Which should the role of a design school be, in facing the emerging ethical, social, economic and environmental concerns related to human activities? How do design communities interact with society at large, and the planet? What is the ultimate goal of the learning experience? What kind of training should be expected for a (future) designer? This article develops ideas that can help to address these questions. First, with a short review on the relations between academic communities and their environments in a series of relevant design schools of last century. The review sets the field on which XXI century design training is grounded, and opens the reflection on how to develop their values, concerns and practices. Later, through the experience at ELISAVA, Barcelona School of Design and Engineering. A series of cases are deployed, with the concurrence of BA Undergraduate programs with Research Masters, traditional design disciplines with emerging programs as the Master in Creative Process, showcasing the wide and transdisciplinary nature of learning experience. Triggered by the school’s particular background and environment, and stressing the importance of interactions, context and materiality, a series of threads are suggested to nurture the discussion on design education.