Hospitalfield, Arbroath.
Passion for Paisley
Jardine, Fiona Ann
Passion for Paisley.
History Scotland, 16 (6).
pp. 46-47.
ISSN 1475-5270
The Persistence of Type (issue 2)
Jardine, Fiona Ann
The Persistence of Type (issue 2).
Using co-production to improve patient, carer and staff experiences in health care organisations: a multi-centre, mixed methods evaluation in inpatient stroke units
Jones, F.,
Cloud, G.,
Harris, R.,
Macdonald, A.,
McKevitt, C.,
Robert, G. and
Clarke, D.
Using co-production to improve patient, carer and staff experiences in health care organisations: a multi-centre, mixed methods evaluation in inpatient stroke units.
In: UK Stroke Forum Conference, 28-30 November 2016, Liverpool.
D11-C. Exploring Objects at the End of Life
Kjellgren, Helena,
Tishelman, Carol,
Macdonald, Alastair,
Lindqvist, Olav and
Goliath, Ida
D11-C. Exploring Objects at the End of Life.
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 52 (6).
ISSN 0885-3924
Design / Healthcare
Macdonald, Alastair
Design / Healthcare.
In: Design and Agency in Healthcare, 15th March 2016, Umea Institute of Design, Sweden.
Negotiating design in sceptical territory: challenges in healthcare
Macdonald, Alastair
Negotiating design in sceptical territory: challenges in healthcare.
In: D-Health: Design Research In Healthcare, 25 Feb 2016, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland.
Disentangling complexity: a visualisation-led tool for healthcare associated infection training
Macdonald, Alastair,
Loudon, David,
Wan, Susan and
MacDuff, Colin
Disentangling complexity: a visualisation-led tool for healthcare associated infection training.
In: DRS 2016: Design + Research + Society: Future-focussed Thinking, 27-30 Jun 2016, Brighton, UK.
Establishing proof of concept for a tablet-based dynamic visualisation tool for use in staff training for the prevention of healthcare associated infections
Macdonald, Alastair,
MacDuff, Colin,
Loudon, David and
Wan, Susan
Establishing proof of concept for a tablet-based dynamic visualisation tool for use in staff training for the prevention of healthcare associated infections.
Journal of Infection Prevention, 17 (1S).
ISSN 1757-1774
Service ecology: design issues for hospital infection prevention and control training
Macdonald, Alastair,
MacDuff, Colin,
Loudon, David and
Wan, Susan
Service ecology: design issues for hospital infection prevention and control training.
In: ServDes 2016 Service Design Geographies, 24-26 May 2016, Copenhagen.
Care at the End of Life: Design Priorities for People with Dementia
Macdonald, Alastair S. and
Robinson, Louise
Care at the End of Life: Design Priorities for People with Dementia.
Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare 2015.
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 45
Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 517-526.
ISBN 9783319230245
Co-Designing Creative Evaluation Approaches
Manohar, Arthi
Co-Designing Creative Evaluation Approaches.
In: Challenges and Best Practice in Co-Production, 18th May 2016, Sheffield, UK.
An unruly parliament of lines: the dialectogram as artefact and process of social engagement
Miller, Mitchell
An unruly parliament of lines: the dialectogram as artefact and process of social engagement.
PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
Gracious: Modern Living in Post-independence Singapore
O'Neill, Jesse
Gracious: Modern Living in Post-independence Singapore.
Making Trans/National Contemporary Design History: 10th Conference of the International Committee for Design History and Design Studies.
Blucher, Sao Paulo, pp. 19-23.
ISBN 2318-6968
Developing an interdisciplinary approach to design for, and evidence, the outcomes of, young people and leaving care workers’ experiences of conversations about leaving care
Rice, Gayle
Developing an interdisciplinary approach to design for, and evidence, the outcomes of, young people and leaving care workers’ experiences of conversations about leaving care.
PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
Assembler / défaire / recréer
Robertson, Frances
Assembler / défaire / recréer.
In: Du rétro au néo, entre nostalgie et réinvention. Objets en mouvement !, 8-9 Dec 2016, GIRCAM Research Centre, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium.
‘Mere adventurers in drawing’: engineers and draughtsmen as visual technicians in nineteenth-century Britain
Robertson, Frances
‘Mere adventurers in drawing’: engineers and draughtsmen as visual technicians in nineteenth-century Britain.
Art Versus Industry? New Perspectives on Visual and Industrial Cultures in Nineteenth-Century Britain.
Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 120-139.
ISBN 9780719096464
Through a Northern Lens: Women, Picture, Place
Robertson, Frances,
Bird, Nicky and
Brownrigg, Jenny
Through a Northern Lens: Women, Picture, Place.
In: Through a Northern Lens: Women, Picture, Place, 28 October 2016, GSA Principle Seminar Room 1, Glasgow School of Art.
Memory Rubble
Stevens, Thea
Memory Rubble.
The Drouth, 53.
pp. 41-46.
Treasure Houses of Scotland: Royal Heritage (Smithsonian-Mason/University of Glasgow)
Stevens, Thea
Treasure Houses of Scotland: Royal Heritage (Smithsonian-Mason/University of Glasgow).
[Teaching Resource]
Developing concepts that promote energy saving technology for ageing populations
Whittet, Craig,
Taylor, Andrea,
Walker, Guy,
Galloway, Stuart,
Stephen, Bruce,
Docherty, Catherine,
Lynn, Craig,
Owens, Eddie and
Danson, Michael
Developing concepts that promote energy saving technology for ageing populations.
In: International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, 8-9 September 2016, Aalborg, Denmark.
The Fundamentals of Illustration, 3rd Edition
Zeegan, Lawrence and
Cairns, Brian [contributor]
The Fundamentals of Illustration, 3rd Edition.
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