boy bird monkey rose brings together a selection of five works, spanning thirteen years of Salmon’s practice: The Enemies of the Rose (2010), a luscious observation of interactions between garden flora and insect life, Gibraltar (2013), which follows the interactions of monkeys and human visitors, Bird (2016), a riff on the instructional nature documentary work of film pioneer Mary Field, Boy (winter) (2022), a series of encounters with contemporary boyhood, and Parolanto (2023), in which children illustrate phrases written in the constructed universal language of Esperanto.
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CAST Cornwall hosted an exhibition of my films in their screening room/gallery alongside a display of books and objects relating to my reading and research. The theme of the program focused on close observations of human behavior, plants and animals through a range of films and projects. I spoke about my work with their audiences and held a lens based workshop in the community during the exhibition.
Uncontrolled Keywords:
artists film, feminist film, analogue camerawork, children's film, natural history