“A bringing Together” is an essay and chapter of 'A Social Process of Unknowing Yourself in Real Time': Work on Conversation. An attempt to find form for conversations that unfolded with practitioner-in-residence Kate Briggs.
Collecting responses, dialogue, exchange and new writing produced as part of writer and translator Dr Kate Briggs' residency in the School of Fine Art at The Glasgow School of Art, A Social Process of Unknowing Yourself in Real Time restates Gilles Deleuze and Claire Parnet's questions 'What is a conversation? What is it “for”? In a life? In a practice? In a pedagogical setting—like an art school?'.
Kate Briggs was in practitioner-in-residence for one year, hosted by the MLitt Art Writing, 2022-2023, and worked with staff and students to consider the site of 'conversation' and practices of conversing, an artfulness requisite to both life and teaching. 'A Social Process of Unknowing Yourself in Real Time': Work on Conversation is edited by Dr Kate Briggs and Dr Laura Haynes, Programme Leader MLitt Art Writing.
Output Type:
Book Section
Uncontrolled Keywords:
conversational praxis, experimental writing, collaboration, text