Number of items: 24.
Charles Rennie Mackintosh as Symbolist
Calvert, Robyne
Charles Rennie Mackintosh as Symbolist.
In: Rising from the Ashes: The Conservation of Mackintosh’s Glasgow School of Art, 9-10 May 2016, British School at Rome, Italy.
Love is Hell: Dante, Rossetti and Pre-Raphaelitism
Calvert, Robyne
Love is Hell: Dante, Rossetti and Pre-Raphaelitism.
In: Reading Art: Pre-Raphaelite Poetry and Painting, 27-28 May 2016, Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery, Chamberlain Square, Birmingham.
Original Mackintosh plans for Glasgow School of Art revealed
Calvert, Robyne
Original Mackintosh plans for Glasgow School of Art revealed.
Mackintosh plans first treasures to move into Kelvin Hall
Calvert, Robyne,
Davidson, Elizabeth and
Campbell, Mungo
Mackintosh plans first treasures to move into Kelvin Hall.
Conversation Piece: Still Invisible?
Calvert, Robyne and
DeMontfort, Patricia
Conversation Piece: Still Invisible?
British Art Studies, 1 (2).
ISSN 2058-5462
Copyright briefing paper
Chappell, Duncan and
Pike, Dawn
Copyright briefing paper.
The Glasgow School of Art.
Lotte Gertz
Gertz, Lotte and
Thompson, Susannah
Lotte Gertz.
Lotte Gertz.
Good Press Editions, Glasgow, pp. 3-7.
Gonzalez, Laura
Make Me Yours: How Art Seduces
Gonzalez, Laura
Make Me Yours: How Art Seduces.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne.
ISBN 9781443890601
Seduction in Works of Art
Gonzalez, Laura
Seduction in Works of Art.
Seduction in Popular Culture, Psychology, and Philosophy.
Advances in Psychology, Mental Health, and Behavioral Studies (APMHBS) Book Series
IGI Global, Hershey PA, pp. 165-187.
ISBN 9781522505259
What does hysteria want from me?
Gonzalez, Laura
What does hysteria want from me?
In: 33rd International Conference on Psychology and the Arts, 29 Jun - 04 Jul 2016, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Reims, France.
A coordinated approach to managing multiple TNE arrangements
Greenough, Thomas
A coordinated approach to managing multiple TNE arrangements.
In: Keeping up with due diligence for TNE 2016, 16 June 2016, Berrick Saul Building, University of York.
Non traditional but extremely powerful
Hay, Alison
Non traditional but extremely powerful.
The Protagonist (3).
pp. 42-43.
How to add dates to RADAR deposits
Pike, Dawn
How to add dates to RADAR deposits.
The Glasgow School of Art.
How to complete your Annual Research Plan in RADAR
Pike, Dawn
How to complete your Annual Research Plan in RADAR.
The Glasgow School of Art.
Becoming Awesomestow - profiling investments in cultural assets and creative quarters in British towns and their impact on regeneration
Ramage, Julie and
Hards, Lorna
Becoming Awesomestow - profiling investments in cultural assets and creative quarters in British towns and their impact on regeneration.
Nesta, London.
The Glasgow School of Art's Research Data Management Policy
Siminson, Nicola Jane
The Glasgow School of Art's Research Data Management Policy.
The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow.
Making the most of what we have got: RADAR and annual research planning
Siminson, Nicola Jane
Making the most of what we have got: RADAR and annual research planning.
In: Repository Fringe 2016, 1-2 Aug 2016, John McIntyre Conference Centre, Edinburgh, UK.
Open Access to Research - A GSA Briefing Paper
Siminson, Nicola Jane and
Chappell, Duncan
Open Access to Research - A GSA Briefing Paper.
The Glasgow School of Art.
RADAR and Annual Research Plans
Siminson, Nicola Jane and
Pike, Dawn
RADAR and Annual Research Plans.
In: EPrints UK User Group Meeting, 13 May 2016, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK.
The Glasgow School of Art's Open Access Policy
Stevenson, Alison and
Neil, Ken
The Glasgow School of Art's Open Access Policy.
The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow.
Beautiful Ideas, or How to Do Things with Words
Thompson, Susannah
Beautiful Ideas, or How to Do Things with Words.
In: Society for Artistic Research: International Conference on Artistic Research, 28 - 29 April 2016, Royal Conservatoire & Royal Academy of Art, The Hague.
Katrina Palmer: The Necropolitan Line
Thompson, Susannah
Katrina Palmer: The Necropolitan Line.
Art Review.
ISSN 1745-9303
Review of Richard Demarco and Joseph Beuys: A Unique Partnership
Thompson, Susannah
Review of Richard Demarco and Joseph Beuys: A Unique Partnership.
Art Review.
ISSN 1745-9303
This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 04:34:22 2025 UTC.