Number of items: 54.
The Decorators
Bird, Nicky
The Decorators.
Portobello, Edinburgh,
Residency October 2019-March 2020: Events: 16 November 2019, 29 February & 1 March 2020, 7 & 8 March 2020
Ghosting the Castle: the case of (re)landscaping in a Northern place
Bird, Nicky
Ghosting the Castle: the case of (re)landscaping in a Northern place.
Proximity and Distance in Northern Landscape Photography: Contemporary Criticism, Curation and Practice.
Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, pp. 141-159.
ISBN 978-3-8376-4950-5
In the field with the vernacular photograph: archive, community memory and intangible heritage
Bird, Nicky
In the field with the vernacular photograph: archive, community memory and intangible heritage.
The Glasgow School of Art.
Raging: Revisiting Raging Dyke Network
Bird, Nicky
Raging: Revisiting Raging Dyke Network.
In: Practicing Landscape: Land, Histories and Transformation, online symposium 2020, 6 November – 12 December 2020, Glasgow School of Art, via Zoom.
Shadowing Rogovin: Retracing 'Family of Miners,' Scotland 1982
Bird, Nicky
Shadowing Rogovin: Retracing 'Family of Miners,' Scotland 1982.
Studies in Photography, Summer (2020).
pp. 60-69.
ISSN 1462-0510
Practicing Landscape: Land, Histories & Transformation
Brind, Susan and
Bird, Nicky
Practicing Landscape: Land, Histories & Transformation.
Coffee Letters (extract)
Brind, Susan and
Harold, Jim
Coffee Letters (extract).
Armarólla, 5.
ISSN 2547-894X
How Does a Work End?
Di Franco, Karen
How Does a Work End?
Bricks From the Kiln (4).
pp. 173-193.
Visual Territory, Carolee Schneemann’s Parts of a Body House Book
Di Franco, Karen
Visual Territory, Carolee Schneemann’s Parts of a Body House Book.
Beau Geste Press.
CAPC musée d'art Contemporain de Bordeaux, Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite, Bourdeaux, France, pp. 387-402.
ISBN 2877212505
A Conversation Tait / Maxwell
Douglas, Caroline
A Conversation Tait / Maxwell.
PROVA 5, The Urgency of the Arts.
RCA Humanities Research Journal, London.
ISBN 978-1-8383543-0-5
Sonsy Fishwives: Gender and Class in Scotland’s Earliest Photographic Portraits
Douglas, Caroline
Sonsy Fishwives: Gender and Class in Scotland’s Earliest Photographic Portraits.
In: Ways of Seeing: Second Morton Photography Symposium, 29 October 2020, Glasgow Women's Library.
Dear Yvonne
Fraser, Marita
Dear Yvonne.
pp. 196-197.
Feminist Frottage
Fraser, Marita
Feminist Frottage.
In: Writing / Performance, January 30 - 31 2020, Royal College of Art.
Fraser, Marita
pp. 264-266.
She Speaks
Fraser, Marita,
Figes, Lydia,
Waterman, Nicola and
Broughton, Holly
She Speaks.
In: She Speaks, 07 March 2020, The Glass Tank, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford.
Thoughts on Mobility
Greenough, Thomas
Thoughts on Mobility.
In: Virtual PIE The Future of Internationalisation: Inclusion & Mobility, 26 May 2020.
Hannah, Michelle
Becoming Curatorial: Emergent Infrastructures for Curatorial Practice and Work
Macdonald, Kirsteen
Becoming Curatorial: Emergent Infrastructures for Curatorial Practice and Work.
PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
Work shown in "Sharing a View: Contemporary Art from Glasgow"
McGraw, Michael
Work shown in "Sharing a View: Contemporary Art from Glasgow".
The Princess Fainted on the Spot: On Ester Krumbachová’s Dark Tales
McKee, Francis and
Jeřábková, Edith
The Princess Fainted on the Spot: On Ester Krumbachová’s Dark Tales.
philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism, 10 (1).
pp. 95-106.
ISSN 2155-0891
SITTING - Scots Dike (Scotland at my toes, England at the tips of my fingers)
McMullan, Shauna
SITTING - Scots Dike (Scotland at my toes, England at the tips of my fingers).
Gallery 1, The Lighthouse, Glasgow,
25 Jan 2020 - 17 Mar 2020
Plaguecation - a series of works shown in 'Real Time', group show at Coleman Projects, London
Mendelson, Zoë
Plaguecation - a series of works shown in 'Real Time', group show at Coleman Projects, London.
Paul, Nalini
Enough! Scotland.
Anxiety and Invocation
Ramsay, Graham and
Beagles, John
Anxiety and Invocation.
To Do Joy Complete
Ramsay, Graham and
Beagles, John
To Do Joy Complete.
Management Joy
Ramsay, Graham,
Beagles, John,
Wilson, Stephen and
Buckley, Simon
Management Joy.
Govan Project Space, Glasgow.
ISBN 978-1-8380637-2-6
10 digital prints of collages in response to the Storyville Portraits
Robertson, Fiona
10 digital prints of collages in response to the Storyville Portraits.
K is for Kato, an Esperanto Alphabet book
Salmon, Margaret
K is for Kato, an Esperanto Alphabet book.
Dundee Contemporary Arts.
