Presented by the MLitt Art Writing Programme, School of Fine Art at The Glasgow School of Art
with Claire-Louise Bennett & Michael Pedersen
Biographical Fictioning is an Art Writing Masterclass focussing on creative approaches to biographical, memoir, and life-writing, and drawing on alternative modes of biographical writing including autofiction, mythobiography, New Narrative, fictocriticism and epistolary or diaristic forms of art writing. Led by Laura Haynes and presented by artists and academics from the Art Writing programme and invited guests including Claire-Louise Bennett (Checkout 19, Vintage & Pond, Fitzcarraldo Editions) and Michael Pedersen (Boy Friends, Faber & Faber), the Autumn School will centre lyricism and poetics to consider love, homage, preservation and attachment in the impulse or desire of writing with or about others. Biographical Fictioning, Part 2 proposes that lyric abides in the space between subjects. Dwelling on this complexity, we will question if profound knowing requires the affective, creative and vernacular dimension of the lyric.
The Open School is aimed at arts students, artists, filmmakers, curators, critics, producers, historians, musicians, and writers of all forms with an interest in art and writing. It may be of particular interest to undergraduates and recently graduated students keen to advance interdisciplinary practices in a creative academic environment at a higher level. It is also suitable for those at an early stage of writing.
During the workshop participants will be supported to advance new work, implement methods introduced, and receive feedback from the contributors.
Led by writer, editor and Art Writing Programme Leader Dr Laura Haynes, the Autumn School Masterclass will include a series of presentations and practical workshops in which participants will work with established and emergent writers, artists and academics as part of an intensive writing workshop to learn, develop and apply expansive and alternative modes of biographical writing and/or visual practice. The workshop will support participants to compose, experience and evaluate new writing as part of an iterative learning experience. The skills developed will include writing short form essay, critical writing and creative fiction/non-fiction and publishing/readership knowledge exchange.
Applications are open to all but will be allocated on a first come, first served basis so early booking is recommended. The Masterclass will be conducted in English and participants are recommended to have Academic 6.5 IELTS score to benefit from the workshop. The Masterclass will be held on Zoom between the hours of 10.00 – 17.00 GMT, so participants will need to ensure they have access to this platform.
Biographical Fictioning is presented by the Master of Letters Programme (MLitt) in the School of Fine Art at The Glasgow School of Art. This one-year interdisciplinary, studio-based, writing programme in the School of Fine Art offers students the opportunity to develop expansive and innovative modes of writing about, with and as art. The programme offers full and part-time pathways.
Please access this link for more information and to register.
There are a number of subsidised places available upon application.
Queries to Silas Lehane, s.lehane@gsa.ac.uk
Graphics and Illustrations by Kate Timney, current Art Writing student.