"...I am a researcher of the events mentioned in a legendary tale that I would like to send as a contribution to the upcoming HESA Inprint issue on Reflection. It is a doctrine that prioritizes passionate work before survival and teaches that there is always time to reflect, because reflection is the currency of time.
My work is mainly comprised of gathering historic evidence of the times around which the legend claims these events transpire, and analysing this to make conclusions about changes in the human consciousness about the human predicament throughout history. Aside from creating this general overview of the radically different attitudes to reflection and passionate work before and after the enlightening events described in the attached document entitled, "The Railway Rocket Dog", I am also deeply interested in studying the individual lives of the revolutionaries involved, the ecology of their world, and the biology of the remarkable species that triggered all these events in the first place (included in the attached document is a the "Anatomy of a Railway Rocket Dog" diagram).
I hope that the publication of the Legend of the Railway Rocket Dog would continue to "touch" many souls, and remind us that time taken to reflect is not a luxury with a price too dear to pay, but on the contrary, a vital investment, and an emotionally profound one at that."