Number of items: 2.
Smart growth - is it a fairy tale or the best initiative for Polish cities and their functional regions?
Parteka, Tomasz and
Bach Glowinska, Joanna
Smart growth - is it a fairy tale or the best initiative for Polish cities and their functional regions?
Studia Regionalia, 38.
"The Smartest Place: 3D Innovation" (pol. Inteligentna przestrzen trzeci wymiar innowacyjnosci")
Bach Glowinska, Joanna
"The Smartest Place: 3D Innovation" (pol. Inteligentna przestrzen trzeci wymiar innowacyjnosci").
bulletin, 251
Committee for Spatial Development at the Polish Academy of Sciences (pol. KPZK PAN ), Warsaw.
ISBN 978-83-63563-18-9
This list was generated on Thu Nov 21 04:37:32 2024 UTC.