Mercury Revisited Sonic Soundscape, played in the Reid Lecture Theatre for the Queer Materialities Live event on 14th March 2024.
‘Queer Materialities Live' featured live performances, short screenings, readings, singing, discussions, and artworks that approach the lecture theatre as exhibition space. The Queer Materialities Research Network foregrounds artistic research through practice in all its pluralities. It is an inclusive group that welcomes those that identify as queer alongside those that do not, but engage in queer methods of making. Queer Materialities Live! mobilises notions of queer across the grammatical spectrum as verb (to queer); as noun (the queer) and as adjective (the great queering). It seeks to actualise and question queer community through presentation, response, liveness and sensory experimentation.
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Uncontrolled Keywords:
queer materialities, sound art, music, sonic art, electromagnetic, echolocation,