Dr Fiona Jardine can act as a Primary or Co-Supervisor.
Graduating with an MFA from Glasgow School of Art in 2003, Fiona has held teaching & research positions in Contemporary Art, Textile Design and Critical Studies at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design (2006-2009), Heriot-Watt University (2013 – 2017) and GSA (2015 - present). Her PhD research in the Social & Critical Theory Cluster at the University of Wolverhampton (2009–2013) was supervised by the Marxist art historian, Professor John Roberts.
Fiona supervises both practice-led and thesis-based PhDs which relate to her interdisciplinary experience, welcoming proposals which align with her interests: modern, postwar and contemporary design, craft, fashion and textile histories and narratives, particularly those which unfold in - or adjacent to - the field of contemporary art and visual culture; contemporary design, craft, fashion and textile narratives which are constructed through fiction, autoethnography, life writing or use novel documentary and storytelling methods; crossover practices in design, craft, fashion, textile and contemporary art; contemporary critique in craft and design; place-based research.
Mhari McMullan
Liliana Sanguino Ramirez
Niketa Shetty
Dr Tanya White - I Craft Affect: Interpreting the Emaciated Body Image of Jesus and Fashion's Supermodel in Experimental Cloth Forms (2022)
Dr Esther Draycott - Depth and surface: women’s style as memorial, resistance and reverie in late 1970s and early 1980s Glasgow (2024)