Number of items: 60.
Seeing Red: Scotland's Exotic Textile History
Arthur, L.,
Taylor, Lindsay and
Schoeser, Mary
Seeing Red: Scotland's Exotic Textile History.
Collins Gallery, Strathclyde University
Creativity shapes future learning processes in Scotland and in Norway
Asknes, D. and
Emilie Thelin, Anne
Creativity shapes future learning processes in Scotland and in Norway.
In: Shaping the future?: 9th International Engineering and Product Design Education Conference, 13-14 September 2007, University of Northumbria, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
Out of Print
Baines, Marc,
Rigley, Steve,
Stickley, Paul and
Stark, Andy
Out of Print.
Philadelphia University,
01 April -01 May 2007
Collect: The International Art Fair for Contemporary Objects
Barker, J.
Collect: The International Art Fair for Contemporary Objects.
Victoria & Albert Museum, London
Collect:The International Art Fair for Contemporary Objects
Barker, J.
Collect:The International Art Fair for Contemporary Objects.
Victoria & Albert Museum, London
Collect:The International Art Fair for Contemporary Objects
Barker, J.
Collect:The International Art Fair for Contemporary Objects.
Victoria & Albert Museum, London
An Anthology of Scottish Poetry (French translation)
Bayley, R.
An Anthology of Scottish Poetry (French translation).
Bayley, R.
Locating Digital Technologies
Britt, H.
Locating Digital Technologies.
In: Ars Textrina International Textiles Conference - Textile Territories: Past, Present and Future, 10-12 September 2007, University of Ulster, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
A digital aesthetic for future interior environments?
Britt, H.
A digital aesthetic for future interior environments?
In: Creativity: Designer Meets Technology, Philadelphia University, USA..
Discarded Drawings
Brown, W.
Discarded Drawings.
In: KnowHow Conference. Reykjavik. 2007..
Brown, W.
New Yorker
Cairns, B.
New Yorker.
New Yorker: Glenlivet Originators Series.
Digital Craft Aesthetic: Craft-Minded Application of Electronic Tools
Campbell, J.
Digital Craft Aesthetic: Craft-Minded Application of Electronic Tools.
In: New Craft - Future Voices. University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland. 3rd - 7th July, 2007..
The collaborative investigation of transitions from 2D to 3D in garment design by integrating the structural form of the garment with digitally printed and engineered photography.
Dearden, J.
The collaborative investigation of transitions from 2D to 3D in garment design by integrating the structural form of the garment with digitally printed and engineered photography.
Grout, IM
An International symposium sponsored by CUMULUS to be hosted by HDK, School of Design and Crafts Göteborg University, Sweden, September 2007.
Grout, IM
An International symposium sponsored by CUMULUS to be hosted by HDK, School of Design and Crafts Göteborg University, Sweden, September 2007.
Paper and presentation at ICSID World Congress San Francisco
Grout, IM
Paper and presentation at ICSID World Congress San Francisco.
Paper and presentation at Metadesign Colloqium Goldsmiths, London
Grout, IM
Paper and presentation at Metadesign Colloqium Goldsmiths, London.
Proposed Paper
Grout, IM
Proposed Paper.
The Third International Conference on Environmental, Cultural Economic and Social Sustainability, Chennai, India, 4th to 7th January 2007.
Proposed Paper
Grout, IM
Proposed Paper.
The Third International Conference on Environmental, Cultural Economic and Social Sustainability, Chennai, India, 4th to 7th January 2007.
Ship design through seven decades/Skibsdesign gennem syv årtier
Hansen A/S, Knud E. and
Peter, Bruce
Ship design through seven decades/Skibsdesign gennem syv årtier.
Forlaget Nautilus, Copenhagen.
ISBN 8790924436
Sublet as part of Lucy McKenzie: “Ten Years of Robotic Mayhem (including sublet)”
Lipscombe, Beca and
McKenzie, Lucy
Sublet as part of Lucy McKenzie: “Ten Years of Robotic Mayhem (including sublet)”.
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco
Ideal States: engaging patients in healthcare pathways through design methodologies
Macdonald, A. S.
Ideal States: engaging patients in healthcare pathways through design methodologies.
Designing for the 21st Century.
Gower Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 27-39.
ISBN 978-0-566-08737-0
Recognising the wider value and application of the UD phenomenon in Japan
Macdonald, A. S.
Recognising the wider value and application of the UD phenomenon in Japan.
The UD Phenomenon in Japan: Product Innovation through Universal Design
Macdonald, A. S.
The UD Phenomenon in Japan: Product Innovation through Universal Design.
Designing Data to be Inclusive: Enabling Participative Processes through innovative tools
Macdonald, A. S. and
Loudon, D
Designing Data to be Inclusive: Enabling Participative Processes through innovative tools.
In: Include 2007, Royal College of Art, London.
Designing data to be inclusive: enabling cross-disciplinary and participative processes
Macdonald, A. S. and
Loudon, David
Designing data to be inclusive: enabling cross-disciplinary and participative processes.
In: HCI International 2007, Bejing, China, 22-27 July, 2007, Bejing.
Towards a design tool for visualizing the functional demand placed on older adults by everyday living tasks
Macdonald, A. S.,
Samuel, D.,
Loudon, David and
Rowe, Philip J.
Towards a design tool for visualizing the functional demand placed on older adults by everyday living tasks.
Universal Access in the Information Society (UAIS) Journal, Springer, 6 (2).
pp. 137-144.
ISSN 1615-5289
Futurology (A Global Revue)
Macklin, P.
Futurology (A Global Revue).