‘The Real Life Nuclear and Philosophical Resurrectionists Research Ramblers Society: Faslane & Coulport Chapter,’ 2020
Sinclair, Ross
‘The Real Life Nuclear and Philosophical Resurrectionists Research Ramblers Society: Faslane & Coulport Chapter,’ 2020.
Real Life is Dead – Long Live Real Life – Sino-Scottish Version
Sinclair, Ross
Real Life is Dead – Long Live Real Life – Sino-Scottish Version.
Touch Me I’m Sick - Kunst blickt auf Krankheit
Sinclair, Ross
Touch Me I’m Sick - Kunst blickt auf Krankheit.
Smith, Stephanie and
Stewart, Eddie
'Handheld' and 'Round' by Smith/Stewart
Smith, Stephanie and
Stewart, Eddie
'Handheld' and 'Round' by Smith/Stewart.
'The Unseen Masterpiece'
Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh
Smith, Stephanie and
Stewart, Eddie
'The Unseen Masterpiece'
Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh.
‘Cod Liver Oil’: The Art and Criticism of Cordelia Oliver
Thompson, Susannah
‘Cod Liver Oil’: The Art and Criticism of Cordelia Oliver.
Visual Culture in Britain, 21 (1).
pp. 30-56.
ISSN 1471-4787
Forms of the Practice-Led Thesis at The Glasgow School of Art
Thompson, Susannah
Forms of the Practice-Led Thesis at The Glasgow School of Art.
In: KTH/Konstfack PhD Conference, 1 Oct 2020, Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design, Stockholm, Sweden.
GSA Exhibitions Timeline 'Art Booms with the Guns: The War Years at Glasgow School of Art (1939-1945)'
Thompson, Susannah
GSA Exhibitions Timeline 'Art Booms with the Guns: The War Years at Glasgow School of Art (1939-1945)'.
GSA Exhibitions Blog.
GSA Exhibitions Timeline: 'Speak English': Lubaina Himid and Maud Sulter, 2002
Thompson, Susannah
GSA Exhibitions Timeline: 'Speak English': Lubaina Himid and Maud Sulter, 2002.
GSA Exhibitions Timeline Blog.
Marine Hugonnier - Travel Posters
Thompson, Susannah
Marine Hugonnier - Travel Posters.
Art Review.
ISSN 1745-9303
Maud Sulter
Thompson, Susannah
Maud Sulter.
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Oxford University Press.
Oracular Transmissions: Etel Adnan and Lynn Marie Kirby [Book review]
Thompson, Susannah
Oracular Transmissions: Etel Adnan and Lynn Marie Kirby [Book review].
Burlington Contemporary, 3.
ISSN 2044-9925
Paula Rego: Obedience and Defiance
Thompson, Susannah
Paula Rego: Obedience and Defiance.
The Burlington Magazine, 162 (1404).
pp. 351-353.
ISSN 0007-6287
Stephen Sutcliffe: at Fifty
Thompson, Susannah
Stephen Sutcliffe: at Fifty.
Burlington Contemporary.
ISSN 2044-9925
Weird Folds
Thompson, Susannah
Weird Folds.
MAP Magazine, 60.
ISSN 2633-8009
Editorial - Women Painting: Scottish Art 1940-1980
Thompson, Susannah and
Greated, Marianne
Editorial - Women Painting: Scottish Art 1940-1980.
Visual Culture in Britain, 21 (1).
pp. 1-13.
ISSN 1471-4787
Special issue: Women Painting: Scottish Art 1940-1980
Thompson, Susannah and
Greated, Marianne
Special issue: Women Painting: Scottish Art 1940-1980.
Visual Culture in Britain, 21
Taylor and Francis.
Women Painting: Scottish Art 1940-1980 (MAP magazine mini-series)
Thompson, Susannah and
Greated, Marianne
Women Painting: Scottish Art 1940-1980 (MAP magazine mini-series).
MAP Magazine, 56.
ISSN 2633-8009
The Self Illuminated Pen
Tripp, Sarah
The Self Illuminated Pen.
MAP Magazine.
ISSN 2633-8009
The Self-Illuminating Pen
Tripp, Sarah
The Self-Illuminating Pen.
The Glasgow School of Art.
Tripp, Sarah and
McKee, Francis
Book Works, London.
Lossie Forest I; Lossie Forest III; Blackhills, Moray; Lossiemouth Harbour; Bishopmill Quarry; Noirmont point, Jersey
Wall, Gina
Lossie Forest I; Lossie Forest III; Blackhills, Moray; Lossiemouth Harbour; Bishopmill Quarry; Noirmont point, Jersey.
Art & Archaeology: uncomfortable archival landscapes
Wall, Gina and
Hale, Alex
Art & Archaeology: uncomfortable archival landscapes.
International Journal of Art and Design Education, 39 (4).
pp. 770-787.
ISSN 1476-8062
Sharing a View: Contemporary Art from Glasgow
Wang, Xiaoai
Sharing a View: Contemporary Art from Glasgow.
Luxun Academy of Fine Arts, Shenyang, China; Tsinghua University, Beijing, China; Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art, Guangzhou, China,
23 October 2020 - 14 March 2021
Painting Nostalgia: A Rhizomatic Exploration of Memory and Affect
Zhang, Rongwei
Painting Nostalgia: A Rhizomatic Exploration of Memory and Affect.
PhD thesis, The Glasgow School of Art.
This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 04:34:00 2025 UTC.