Crafting Community: design for wellbeing
McAra-McWilliam, Irene
Crafting Community: design for wellbeing.
In: World Congress on Design & Health (WCDH 2007), 29 June 2007 to 1 July 2007, Glasgow.
Design for Learning: The Studio
McAra-McWilliam, Irene
Design for Learning: The Studio.
Impossible Things? Negative Capability and The Creative imagination
McAra-McWilliam, Irene
Impossible Things? Negative Capability and The Creative imagination.
In: Creativity or Conformity, 8 to 10 January 2007, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff.
Impossible Things? Negative Capability and The Creative imagination
McAra-McWilliam, Irene
Impossible Things? Negative Capability and The Creative imagination.
In: Creativity or Conformity.
The Ceramic Landscape
McCall, A.
The Ceramic Landscape.
International Ceramics Studios, Kesckemet, Hungary
Dialogue in Landscape(working title)
McCall, A.
Dialogue in Landscape(working title).
Reykjavik (Gallery to be confirmed)
KNOWHOW at a Distance
McCall, A.
KNOWHOW at a Distance.
In: Academy of Visual Arts, Reykjavik Iceland.
Recording the Creative Process: An Empirical Basis for Practice-Integrated Research in the Arts
McGilp, H. and
Gillham, Bill
Recording the Creative Process: An Empirical Basis for Practice-Integrated Research in the Arts.
International Journal of Art and Design Education, 26.
pp. 177-184.
ISSN 1476-8062
Explicating The Creative Process within a Postgraduate Fashion Context
McGilp, H. and
Stephen-Cran, Jimmy
Explicating The Creative Process within a Postgraduate Fashion Context.
In: European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA) Teachers' Academy 2007.
Glasgow Is made by us
McGuire, N.
Glasgow Is made by us.
The Scottish Show - Billboard piece in Glasgow central station as part of the scottish show 2007, a showcase of scottish design. Curated and organised by the Lighthouse
McGuire, N.
The Scottish Show - Billboard piece in Glasgow central station as part of the scottish show 2007, a showcase of scottish design. Curated and organised by the Lighthouse.
Glasgow Central Station/Lighthouse
Design Square Mile Podcast and Tour, Interior Design
Murray, A.
Design Square Mile Podcast and Tour, Interior Design.
Nutter, D. and
Payton, Victora
Cultar: FORT WILLIAM HEALTH CENTRE: Lead public artist for new medical centre, responsable for creating art plan, commissioning and selecting art works and the creation of the centerpiece work.
Nutter, D. and
Payton, Victoria
Cultar: FORT WILLIAM HEALTH CENTRE: Lead public artist for new medical centre, responsable for creating art plan, commissioning and selecting art works and the creation of the centerpiece work.
Form Follows Fun: Modernism and modernity in British Pleasure Architecture 1925-1940
Peter, B.
Form Follows Fun: Modernism and modernity in British Pleasure Architecture 1925-1940.
ISBN 9780415428194
Form Follows Fun: Modernism and Modernity in British Pleasure Architecture 1925-1940
Peter, Bruce
Form Follows Fun: Modernism and Modernity in British Pleasure Architecture 1925-1940.
Routledge, London.
ISBN 041542819X
Knud E. Hansen: Ship Design Through Seven Decades - First Edition
Peter, Bruce
Knud E. Hansen: Ship Design Through Seven Decades - First Edition.
Nautilus Forlag.
ISBN 978-8790924232
Is creativity compatible with learning outcomes?
Petty, J.
Is creativity compatible with learning outcomes?
In: European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA) Teachers' Academy.
Finding A Way
Plunkett, A.
Finding A Way.
Inside the Box.
University of Middlesex.
ISBN 1904750222
To Be Or Not To Be
Plunkett, A.
To Be Or Not To Be.
In: Forum - New York - organised by International Federation of Interior Architects and Designers.
Visualising Interior Design
Plunkett, A.
Visualising Interior Design.
Lawrence King.
Future and Character of Architectural Education
Plunkett, A.,
Neuckermans, H.,
Wayne Drummond, R. and
Olaf Fjeld, Per
Future and Character of Architectural Education.
In: 2007 International Confference on Architectural Education - Beijing.
An Unbearable Lightness?
Rigley, Steve
An Unbearable Lightness?
Visual Communication, 6 (3).
pp. 281-304.
ISSN 1470-3572
PG Cert. Action Research Proposal-How can I help the students to understand the criteria and (educational) language of formative and summative assessment?
Roan, S.
PG Cert. Action Research Proposal-How can I help the students to understand the criteria and (educational) language of formative and summative assessment?
Audio Documentation: A pilot study to investigate the acceptability & methodology of delivering information to students in audio format
Sharp, M.
Audio Documentation: A pilot study to investigate the acceptability & methodology of delivering information to students in audio format.
In: 2nd Designs on E-Learning International Conference.
Clubbers, Mosaic Thinkers & Design Process
Sharp, M.
Clubbers, Mosaic Thinkers & Design Process.
In: Shaping the Future?' 5th Engineering & Product Design Education International Conference, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
Clubbers, Mosaic Thinkers & Design Process.
Sharp, M.
Clubbers, Mosaic Thinkers & Design Process.
Stephen-Cran, J. D. and
McGilp, Helen
Stickley, P.
Tyler School of Art, University of Philadelphia, USA
Tallinna Graafikatrienniaal (Tallin Print Triennial) 07
Stickley, P.
Tallinna Graafikatrienniaal (Tallin Print Triennial) 07.
Kumu Art MuseumTallinn Art HallGallery of the Tallinn Art HallTallinn City Gallery
This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 04:33:52 2025 UTC.